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Kafriel 2010-11-08 06:33

After playing a bit more Ashe, I gotta say she's awesome :) Her passive is awesome combined with frost arrows and ghost, got me lots of kills and a fair number of assists. So, yesterday I started drifting more into the cooperative 5v5 side, and I'm not getting all of the leetspeak, can someone post a link to a list or something? People go like,"ss" and I got no idea what they're talking about.

OceanBlue 2010-11-08 19:39


Originally Posted by Kafriel (Post 3336793)
After playing a bit more Ashe, I gotta say she's awesome :) Her passive is awesome combined with frost arrows and ghost, got me lots of kills and a fair number of assists. So, yesterday I started drifting more into the cooperative 5v5 side, and I'm not getting all of the leetspeak, can someone post a link to a list or something? People go like,"ss" and I got no idea what they're talking about.

Here you go. No idea what "ss" is though.

Dang it. I just bought Poppy and now she's free. At least Shen's free. I want to buy him, but I want to try him out more. Same with Kog'maw. Also, new champ is Lambda. :)

Hooves 2010-11-08 20:13

I learned the basic senses of "DOTA" language from Heroes of Newerth, and the Warcraft version of DOTA.. But League of Legends sorta adds some new words in their strategies in team chat, that just send me in daze to find out what they mean... I know I can just ask, but when I usually do that, they think I'm an incompetent noob... Something like "ttb" or "btm" even "jtb"

Kafriel 2010-11-09 02:59

^ Dunno any of these either...looks like this week is tank week, we got Shen, Poppy and Rammus all at the same time o_0

MkMiku 2010-11-09 03:44


Originally Posted by Kafriel (Post 3336793)
After playing a bit more Ashe, I gotta say she's awesome :)

Ashe has always been my 2nd fave, but now she's my main. People always assume I'm a noob when I play as her (mayb because she's the tutorial character? XD), then they get pwnd. :D

Kafriel 2010-11-09 04:07

She's a lot more player-friendly than, say...Twisted Fate or Shen. Generally I think tanks are the shortest stick in LoL, they gotta draw fire but stay alive, not focus on damage but still not be neglected, and assist as much as possible, which can be hard at times. Ashe is more of a farmer/carry, not even in the PK team of assassins that time ambushes and pray they kill before they're done in...not saying that she's inferior to any other, just easier to learn (although mastering is a different issue^^).
Anyways, I just tried out Rammus, he's actually pretty awesome! PB+ghost+taunt secures easy kills from runners, taunt+tremor is amazing tower defence (especially if you taunt an enemy champ :P) and DCB plays out well in his survivability charts. Can't wait to try out Shen~

-KarumA- 2010-11-09 05:31

ss means something like that a champion is mising from the area: like ss mid means that the champion of the enemy team who was there is now gone and probably killing people somewhere else. Not entirely sure.

I like playing the more unfriendly player characters, twisted fate is fun if you know how to play him =) other than that I have teemo, fiddle stick and miss fortune. But so far I've only had the chance to truely play with TF and MF. I get to buy another one of the 6300 class soon though XD

OceanBlue 2010-11-09 13:17

I just started realizing how useful Clairvoyance is. I've been using it in practice matches, and it's so useful for 60 CD. Not only does it save me/other players when they overextend and don't pay attention to the map, it helps look for ganks. I've used it in a bush only to find 3 people waiting for us multiple times.

Kafriel 2010-11-09 13:35

Yeah, I rarely leave it out unless we're on twisted treeline and I got an offensive champ on, but even then it's good to have in the team: protects against ambushes, helps plan a kill if someone runs to the bushes, but most of all I use it in summoner's rift when deciding to take a tower, again because it helps me see what mia dudes are doing and devise proper backup.
I finally learned of the usefulness of ganking aura creeps, I couldn't kill baron though even at LV18 with full-powered Taric and smite. Can any one champion solo it?

DragoonKain3 2010-11-09 13:59

Clairvoyance is a must for my support champs (Zilean, Lux, Janna, Soraka etc), if for anything else but to prevent people from telling me that I don't buy wards lol. In all seriousness though, it's very useful to prevent ganks when I overextend in the laning phase, scout brushes for those people who abuse them, check dragon/baron whenever I want to, etc. Map awareness wins games, and Clairvoyance is useful for the same reason buying wards are. (If there's any one advice I'd give to new players, its to buy a ward everytime they go back to base)

That said, I found its only really useful if you can get its mastery plus the last talent in the utility line, allowing you to cast it every 40 some-odd seconds. Otherwise, it just doesn't last very long and its CD is too long for my liking.

As for tanks, the higher tier ones are actually very varied. Rammus is the second fastest jungler in the game (on top of that he is one of the, if not the best ganker coming out of the jungle), Shen is very useful ganking or preventing it, Galio is a poke machine, and Amumu's initiation is second to none. In fact, I actually don't mind playing tanks, since I find some part of them VERY fun to play (Rammus with ganking, Shen with his ult, Galio farming, and Amumu just winning teamfights by bandage into curse of sad mummy).

As for Baron, there are a few people who can solo it, provided they build properly. Warwick, Master Yi, Tryndamere, Xin Zhao are just a few who can do so. That said, it takes so long that its not generally worth it, and at my play level, it seems that baron is warded 24/7 ><

Also for the record, Poppy ain't a tank. She's an 'carry assassin' much like Akali. In fact, her ultimate actually DISCOURAGES people from attacking her, so yeah... lol

Kafriel 2010-11-09 14:39

She can take a lot of punishment and hand out sensible damage, although compared to pure tanks I guess there's a difference, yeah...
A new question for the higher-level players, I got some 3k IP and am almost LV12, is it worth spending it on runes or on new champions?

Izayoi 2010-11-09 17:56


Originally Posted by MkMiku (Post 3338215)
Ashe has always been my 2nd fave, but now she's my main. People always assume I'm a noob when I play as her (mayb because she's the tutorial character? XD), then they get pwnd. :D

Ashe is a Tier One champion, thus I wouldn't understand the notion of assuming Ashe players as inexperienced.

I used to main TF until he was nerfed, then I only played female characters. Currently, Annie and Miss Fortune are my favorites... Hopefully Lux once they buff her.

Hooves 2010-11-09 20:31

I never understood why people would think Shen was a tank, more then being a damage-type person.. I always build Shen into a slaughter-fest machine, but not a tank.. I just cannot fit his abilities to tank use.. Anyone have some hints for Shen as a tank?

killer3000ad 2010-11-09 22:12


Originally Posted by Kafriel (Post 3338822)
She can take a lot of punishment and hand out sensible damage, although compared to pure tanks I guess there's a difference, yeah...
A new question for the higher-level players, I got some 3k IP and am almost LV12, is it worth spending it on runes or on new champions?

New champs, if you can, hold off on runes till you gain access to tier 3 runes.

Kana Futayo 2010-11-09 23:26


Originally Posted by Kafriel (Post 3338822)
A new question for the higher-level players, I got some 3k IP and am almost LV12, is it worth spending it on runes or on new champions?

Champs that you're interested in maining.
Next stop are the runes and I suggest you build tier 1 ones for the meanwhile and save some for tier 3. The effect is minimal but better than nothing.

Oh, you guys can add me up. :heh:
My current mains are Sona and Kennen.
Spoiler for summoner name:

Duo Maxwell 2010-11-09 23:59

I don't think many people know this, but with the amount of IP to buy one tier 3 rune, you can fill up nines Tier 1 runes of the same type, and get about 60% effectiveness of said type. For example, a Tier 3 Mark of Desolation is 410 IP, and it gives 1.66 ArPen, while a Tier 1 give 0.9 ArPen, while only costs 30 IP. Don't dismiss Tier 1 rune :heh:.


Originally Posted by DragoonKain3 (Post 3338763)
Also for the record, Poppy ain't a tank. She's an 'carry assassin' much like Akali. In fact, her ultimate actually DISCOURAGES people from attacking her, so yeah... lol

She is an anti-carry, and will remain as one forever. Her passive makes her tougher, but that doesn't mean she's a tank. She can't tank, period.
I love how she drops a carry in a blink of eye, while their teams is helplessly looking that happens.

And Shen is a good tank, mainly because of Taunt. Usually I'll lv up my skills based on the situation. Lot of team combat is going to happen? Max taunt. Being harassed and your team is on a losing side? Max shield. Your team is ganking continuously? Max his Blade. His ulti is godsend, though, and people mostly know Shen just for that.

Kafriel 2010-11-10 01:55


Anyone have some hints for Shen as a tank?
Mainly using his ult and taunt; ult to protect a CC or burst mage so they can unload their damage, then taunt to allow them a retreat while you're taking the hits. After taunting you can use either Faint or Vorpal blade, doubt you'd have enough energy for both though...If you're up against heavy auto-attackers, get a thornmail and stack HP/armour, if you want to kill rather than assist build up his critical and attack speed a bit (the rest is situational). Best of all, his ulti is a free teleport to an allied hero, so you're free to save the day more than once at the same time.

OceanBlue 2010-11-10 02:58

How important is having a main? Because I switch champions depending on how long I've had them and my mood.

Kafriel 2010-11-10 03:00

Beats me, I just tend to use everyone just as much, whenever the situation arises...gotta look out for the best combos out there, right?

Duo Maxwell 2010-11-10 03:20


Originally Posted by OceanBlue (Post 3339714)
How important is having a main? Because I switch champions depending on how long I've had them and my mood.

Not sure either. I can play pretty much every type of champions, but I feel the most comfortable when I play mage/burst champion, or support type. I just suggest that you should only play any champ that you think you are very good at in ranked match.
Beside, knowing your champ is one thing, but the thing that separates the pro and casual is how much you know about the champions the enemies are using, and how good you can adapt to the situation.

My mains (or the one I frequently play) are TF, Janna and Poppy. Recently I can't play often because of schoolwork, but if you guys see the name "DSveno", then don't reject me XD.

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