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ReaperxKingx 2013-06-07 14:38


Originally Posted by Helius (Post 4712747)
Guess I'm the only one who likes Palmer and her voice in particular....Jennifer Hale makes every character sounds sooo good~~ :D

Her personality aside, her acting/mo-cap is pretty good, too. I though it translates pretty well to portraying her as a capable and indeed badass military leader. That said, Lasky isn't bad either.

Well that is her voice which I admit I like, but as a whole I do not like Palmer. It was Palmer who endangered the Ship when she gave the okay to allow the forerunner artifact to be brought aboard the Infinity. Thus, she has the most blame for the attack on the Infinity. She then has the gall to tell Halsey that it is her fault that she haven't fix the ship, did it not occur that she herself endangered the Ship and then place Halsey in confinement thus even if Halsey wanted to she couldn't even fix the Infinity. As a Spartan, she does have respect from her fellow Spartan IVs' and she is able to handle herself in Combat. As a person, her personality is well bad. She is quick to boast about herself and her fellow Spartan Ivs, which she disrespected the person that made the health modification and MJONLIR armor that contributed to the Spartan IVs.

Roger Rambo 2013-06-07 22:25


Originally Posted by ReaperxKingx (Post 4712760)
She is quick to boast about herself and her fellow Spartan Ivs, which she disrespected the person that made the health modification and MJONLIR armor that contributed to the Spartan IVs.

That, and it makes the Spartan IV's seem pretty juvenile. The Spartan II's (and even III's to a lesser extent) had those similar enhancements, but didn't have the whole "Imma so superior to all y'all!" vibe that Palmer seems to reflexively project.

ReaperxKingx 2013-06-07 22:27


Originally Posted by Roger Rambo (Post 4713353)
That, and it makes the Spartan IV's seem pretty juvenile. The Spartan II's (and even III's to a lesser extent) had those similar enhancements, but didn't have the whole "Imma so superior to all y'all!" vibe that Palmer seems to reflexively project.

I do find the Spartan IVs seen thus far childish and overconfident for being Spartans. They openly taunt the Covenant whereas the Spartan IIs and Spartan IIIs would not, even if it is a single grunt they do not underestimate the Covenant.

Drake 2013-06-08 09:01

The behavior of the IV's irritated me too and its the sort of cheesy, boarder line, comic relief you expect from the marine grunts but its likely just some attempt to make them more likable but I like to think that its because the II's where raised from children to show absolute discipline.

ReaperxKingx 2013-06-08 10:55


Originally Posted by Drake (Post 4713866)
The behavior of the IV's irritated me too and its the sort of cheesy, boarder line, comic relief you expect from the marine grunts but its likely just some attempt to make them more likable but I like to think that its because the II's where raised from children to show absolute discipline.

No, you were right when you thought that their behavior were like Marines. It seems like Office of Naval Intelligence will allow pretty much anyone who volunteer for the Spartan IV program to become Spartans. Example of which is Gabriel Thorne from Spartan Team Majestic. He only has 1 year experience in the Army he joined in 2556 and he was allowed to become a Spartan IV. He probably have 1 year experience as a Spartan IV or a year of training to become a Spartan IV. He later became part of Team Majestic in 2558. It wasn't an attempt to make the Spartan IVs likable, well maybe it was but as well to show the Spartan IVs' inexperience and lack of discipline among them.

Some Spartan IVs are experience however, Palmer (no matter how much we hate her), she used to be an ODST therefore she must have a lot of experience and is well trained. ODSTs are picked from Special Forces Groups from all military so there is a lot of experience there. Some Spartan IVs team may have been together even when they were in regular military. Example of which is Spartan Team Crimson, I notice this when I was playing Spartan Ops Legendary on Episode 4 Mission 2: Rally point. A Marine jumped into my Warthog and mentioned, "Remember me, we fought together on Voi" if you remember on Halo 3. Voi was the location of the Ark. So Crimson Team most likely an advance force of Marines or were formally an ODST team during the time.

Pretty much the only Spartan IV team I respect is Crimson, not because I play them because it was noted by many characters by how strong they were. Spartan Team Kodiak mentioned it was an honor to work with them on Episode 8 mission 2: Majestic Rescue as well Team Lancer had admiration for Team Crimson on Mission 3: Lancer. Also, most Spartan IV teams have a total of either 5 or 6 member while Crimson holds the lowest at 4.

Yorae_paladin1 2013-06-08 23:45


Originally Posted by ReaperxKingx (Post 4713978)
No, you were right when you thought that their behavior were like Marines. It seems like Office of Naval Intelligence will allow pretty much anyone who volunteer for the Spartan IV program to become Spartans. Example of which is Gabriel Thorne from Spartan Team Majestic. He only has 1 year experience in the Army he joined in 2556 and he was allowed to become a Spartan IV. He probably have 1 year experience as a Spartan IV or a year of training to become a Spartan IV. He later became part of Team Majestic in 2558. It wasn't an attempt to make the Spartan IVs likable, well maybe it was but as well to show the Spartan IVs' inexperience and lack of discipline among them.

Some Spartan IVs are experience however, Palmer (no matter how much we hate her), she used to be an ODST therefore she must have a lot of experience and is well trained. ODSTs are picked from Special Forces Groups from all military so there is a lot of experience there. Some Spartan IVs team may have been together even when they were in regular military. Example of which is Spartan Team Crimson, I notice this when I was playing Spartan Ops Legendary on Episode 4 Mission 2: Rally point. A Marine jumped into my Warthog and mentioned, "Remember me, we fought together on Voi" if you remember on Halo 3. Voi was the location of the Ark. So Crimson Team most likely an advance force of Marines or were formally an ODST team during the time.

Pretty much the only Spartan IV team I respect is Crimson, not because I play them because it was noted by many characters by how strong they were. Spartan Team Kodiak mentioned it was an honor to work with them on Episode 8 mission 2: Majestic Rescue as well Team Lancer had admiration for Team Crimson on Mission 3: Lancer. Also, most Spartan IV teams have a total of either 5 or 6 member while Crimson holds the lowest at 4.

Biggest problem with the spartan 2 is numbers the qualifications were far to strict also raising kids to be soldiers is controversial why do you think this was not released to the public most are probably under the illusion spartans 2 are volunteer soldiers when there not there abducted kids and if flash clone crap was ever made public countless people are gonna want ONI and Halseys blood. It won't matter how beneficial the spartan 2's were to the war effort people are gonna be pissed

ReaperxKingx 2013-06-08 23:58


Originally Posted by Yorae_paladin1 (Post 4714768)
Biggest problem with the spartan 2 is numbers the qualifications were far to strict also raising kids to be soldiers is controversial why do you think this was not released to the public most are probably under the illusion spartans 2 are volunteer soldiers when there not there abducted kids and if flash clone crap was ever made public countless people are gonna want ONI and Halseys blood. It won't matter how beneficial the spartan 2's were to the war effort people are gonna be pissed

Civilian wise, no they will not release that far. Palmer and the Spartan IVs are a different story. Palmer and a lot of Spartan IVs were on the Infinity thus they probably experience the Thursday War and Grassland, they know what happened. Classified material as the events of New Phoenix, Palmer already knew. A big news of a Havoc Nuke that was about to be used in Brazil by an Elite was known even to lower Spartan IV teams like Majestic who were deployed there. Despite all that, the information on Halsey seems to not be expose to the Spartan IVs and going by rumors instead of facts. I agree with not exposing the whole thing to the civilians, but the Spartans have a right to know. ONI appears to be feeding false information to the Spartan IVs, they nicknamed and labled Halsey as the War Criminal and the Dragonlady.

About the Spartan IIs yes, there were more special and had the genes to excel thus no other Spartan Program can ever hope to achieve what they done. What I was going upon is that the Spartan IVs should be trained or have a hard training of that of the Spartan IIIs. The Spartan IVs appear to be marines with medical procedures and armor, most of them appear not discipline and seems to feel like cowboys on a horse attitude.

Yorae_paladin1 2013-06-09 21:15

spartan 4 main bit is numbers quantity not quality the main problem with spartan 2 and 3 they do not want effective soldiers 20 years from now they want them now. as in today not years from now spartan 2 had to wait years before an effective soldier was made first initial training, then augmentations then the more intense training this process takes years too many years.

spartan 4 allows for super soldiers at less the time all the need is the augmentations

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