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Kha 2007-05-09 11:13


Originally Posted by LoweGear (Post 939126)
And I really wouldn't mind Kay being called in for emergencies stemming from shady reasons :heh: And as for the Scryas...

Kay: Shinji, I need more info on this relic, find me some good reference material stat!
Shinji: You don't mean the "Ten Time Rheias Award Winning Archaelogist and Author Yuuno Scrya?"
Kay: You're such a mind reader! Get me as much as you can!
Shinji: *sigh* Like she looks up on info with anyone else...

K noted. :D


Originally Posted by Keroko (Post 939153)
Though this version of Keroko is what I like to call the "RPG version"

the real Keroko is a character that actually has a part in the storyline. She would fight alongside Fate and Nanoha, which meant that she had to be at least that powerfull at the time, and that didn't lessen.

I might post her bio later, but its going to take some time to gather all the data and put it to paper. A little sneak preview: Her full name is Takamachi G. Keroko, or in mid-childa style, Keroko Georashi Takamachi.

Yes, there's a story behind that one.

That G unnerved me for a split second there. :heh:

I see. Well go ahead. The 'Kha' I put up was in-fic up till the A's to StrikerS arc, and you can see after that it was a plain joke, as with what I intended the FileS arc to be.


Originally Posted by Darco_emp (Post 939234)
Kha Print me a paper copy and drop it off at my desk.... I'm serious about this, I'm not read that Thing unless its in me hands :heh:

Its interesting too see alot of support types here, I wonder how many of you guys tanks in MMO....

You're gonna have to wait. And I'm not about to let the whole UWAnime discover my true identity as the Messiah of Neo Velka. :joke:

Well my mains are a Priest and a Paladin in WoW. And I usually go for the healing character in any game, and I'm a trainee doctor IRL, hence my nickname 'The Cleric' or in this case 'der Kleriker'. :heh:

Besides, I think we now worship the Boost class for all the cool tricks they have.

There's a rogue up there I think, and Lowe's Kay should be a full arcane mage.


Originally Posted by LoweGear (Post 939126)
@ Kha: WOAH, talk about WALL Of Unabashed Blue Cheese *picks himself up for a moment*, it's more a fanfic than a character profile :heh: I am quite envious of your ability to creat cool german sounding attacks and abilities though :) Especially the armors Panzer, Jaeger and Schneider (I know I've heard of a combination of these three somewhere... Liger Zero... :D )


Originally Posted by Keroko (Post 939153)
@ kha: W00t! More Warcaft references, atta boy, Kha! Now I'll have to work extra hard to get the biggest bio. You ain't seen the true Keroko yet!


Originally Posted by Klashikari (Post 939169)
The amount of Warcraft / WOW reference is just... obscene :heh:
with some twist of FMP, SC, and even gundam :D

I must admit : the complexity and density of your "fic" are really high, which could be really a serious and solid fan creation suitable for nanohaverse, except if one catches the references :eyespin:

I was pretty amused by the amount of references, though not on mocking way (though the mention of AS, Power Word : Fortitude/Shield just killed me :heh:)

to much my surprise, some of your explanations are even more "believable" than the real things XD (example : Benediction of Freedom)

But please people, I think you should stay withint the "plausible" for nanohaverse : giving the opportunity of some imagined addictions can be really too chaotic, resulting into much more "meh" impressions, rather than enjoyable things. (i hope i won't see anyone mentionning like "yamato mage, using a Strike barrier jacket, which can be fused with Freedom jacket", else, it might be even cheesier than SSS++++ Mages)
beyond a certain limit, it won't be really bearable to read :s [/rant OFF]

For a full list of references in that:

Zoids New Century - Liger Zero
Gundam Wing - Tallgeese for Jaegerform
Gundam SEED - Avenging Wrath reinterpretation
Casshern - Inner Barrier Jacket
Full Metal Panic - Lambda Field, Whispers of the Ascended
Archspace - Whispers of the Ascended refers to an in-game event
World of Warcraft - Paladin (Most of the skills)
Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children - Gemi-stigma
Neon Genesis Evangelion - Gemi-stigma
Starcraft - Zerg
Warcraft 3 - Burning Legion
Command & Conquer 3 - Scrin
Robotech US - Invid (though I'm sure that came from somewhere else first)
The Forever War - Tarsons
Eragon - Dragon Rider (Though that can be anywhere)
Intel - "Core Fusion" was a processor chip
BLEACH - Flash Step (Also any shounen anime)
Jigoku Shoujo - the first 3/4 of Confession is Enma Ai's pet phrase
LASTEXILE - Claudia crystals

DotA - Divine Rapier. My favorite holy weapon.

HERE - Heterophobe legion

The original henshin was based on the "Final Fusion", but Subaru got to it first, so I edited it out, and became a general random super robot combination. :heh:

Phew! Did I miss anything? After all that was looong. :D

I understand the problem of such a character. In fact, most of this file was never used. I personally keep it as a souvenir for fun, as a perfect example of what is fun to do but NOT good to do. :p

No not that... Joke desu, you know? It was fun, tongue glued to cheek desu. lol But thanks. I thought I was about to be shot to pieces for posting something like that, even though it was really modelling my habit of grabbing little pieces around me to make into a new story.

Erio 2007-05-09 11:27

Ok first I'll reply to comments for my character and other things, then I'll review the new submitted characters. (Dang there are a lot!)


Originally Posted by Keroko (Post 938821)
Heh, keroko actually uses this style of fighting as well, only she uses it to keep mid-range. Though in my opinion attacks like Starlight Breaker aren't fully inefective, even without a bind. No matter what your reaction time is, if you can't get out of the blast radius in time, you're still prety much screwed.

Yeah, I had that in mind. But if you see Nanoha gathering that much energy for her next attack, you would definitely start either running away or moving in all directions so she wont be able to aim her attack at you. Of course, if she binds you, then its all over. :heh:


Originally Posted by Kha (Post 938930)
First impressions...

Sophia: *shouts with echoes* Materialize!

Sigdrifa: *displays in micro-text* Sophia - Orange Assassin - Initializing - Boost Movement - Intelligent Device - Loading... Materialize OK.

At least that's what they remind me of. :heh: As an assassin she's got the chance to work on missions that run parallel to the story. We might even be able to explore the TSAB traitor theory with her. And when she gets the red packet with Nanoha's name on it, there's going to be lots of room for hard-hitting action too. She looks pretty advanced not sure how to improve her.

I put a lot of thought into this character, and the idea is not something I invented yesterday. ;) In fact, I had the character ready last week, when we were asking for this thread to be created.

Well, at least for my character, the "ranks" are used as an estimate of her ability. Not to mention her magic rank is B. :heh:

I agree with what you say, though. I guess for new characters we have to mention how are the magic ranks used: if they are military ranks or just estimates of your character's ability.

Example: In the first season, by the time Nanoha cast SB, her estimated magical power was AAA, but she had the experience of maybe a military rank B, or even C, mage.


Originally Posted by LoweGear (Post 938948)
@ Erio: A combat alchemist? Rather unusual even by Nanoha.. still, like the work you put into the character. Although the Counter Combat style seems rather basic in its description, and could almost be applied to other high speed combat styles. Although being an anti-mage makes her good enough for me XD

Well, the difference between an alchemist and a conjurer is that an alchemist changes the properties of an existing object, while the conjurer materializes the object out of thin air. ;)

About the Counter Combat Style, as you said it is basic. I wanted to add more to it but I didnt know what to add. :heh: I was just trying to emphasize that, with her ability to materialize any weapon on the fly, she specializes in counterattacking rather than trying to get the initiative.

I'm glad you liked my assassin. :D


Originally Posted by Aaron008R (Post 939257)
@Erio: Your character reminds me of Emiya Shirou.:heh: In any case, I find her style one of the more interesting one i've seen recently. Good work.

Thanks. :D

While I definitely liked Emiya Shirou's materialization techniques, having my character say, "I need a blade able to penetrate that barrier!!" or something, feels really out of place in the Nanoha-verse, as the creation of such blade would not have any logical explanation (using Nanoha-verse terms).

My real inspiration was Kurapica, from Hunter X Hunter. :bow:

Thank you all for your comments. I'm glad you guys liked my character. :D

Loner 2007-05-09 11:34

Ok, we've got plenty of unconventional, extremely capable Nanoha protagonists by now. What we need, therefore, are some antagonists ala Fate from season 1, for our protagonists to interact with.

So I made one.

And then I read back through what I'd made, looked in the mirror, and told the guy staring at me, "...Man, you are MESSED. UP." :twitch:

Spoiler for I can't believe this came out of my imagination...:
Consider this character, or any part of her concept, open for use by all.

Now, as far as meeting the forum rules about commenting on other peoples' characters:

Kha, it shows you put a lot of time and thought into those characters. Having said that, with the number and level of abilities you put into der Kleriker, I may have to start referring to you as Gah! instead of Kha. :P Definately an alternate universe character, though, with all the non-canon revisions to Fate's backstory. (Nothing wrong with that!) VERY nice detail in the visual descriptions.

Enigma, love the concept. I've been expecting someone to look at how the Wolkenritter might have to face up to their past sins, and it looks like you're version has a lot of potential.

USB500, just one question: where does Leonidas' stand on the views expressed by this board's 300? :)

Serenity85 2007-05-09 13:55

lol Wow, so many new characters to read^^ I'll have to read them all carefully before I can really comment on them, but I'm kinda busy right now (just trolling). Give me a couple hours and I'll have comments as well as additions for my charcter to boot^^

Erio 2007-05-09 15:32

I'm quite busy today too so I havent been able to check out the newly submitted characters. I'll check them out in order when I get home tonight.

For now, though, here are my comments for Keroko's character.

- First, I wonder, did you come up with Aspect magic and all the dragons yourself? The whole story was very interesting.

- I love the part about Keroko being good friends with Nanoha. I already pictured a scenario where my character, Sophia, meets Nanoha and the rest of the cast, too (with lots of encounters and blood... :heh: well, not that many...). I dont know if I should post it here or in the Fanfic thread... (not to mention I'm afraid some will consider it lame... :p)

- More on Keroko and Nanoha's relationship: I find it weird that, in StrikerS, Nanoha didnt make a friend in a similar way and invited him or her to Hayate's unit. It would have made so much sense. And Nanoha being as popular as she is (the Ace of Aces), I would have thought of a huge group of Nanoha Fanclub members begging to join Riot Force 6. :heh:

- Hyperdrive... Disgaea reference? ;)

- Ok, lets see if I understood this: What Aspect mages do differently, when compared to Mid-Childan and Belkan mages, is that they draw their magic energy from one of the five great dragons. This energy is imbued into a magical device, which has a limiter to control the power (in the case of the Black aspect).

- You know, it sounds fishy that the TSAB would allow mages to choose the Black aspect even though it is extremely unstable and full of dark and negative energy. Maybe you could have said that Keroko chose to become a Black aspect mage before she joined the TSAB, and that she had been corrupted by the negative magic and thus not able to stop using it. Then the TSAB applied a limiter to her device in other to keep her in control.
(Whoa, I found Keroko's story to be quite interesting so I came up with different scenarios for her background. Of course, its your character, so this is just some fanfic about it... I guess :heh:)

- Very good character. I really like her background story with Nanoha, as it seems very natural if added to the main StrikerS storyline. If you made a fanfic about Keroko when she was training with Nanoha, the fanfic could also go as a Nanoha fanfic about her days as a trainee.

- The fact that Caro has a dragon summon can only mean one thing: Your Aspect magic may actually be for real. :eek:

Timeless Enigma 2007-05-09 15:55

Loner, I really like that character, Shizuko, great description. When I read the way she converted energy into usable magical power I cringed. This girl is really messed up. Shizuko has a lot of potential, but in the end I don't think a little "befriending" would help too much.

I made some small changes to my character's description and added "Arcane Magic."

The simplest way to explain Arcane Magic would be to use Final Fantasy XII/X-2's Arcane Magic(k) as an example. For one to use Arcane Magic, sacrifice has to made, such as dealing triple damage but losing a bit of HP yourself. This sacrifice is known as "feedback."

Arcane Magic is really about manipulating the soul, closely related with the linker core. It's a very dangerous type of power that should not be used frequently and each use should be carefully planned out for maximum effectiveness and minimum feedback. Every Arcane ability has the possibility of affecting the caster.

Here are some examples:

Soul Siphon
The most commonly used ability by Amemiya is one embedded in Sirocco itself. There are two types of siphoning, active and passive.
Passive: collects only the excess, free-flowing magic power and soul power in the environment
Active: forcibly leeches power from living beings and converts it to magic power. Has the potential to drain even the caster's power.

Removes some mental inhibitions of the target. Target may cave in to irrational behaviour (similar to Final Fantasy's Berserk). May have similar effects on the caster.

Mind Cloud
Softens situational awareness, allowing for greater deception and less attention to detail in a high-pressure situation (Similar to Confuse)

Grim Reaper
Target experiences near-death, being pushed on the brink of insanity. Only effective on those afraid of dying.

Sweet Sorrow
Similar to Grim Reaper, the target is assaulted by his own fears and failures. Caster must have knowledge of what the target is truly afraid of for maximum effectiveness.

Soul Sacrifice
Boosts magic output (for a single attack or for a period of time) while weakening caster's defense against Arcane Magic. Very dangerous spell if used frequently.

Salt Wounds
Boosts strength (for a single attack or for a period of time) while weakening caster's physical defense. Very dangerous spell if used frequently.

You'll notice that a lot of these abilities are mindgames.
If I can get through the Prologue of my fic, I think I'll be in good shape. I'll try not to make an original character the most prominent character featured.

Keroko 2007-05-09 16:17


Originally Posted by Kha (Post 939299)
That G unnerved me for a split second there. :heh:

The G had you unnerved? Why?


Originally Posted by Erio (Post 939574)
- First, I wonder, did you come up with Aspect magic and all the dragons yourself? The whole story was very interesting.

The aspect magic part, yes. The aspect dragons themselves are a Warcraft refference. Most people tend to skim past the treasure of lore that is the Warcraft background.


Originally Posted by Erio (Post 939574)
- I love the part about Keroko being good friends with Nanoha. I already pictured a scenario where my character, Sophia, meets Nanoha and the rest of the cast, too (with lots of encounters and blood... :heh: well, not that many...). I dont know if I should post it here or in the Fanfic thread... (not to mention I'm afraid some will consider it lame... :p)

You could always give it a shot, worst that could happen here is people telling wha they didn't like and giving some pointers.


Originally Posted by Erio (Post 939574)
- More on Keroko and Nanoha's relationship: I find it weird that, in StrikerS, Nanoha didnt make a friend in a similar way and invited him or her to Hayate's unit. It would have made so much sense. And Nanoha being as popular as she is (the Ace of Aces), I would have thought of a huge group of Nanoha Fanclub members begging to join Riot Force 6. :heh:

Huh, never thought about that. Good point.


Originally Posted by Erio (Post 939574)
- Hyperdrive... Disgaea reference? ;)

Star Wars, actually. Hyperdrives are the engines that allow them to make the jump to lightspeed.


Originally Posted by Erio (Post 939574)
- Ok, lets see if I understood this: What Aspect mages do differently, when compared to Mid-Childan and Belkan mages, is that they draw their magic energy from one of the five great dragons. This energy is imbued into a magical device, which has a limiter to control the power (in the case of the Black aspect).



Originally Posted by Erio (Post 939574)
- You know, it sounds fishy that the TSAB would allow mages to choose the Black aspect even though it is extremely unstable and full of dark and negative energy. Maybe you could have said that Keroko chose to become a Black aspect mage before she joined the TSAB, and that she had been corrupted by the negative magic and thus not able to stop using it. Then the TSAB applied a limiter to her device in other to keep her in control.

:heh: Funny thing is, the original Keroko did have something like that. Only in that case it was an accidental encounter that left her with the powers of neltharion, and an unstable seal to contain it. The unstable seal made her pretty violent, always looking for fights and getting in trouble, untill she encountered Nanoha and Yuuno. Yuuno immediately recognised the seal and fixed it by using a scale of Neltharion. (yes, he was carying a scale of Neltharion. He's an archeologist).

But you'll read a more detailed description about that when I get her real bio up.


Originally Posted by Erio (Post 939574)
(Whoa, I found Keroko's story to be quite interesting so I came up with different scenarios for her background. Of course, its your character, so this is just some fanfic about it... I guess :heh:)

Hey, that's what were posting these things here for, right?


Originally Posted by Erio (Post 939574)
- Very good character. I really like her background story with Nanoha, as it seems very natural if added to the main StrikerS storyline. If you made a fanfic about Keroko when she was training with Nanoha, the fanfic could also go as a Nanoha fanfic about her days as a trainee.

I'll think about it. I'm not a fast updater when it comes to fanfics.


Originally Posted by Erio (Post 939574)
- The fact that Caro has a dragon summon can only mean one thing: Your Aspect magic may actually be for real. :eek:

Yes, imagine my surprise.

Nightengale 2007-05-09 21:58


Haha..The Gil Graham Screwed Love Chronicles, as cranky as it sounds, is serious. Imagine the original Nanoha season and A's only with young Graham and without a very happy ending, where both seasons has important women in Graham's life bite the dust. The first season being ARIA, and the second Lieze. As for where Lotte plays a part, let's just say she's Mary Jane in the ending of Spiderman 1 movie, only without a happy sequel for her. :P

Spoiler for Aria:

I'm halfway through Admiral Lieze, but got stuck due to not being so sure how to handle her shotacon side (( She's 32, when Graham's 19 )) while still making her a strong, mature adult female and how to handle her 'death', so I'll give ARIA first...which has some problems too, but you know...flexibility. :)

I had 3 "references" in my magic spells. Cookie to anyone who gets all right. :P

Serenity85 2007-05-09 22:04

lol this thread has sorta died down now hasn't it^^ well I'll see if I can spice things up a bit^^

I'm really loving everyones ides, really well thoughtout. My only thought is with giving a character uber ranks like S. Come on, your like making uber rare mages that are suppose to be few and fleeting I think a nice cap is AA, good but theres room for improvement^^

Ok Back to my character^^

For those who have forgotten, this is where she stands as of now

now on to chapter 2^^

Spoiler for How Aselia Joined TSAB, RF6:

Heres something for ppl to chat about. Let me know what you think, as well as suggestions to improve it^^

I'll post chapter 3 when I have it finalized. Here some hints, she gets he device and barrier jacket, and a familar face will join in the trainning exercises, try to guess who^^

USB500 2007-05-09 22:47

I just love the characters you guys just posted. Give me some times so that I can comment each and every one of them. ;)

@ Skane:
Well, I guess I should edit some of my future characters. I appreciate your feedback.

@ Kha:
...did I sense shameless self-promotion? :heh:


Originally Posted by Loner (Post 939324)
USB500, just one question: where does Leonidas' stand on the views expressed by this board's 300? :)

Err.... can you elaborate? :heh: :eyespin:

LoweGear 2007-05-09 23:21


Originally Posted by Nightengale (Post 939861)

Haha..The Gil Graham Screwed Love Chronicles, as cranky as it sounds, is serious. Imagine the original Nanoha season and A's only with young Graham and without a very happy ending, where both seasons has important women in Graham's life bite the dust. The first season being ARIA, and the second Lieze. As for where Lotte plays a part, let's just say she's Mary Jane in the ending of Spiderman 1 movie, only without a happy sequel for her. :P

Spoiler for Aria:

I'm halfway through Admiral Lieze, but got stuck due to not being so sure how to handle her shotacon side (( She's 32, when Graham's 19 )) while still making her a strong, mature adult female and how to handle her 'death', so I'll give ARIA first...which has some problems too, but you know...flexibility. :)

I had 3 "references" in my magic spells. Cookie to anyone who gets all right. :P

... now truly wishing you did write that fanfic, Graham's interactions with A.R.I.A. would be truly delightful to see. Admiral Lieze as a shotacon? Wow, Graham must really have been pimping. Go Graham! :D

And no cookies for me, since I don't get the references :heh:

USB500 2007-05-09 23:28

Leopold Goe-- I mean, Grandeur
@ Nightengale:
Android? That's so new to me. And... Graham, you have complex! OHNOES! :heh:

I heard someone needs an antagonist. So....

Spoiler for new antagonist:

Okay, done. Abilities, checked. Forms, checked. Background, checked. What else? :heh: Oh, yeah. I hope the Latin translations are correct, because I'm using online translator to translate the stuffs.

Timeless Enigma 2007-05-09 23:46

Hm, I would have thought someone from Gault, Wizard or Sorcerer would be a villain, not someone from Schnee. Nonetheless it looks good, I hope you'll have her say "(insert country here) mercenaries! This is gonna be fun!" even though that's what Schnee 1 would have said... speaking of which, who is Schnee 1? You've got Schwarze 1 but no Silber 1 as well.

I hope someone will say "No rules in a dogfight, you just have to take the enemy out."

I await the next batch of characters.

I think I'm going to want to replay a campaign in Zero now...

USB500 2007-05-10 01:13


Originally Posted by Timeless Enigma (Post 939955)
Hm, I would have thought someone from Gault, Wizard or Sorcerer would be a villain, not someone from Schnee. Nonetheless it looks good, I hope you'll have her say "(insert country here) mercenaries! This is gonna be fun!" even though that's what Schnee 1 would have said... speaking of which, who is Schnee 1? You've got Schwarze 1 but no Silber 1 as well.

I hope someone will say "No rules in a dogfight, you just have to take the enemy out."

I await the next batch of characters.

I think I'm going to want to replay a campaign in Zero now...

I think you're right. I should have posted Gault 1 instead. :heh: I see if I can post them instead. I'm still working on Silber 1, though, so it may have to wait.

If you're referring to my post, Schnee 1 would be Eleanor herself (she was a squad leader when the incident took place). Otherwise, Schnee 1 is Erich Hillenbrand, the Eternal 2nd Lieutenant.

Don't worry. I'm sure Eleanor doesn't really want to be a villain in the first place. :)

Kha 2007-05-10 02:25


Originally Posted by USB500 (Post 939911)
I just love the characters you guys just posted. Give me some times so that I can comment each and every one of them. ;)

@ Kha:
...did I sense shameless self-promotion? :heh:

I'm still rebalancing the 2 mages I put up so I'll repost them together.

Uh... No not really. His story's been developed over several short stories I wrote offline for the informal writing circle I was part of back in my home country, and I made sure I balanced it and kept it in canon as much as possible. :heh:

@Loner: Revisions? I thought there was no data on her past in the first place as I thought the YnS illusion was based on Fate's wish for a happy family rather than fact. And so, I conjured up this scenario to insert a char believably into the story while not disrupting the canon events (which explains Kha's absence during all anime series) such that there's no canon trace that he's ever there, but it was because he's somewhere else when the canon took place. This only works if everything fits nicely with canon, which until recently was all anime-canon. However, my lack of light novel and manga knowledge impedes me from being 100% sure, and thus I am concerned, for my friend's gonna be using most of the proposed backstory so I got to correct it fast. As a Fate-fanboy and considering almost all of my fics has some conjecture related to Fate's past, I better get this straight.

How much about Fate's past is there in canon across all media (light novel, manga, sound stage, anime)? Has there been contradictions amongst the media?


Originally Posted by Serenity85 (Post 939865)
lol this thread has sorta died down now hasn't it^^ well I'll see if I can spice things up a bit^^

I'm really loving everyones ides, really well thoughtout. My only thought is with giving a character uber ranks like S. Come on, your like making uber rare mages that are suppose to be few and fleeting I think a nice cap is AA, good but theres room for improvement^^

Ok Back to my character^^

For those who have forgotten, this is where she stands as of now

now on to chapter 2^^

Spoiler for How Aselia Joined TSAB, RF6:

Heres something for ppl to chat about. Let me know what you think, as well as suggestions to improve it^^

I'll post chapter 3 when I have it finalized. Here some hints, she gets he device and barrier jacket, and a familar face will join in the trainning exercises, try to guess who^^

Chario better reinforce the holodeck to avoid getting smashed by "Kaze no Kise" or a related variant. :p

More skills for Nanoka and loli Capn. Tessa coming soon but in the meantime keep the comments coming! :)

Saint X 2007-05-10 03:18

"the prefect antagonist would be the inverse of Nanoha..." - which i'm trying to do without making it look like a clone of Nanoha.

geez, no one even commented- figures that i can't do anything good in a three hour high-avail period.

*sulks in a corner while thinking of something for the weekends.

USB500 2007-05-10 03:28


Originally Posted by Saint X (Post 938984)
Spoiler for Character Prototype- pardon the rushed style:

Gatekeepers... did you perhaps base Ashton on the Gatekeepers anime? Sorry, that's the only thing I'd like to ask since the word so stands out in the profile.

Kha 2007-05-10 04:08


Originally Posted by USB500 (Post 940142)
Gatekeepers... did you perhaps base Ashton on the Gatekeepers anime? Sorry, that's the only thing I'd like to ask since the word so stands out in the profile.

Being involved in Ashton's creation process, I know it's a car and aircraft reference. Care to elaborate, X?

LoweGear 2007-05-10 06:36

Lemme see if I can give it a try...

The Aston Martin (European luxury car manufacturer, often known for their very expensive custom made vehicles) and McDonell Douglas (the latter formerly one of the largest aircraft manufacturing companies in the US, responsible for the development of aircraft such as the F-15 Eagle and F/A-18 Hornet. Later bought by Boeing after experiencing financial difficulties in the early 90s). :D

Kha 2007-05-10 07:10


Originally Posted by LoweGear (Post 940250)
Lemme see if I can give it a try...

The Aston Martin (European luxury car manufacturer, often known for their very expensive custom made vehicles) and McDonell Douglas (the latter formerly one of the largest aircraft manufacturing companies in the US, responsible for the development of aircraft such as the F-15 Eagle and F/A-18 Hornet. Later bought by Boeing after experiencing financial difficulties in the early 90s). :D

Bingo. :D

Now back to working on Tessa-chan... :heh:

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