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jonli 2011-02-16 08:20


Originally Posted by Kyero Fox (Post 3403824)
OOooh please let it be as dark as that movie >< i almost cried in that movie.

"This is the best day of my life..." :(

SOGESNAKE 2011-03-02 22:01

Just a short little update on the game quoted from one of the developers~


"With the open game world, Rocksteady included more villains not simply to populate the city, but purposely selected those that would create challenges for the player in the role of Batman.Hugo Strange was selected as a primary antagonist as his power and control help to maintain the lockdown on Arkham City when Batman enters it. Strange is further aware of Batman's identity as Bruce Wayne, making Batman "vulnerable and exposed in a way that he has never been before", according to Hill. Hill also notes that Strange is a character many players may have not seen in relation to the Batman mythos, but that Strange's backstory and character will be fleshed out over the course of the game. Catwoman was also included due to the long history between Batman and her, and that she brings her own agenda to the events within Arkham City."

So it seems we'll be going more into Batman's personal side during this game too, kinda like that 1 Scarecrow moment in Arkham Asylum~

LoweGear 2011-03-15 23:03

First Official Gameplay Trailer, showing off some of the newest ways you can exploit the mechanics, along with showing villains including Two-Face and Catwoman:


Although, that particular "Iron Man" air stomp pose seems to be getting quite popular... first Crysis 2, now this one :heh:

SOGESNAKE 2011-03-15 23:14

Nice to see Two-Face, he looks pretty good. Also, at the end Joker looks pretty awesome~

Kyero Fox 2011-03-15 23:15

still cant wait XD

MeoTwister5 2011-03-16 09:52

That... doesn't look like the U3 engine I'm familiar with. Did they change engines for Arkham City?

SOGESNAKE 2011-04-05 20:41

Prequal comic is gonna be released to show what happens between Arkham Asylum, and Arkham City. They've atleast posted up the first 6 pages though~

It's kinda sad to see Joker so out of his character~

Kirst 2011-04-06 07:52

Looking forward to playing it, Arkham Asylum was brilliant.

SOGESNAKE 2011-05-29 02:32

Penguin revealed to be villian in Arkham City~


An article in Australia's Sunday Herald has revealed that The Penguin will be the latest addition to Batman: Arkham City's menagerie of villains, after one of the game's early trailers hinted that Oswald Cobblepot would be in the game by showing the super villain's Iceberg Lounge nightclub.

Talking to the publication, Rocksteady's Dax Ginn explained that the studio will put a different spin on The Penguin making him more reprehensible than ever before: "The way that Penguin has always been portrayed is as quite an aristocratic, well-spoken gentleman who's got these twisted delusions of grandeur" said Ginn. "So we've made him a really horrible, nasty piece of work - but still with the delusion of grandeur. He dresses well, but in a poor taste, and we've made him this brutish, brutal guy but also keyed into the collection fascination that he's had through out the years."

Apparently, you'll encounter The Penguin after solving one of The Riddler's many puzzles, facing his evil minions who obviously have orders to kill Batman. "Penguin's faction is much more about the collection that he has within his museum of all sorts of things but one of those things he collects is heavily artillery," noted Ginn. "So when you come up against his thugs in the street they are all going to have seriously heavy weapons and that develops throughout the game as well."

Ginn also went on to describe Catwoman, revealing "The attitude of this Selena Kyle is closer to that of the late, great Eartha Kitt from the cult 60s TV show: strong, confident, sexy and independent."

And as some people know, Arleen Sorkin will NOT be returning as Harley Quinn. They've replaced her voice with Tara Strong, who's played Batgirl in The New Batman Adventures and Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker, and Huntress in Batman: Brave and the Bold.

DingoEnderZOE2 2011-05-29 12:31


Originally Posted by SOGESNAKE (Post 3630150)
And as some people know, Arleen Sorkin will NOT be returning as Harley Quinn.

Awww weak dude.....

Westlo 2011-06-01 10:39

Catwoman to be a playable character!;title;1]

SOGESNAKE 2011-06-03 03:27

We've got some pictures showing how Penguin will look, and a small picture of Riddler too~

Gotta say... I'm loving the vent they put into Penguin's neck from smoking too much, it's a nice touch~ :D

When you find a riddle challenge, you'll be greeted by a hologram of Riddler who will give you the riddle...


These challenges aren’t short: in fact, the one we’re about to do is a 15-minute, multi-step puzzle vaguely reminiscent of the Assassin’s Tomb scenarios in Assassin’s Creed II. As you enter a large rectangular room, you see a firefighter (probably part of the medical center set up to treat Arkham’s inmates) dangling helplessly from the ceiling; the floor is electrified, while enormous, whirring buzz saws sweep back and forth across the area. Clearly, this won’t be easy.

Turning on detective mode, we see a fuse box controlling the electrical current in the floor. We can’t hurt it, so we hack into it with our cryptographic Sequencer, nudging the thumb sticks until we spell out an unlock code (the very appropriate CONUNDRUM). That shuts off the electricity on a few floor panels for 15 seconds, letting us dash to a safe point. Phew! In between ducking to avoid those giant buzz saws, we use Detective mode again, spot a question mark across the room, and throw a batarang at it, which briefly shuts off more floor tiles. Sprinting maniacally across the room, we climb onto a platform, run some more, then use our Line Launcher to zip into a high-up area.

After a few more steps – spraying explosive gel to blow open a wall, then using a remote controlled batarang to get an awkwardly placed riddler trophy – we gain access to a long, cylindrical room with a hole in the side, through which we can see the worried firefighter. Now it’s a matter of timing: we line-launch across the room, and once we’re zipped halfway down, we use its new breaking feature to slow our movement, allowing us to spin 90 degrees and fire a second line in the firefighter’s direction. Bingo: we zip toward the firefighter, automatically grabbing him in our arms and crashing through a window on the far side of the room. We’re free!
Batman: Arkham City Batarang Controllers


The officially licensed Batman: Arkham City controllers for the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 include LED illumination effects with the ability to switch between seven built-in colors, dual rumble motors and soft-touch grips.

The Xbox 360 version also includes an Xbox Guide button, and a 9.8-foot cable. The center bat buttons (from left to right) are: back, LED color select and start.

The PS3 version also includes motion sensing technology, an internal rechargeable battery, a Batman-themed USB RF received and 6-foot USB charging cable. The four lights on the left side of the PS3 controller shows the remaining battery charge, the four lights on the right show which channel the controller is using. The bat buttons (from left to right) are: battery charge indicator on and off, select, home, start and LED color select.

jonli 2011-06-03 04:25

oh my lord those controllers look sexy as hell. It's also awesome that the PS3 one is modeled after the Xbox controller so that if you happen to play some shooter games in the future you could actually switch over to the 360 style controller if you prefer it. The only thing I wonder about is which shoulder button represents R1 and R2, since some games actually make the effort and change the trigger button to R1 (which is what I personally prefer) but it seems like R2 would be the preferrable button for this controller. Oh boy...

Evil Rick 2011-06-03 15:12

OMG! I want one of those controllers! :D

Kyero Fox 2011-06-03 15:43

they literaly look like they will transform and kill me XD

FlareKnight 2011-06-04 02:42

Damn those controllers really do look cool. Note to self to get one of those :).

Though does remind me back when the PS3 was going to come out and those batarang controllers that were considered :D.

MrTerrorist 2011-06-22 00:58

It has been confirmed that Robin is a playable character as an exclusive pre-order character by Best Buy.

Spoiler for Arkham City's Robin:


Evil Rick 2011-06-22 01:06


Originally Posted by MrTerrorist (Post 3661786)
It has been confirmed that Robin is a playable character as an exclusive pre-order character by Best Buy.

Spoiler for Arkham City's Robin:


Heuu...When did Robin started looking like that Prision Break dude? Meh, I'm letting pass this DLC. :/

GDB 2011-06-22 06:05

Give me Nightwing and I'll probably get it day 1.

DingoEnderZOE2 2011-06-22 06:16

That is the ugliest,most horrible representation of Robin I've ever seen.

He's also supposed to have HAIR!!!

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