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Tsuyoshi 2011-09-02 03:05

.....I just got an email from Ubisoft saying that I've been selected to play the Beta release of AC Revelations @_@ It's launching tmo! I will let you all know what my findings are. Frankly, what excites me the most is in fact the possibility of playing against Shenmue36 more than anything else. Blood will flow tmo. My blood :heh:

EDIT: If anyone else here has been selected, I hope to see you online tmo so we can also have a match :D Do drop your PSN's if you wish to!

MrTerrorist 2011-09-02 08:23


Originally Posted by Tsuyoshi (Post 3752060)
.....I just got an email from Ubisoft saying that I've been selected to play the Beta release of AC Revelations @_@ It's launching tmo! I will let you all know what my findings are. Frankly, what excites me the most is in fact the possibility of playing against Shenmue36 more than anything else. Blood will flow tmo. My blood :heh:

EDIT: If anyone else here has been selected, I hope to see you online tmo so we can also have a match :D Do drop your PSN's if you wish to!

Congratulations on joining the brotherhood.

Tsuyoshi 2011-09-05 04:57

Here is my impression on the multiplayer Beta. There's good things and bad things about it.

The Good

The first good thing about the Revelations multiplayer is primarily the fact that the characters are much more customizable. In Brotherhood, the extent by which you could customize your character was varying levels of gears, colors and ability sets, the latter of which haven't changed drastically. In Revelations, you can customize your gear as you see fit rather than having to choose from a predetermined set.

Secondly, the graphics and animations are a lot better and so characters can move more more fluidly than they do in multiplayer. Climbing and getting around the map is a lot easier as a result because you can actually climb a lot faster. However, part of me thinks this is just for the Beta version to allow players to go through the maps faster.

There is also much faster reload time when re-synchronizing, and you can select your alternate skill set immediately when you die and you're also given a 5 second interval to select them after re-synching, which I think is an excellent addition.

The Bad

The main drawback is that both the good points are rendered somewhat inconsequential. Customization is still very limited because you cannot earn customizable gear just through experience like in Brotherhood, you also need credits to purchase items gained, and sometimes, you cannot actually use items despite having earned them. This isn't a major issue that impedes gameplay however, if it weren't for the fact this is also applicable to abilities, altho I imagine most people will only be interested in purchasing abilities they're interested in.

The other problem is the discreet bar, and this greatly limits how you can move around the map. The discreet bar works much different compared to Brotherhood in that it is half full at the start of the session rather than being complete, and if you enter your target's line of sight while in high profile, it will immediately cause you to stand out. This encourages stealth much more than usual, but I've noticed throughout the game how the vast majority of players are still stuck in the Brotherhood mindset of roof-running, and this takes away from the fun when you try to be stealthy but end up dying more than anyone else. Also, having better movements for climbing becomes useless when in you're target's line of sight. You can move better, but at the same time you can't if you wish to have a better score.

Other drawbacks with the multiplayer is the HUD. It's much more cramped compared to Brotherhood. The background looks fantastic, and the color is much more similar to the Animus 2.0 (which makes me wonder if Abstergo didn't make their own Animus version 2.0). However, the main menu is much more crowded and it takes time for someone to get used to it.

There is also the fact that you have to wait for the full minute between one session and another when you enter a new map, whereas before it was relatively instantaneous. You can at least vote where you want to play next but I imagine that this feature will be eliminated when the full version comes out and new maps are introduced.

I believe much of the drawbacks will be addressed when the full version comes out, so this is subject to change. However, I will say that which the new multiplayer is good, it lacks the charm of the Brotherhood multiplayer, and it looks more like an over-built Multiplayer 2.0. As far as I'm aware, I'm actually far more interested in the single player mode as it stands.

Cub-Sama 2011-09-05 08:18

Grazie signore for your useful insights they will be useful in the future decisions of the Brotherhood! I hope the matchmaking is faster and the lobby is something like Call of Duty so you have something to do while your waiting for the match to start

Tsuyoshi 2011-09-05 08:24


Originally Posted by Cub-Sama (Post 3755758)
Grazie signore for your useful insights they will be useful in the future decisions of the Brotherhood! I hope the matchmaking is faster and the lobby is something like Call of Duty so you have something to do while your waiting for the match to start

I'm sure that will speed up when the full version will come out. Most of my misgivings about the multiplayer are also things that can easily be overcome once you get used to the gameplay because it is in fact vastly different from the Brotherhood version. My main gripe is in fact with the main menu screen because of just how much stuff is on there, but I have faith even that will be changed.

EDIT: This post summarizes the pros and cons of the Revelations Beta multiplayer really well

MrTerrorist 2011-10-23 01:43

Guess who did a TV commercial for Assassin's Creed: Revelations?

killer3000ad 2011-11-07 14:57

Slightly offtopic but still relevant.

Hollywood says AC movie is doomed

Last month, Variety reported that Sony will soon be signing a deal to adapt Assassin's Creed, Ubisoft's massively successful video game franchise. But Vulture has learned that this is no ordinary rights deal: With Creed one of the highest-selling modern game franchises (three installments have sold 30 million copies globally), Ubisoft was able to demand and receive an unheard of amount of control over the project. To make the deal, Sony had to grant the gaming company approval over just about everything — budget, principal cast, script, release date — and Hollywood spectators are flabbergasted.
And Hollywood has such a superb track record of movie adaptations of video games. Seriously, as much as I hate Ubisoft over their DRM, I pretty much want the AC movie to succeed just to rub it in the faces of those idiot Hollywood execs.

MrTerrorist 2011-11-10 10:20

Haladflire65 2011-11-11 10:16


Originally Posted by MrTerrorist (Post 3851170)

ASILJKQARLKJA@$%O(U! That was epic :love:

I'm not much of a gamer, so I wanted to ask: when do reviews generally start get posted for games? And let me get this straight: PC was delayed to Nov 29th, right? Cause when I preordered from Gamestop Canada last month, the shipping date was still Nov 15th >.>

Stiletto 2011-11-11 10:58


Originally Posted by Haladflire65 (Post 3852702)
when do reviews generally start get posted for games?

At most? A week before. You can expect IGN or some other game critique to post a review of the game at least four or three days prior. Similarly how reviews of Skyrim got loaded up the 7th and 8th.

Skane 2011-11-12 05:22

Damn... reminds of the feelings I had when I watching the Starcraft 2 trailer.

"Is this a movie, or a game?" :heh:

Awesome sauce either way.

Hmm... QTEs during movies?


MetalCookie 2011-11-12 05:48

I've already preordered it, so i can't wait until Tuesday to pick it up! ^^

Dark Wing 2011-11-12 16:42


Originally Posted by killer3000ad (Post 3846875)
Slightly offtopic but still relevant.

Hollywood says AC movie is doomed

And Hollywood has such a superb track record of movie adaptations of video games. Seriously, as much as I hate Ubisoft over their DRM, I pretty much want the AC movie to succeed just to rub it in the faces of those idiot Hollywood execs.

Well I think it'd about time a video game company stood up and said enough is enough. After what Disney did to Prince of Persia I'm not the lest bit surprised at this.

MakubeX2 2011-11-19 20:22

So Revelations gets no love with all the attention being showered on Skyrim ?

A pity. Because despite Ubisoft clearly milking the series with it's annual releases, they are doing it right by including visible improvements unlike some of their counterparts in North America.

Some of the things that are upgraded from Brotherhood includes raised difficulty, improved AI and enhanced graphics.

But this is not to say that Ubisoft had not done their share of slacking during the production. The Desmond sequences now all takes place in the same area throughout the game and any plot advancements are all done by voices with almost no characters acting out their roles. Gone are the Animus/Subject 16 Glitch Puzzles, replaced by 1st person platforming. Of course, by the plot's length, it's quite obvious the production crew is working under a tight deadline.

creb 2011-11-20 17:09

Well, I can't seem to get any confirmation whether it's a full game or just some sidestory adventure or not. As it is, I get the distinct impression that it is not AC III, and thus I am not sure I'm going to shell out a bunch of bucks to play some short side story they scrapped together in a matter of months to keep their books black for their fiscal year.


Edit: And, based off your post, it seems to just confirm my suspicions that it was a throwaway game done simply to make a little money on the side. Sorry, not interested.

Cyz 2011-11-20 18:54

That's wierd, one of the Assassins' challenge is you must recruit 12 people. I already have all 12 so why does it still say 11/12? Glitch?

Irkalla 2011-11-21 15:01

So, is this worth getting? I'm not really hearing any encouraging words to get it, but that may just be because everybody is raving about Skyrim (which is awesome).

Tyabann 2011-11-21 16:13


Originally Posted by creb (Post 3866163)

You and people like you are going to flood every forum with complaints about how 'nothing makes sense' when you get around to playing ACIII. Just saying.

Laith 2011-11-21 18:32


Originally Posted by Irkalla (Post 3867480)
So, is this worth getting? I'm not really hearing any encouraging words to get it, but that may just be because everybody is raving about Skyrim (which is awesome).

Well it's a though one.

If you are interested in the storyline then is a must because it advances it more on the Desmond side and it almost ends the Ezio side. (Ezio ends on Embers, which I still need to see ORZ)

On gameplay is pretty much Brotherhood - horses + bombs. The hookblade is pretty neat but not really that different. Zip lining through the roofs is a neat thing too, though unnecessary most of the time. There is also a tower defense minigame which general consensus is that it sucks, which I sorta agree, since it really stops the flow of the game. From the little that I played, the multiplayer is better than Brotherhood, though I can't tell you how much since I have not touched it yet.

The Desmond gameplay is pretty fun too, a First Person Puzzle. Also some backstory for him, since not everyone talked to Lucy on the first AC.

Well tl;dr if you liked Brotherhood you are going to like this.

Cyz 2011-11-25 01:02

Just beat the game. As I thought, it's not the final AC. It is, however, the final chapter for Ezio (that of course if you're counting the Embers). OMG, it's about time to move to another character no? :heh:. Well, I enjoyed it but it felt somehow shorter than I thought. Loved the hook blade action, but I hate the new Eagle Sense. It's somehow very distracting. But all in all, I like it and now I'm waiting again for the new AC....probably the real 3rd AC series :nod:

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