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Ja-Y-Ce 2008-10-17 00:05


Originally Posted by technomo12 (Post 1992919)
um im have the urge to say this but

did any one notice that the main character sin death note ahs a sigbificant face value..........err i mean i keep seeing light and NL`s faces in the main protagonist

ermmm, a bit?:D

technomo12 2008-10-17 00:55

well it is only my opinioon hehehe

technomo12 2008-10-18 09:05

OK i know double posting is bad but HELL YESS SHUUJIN IS SOOO TOTALLY AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

though mashimaro`s drawing made him fall back a bit but still he is at a disadvantage cuz he just started drawing 4 months before

And hell yeah nice pinch on a totaly dick headed fake mangaka!!!!!!!!!!!

DeotoxSlayer 2008-10-18 10:34

So who are the Two girls that were over at Shujin's at the end of chapter 10. I believe that the black haired one is the really smart one that was said to be stuck up, Iwase or something like that but I don't recognize the other one.

xplicitz 2008-10-18 12:59


Originally Posted by DeotoxSlayer (Post 1996087)
So who are the Two girls that were over at Shujin's at the end of chapter 10. I believe that the black haired one is the really smart one that was said to be stuck up, Iwase or something like that but I don't recognize the other one.

She's Miyoshi, Azuki's best friend, she appears in chapter 7 I think?

ritalman 2008-10-18 13:13

She's also the one who tries to prevent a further beating :)

DeotoxSlayer 2008-10-18 17:33


Originally Posted by xplicitz (Post 1996288)
She's Miyoshi, Azuki's best friend, she appears in chapter 7 I think?


I though of that but she seemed to look a bit difference.

It's too bad that Iwase was in Shujins apartment though. I was hoping that she'd end up liking Mashiro to cause a little drama, but it seems like she'll end up liking Shujin.

ZODDGUTS 2008-10-18 17:39

She's also the one that Takagi kinda confessed to eventhough he didn't mean it that way. So she thinks he likes her, it seems she's interested in him, she did stop the fight and went to he's house. Not sure about the other girl, she could also like Takagi possible love triangle? Or maybe she's one of those characters that despite their outer "perfect" apperances is secretly interested in manga.

DeotoxSlayer 2008-10-18 19:15


Originally Posted by ZODDGUTS (Post 1996769)
She's also the one that Takagi kinda confessed to eventhough he didn't mean it that way. So she thinks he likes her, it seems she's interested in him, she did stop the fight and went to he's house. Not sure about the other girl, she could also like Takagi possible love triangle? Or maybe she's one of those characters that despite their outer "perfect" apperances is secretly interested in manga.

I was thinkinfg that too(about her being a closet Otaku). Though I was hoping that she'd end up liking Mashiro to cause a little drama, but it seems like she'll end up liking Shujin.

Ryougi Shiki 2008-10-18 22:09

Holy shit, this chapter.

LCeh 2008-10-19 05:00

I just picked this series up and it gets my approval. :D

Our two main characters have done enough to separate themselves from our typical shounen heroes, and their conversations usually are thoughtful while staying true to their age. A breath of fresh air within the midst of fighting shounen series. :)

The feeling I got from this manga is that this is gonna be a relatively short series, ie not going to past 30 chapters, but I could well be wrong.

NoOneKnowS 2008-10-19 07:08


Originally Posted by LCeh (Post 1997997)
I just picked this series up and it gets my approval. :D

Our two main characters have done enough to separate themselves from our typical shounen heroes, and their conversations usually are thoughtful while staying true to their age. A breath of fresh air within the midst of fighting shounen series. :)

The feeling I got from this manga is that this is gonna be a relatively short series, ie not going to past 30 chapters, but I could well be wrong.

As long as they don't leave the romance dept. hanging. OMFG Death Note creators doing a Shonen Romance manga lol. /30 chapters is enough I agree too. Maybe the manga will end by the time they debut officially as manga artists.

evil|plushie 2008-10-19 12:32

The romance in the story is kinda weak as it is.

Irenicus 2008-10-24 23:39

Hahaha, oh boy, that particular *misunderstanding* gets cleared up fast.

...and a little painful for Shuujin. :p

Looks like Mashiro is still the ambitious one. The "3's" weren't nearly as bad as it first seemed after all, and he's recovered fast. I still like it that the wannabe got his fistful of comeuppance though. It hits home pretty well considering how many weeaboo's out there seem to think drawing a mangaesque picture or two puts you on the highway to manga stardom.

Also, lol @ "Jump-like" protagonists. Lame.

NoOneKnowS 2008-10-25 00:50

Chptr 11: Funniest chapter as of the moment (/well at the first half of it).

Second part was the "more-manga-info's-and-trivia's-part" w/c is well still a good read.

Darklord_bg 2008-10-25 03:39

Sigh...Shujin has it pretty hard...

I sure hope this doesn't turn into a shounen romance drama full of misunderstandings where a guy gets the blame for everything that's wrong in a relationship. I really liked how he said he just wanted to draw manga. A man has to follow his dreams above all!

By the way, it was really cool to see how their manuscript was evaluated by some of the most famous shounen writers: Toriyama, Oda, Kishimoto. I'd like to see more references to real-world manga in the future.

LCeh 2008-10-25 11:36

Was it just me or was the "romance" in the first 10 pages or so a little out of place? It's like it came up in between two events, and yet had nothing to do with either of them.

Anyway, good to see Mashiro being so determined to get himself a manga serialized so quickly, and seems like the Editor-in-Chief will be giving them a hand as well.

kakakka 2008-10-25 14:21

The manga is nice.
The thing that bothered me a little is the fact that "Jump" material is supposed to have a super strong protagonist. It kind of makes me sad, since as times goes on, the plot of the manga becomes pedictable and the manga begins to be boring.

SinsI 2008-10-25 19:15

My worst fear is that their "success" manga is going to be Bakuman itself...

Scep 2008-10-25 21:35

The funny thing about the super strong protagonist is that in the first place, this protagonist isn't such a person.

Ja-Y-Ce 2008-10-26 05:43


Originally Posted by LCeh (Post 2012285)
Was it just me or was the "romance" in the first 10 pages or so a little out of place? It's like it came up in between two events, and yet had nothing to do with either of them.

Anyway, good to see Mashiro being so determined to get himself a manga serialized so quickly, and seems like the Editor-in-Chief will be giving them a hand as well.

yea, agreed. the first part seems rather random - "romance" jumping out of nowhere.

But the second part is quite a well read info. :D

viperx116 2008-11-01 23:05

I am loving this manga. It's like Entourage, but for mangas.

whitepearl 2008-11-02 02:40

I just started reading this tonight and I like it.

Ja-Y-Ce 2008-11-14 11:46

After reading Chapter 14, Bakuman is starting to ooze like those typical shonen romance...

Still quite okie though... will still follow to see what will happen.

X207 2008-11-15 18:21

this series is rather interesting to read a manga about ppl reating a manga. its ironic but worth the reading.

KiNA 2008-11-15 22:46

I'm in for the MILF :D

Even tho she alredy have 2 daughters D:

whitepearl 2008-11-16 12:17

I'm starting to like Miyoshi a lot for some reason... =x

kobun 2008-12-06 21:10

i just read all the chapters.. and all i can get in my head.. is this story reminds me so much of hikaru no go.. and not becasue obata... but come on jr high kids wanting beceoming a pro.. etc etc... .. its like hikaru no go meets genshiken...

I just remembered other similarities.. the mom... the grandpa.. who is encouraging of his grandson.. the father that is never seen...dead person giving main protagonist guidance to become a pro... etc.. lol

Supah Em 2008-12-07 20:50

Can someone explain to me what happened in the last 3 pages in the recent chapter? for some reason

Spoiler for c17:

Burner of Anime 2008-12-07 23:15


Originally Posted by Supah Em (Post 2095054)
Can someone explain to me what happened in the last 3 pages in the recent chapter? for some reason

Spoiler for c17:



chibamonster 2008-12-09 20:54

I like this series so far :D. I especially like the look at the inside of the manga producing world. It is very different than comics in the english speaking world. It is also interesting how the characters view manga and anime. Very fun read.

mrsticky005 2008-12-13 12:22

I think I'm actually starting to like that genius boy.
He seems like a really spoiled brat (well he still does)
but I think he's probably actually a pretty decent guy.

But my goodness, he certainly looks like what would
(and shouldn't) happen if Light Yagami and Mello
had a baby.

Also, I'm disappointed with them now wanting to do a mainstream.

Avisch 2008-12-13 21:23

Yeah that is kinda disappointing. Though I can foresee that this might be irony that will unfold because of their choice.

Like so: they make a mainstream story, but because of Takagi's writing people don't see it as mainstream.

Yeah Eizuma has actually been in a more positive light after his intro-chapter. Before he just seemed crazy and antagonistic. But now he seems just crazyily into manga.

Spoiler for ch 18:

Rashou 2008-12-14 11:38

I'm interested in seeing their forays into mainstream, but I hope ultimately they realize that it's not for them. I hoped that when their editor explained that mainstream was something most mangaka ended up writing simply because they didn't have the talent for really amazing stories and that mainstream was what they had been exposed to all this time would get them to change their mind, but oh well.

Irenicus 2008-12-14 14:02

Dudes, mainstream? Fail.

And I hope if they get serialized with a mainstream series that the crazy kid will take it down using the editor's promise. Get them back to where they belong: the smarter side of manga. I could see him being angry at the pair for abandoning the niche, considering he became their fan from it and all.

'cause the kids are committing the very definition of dumbing down, you know.

mrsticky005 2008-12-14 14:40

Actually right now I like the genius kid better because
he only does the manga he wants to do.

X207 2008-12-14 19:11

damn Takeshi Obata really made that editor look like ryuk when hes mad :). its a nice surprise to see that genius kid was a fan of their story. i would like to see them continue with it. its rather interesting, id buy it up if it ever did come in RL.

seiji_kun 2008-12-20 15:36

I just have to say that I disagree with their editor Hattori that there is enough mainstream. There is never something as enough!

~ Lawliet ~ 2008-12-27 12:53

Has been very good, and expect the latest chapter very shortly.

Dark Mage 2008-12-29 10:32

I just started this manga and caught up with the latest releases and I like this manga lot coz it shows how hard it is to get a manga serialized and also like the little romance between Mashiro and Miho but after reading chapter 19 I get the feeling Mashiro has kinda lost his interest on her coz he said that he doesnt miss her that much. So i think at the end of this manga even if Mashiro and Miho both become successful they will just laugh off their agreement of marriage made in middleschool and say that they were both immature and go thier seperate ways. i mean comon there would surely be a gap between a couple if they dont see each other for a long time. I think eventually Mashiro will also break off the partnership with his friend and work on his own manga

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