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Frailty 2015-06-16 08:15


Originally Posted by Galaxian (Post 5564531)
She had a Cloud costume too, so does Cloud get an Lightning DLC costume as well? :heh:

I know. I didn't mention it cause... you know? :heh:

Cloud will probably get a weapon that's based on Lightning's weapon or something :heh:

cyberdemon 2015-06-16 08:20


Originally Posted by Frailty (Post 5564529)
Remember LR Lightning had an Aerith costume dlc?
Pretty sure Aerith will get a Lightning costume dlc somewhere along the lines or we'll get it as a pre-order bonus

The short skirt makes it seem more like a Tifa costume.

Galaxian 2015-06-16 08:26


Originally Posted by Frailty (Post 5564548)
I know. I didn't mention it cause... you know? :heh:

Cloud will probably get a weapon that's based on Lightning's weapon or something :heh:

What? You don't want to see Cloud in them shorts...

It wouldn't be the girliest thing Cloud has wore.

Westlo 2015-06-16 08:36

It really doesn't matter if you like 8 or 9 better, 7 was much more iconic and hence here we are now. XII can also be done as a remaster and I expect that to happen... looks great emulated on PC....


Originally Posted by Kyero Fox (Post 5564514)
Nomura? Welp we can expect a scene where Cloud says. "If only I was amazing and powerful as Lightning" :heh:

I'm not as happy now. =\

Lightning is Kitase's waifu, not Nomura, he just designed the characters.

Jan-Poo 2015-06-16 08:42


Originally Posted by Klashikari (Post 5564426)
The reason is simple: past the countless interviews with them saying a remake would cost too much money with the current technology at hand (recreating cities/villages faithfully etc), that announcement back during the PSX 20th anniversary still bothers me to no end.

I dunno... they've made all sort of comments about a possible remake of FFVII, including Yoichi Wada's statement that they "won't make a remake of FFVII until they make another game that can exceed its quality".

Of course nobody thinks that something like that happened in the past few years.

Honestly I've always thought that the real reason they never made a remake of FFVII is that there was no point in making one, when they could keep selling the original as it was (a theory that was confirmed by the FF7 port announcement for PS4), but of course they could never admit something like that. So I never really trusted anything that they said on the matter, and always took them as excuses to cover the truth.

But then suddenly, unexpectedly they announce a remake for real, which is something I would only expect to see on April 1st.

Anyway I have indeed serious concerns regarding the feasibility of a proper transposition of the original with hyper-realistic graphics, especially regarding the world map (as someone has already stated).
The chances that several things will be cut off or changed are really pretty high, which will not really please anyone that has been asking for a remake for the past 18 years or so.

But who knows, Square Enix latest games in the franchise have been underwhelming but Crisis Core was absolutely awesome. There isn't much hope, but it's not like there is none.

GreyZone 2015-06-16 09:01

They could "skip" the world map and make it more linear in the beginning until you get the airship, or at least until the part where you get the buggy or tiny bronco.

I mean there isn't much to do even in the original game until you get to the desert prison, aside from maybe Yuffie and Fort Kondor, but you don't really need the "world map" for that.

Well if we are lucky, we get at least a little bit more info at the SE conference in 3 hours.

Iron Maw 2015-06-16 09:28


Originally Posted by Klashikari (Post 5564426)
I really hope I'm wrong because if they started the remake after the backlash, that means barely a year or less has passed for the development so huh...

According some people at GAF the PC port is still coming, so I doubt it. Most likely because they wanted have the original game on every platform partly so that new players could try and PS classics doesn't look to be coming to PS4 anytime soon if at all. There also rumors of a remake being in the works going back as far as 2013 and from what I heard this entered full production just at the end of last year.

GreyZone 2015-06-16 09:52

I just hope that IF they port the remake to Xbone too, then AT LEAST don't pull any of that BS "equality" crap this time. It just gets anoying when they make the experience worse for PS (and possibly PC) players just so "xbone doesn't get an inferior experience".

Tong 2015-06-16 09:56

Never forget:

cyberdemon 2015-06-16 09:58


Originally Posted by GreyZone (Post 5564582)
They could "skip" the world map and make it more linear in the beginning until you get the airship, or at least until the part where you get the buggy or tiny bronco.

I mean there isn't much to do even in the original game until you get to the desert prison, aside from maybe Yuffie and Fort Kondor, but you don't really need the "world map" for that.

Well if we are lucky, we get at least a little bit more info at the SE conference in 3 hours.

I personally wouldn't mind if they scaled down and went SD for the world map. Improved graphics of course but not quite the scales of like cities or towns

Kyero Fox 2015-06-16 10:34


Originally Posted by Westlo (Post 5564566)
It really doesn't matter if you like 8 or 9 better, 7 was much more iconic and hence here we are now. XII can also be done as a remaster and I expect that to happen... looks great emulated on PC....

Lightning is Kitase's waifu, not Nomura, he just designed the characters.

Oh thank god.... Thank you for clearing that up, I was gonna make sure before work but I ran out of time. :heh:

Iron Maw 2015-06-16 10:41


Originally Posted by Kyero Fox (Post 5564646)
Oh thank god.... Thank you for clearing that up, I was gonna make sure before work but I ran out of time. :heh:

Actually she is Toriyama's waifu, not Kitase's. :heh:

Jan-Poo 2015-06-16 10:59


Originally Posted by cyberdemon (Post 5564620)
I personally wouldn't mind if they scaled down and went SD for the world map. Improved graphics of course but not quite the scales of like cities or towns

Barring that I hope that at least they make free-roaming zones like in FFXII. Worst options for me would be straight paths like in FFX and FXIII or total travel skip as in FFX-2.

Kyero Fox 2015-06-16 11:02


Originally Posted by Iron Maw (Post 5564657)
Actually she is Toriyama's waifu, not Kitase's. :heh:

Ah...well.. thank you for clearing that up...... or did you? -waits next reply- XD

cyberdemon 2015-06-16 11:11


Originally Posted by Jan-Poo (Post 5564672)
Barring that I hope that at least they make free-roaming zones like in FFXII. Worst options for me would be straight paths like in FFX and FXIII or total travel skip as in FFX-2.

What I would like to see is something like Dragon Quest 8's world map.

Iron Maw 2015-06-16 11:11


Originally Posted by Kyero Fox (Post 5564676)
Ah...well.. thank you for clearing that up...... or did you? -waits next reply- XD

I mean Motomu Toriyama is the director of the FFXIII games so any like or vice versa should be aimed at him.

Ultragunner 2015-06-16 11:41

anyone hoping to see FFs go back to the world map interface?

I really want a world map as big and as beautiful as Ni No Kuni :D

Kanon 2015-06-16 11:41

After I cooled down from the initial excitement, I started getting a bit anxious. Can it actually live up to the hype? Graphics are one thing, but what about everything else? Will they keep the world map and everything that entails? Will they keep all of the silly moments or go down the super serious road? Will they completely overhaul the gameplay? (something like Type 0 except with materia would be great) How big will Tifa's boobs be?

So many interrogations.

Kafriel 2015-06-16 12:38

All I want from a new FF7 (and I mean it) is a fancy Gold Saucer. Dem mini-games should be epic, especially the racing and submarine fight...and of course, the chocobo racetrack.

Kirito 2015-06-16 13:20

I couldn't care less for E3 this year, but this news, however, was the one that hit me close to home. Even though after years of waiting, speculating, and being trolled left and right by SE the FF7 Remake gets the golden thumb.

Despite the good news and turn of events in all of this, I'm still skeptical. I mean, a part of me wants to accept this with open arms, but after the clusterfuck that was FF13 and its unnecessary sequels...ugh. FF13 - How that will forever continue to piss me off!!! But I digress...


After what they did with 13 I sort of lost faith in the FF series. Currently I'm placing my bets on 15 and now I also have another one to bet on. FF7 wasn't my favourite to be honest, but I really enjoyed the games and its spin-offs alot, so that's a plus.

Yeah. So anyways, as long as they make don't make this as lame and boring as FF13 I'm one happy camper. Since Yoshinori Kitase was the director for 7, now producer, I'm sure that the stories writing will be great since he contributed to it in the original. If they get Nobuo Uematsu to do the OSTs, SE you've got my money guaranteed.

I'm still skeptical but SE don't let me down, I'm begging.

com_gwp 2015-06-16 14:00

Now that the hype, pure joy and wonderment from this morning died down a bit...

This is gonna be this generation's versus XIII, ain't it? :heh:

FlareKnight 2015-06-16 14:12

I think this will be good. A lot of things that they are doing with 15 gives me hope they can pull this kind of thing off.

I'm pretty open to whatever they decide to do with this. I do like the turn based combat and would like it if they could do something maybe similar to FFX.

But if we have to go more open combat, I'll survive it.

Akashin 2015-06-16 14:20


Originally Posted by com_gwp (Post 5564825)
Now that the hype, pure joy and wonderment from this morning died down a bit...

This is gonna be this generation's versus XIII, ain't it? :heh:

At worst I could see it going through the same stage of questionable existence that FFX HD went through. I really doubt this will be as bad as Versus was.

Draco Spirit 2015-06-16 15:09

Well this took a while. It was funny when I mentioned it to some of the Minecraft obsessed kids at martial arts, and they were clueless what FF7 was .. lol!

Galaxian 2015-06-16 15:37

SE said that they're not ready to announce it for any other platform. Maybe their still working out the kinks to release it for the X1.

Kirito 2015-06-16 15:55


Originally Posted by Galaxian (Post 5564902)
SE said that they're not ready to announce it for any other platform. Maybe their still working out the kinks to release it for the X1.

Considering that KH3 is also going to be released for the X1 as well, a multi port could be potentially possible at this rate. Or maybe not, who knows? FF has always been a Sony exclusive they might keep it as an exclusive like past main titles (minus FF 13).

FlareKnight 2015-06-16 15:58

I wonder if they are going to go ahead and use a lot of the framework they are using for FF15 with this. It might at least save some time in that case. After all 15 looks pretty darn good visually so it could work. Plus they will have some experience handling something like the buggy for transportation :).

I know some might be frustrated that we really only have the announcement itself, but I'm good with that. It's a nice thing to know they have this being worked on even if it will take some years before we ever get to play it.

MrTerrorist 2015-06-16 16:06

Since i never got to finish the original, i'm glad there's a remake so i can finally play FFVII.

Ever since they shown a PS3 demo on what FFVII would look like, i was hoping they would make it for real and now it has finally come true!

SuitUp 2015-06-16 16:20

I just read that the port won't be on Xbone, but rather it would be a timed exclusive for the PS4 and then straight to PC...

Domonkazu 2015-06-16 16:34

square must be really desperate XD

Frailty 2015-06-16 17:34

I wonder if both Yuffie and Vincent are still gonna be optional party members.
Probably not since they appeared in the spin-off games(Vincent even had one himself) and in Advent Children. I wonder how they're gonna handle that

Kyero Fox 2015-06-16 18:08


Originally Posted by Frailty (Post 5564993)
I wonder if both Yuffie and Vincent are still gonna be optional party members.
Probably not since they appeared in the spin-off games(Vincent even had one himself) and in Advent Children. I wonder how they're gonna handle that


Yuffie: Steals all your materia's and you HAVE to go get them back.

Vincent: Forces you to encounter him at the mansion.

Edge Meltdown 2015-06-16 20:57


Originally Posted by SuitUp (Post 5564934)
I just read that the port won't be on Xbone, but rather it would be a timed exclusive for the PS4 and then straight to PC...

So basically, it's a SFV situation?

Akashin 2015-06-16 21:07


Originally Posted by Edge Meltdown (Post 5565141)
So basically, it's a SFV situation?

Depends upon what the source (if any) is. I've heard nothing save for that it's coming to PS4 first.

Edge Meltdown 2015-06-16 21:17


Originally Posted by Akashin (Post 5565152)
Depends upon what the source (if any) is. I've heard nothing save for that it's coming to PS4 first.

I just found this earlier I think this should be good enough

kenjiharima 2015-06-17 02:23


Originally Posted by Kyero Fox (Post 5565017)

Yuffie: Steals all your materia's and you HAVE to go get them back.

Vincent: Forces you to encounter him at the mansion.

I agree with this one.

Guessing in a forested area you will fight Yuffie and on the mansion you will no longer need to solve a puzzle key it will be a boss fight that unlocks Vincent's coffin in the basememt. You are "FORCED" now to get them instead of being optional. Hell these two are the best optional characters and most useful in an RPG game.

Also speaking of the mansion the Zack flashback and probably the 4 weapons are not optional to finish the game anymore, you might really need to kill them.

And last but not least Tifa's old school costume! :heh: :love:

Iron Maw 2015-06-17 04:10

Well now it's officially confirmed.

So that's answered at least.

Oh and:

The teaser trailer showcased a bit of a darker aesthetic than we’re used to. But if Nomura is to go by, the game’s craizer elements should remain in place. “Please look forward to it,” Nomura said when the topic of Cloud in a dress was brought up.
I guess people can stop worring about that being cut. :p

Mr Hat and Clogs 2015-06-17 04:39


Originally Posted by SuitUp (Post 5564934)
I just read that the port won't be on Xbone, but rather it would be a timed exclusive for the PS4 and then straight to PC...

Which essentilly means it's gona be on Xbox with the integration between Windows 10 and Xbox One and the streaming ability that's been bandied about.

Also, I imagine old fans are going to pitch a fit if this isn't essentially a graphical update. They change much about the combat and progression there will be claims it's no longer FF7.

FRS 2015-06-17 04:49


Originally Posted by Mr Hat and Clogs (Post 5565530)
Which essentilly means it's gona be on Xbox with the integration between Windows 10 and Xbox One and the streaming ability that's been bandied about.


Not sure about that, AFAIK at the moment the streaming function is streaming from your XB1 to your PC, they havent confirmed (nor denied mind you) if you could do it from your PC to your XB1.

Galaxian 2015-06-17 04:59


Originally Posted by Mr Hat and Clogs (Post 5565530)
Also, I imagine old fans are going to pitch a fit if this isn't essentially a graphical update. They change much about the combat and progression there will be claims it's no longer FF7.

Let them. I want the remake to have KH's battle system.

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