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Master_Yoma 2022-07-26 20:51

Dont know how Lettuce pass the round but she really know how to play a Rock

Well Zakuro finely here

Alchemist007 2022-07-26 22:29

Lettuce rocks.

Frontier 2022-08-02 11:32

You know something's wrong when Mint is actually doing her job instead of letting Ichigo do all the work...and she's really good at said work, which makes her foisting so much on Ichigo even more hilarious :innocent:.

Aoyama learns Ichigo has a part-time job. How long before he ends up seeing her in that maid outfit ;)?

It's sweet that all three girls thought to visit Mint at her huge mansion to support her, even if she's quicky to deny their friendship in front of her brother. But nothing solidifies female friendship quite like cute, frilly, PJ's, pillow fights (Bu-Ling plays for keeps), and emotionally opening up to one another :nod:!

Mint's brother is Akira Ishida!? Wow. He seems like a genuinely nice and caring brother, and better at hospitality than his sister, even if she does think he treats her too much like a child. Still it stands out how much he looks after his little sis :blush:.

Mint's origin story! Mint has always wanted to follow in the footsteps of her father and brother and be taken seriously, not just as the youngest daughter of the family, and she admired Zakuro for her confidence and matureness. So of course Mint would jump at being a Mew Mew now that she was given a personal responsibility to save the world and feel needed. Of course she hadn't matured enough to stop from being more of a fangirl than a normal human being around Zakuro :uhoh:.

So Kish shows up outside Mint's room to ask Ichigo out...he's basically become a total stalker. Of course, turning Mint's beloved dog Mickey into a Chimera Anima isn't going to endear him to Ichigo :mad:.

Lettuce finally gets a transformation sequence! Now all we're waiting for is all five of them to transform together :cool:.

I'm not surprised Mint was unable to attack her own dog, even if it meant Mickey thrashing her and her teammates around, but her teammates confidence and belief in her not only helped solidify their friendship but helped renew Mint's resolve so she can deliver the finisher and save the day and her dog :D!

Ugh, hands off Kish! But it's great to see how Mint genuinely regards Ichigo as a true friend now :).

Well, props for your continued faith that Zakuro will eventually join the team Ichigo...but that gives Kish even more motivation to take her out before that can happen. Guess it's do or die time to save Zakuro and get her to join the group now :upset:.

Master_Yoma 2022-08-02 20:50

Well everyone going to Mints house and meeting Mints bothers where he much more well mannered coming in with tea and cake

That pillow just exploded

Frontier 2022-08-09 11:32

Whether Zakuro wants to be part of their team or not, it's time for the Mew Mew's to defend her against Kish :nod:.

The Mew Mew's can take on a Chimera Anima, but a burly security guard? It's time to take a page out of the Sailor Moon playbook and use cosplay :cool:!

Ichigo and Mint look cute as delivery girls, but wow does Lettuce look in that high-class outfit! Of course Mint looked kind of jealous that they didn't have her try to portray the famous lady. Too bad Lettuce's nerves couldn't match her confident look :p.

I'm not surprised the girls managed to pull off posing as an Idol Group considering they're seiyuu practically are an idol group for this show, and they looked great in those outfits! Although Zakuro and her legs really stole the show in her costume :love:!

Look at Mint finally holding her own against Zakuro! And it was even enough to throw the ever-unflappable older girl off her game for once ;).

Poor Lettuce with those zombies and those poor magicians with Bu-Ling ruining their act :eyespin:.

It was nice to see Ichigo meet Zakuro too and express her faith in Mint and her team, letting Zakuro know more about these girls and why they fight for the Earth :).

With Mint's newfound self-confidence she's going to do everything she can to let Zakuro be the Onee-sama Mint loves, along with the help of the rest of the Mew Mew's! And it's with that strength and resolve that inspires Zakuro to transform and fight together with them! And boy was that splashy finish on that hybrid Parasite Anima :cool:!

Nothing quite like a surprise national tv debut after they're finally all together to get the girls out there or for Ichigo to finally name-drop the team name and her catchphrase. The Tokyo Mew Mews are here :D!

Zakura may not believe in teams, but she's inspired by the girls' strength and confidence to give them a chance, and it seems like she's actually coming to enjoy their company and have fun with them. They even got a full group hug and group selfie, which was adorable :blush:.

Although did anyone tell Zakuro she has to be a maid now? And did Aoyama recognize Ichigo :twitch:?

Master_Yoma 2022-08-09 20:53

Well got to sneak into a television studio and Bu-Ling just causing a lot of trouble for everyone

Frontier 2022-08-16 11:32

We finally see the aliens' spaceship, and it fittingly looks like a parasitic insect :mad:.

So Kish's continued failures and simping for Ichigo has finally landed him on standby as the two other generals in the Opening, Tart and Pie, make their debut and seem poised to shake things up and actually get stuff done :cool:.

It's not easy living a double life when you feel tired all the time, sleep through class, dream about work and love, and have to deal with your other identity being an overnight celebrity. It is kind of funny how people notice how much Ichigo looks like her Mew Mew self but just can't imagine her having superpowers just like they can't believe a popular idol would slum it as a maid at some random cafe :heh:.

Wow, Ichigo really threw caution to the wind and used her cat-like reflexes to jump on Aoyama! I had honestly forgotten they're not dating yet because they practically are, but I guess they haven't confessed yet :uhoh:.

Zakuro looks amazing in that maid outfit! She's just a little too...intense and forceful as a maid. But people are definitely into that ;).

Oh yeah, I forget this show kind of had a bit of an environmental theme where they mention pollution was a major problem for the planet before the aliens showed up, they're just making it worse. Climate change is a big issue, but at least the Mew Mews can stop the aliens from wrecking the planet more :).

That is one delightful looking Mew Mew cake! And it looks like Zakuro has a sweet tooth :blush:!

Pie is straight to business wastes no time attacking Ichigo at her school, and uses his failure as just a learning experience. He doesn't even need the parasite to create Chimera Anima Makes me wonder what Tart's gimmick is :twitch:.

Pretty reasonable concern of Ichigo about continually lying to her love interest about her secret identity...but I actually like how she was willing to commit to using a wooden sword to fend off the Chimera Anima with Aoyama before she was forced to transform :nod:.

Wow, that was a pretty Sailor Moon-level speech from Mew Ichigo there! What sold it was her pure rage :D.

Honestly I think Ichigo should've talked with Aoyama before writing him off as hating her for keeping her Mew Mew life a secret...but whether he honestly believes they're different people or is just playing along for now, it seems like Ichigo is safe and more than willing to continue pursuing a relationship with him. Although I question Aoyama's reasons for pursuing Ichigo now :eyespin:.

Next week: Ryo and Lettuce falling in love on a cruise :eek:!?

Master_Yoma 2022-08-16 20:51

Well Zakuro is just to forceful for a waitress job but the customers seem to like it

Ichigo to a nice step forward with Aoyama

Poor Quiche got sidelined

Frontier 2022-08-23 11:32

I respect Lettuce's enthusiasm to try and improve herself and come off more reliable...but maybe she shouldn't have tried to waitress on a ball like Bu-Ling? Good news though, she warded off some sleazy looking guys at least :p.

Oh yeah, Ryo's rich. No surprised he'd be throwing a lavish party on a cruise, and the Mew Mews aren't going to be missing out on the fun ;).

I was thinking for a second Ichigo would invite Aoyama, but the pair promising to have a date on Tokyo Bay is probably a better option :nod:.

It was cute to see Bu-Ling bring all her siblings along and they look...a lot alike :p!

It's kind of ironic that the Mew Mew fused with an aquatic animal and whose element is water...can't swim. But that was all building up to Lettuce's character development in this episode :smile:.

It wouldn't be a fancy party without fancy dresses! And the girls all looked amazing and super-cute! Also that leg slit on Zakuro :love:!

Ichigo maybe kind of sort of has a boyfriend, but that's not going to stop her from noticing how good looking Ryo is or have fun dancing intimately with him...but she runs away before her emotions get ahead of her. Meanwhile Ryo is as stoic as ever :uhoh:.

It actually is kind of impressive that Lettuce pulled off that tablecloth to save the dishes at completely the last-minute ;).

Attack of the giant, killer, fish! Tart finally makes his move :mad:!

I love how Tart is so smug and confident and Bu-Ling completely throws him off and gets in his face. I guess because they're both the "babies" of their respective teams. Their banter is surprisingly fun! Also Bu-Ling wrestling a fish's mouth open to save her siblings was epic :D.

Lettuce finally gets her solo transformation sequence after not having one for so many episodes! And then she manages to realize her true power under the sea, with echolocation (?) and the ability to transform into a mermaid! She looked fantastic, and she managed to save the day and Huacha :cool:.

Not to be totally outdone, but Zakuro fishing out all the Chimera Anima for Ichigo to finish was some nice teamwork :). '

Is Lettuce falling for Ryo? Her blushing and the way her eyes looked after his emotional pep talk seemed pretty indicative of that direction...

Lettuce got some kind of flashback to a natural disaster? And they've discovered some kind of H20 element :confused:?

Master_Yoma 2022-08-23 20:46

Well Lettuce trying to do a lot more but seems to fall short and mess up but at less she can pull the tablecloth out with out breaking any of the dishes

Really like the girls all dressed up

Frontier 2022-08-30 11:37

Looks like Mew Aqua might make the biggest difference in the Mew Mews' fight against the aliens...provided they can find more of it :eyespin:.

It's nice to see Aoyama going through the same awkwardness and confidence issues asking Ichigo out that she does with him :).

It's nice that Mint has found an opportunity to really broaden her horizons and learn more in America...even if that obviously runs the risk of interfering with her Mew Mew duties. Either Mint will have to turn it down or they'll have to finish the aliens sooner rather than later :uhoh:.

I thought they'd make a joke about Ichigo having to do all the work at the cafe, but it was nice to see the girls all show up to help! It's great to have a team who can support you, both at work and in love :blush:.

Ryo jealous of Ichigo and Aoyama? How intriguing ;).

I just love how Bu-Ling has a sweets phone :p.

Mint as a construction worker! Bu-Ling and Lettuce as old ladies! Zakuro as a tourist who speaks English! I was actually surprised at how much English was used in that scene between her and Aoyama :heh:.

Of course Kish couldn't leave well enough alone and had to ruin the moment between Ichigo and Aoyama...although I'm kind of amazed how many of those hits Aoyama was able to tank :twitch:.

Everyone got to use their finishers! Nice :cool!

Nice way to cap things off with Aoyama finally giving Ichigo the tickets :smile:.

Master_Yoma 2022-08-30 20:55

Got to hand it to Aoyama going to such lengths to ask Ichigo to a concert and everyone else meddling in but got to hand it to Zakuro and her english skills

Frontier 2022-09-06 11:29

It's nice to see the Mew Mew's have really solidifed as a team and are a real effective fighting force! Of course, that just means the Aliens are going to have to get even more dangerous :uhoh:.

Aoyama and Ryo finally properly meet and it's...icy, to say the least. And poor Ichigo is caught in the middle of a love triangle she didn't even realize she was in :heh:.

I'm not sure if most boyfriends talk about their girlfriends being kittens so they can take them home, but dang it if that didn't end up being prophetic :p.

Y'know, everyone transforming into their animal would be pretty fun, but Ichigo makes for quite the cute cat :).

"Sorry Shirogane, I know you're trying to give me exposition, but I just have to lick myself" :innocent:.

Kind of bad timing for Seiji to come in and tell Mint's team she might be leaving for America, but at least it seems like he's open and supportive of whatever decision she makes :nod:.

It's sweet how Ichigo's team was worried about her and felt directionless without her around. Even Ryo, as unflappable as he generally is, is anxious with worry :blush:.

Zakuro rides a motorcycle because of course she does :cool:.

Sometimes it pays to be a cat, since it means finally getting into your boyfriends' house and room, getting to see him shirtless, getting a full course bathing experience, and even getting to sleep in his bed together! Just too bad about the dog who doesn't care for you one bit and steals your second kiss :eyespin:.

I love how the cliffhanger isn't the giant pollution bomb on top of Tokyo Tower but how the heck Ichigo is going to get out of Aoyama's room while he's enjoying his lap pillow on her thighs :D.

Master_Yoma 2022-09-06 20:52

Poor Ichigo just cant get a break but some how got really lucky when she turned into a cat but Aoyama's dog is awesome

Lettuce standing in the water like that was really cute

Frontier 2022-09-13 11:34

Thank goodness Ichigo's embarrassment lead to her transforming back to a cat. Easiest way to get out of being a lap pillow and a guys' room :p.

So the Aliens have...surprisingly tragic backstories! Their planet is basically dead, they've been forced to live underground, and they see Earth as their best chance for a better life, even if it means annihilating humanity in order to do it. Is there not a better way though? Like working together to live in harmony? The Aliens probably don't see it that way, especially when they're waiting to awaken something :twitch:.

You can tell Mint is off her game because she's too stuck in thinking about the study abroad opportunity when she doesn't go gaga over riding tandem with Zakuro on her bike :eyespin:.

Oh yeah, nobody knows' the Mew Mews' codenames (because they're pretty much literally their real names) so they can only differentiate them by color. Ichigo's "The Pink One" :heh:.

Wait, was that cat that rescued Ichigo supposed to be Ryo? The voice and the Ending sequence pretty much give it a way. He can transform into a cat? And Ichigo's fourth kiss was with Ryo (so Aoyama - Kish - Dog - Ryo) :eek:!?

So Ichigo can transform back into human form after getting kissed? And is it possible the other way around? Ryo sure seems keen on finding out :innocent:.

Did Ichigo's VA belt out that whole spiel about all the trouble she got into in one take? Because that was a pretty impressive speech :nod:.

The Mew Mews are facing off against the Aliens without Ichigo and while they're able to fend off the Chimera Anima well enough, the sheer swarm of them begins to overwhelm them and Mint is still distracted...but a speech from Zakuro and some close face-to-face action is enough to get her head back in the game :nod:.

That scene of Ichigo running across rooftops while renewing her resolve as Mew Mew to fight for Aoyama, her newfound friends, and everything she loves in this world was pretty awesome :D!

The star is here! And she immediately makes a show of it by one-shotting a bunch of Chimera Anima and renewing her team by her very presence! Time for the real battle to begin ;).

Master_Yoma 2022-09-13 20:56

Well that is some adventure Ichigo had there being a cat being kissed by a dog then a cat to turn human but at less she saw Aoyama sleeping face and she really nimble missing that nest be a few inches

Stark700 2022-09-20 10:34

Season 2 is coming April 2023

Frontier 2022-09-20 11:32

The Mew Mews are battling the Parasite Anima to stop the Aliens...and Ichigo still finds time to worry about her love life and date with Aoyama. Too bad it cost her her phone :twitch:.

I love how the entire team takes it personally in terms of wanting to make sure Ichigo makes it to her date as they take care of all the Anima's :heh:.

I thought it was just a pollution bomb, but it turns out it was a cocoon holding a Hybrid Anima, the Dust Wyvern. And it's literally spewing toxic fumes that kill normal people, and the Mew Mews' attacks only make it worse :uhoh:.

Oof. Kish steals another kiss from Ichigo on her forehead and his obsession with her has never seemed more creepy :upset:.

Ichigo is so frustrated between the Aliens, Shirogane, and not being able to be with Aoyama, that she just attacks the generals straight on and leads her team into going all out against them :D.

And Mint takes Ichigo's spontaneity and willingless to do anything as an answer to her studying abroad issue...there's always more than one solution to a problem or to ones' path in life! And with a clearer head, Mint finds the Mew Aqua they need to help save everyone! Lettuce found her Mew Aqua in the sea, while Mint finds hers in the sky :nod:.

The generals getting more phyiscal! We've got Pie fighting Zakura, Tart of course fighting Bu-Ling, and unsurprisingly Ichigo vs Kish ;).

Not to be outdone by Mint purifying the air and subduing the Dust Wyvern with her Mew Aqua Wand, Ichigo brings out an out-of-nowhere Finisher that combines the powers of the other Mew Mews to finish off the Dust Wyvern. Pretty awesome :cool:.

It's nice to see Ichigo's team pushing her to go see Aoyama, and no amount of rain is going to stop her :).

Wait, is that Ichigo's new VA doing a cover of "My Sweet Heart," the Opening for the original Tokyo Mew Mew anime :eek:?

It's great that Ichigo's efforts weren't for nothing...she was worried Aoyama was going to hate her but resolved herself to be honest with her feelings no matter what, yet he's the first one to embrace her and confess his feelings for her. And Ichigo does the same as they both mutually confess and close things out romantically in the rain! I'm happy for Ichigo :blush:.

Of course we also leave on a cliffhanger of the Aliens seemingly in contact with their leader, spelling trouble for the Earth :mad:.

Originally Posted by Stark700 (Post 6524529)

Kind of figured as much with the pacing, but happy to be getting more Tokyo Mew Mew :nod:.

Master_Yoma 2022-09-20 20:58

Well theres a lesson here dont use your phone when your in battle with giant monsters

Mint got some good eyes to see mew aqua all the way up in the sky

6.5/10 Well Season 2 next year

Alchemist007 2022-09-20 22:19

Was about what I expected, kind of surprised with the love confessions already in the first cour.


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