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orangejuicetang 2009-10-01 17:10

Techinically, without the catalyst, Shirou wouldn't even be alive.

willyvereb 2009-10-01 17:57

lol...totally true.:)
(or maybe if we take the Kotomine Shirou fic and use Kotomine's extraordinally good medical jutsu Healing magic...Then it could be possible)

Nerroth 2010-01-15 23:35

A few Crystal Valley updates - though part 5 is the only new (as in freshly typed) one:

Spoiler for Crystal Valley: Part 2:

Spoiler for Crystal Valley: Part 3:

Spoiler for Crystal Valley: Part 4:

Spoiler for Crystal Valley: Part 5:

Nerroth 2010-05-15 02:48

The first bit of part 6.

Spoiler for Crystal Valley - Part 6:

RadiantBeam 2010-08-21 09:00

So, after playing up to a certain section of HF last night (and after reading this piece I think you'll all know which section I refer to), I sat down and typed up this short bit mainly by emotion. I admit it's pretty much my own wish for how things had gone instead of what really happened. :heh:

Spoiler for A Change in Fate:

So, yeah, "Saber lives" situation here. I have to admit I don't know if she could have escaped the shadow even if she wanted to, but it was something I felt like writing.

I'm debating on doing further parts; mainly to show Shirou's reaction and possibly Sakura's. I can't see this being very long, considering that I haven't played far enough into HF to accurately retell the story from the "What if" of Saber surviving.

Spoiler for Author's Notes:

Moczo 2010-08-21 09:20


Originally Posted by RadiantBeam (Post 3203153)
So, after playing up to a certain section of HF last night (and after reading this piece I think you'll all know which section I refer to), I sat down and typed up this short bit mainly by emotion. I admit it's pretty much my own wish for how things had gone instead of what really happened. :heh:

Spoiler for A Change in Fate:

So, yeah, "Saber lives" situation here. I have to admit I don't know if she could have escaped the shadow even if she wanted to, but it was something I felt like writing.

I'm debating on doing further parts; mainly to show Shirou's reaction and possibly Sakura's. I can't see this being very long, considering that I haven't played far enough into HF to accurately retell the story from the "What if" of Saber surviving.

Spoiler for Author's Notes:

Spoilers for both the above story and HF, so...

Spoiler for Reply:

RadiantBeam 2010-08-21 09:25


Originally Posted by Moczo (Post 3203174)
Spoilers for both the above story and HF, so...

Spoiler for Reply:

Spoilers for the above mentioned pair, so tags ahoy!

Spoiler for Reply to Moczo's reply:

In any case, currently I'm also thinking of doing a second part from Shirou's POV on finding Saber, just because. This piece definitely says she lived, but I'd also like to have some closure of Shirou finding her and bringing her home.

Moczo 2010-08-21 11:24


Originally Posted by RadiantBeam (Post 3203182)
Spoilers for the above mentioned pair, so tags ahoy!

Spoiler for Reply to Moczo's reply:

In any case, currently I'm also thinking of doing a second part from Shirou's POV on finding Saber, just because. This piece definitely says she lived, but I'd also like to have some closure of Shirou finding her and bringing her home.

Made my thoughts clearer in our conversation, I hope. Yeah, it's more hopeful than the canon, but there's still that element of sadness in there if you look. Though you're right, it would have been too unrealistic for there to be no consequences.

And I hope you do continue, because I'd read any continuation you chose to do.

Cherry_Lover 2010-08-21 13:09

It's an interesting topic, actually, to ask what would have happened had Saber still been around. I'd imagine Shirou would still have fallen for Sakura in the same was as he did in HF, and the Shirou-Shinji battle would have gone the same way because Shirou would have told Saber to remain at home (she'd likely have come along with Rin, though). The following fight would have been interesting, because whereas Archer was intending to kill Sakura, Saber would likely have fought Rider (and, really, Rider wouldn't have stood a chance 2-on-1) but Shirou would have stopped her from killing Sakura. Rider would likely have been defeated, though, which would have changed things somewhat.

No idea where it would have gone from there. It could have turned out better than the true route (perhaps with an ending much like HF True, only with Saber remaining rather than Rider, or even with both), or it could be that having Saber around would have forced Shirou to kill Sakura, thereby causing him to break down and making for a thoroughly unhappy ending.

RadiantBeam 2010-08-21 13:59

Yes, well, like I mentioned earlier I haven't played far enough into HF yet to really know how majorly having Saber around would have changed the route, so I doubt it'll be developed into a full story (and even if I did, my fangirl-ism would ultimately turn it into a Saber/Shirou story to begin with, which wouldn't work as well in a Sakura route). At most I'm thinking I'll just do a part where Shirou finds Saber, a part for what happens when they return home, and a part for the morning after. Either way it'll end up being a short fic.

Cherry_Lover 2010-08-21 14:39

Well, there's no way that HF could plausibly have developed into Shirou x Saber, even if Saber had survived, because Shirou's relationship with Sakura would invariably develop first. And, yeah, there's no way HF could have worked out well if Shirou was with Saber, and indeed if that happened Saber would simply end up getting swallowed whole later on, either due to being subconsciously targetted by the shadow, or consciously targetted by Dark Sakura when Sakura succumbed.

RadiantBeam 2010-08-21 14:50

So I have, like, other, longer fics I should be updating, but the plotbunny for this one has latched firmly onto my mind. It's eating my brain until I update. So here, have part 2.

Spoiler for A Change in Fate, part 2:

For being rather.... I suppose, quiet is the right word, Rider was a lot of fun to write in this section. She doesn't say much, but there was something about writing her that I really liked.

Spoiler for Author's Notes:

Previous parts found here:

Part One

Cherry_Lover 2010-08-21 15:03

Spoiler for game:

RadiantBeam 2010-08-21 15:07


Originally Posted by Cherry_Lover (Post 3203713)
Spoiler for game:

Spoiler for Game:

Moczo 2010-08-21 18:10


Originally Posted by RadiantBeam (Post 3203685)
So I have, like, other, longer fics I should be updating, but the plotbunny for this one has latched firmly onto my mind. It's eating my brain until I update. So here, have part 2.

Spoiler for A Change in Fate, part 2:

For being rather.... I suppose, quiet is the right word, Rider was a lot of fun to write in this section. She doesn't say much, but there was something about writing her that I really liked.

Spoiler for Author's Notes:

Previous parts found here:

Part One

As before, quite good. Not really any spoilers here since there was no part that really jumped at me for comment; everyone was in-character, the events made logical sense, and overall it was just a good quality short. Looking forward to the rest.

RadiantBeam 2010-08-22 13:29

So, update time. This one struggled with me a bit, but in the end I like how it turned out. Hopefully you'll agree with me. :heh: Also, this is the longest section thus far, and probably the piece that steps the furthest away from canon.

Spoiler for A Change in Fate, part 3:

Next part is the last, folks. I know I'm hinting at a lot, but... I can't really make this a full novel until I play through the whole route to see how Saber living would change things. I have to admit I'd like to expand on it, but right now I'm satisfied with this short fic.

Spoiler for Author's Notes:

EDIT: I forgot the links. x_x

Part One
Part Two

Moczo 2010-08-22 14:47

Very nice, as with the parts before it.

I liked the characterization of Sakura here; it made sense, and actually made her seem generally more sympathetic than her reaction to Saber's death in the actual game did. I guess the knowledge that Saber helped keep Shirou alive would do that.

Spoiler for Spoiler:

Cherry_Lover 2010-08-22 14:54

Spoiler for game:

RadiantBeam 2010-08-22 14:56


Originally Posted by Moczo (Post 3205236)
I liked the characterization of Sakura here; it made sense, and actually made her seem generally more sympathetic than her reaction to Saber's death in the actual game did. I guess the knowledge that Saber helped keep Shirou alive would do that.

I'm glad it came across well, since I had a lot of debate on how to write the scene out. It's pretty obvious in-game that Sakura doesn't like Saber because of the fact that she puts Shirou in danger, but I couldn't see her reacting badly if she knew Saber was that way because she protected Shirou. It's just hard to really nail down the Sakura bits because I'm having way too much fun messing with Saber.


Spoiler for Spoiler:

Spoiler for Alter:


As I mentioned earlier, for the time being I have no plans of extending this beyond the next section, which is the morning after. I simply haven't played through HF enough to know how Saber living on would have impacted certain scenarios differently (though I'm far along in the game to see one scenario that could have possibly been changed, depending on how much I feel like playing with it). On top of that, staying true to HF would also mean having to play through the route numerous times in order to know the whole thing inside out, unless I get to a point where Saber surviving is so altering that I come up with things off the top of my head, which I doubt.

Beyond that, I have to admit that developing Sakura and Saber side by side for this story is a daunting task for me. Both of them are equally important in the plot with this change, Sakura having been important all along and Saber surviving when she should have died. I don't feel like I grasp Sakura's character well enough to develop her very well outside of what little bit the game has given me on her characterization, which to be honest isn't very much to work with in the first place.

Cherry_Lover 2010-08-22 15:01

Well, it's not entirely true that Sakura doesn't like Saber. Actually, when they get to know each other, they get on rather well. It's just that Sakura sees her as endangering Shirou, and thus wants her gone so that he won't fight any more.

Spoiler for HF:

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