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MeoTwister5 2016-06-23 22:59

So is it correct to assume that this is going to be some sort of indirect boost to the steady rise of right wing antiEU nationalism in the rest of the EU.

ImperialKnight 2016-06-23 23:00

Hmm would this cause a domino effect in the EU then? Britain is a pretty big player.

KiraYamatoFan 2016-06-23 23:01


Originally Posted by MeoTwister5 (Post 5880236)
So is it correct to assume that this is going to be some sort of indirect boost to the steady rise of right wing antiEU nationalism in the rest of the EU.

Precisely. That's the last thing our world needs right now.

It will create nothing but tanking the GBP and increase unemployment in the UK. Thanks for fucking up an already fragile economy even further, lads.

Homura7 2016-06-23 23:02


Originally Posted by MeoTwister5 (Post 5880236)
So is it correct to assume that this is going to be some sort of indirect boost to the steady rise of right wing antiEU nationalism in the rest of the EU.

Depends on how it goes for the UK from now on. The process is going to last a long 2 years, as I said in my previous post.

Newhope 2016-06-23 23:05

I think it'll put pressure on many leaders to hold there own referendums especially countries like France and Sweden that are becoming increasingly Euro skeptical, worst case scenario is the EU fragments.

monir 2016-06-23 23:05

BBC just called Leave the winner!

Homura7 2016-06-23 23:07

The EU is a failed project anyway. From the moment it decided to rule over all its nation members.

MeoTwister5 2016-06-23 23:07

My aunt is an ex-consul of my country in France. She's telling me that if either Germany or France leave then the EU is essentially fucked.

I would agree though. France maybe but you'd need to go over Merkel's cold rotting corpse before you can get Germany out.

Now she has reservations as to what disintegration will do to member states that are reliant on the EU to keep themselves from dissolving into anarchy. Case in point Greece.

monir 2016-06-23 23:10


Originally Posted by MeoTwister5 (Post 5880244)
Case in point Greece.

And that essentially the biggest mistake the EU made when it decided to let Greece in despite the blaring alarm sound that can be heard from all around the world about how badly the Greece were managing their debt. FTSE 100 is down by 7% and look at the Pound slide too!

risingstar3110 2016-06-23 23:19


Originally Posted by monir (Post 5880246)
And that essentially the biggest mistake the EU made when it decided to let Greece in despite the blaring alarm sound that can be heard from all around the world about how badly the Greece were managing their debt. FTSE 100 is down by 7% and look at the Pound slide too!

It was not entirely true.

The Greece was lobbied to join into the EU despite EU knew they cooked the book to meet EU regulation. Partly because the Spain also did the same couple years before and was let onto as well. But more importantly, exactly because Greece was so bad at handling debt, that they become attractive target for European and German banks in particular.

Hence why the whole Greece Crisis is a farce. Because it was the German government who took the German people's tax payer money, forcing the Greece to borrow that money, so Greece can pay the German banks with it.

Thinking of if 2008 US Financial Crisis. Instead of bailing the bank, the US government take money from tax payers, force the home owners to borrow money from the government (in exchange for austerity measures enforcing on the home owners), so they can repay mortgage to all those banks and auto industries that they had from. It was absolutely outrage. That's why the Greece was so pissed

MCAL 2016-06-23 23:28

Rare early footage of Leavers celebrating victory.

Just replace monsters with immigrants and your all set.

And yes I'm well aware everyone who thinks leaving is fine aren't anti-immigrants.

Newhope 2016-06-23 23:38


Originally Posted by MeoTwister5 (Post 5880244)
My aunt is an ex-consul of my country in France. She's telling me that if either Germany or France leave then the EU is essentially fucked.

I would agree though. France maybe but you'd need to go over Merkel's cold rotting corpse before you can get Germany out.

Now she has reservations as to what disintegration will do to member states that are reliant on the EU to keep themselves from dissolving into anarchy. Case in point Greece.

She should be more worried about deutsche bank.....

IceHism 2016-06-23 23:38


AnimeFan188 2016-06-23 23:43


Originally Posted by ImperialKnight (Post 5880237)
Hmm would this cause a domino effect in the EU then? Britain is a pretty big player.

If U.K. Votes Brexit, Frexit and Italexit Could Follow:

"Countries like Sweden are already contemplating a referendum of their
own if the U.K. votes to bail. One might envision years of “Swexit,”
“Frexit,” and “Italexit” sagas unfolding as countries consider the value of
staying in a broken union while popular opinion weighs against it."


KiraYamatoFan 2016-06-23 23:47


Originally Posted by IceHism (Post 5880257)

Baby-boomers (not all, but a lot) fucking things up for the younger generations. Why am I not surprised?:mad::eyebrow:

Brother Coa 2016-06-23 23:51

I guess British can again sing with pride:

'Rule Britannia, Britannia ruel the waves...
Britons never, never, never shall be slaves...'

I wish them the best of luck as I know how hard was it to be to leave EU which they were part of when it was founded ( 42 years ). The hard times will come in coming years ( Scottish separatist will take this as another call to separate, never mind economic struggle they will have from now on ) but I hope it will turn out for the best in the end.

On the other side I saw this coming from miles away because of one simple reason - Brussels politicians tried to tell Britain what to do like they are doing to other 'weaker' members of the Union. And if I know British in one thing that is their pride. This is the nation that built largest empire ever, you cannot just order them around, be it EU or USA or anyone else.

Newhope 2016-06-23 23:52


Originally Posted by KiraYamatoFan (Post 5880264)
Baby-boomers (not all, but a lot) fucking things up for the younger generations. Why am I not surprised?:mad::eyebrow:

With the Turn out been as high as it was I doubt that is correct.

risingstar3110 2016-06-24 00:09

Profiles. Apparently the blue-collar working class is the one who want to leave

MCAL 2016-06-24 00:09

The economy is f'd now isn't it?

Kakurin 2016-06-24 00:25


Originally Posted by Brother Coa (Post 5880265)
I guess British can again sing with pride:

'Rule Britannia, Britannia ruel the waves...
Britons never, never, never shall be slaves...'

I think this is quite short-sighted. The sharp north-south divide is dangerous for the future of the United Kingdom. Scotland as a bloc voted 62% remain. Northern Ireland is divided as always, but also features a 56% majority for remain. While Nicola Sturgeon isn't a gambler like Salmond and probably will only call for another independence vote if she has a stable and high majority in the polls it is a situation where a United Kingdom leaving the EU is basically doomed to perform well from the start. If things don't go well this vote yesterday could be the straw the broke apart the United Kingdom instead of making it great again.


Originally Posted by risingstar3110 (Post 5880279)
Profiles. Apparently the blue-collar working class is the one who want to leave

The immigration thing works better with them.


Originally Posted by MCAL (Post 5880280)

The economy is f'd now isn't it?

HSBC and Standard Chartered lost up to 12.5% at the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

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