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LKK 2012-07-09 16:56

I have mixed feelings about the boy emperor. He's not a child I would ever want to know close-up in real life. But seen from a distance, I felt sorry for him.

Bern-san 2012-07-09 18:08


Originally Posted by LKK (Post 4246906)
I have mixed feelings about the boy emperor. He's not a child I would ever want to know close-up in real life. But seen from a distance, I felt sorry for him.

This basically.
If I were to meet him I would slap him countless times, that girl is really brave trying to love a man like that. But with what he said you can relate to him (that doesn't mean one can forgive his actions like the snake mess)

And why did Suwabe Junichi's character die now?:( I was so pleased to discover that he was in this episode.

DragoonKain3 2012-07-09 19:31

Ahh... can't believe they'd put the "boy who teases girl because he has a crush on her" storyline in uta koi. Colour me surprised; I had the impression that the Heian era to be too uptight for that sort of thing. :heh:

Oddly enough, they story didn't touch me because the couple is osananajimi (though I would be lying if I said it didn't have any part), but because this shows the epitome of how an arrianged marriage would result in. That love doesn't necessarily is present at the start, but would naturally come along the way over time.

(Wait a minute, that actually sounds like the premise of childhood friend love. Perhaps that might be why I have an odd fondness for arrainged marriage stories... XD)

And yes, I was crying in the end. In fact, I feel myself tearing up every time I read the poem. T_T

Guardian Enzo 2012-07-10 00:04

I'd been assuming that the theory that Sadaakira was Narihara's son was bogus, but now I'm not so sure.

Youzei has not been well-regarded in the history books - this interpretation was rather kind to him - but even here he was quite a handful, sort of an "anti-Chagum". But I like this interpretation - that there's good in everyone, and that in writing this lovely poem Youzei confounded historians who would love nothing more than to be able to dismiss him utterly. It's also yet another type of love being explored - a love borne out of patience and gratitude.

LKK 2012-07-10 07:59


Originally Posted by Guardian Enzo (Post 4247399)
I'd been assuming that the theory that Sadaakira was Narihara's son was bogus, but now I'm not so sure.

Why do you now think the theory might be true? Did you learn something that caused you to change your mind?

DragoonKain3 2012-07-10 08:28

Not to put words on his mouth, but holy crap, Narihara graduated from master playboy of last episode to one helluva surrogate father this episode. Makes you wonder if the reason why is because he is the real father.

I personally doubt it, if only because I'm a romanticist and want to think that Narihara mentored Yozei the way he did DESPITE not being his biological father. Makes his character that much better.

Guardian Enzo 2012-07-10 11:14


Originally Posted by LKK (Post 4247806)
Why do you now think the theory might be true? Did you learn something that caused you to change your mind?

The mere fact that all of a sudden, here he is at court and acting as Sadaakira's surrogate father. It could just be that he grew up as a man and did it out of love for Takaiko - but it circumstantially makes it more likely that he's actually the father.

Kirarakim 2012-07-10 18:45

This was probably my favorite story of the 3 so far. The fact that it was one whole story instead of 2 gave it extra depth.

The main character wasn't the nicest kid/person but he was still able to feel love even if he didn't realize. There are still many more episodes to go but this one made me cry at the end.

I am not really sure why the historians are confused. I don't think a tyrant necessarily is incapable of love. As the episode showed a person can have many sides to them.

wandering-dreamer 2012-07-10 20:41

Hmm, looking at the OP I believe I counted 13 pairings in there, although I think some of the characters appeared in multiple pairings, so I wonder if the show will have more one story or two story episodes in the future in order to get to all of them.

NoemiChan 2012-07-11 23:14

Episode 2. This is quite a touching story. I rally loved it. Being ready to fall in love with someone you hate. Amazing.

Kaoru Chujo 2012-07-16 15:30

Ep3. This is the first episode to really fulfill the promise of the series for me. Tears came to my eyes when I realized at the end who she was. Credit to the wonderful voices of Endou Aya (who is a goddess) and Uchida Yuya.

I've been rereading the Tale of Genji recently, so maybe I'm keyed in to the lives and feelings of people in the Heian world. The Waley translation is outstanding prose.

Kanon 2012-07-16 15:36

Spoiler for episode 3:

Nerroth 2012-07-16 17:09

One thing I was wondering; were each of the hundred poems in this collection written in Japanese, or were any written in Chinese?

I've been reading a collection of essays about the "centres and peripheries" of the Heian era, and the topic has come up regarding how prominent the use of written Chinese was at the time, relative to how it has been percieved to be in subsequent eras. Essentially, the argument is that the later prominence of works written in Japanese has perhaps obscured the importance of written Chinese by the people living at the time; that it was used for more than just "official" documents, and had at least some role to play in the more artistic side of things (which has been presented as being covered only by the energence of writing in Japanese in that era). Though, it has also been argued that this reflected more of a "China within Japan" appropriation, rather than being tied explicitly to what was concurrently happening in literary circles within China itself.

Kaoru Chujo 2012-07-16 17:33


Originally Posted by Nerroth (Post 4258054)
One thing I was wondering; were each of the hundred poems in this collection written in Japanese, or were any written in Chinese...?

The Hyakunin Isshu is a collection of poems in Japanese. But my understanding is that at the time, poems in Chinese were more respected, and more written by men. Most scholars today put down Japanese poetry in Chinese as poor imitations, but I've seen some that I liked.

Murasaki Shikibu, who wrote the Tale of Genji, was lucky that her father thought it was okay for a woman to learn Chinese. Most people thought it would make a woman too intellectual. Her father was well known for his Chinese scholarship, apparently.

Poems in Japanese could be hymns or long poems, but were mainly short poems (31 syllables), and were often used as or in letters. One good book about Heian court poetry is called "Brocade by Night." It gets pretty detailed and intricate, but it covers the Chinese-language poetry to some extent, in outlining how Japanese poetry developed.

I don't know anything about Japanese literature in Chinese, other than poems. There's a book by Burton Watson called "Japanese Literature in Chinese," but I haven't read it. The book you're reading sounds interesting. I'll look for it in a university library.

Japanese high culture, including writing, came from China via Korea; just as English high culture came from Italy via France. But both Japan and England made big contributions of their own, from those beginnings.

Nerroth 2012-07-16 17:49

This is the one. (I have it on loan from the Japan Foundation library in Toronto.)

Actually, one of the topics addressed is the supposed divide between the "male" and "female" literary voice at the time; it's been suggested that there was far less strict a gender role in each at the time, with men option to write in "female" voice and vice versa. (Indeed, rather than the women at court being unable to read or write Chinese, it seems more that they were obliged to feign ignorance, at least once women were formally barred from the imperial line of succession.)

Although, I suppose, there was likely a political aspect of this take on things; for a court looking to distance itself from the percieved influence of China proper. (You can see this in the referring to earlier sovereigns as "Emperors" rather than "(Great) Kings", despite them not thinking of themselves as such at the time; part of the whole reason for the later introduction of the term Tenno was to try and put the Japanese sovereign on a par with the emperors of China... a comparison which the latter were unwilling to accept.)

DragoonKain3 2012-07-16 17:54

I SWEAR I've seen or heard about this story before (or a variation of it), but I just can't place it.

It wasn't (fake?) brother/sister relationship, but after hearing it was about 100 night visits, I KNEW he would fail in the end. Nice to see her having a 'relatively' good end in this story though, as if my memory hasn't failed me, the version I know of has her shunned BECAUSE she 'caused' mr. suitor's death. THAT didn't sit well in the social circles of the time, so despite her unparalleled legendary beauty, even no rank men want to do nothing with her because of her mean attitude.

But yeah, couldn't they have 'rewritten' history just this once by having Komachi end up with the suitor? Stupid Mr. Suitor, should've just allowed her to work in the palace as well.... :heh:

Kirarakim 2012-07-16 22:39

I liked this story too. For some reason it reminded me a lot of Saiunkoku: Shuurei wanting to advance her career and that is why she couldn't accept the King's love.

In this story the sister loved her brother but she wanted more out of her life than being a wife. I especially loved their different perspectives on what it meant to be a woman.

In my mind it wasn't his coming to her 100 times that proved his love but letting her go and be independent that did.

edit: According to wikipedia legend is the suitor did die. I like this version more. :)

Lota 2012-07-17 04:57

I really liked this episode. While the first two were more carefree, this one was more serious... I liked all 3 of them, but this story somehow really touched me. The same problems 1000 years ago and today, huh... While today's society is much more tolerant and, well, smart (wise?), there are still issues. Stupid stereotypes....

Aaaanyway, I was so sure they would end up together, so, when they didn't, it really surprised me. But though it was a bit sad, I liked the part where he let her go... it showed that he truly loved her. And, like others, I also like this version better than the reality of the suitor dying.

As I thought, Uta Koi is proving to be one of the most enjoyable shows of the season, I just hope it keeps doing what it's doing :) And I really really love the OP.

Markerlight 2012-07-17 05:11

I'm really glad I checked this show out, not only do you get to learn about the poems from Chihayafuru, but you get these lovely little stories as well. They really make it easy to understand the poem, and appreciate what they are saying. The characters are also full of life, and it's been a joy watching them so far. Big thumbs up from me.

Kakkou 2012-07-17 05:57

First Hiro Shimono, now Tsubasa Yonaga is in Fujiwara no Teika's corner. I can't help but think the casting director is purposely getting Yuki Kaji's pals to play Teika's friends/acquaintances. It'd be pretty funny if Abe Atsushi shows up next.

I think this week's story is my favourite so far. The conflict between ambition and love was a good theme. I found Yoshiko's resolve to accept whatever the result her efforts may bring very admirable.

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