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SQA 2013-07-08 00:32


Originally Posted by backbone (Post 4751143)
Perhaps it's just me, but does anyone else feels that the set up for this arc is a tad bit convenient? Yuuto who lost himself upon seeing holy sword on Issei's childhood picture, two mysterious girls in robe who are apparently have something to do with it, and the re-appearance of the white haired priest with holy sword in his hand. It's hard for me to suspend my disbelief or brushed all of them as mere coincidences.

Another thing that left me cringed a lot is the way Rias behaves. I respected her a lot in the first season as a smart, mature, and dignified woman. Yet here, the way she easily strip herself and even sleeps in nothing but her birthday suit with a guy (and i'm sure it's not intended for comedic effect), totally obliterates my respect for her.

It should be noted that "smart, mature and dignified wom[e]n" have sex every day. Their personal relationship, normally with their husband, doesn't preclude any of those aspects. Further, Issei pretty much "won her hand in marriage" at the end of last season. That's kind of what happens when you break up an engagement party, claim her virginity and then proceed to beat the former fiancee in a duel.

As much as otakus "love their waifus", women for the most part are not non-sexual. At all. And considering it's an ecchi show in the first place, there's nothing between the concept of Rias and her showing up naked in Issei's bed. Though Issei is going to take a very long time to "seal the deal".

rickiminato 2013-07-08 00:38

when I saw the episode I felt strange because I read the manga and novels i donīt not what is this feeling

Mizuno 2013-07-08 02:11

Off to a lewd start, looks like it will be quite a promising season. :D

slidingk1 2013-07-08 02:51

Did they run out of money for the end credits or this just a patch. I want to see an attempt atleast of the epic pole dance end.

greensoulreaper 2013-07-08 03:06

Well, 1st episode did not disappoint, at least according to my opinion. I try being unbiased since I've already read the novels. Most anime adaptations never fit every single little detail from the novel into a half hour-ish episode, I mean there's the fact that this is a single cour show. For that reason, I let small stuff that gets omitted slide. As long as the general story flows the way it should, and it's fun to watch, then it's all good.

The OP and EDs were okay. In comparison, I'd say last season's OP versus this season's new one aren't too different in style. I think I like New's OP better though. New's ED was good too. Of course, nothing could beat that Pole Dance surprise from season one when it first debuted. Still, what that season's ED versus New's ED had in common was that they both had some nice animations. I agree with one of the previous posts - the girls look really graceful in the new ending credits.

The voices still don't disappoint. Another reason why I like DxD's anime - it features a few of my fav. seiyuu :) Zenovia sounded pretty tomboyish. I always pictured her to have a voice similar to Koneko. Still, I think it'll grow on me. Same with Irina - Mayaa Uchida is doing her voice huh? I knew there was a good reason why she sounded like Frenda from Railgun S. Speaking of Railgun S, Freed, that crazy priest, always reminds me of Accelerator, even though they have nothing in common regarding character. It must be the hair and facial expressions. XD

Looking forward to the rest of the season.

Valky 2013-07-08 03:38

It's good. There are differences compared to the novel, but the adaptation is good nonetheless. Promising first episode, next week should be good too.

sky black swordman 2013-07-08 06:41

The show, I have been waiting to see is finally here!! :D

A great start to the series, I was a bit disappointed of the things that were cut, however, that didn't stop me from loving the episode. :)

D-KLAC 2013-07-08 06:50

oh DxD new s2 has began

issei wake up ah naked rias using issei as a pillow til asia arrive & want on it too then club meet in issei house later on.

school time those 2 guys going ONORE issei cause being rias' group & etc then issei go to akeno to get his arm & fingers fix to drain it & club meet is on then mom show issei's kiddies pics.

give all seem oops til kiba saw pic of issei, person & sword got him different mood then after contract to get painting cue demon battle give kiba was like not focus mood yet still beat the demon.

rias slap kiba then issei wonder what going on with kiba yet give kiba cause seeing that sword & past life have probs with holy swords.

then 2 females appear wait for someone give one of female got same pic that issei, person, & sword while kiba meet freed again with a holy sword.

Kanon 2013-07-08 07:30

Three seconds in and boobs already. Good ol' DxD.

This arc seems promising. I'm happy Kiba is getting some focus. He was very underdeveloped in the first season.

Benigmatica 2013-07-08 08:24

The only thing I know on this episode is "Being Kiba is suffering..."

Seriously, he was upgraded to a second protagonist (and lancer to Issei), and Kiba has lost his cool demeanor?!

GDB 2013-07-08 08:38

It's his own doing, though. It's not like Koneko came and kicked him in the nuts or anything.

FlareKnight 2013-07-08 10:28

Definitely got off to a good start. Right back to the series I remember :heh:.

Looks like Kiba will also go ahead and take on some early prominence. His war against holy swords seems to be well underway.

Dengar 2013-07-08 10:37

Ahaha, I am both envious of and feel sorry for Issei.

Rias has turned her aggressiveness in her pursuit of Issei Up To Eleven, which I can't really blame her for. And I am envious that he has such a beautiful woman lusting after him.

But yeah at the same time he's apparently too nice to hurt Asia's feelings, and now Akeno is coming on to him as well. Which is kind of hard to deal with I guess.

That being said, I would give up a LOT to have those kinds of hardships any day XD.

Kanon 2013-07-08 10:47

^He wants to be a harem king, so I don't think he's all that bothered by this. His dream is slowly coming true.

Dengar 2013-07-08 10:54

^He is bothered by it. You SEE him being bothered by it, like ten seconds into the episodes, before the opening credits even start. Him wanting to be a harem king doesn't have anything to do with it.

Remember, being a harem king doesn't mean he wants to step all over their feelings.

Somethindarker 2013-07-08 11:06

I didn't like Azazels voice, he sounds too generic as an older character.

Tchadnis 2013-07-08 11:48

i am happy about this new season and first episode for one and only thing and i think everybody will agree about , so many oppai and no censore .. lol that the only thing that could mess this new season is "flash light effect", thank to the night airing which allow such things ..

Destined_Fate 2013-07-08 13:33

Whoa... So this is a thing after all.

Well, I'm gonna wait on Xenovia moments.

ookamigirl 2013-07-08 15:29

Another season of harem.
I did watch the first season 'cause of the fights.
Think I'm just gonna skip this one.
I'm totally not into harem and this is starting be too much.
Skipping this season.

Shinhwa 2013-07-08 16:20

ED kind of falls behind compared to season 1 D:

Episode in general was awesome.

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