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p3psi 2003-11-08 18:37


Originally Posted by [^_^x]
I think its stupid when people who dont know japanese integrated with english.

such as adding "ne?" at the end of sentences or other words that do not fit into the grammar. Mixing of languages is fmurdering of the beauty of a language. The only reason foreign words should be used are for names and places. "Otakus" adding 1 or 2 japanese words they learned from anime is just stupid and worse when used incorrectly.

na-knee? what is an otaku deysueka ne

RIFK, forgot the Ne, ne :heh:

Segahekui 2003-11-09 19:38

i dont see the point in massively posting japanese websites, especially when u can find them on google.. this is supposed to be gravitation's japanese lessons not "whats a good site to learn japanese?"

gravitation 2003-11-09 19:44

lol i kinda gave up the whole lesson thing now coz not many ppl were following and it just turned into a thread full of links, but hey im not bothered coz i have skool h.w to do :( bye xxx ^___^

p3psi 2003-11-09 19:54

I was going to post condense chapter one lesson from my old japanese I text book next weekend, but ill do that, but if this thread goes back to the second page, ill wont waste anymore of my time...

gravitation 2003-11-09 20:02

nah i think it would be kool if ya did post it, i would look at it for sure ^_^
P.S dont worry if ya post i wont allow it to go on to the 2nd page! ^_^

7thMethuselah 2003-11-10 06:00

i tried learning japanese through webpages and books too, but in the end it requires soo much discipline it's much easier to just go out and follow japaese classes, which is what I did :). It was fun to discover that half of my class are otaku's just like me, and the other half are asian :)

Hot Ice 2003-11-13 22:11

I want to learn Japanese. Any help.
I was considering buying a software or a book or something. Any advice? Can you really teach yourself Japanese?

It would be really cool to learn Japanese, for the sake of watching anime. ^_ ^

p3psi 2003-11-13 22:41


Originally Posted by Hot Ice
I was considering buying a software or a book or something. Any advice? Can you really teach yourself Japanese?

It would be really cool to learn Japanese, for the sake of watching anime. ^_ ^

I would say take a class, but thats not always a choice for people. One semister of japanese at many american colleges can cost 400-600 dollars (even over a thousands for the more repuatable colleges), plus registartion fees. And thats only if you take that single course. if they offer you japanese in highschool, take it. But remember, you probally will not have a japanese (an actual person who is japanese) teacher, but some dude with an accent. i remember my spanish teachers being germen, irish, and then one from indiana.

If you want to teach yourself:
#1, go with a computer program that has reading, writing and speaking.
You think you hear a lot of japanese in anime, but you dont actually pay attention to what they're saying because you are reading the subtitles.

#2, if you cant get a good computer program with reading, writing and speaking, then go with audio tapes. This will partially sub for a japanese teacher.
in conjunction with the audio tapes, you need a book for reading and writting.

Hot Ice 2003-11-13 23:18

Thanks, but taking a course is probably not an option. I'm not even sure if they offer that in the university I attend to. ::oh, doh I'm too old to learn a new language::

Even if there was a Japanase course, I would have to wait 'till third semester, which is in September 2004, as I have no elective course in my second semester. :: excuse my babbling ::

I'll probably hit the book store then.

I live in Canada by the way, and no, I'm not a Canadian.

p3psi 2003-11-13 23:27


Originally Posted by Hot Ice
Thanks, but taking a course is probably not an option. I'm not even sure if they offer that in the university I attend to. ::oh, doh I'm too old to learn a new language::

Even if there was a Japanase course, I would have to wait 'till third semester, which is in September 2004, as I have no elective course in my second semester. :: excuse my babbling ::

I'll probably hit the book store then.

I live in Canada by the way, and no, I'm not a Canadian.

my local public library acutally had some good japanese studing books, they also had a japanese learning computer program.

but i dont know if they even have libraries in canada. and even if they did, it will probally be full of ice hockey and maple tree books. and they'll probally tear it down in like a year so they can build some more ice rinks.

im j/k

ElvenPath 2003-11-13 23:34

Those who want to learn japanese, checkout this link:

Dark Zero 2003-11-14 00:36

LMAO! That link states everything I'd like to tell those people who "I want to learn Japanese" and think they can. Man, I needed a good laugh.

p3psi 2003-11-14 01:02

If you want to learn japanese just so you can watch anime, dont bother trying. because most likely you wont try anyway.

learning japanese just so you can understand Naruto or green green, or any type of anime in not worth it.

Its not essential to learn it to enjoy "nightshift nurses" or "la blue girl" or whatever you're into.

You will find out that its not worth learning because where you live, chances are you will never use japanese to speak to anyone else in your entire country.

Only learn it if you are actually going to use it for something useful and worth while, like you're going to a trip to japan.
Not because you want to use broken japanese and confuse your classmates. "You are Baka Desu!" or " Wow, that boy/girl is really kawaii." Rather than using forgien worlds to "suppliment" your speech (you're not really supplimenting, your destorying it), expand your vocabulary. I've taken an high school etimology class, and sounded quite sophisticated when i finsished it.

The only reason im taking japanese right now is because its language requirement for my degree.

Half my family is japanese, and i never bothered to learn it until now becuase they live half way across the globe. Even my mother didnt bother to teach me japanese when i was growing up, because she knew it would be practically useless in America.

Seriously, dont waste your time. If you are serious, you will spend the money and time to take a japanese course. I dont know anyone with the self discipline that can teach himself 2-3 years worth of japanese (enough to be partially fluent), and keep on pace every day. And do it all correctly for that matter.

Dark Zero 2003-11-14 01:05

japanese people take nearly their entire school career to barely master, if they even master, their language. think some "learn japanese" cd is going to help?

Hot Ice 2003-11-14 01:53

As Karen of Onegain Twins usually say "nyuuuuu."

Well after, reading that article and the posts after that, I felt like I've been hit by Amano Ginji's thunder!

Geez, I didn't ask for any discouragement :: sniff sniff ::

So I suppose I should quit before I even start! lol

Uzumaki626 2003-11-14 03:04

Too bad this aint the Matrix and Link (or whatever his name is) could upload the japanese language to your head. That would make life much simpler. And I would aslo ask him to upload the "C" language to my head. That would surely help me figure out this damn programming homework assignment.

Hikari 2003-11-14 03:37

If you are truely interested in it and have the time and resources, go ahead to learn it. The other member comments above are just want they know from experience. But everyone's different. It's your call. Just be prepared to take it all the way. Having a simple interest because of anime is one thing but it's up to you if you want to learn it because of just that or if you are going to use it for something else.

If you're just going to learn a little in your free time, I don't see nothing wrong about that. I would stay away from any learning Japanese cd's you might having seen, those are usually confusing and most don't even let you past lesson one to begin with. For basic speaking/listening, try Pimsleur's Japanese audio lessons, it's easy to follow and listening the native speakers is the next best thing to a class. Writing and reading you obviously would need books.

gravitation 2003-11-14 03:57

this thread has some basic stuff and sum good site links ^__^ but the lessons arent going on anymore >_<

zalas 2003-11-14 13:47

That article was hilarious!
Sounds like some angry gaijin living in Japan (*cough*TC*cough*)

That said, I think Japanese is slightly easier if:
1) You know Chinese (no more pesky kanji to master)
2) You are good with languages (multiple European languages sorta count, but not as much as say Spanish and Hindi)

Furthermore, you NEED a good textbook with lessons and such. In order to get to the reading level of the dialogue used in anime, students here have to probably go through three years of Japanese. That's about three textbook's worth. Furthermore, in order to actually figure out what people are saying you'd need lots of practice talking to people in Japanese. Tapes prepare you for listening, so would be okay, but you won't get the full experience (learning to speak, enunicating correctly) without actually speaking with a Japanese language speaker often.

ato 2003-11-14 21:09

Have you taken any other language before? As zalas says, learning other languages and having a firm grasp of grammar will certainly help you. (Btw, Spanish is a European language ;) )

I would hazard a guess that knowing languages from several different language families will help as well. Indo-european languages are quite different from semitic or slavic languages...And from Japanese. Knowing what can be different should help you focus your attention on the right stuff.

As has been said earlier, and I will stress it, do get a textbook. This is essential, and no number of casettes can replace it. A grammar book and a dictionary is also part of the needed equipment. Also, a class serves more purposes than mere practice in speaking the language. It also serves as motivation for study, a place where you meet like minded (language fetichists ;) ) and gives you a tried and tested structure to your studies.

Be aware that you will need a massive time investment in order to make even simple conversation - It is deceptively easy to learn phrases; real free form speech is magnitudes harder. But if you have a genuine interest, you will certainly be able to learn any language you choose.

Good luck! :D

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