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Chris38 2014-04-04 01:08

On a slightly different topic, I think I have found some evidence of why the current Athena can be considered special.

Basically, it's true that she reborn as a Divine Ancestor, but at the same time she is also ... the Holy Grail and probably has all the properties and abilities that the Grail has, which definitely makes her a troublesome opponent.

The reason why I think that's the case, is because of this scene:


Soon after Guinevere vanished.

In her stronghold, a forest in Brittany, two objects appeared.

One was a disc of gold and iron. The other was a golden urn -- the vessel known as the Holy Grail.

This was the lakeside where the forest's owner and her guardian knight had conversed in the past. More time passed after the two divine artifacts manifested.

Slowly, the Holy Grail transformed. What had been an urn made of gold till now, was gradually undergoing change, acquiring supple flesh like a human's, taking on human form.

"Yes, to rouse the lethargic hero who sleepeth yonder... That is one's mission indeed--"

Viewed as a human, she appeared to be twelve or thirteen years of age, like a pubescent girl.

Her short hair was silver as if infused with moonlight. Her pupils were pitch black like condensed darkness. The exquisite beauty of her face seemed child-like yet sacred, and furthermore, emanated a queen's solemnity. Her entire naked body was filled with power no human girl could ever possess.
So what it means exactly ... is that the current Athena probably doesn't need to risk her life and transform into a snake or dragon form in order to use the Divine power that she once possessed ... she just needs to access the gathered Divine power that is being contained within her ... assuming that she has stolen enough power from Earth Goddesses, into the Holy Grail.

It also gives a hint on the method that they might try to use, in order to revive KOTE - Athena just needs to steal enough Earth Goddesses powers, so that her plea to him ... won't remain unnoticed and will contain enough power to fully revive him.

Thankfully it's something that takes some time to achieve, which might be further delayed if Godou uses the Golden Sword to seal the Holy Grail that is a part of the current Athena...

kusabireika 2014-04-04 01:14

I just hope that normal heretic athena will return as an ally :T_T:

goblehook 2014-04-04 01:30

More than an ally, I want the current Athena to end up pledging affection and be subordinated to Godou. I don't care how long and how difficult it is. Please just make it happen

kusabireika 2014-04-04 01:33

^ or make her wife for Godou I miss really the old heretic athena please author make it happen :T_T:

Breimoon 2014-04-04 03:27

now that i think about it Athena gave Godou part of her powers (i think it was the knowledge ) so would she not return to normal if she were to use her gift to Godou?

Chris38 2014-04-04 05:19


Originally Posted by Breimoon (Post 5069162)
now that i think about it Athena gave Godou part of her powers (i think it was the knowledge ) so would she not return to normal if she were to use her gift to Godou?

I doubt it.

The main issue that I see with returning Athena to her heretical self is the fact that her current body has been born / made from the Holy Grail and we don't know how deeply the Grail is integrated with the current Athena - meaning that we don't know if it's possible to separate the Grail from the current Athena without killing her in the process. :eyebrow:

Although it might be possible that Godou is somehow going to convince Athena to stop being KOTE's servant, using his relationship with her ... although, it would be pretty difficult and the chance of that actually happening in the story, is pretty low ... in my opinion.

Ickarium 2014-04-04 05:27

Note that Godou has severed compulsions before. He 'broke the chains' on Voban's servants with the sword. Granted, when it comes back he can make more, but it implies the ones he used in that fight were released.

I don't think Athena's going to join Godou's harem as a heretic goddess, however, if for no other reason that she would basically make everyone, even Ena who's the "Big Guy" with the most raw power, useless. She's a /goddess/. Even as a Divine Ancestor, she'd have far more power.

At best, Godou'll shatter the chains the KotE has on her and divorce her from the grail. More likely he'll kill her doing this so she can be reborn as all heretic gods are, at a later date.

chrono25 2014-04-04 07:06

there is another possibility he may end up defeating kote and by extention gain him as a sword when that happens he wins Athena because she holds the grail

Feng Lengshun 2014-04-04 10:09


Originally Posted by goblehook (Post 5069048)
More than an ally, I want the current Athena to end up pledging affection and be subordinated to Godou. I don't care how long and how difficult it is. Please just make it happen

Subordinate? Athena? Nonononono, that's just horrible. That's so out of character it's not even funny anymore. It's one thing to be brainwashed by an artifact into becoming one against her own will, but to somehow do it willingly? Now that's just plain wish fulfillment, the kind that goes against everything the character stood for.

Personally, I like Athena too much that I don't want her to be with Godou. They just... don't have the right chemistry and dynamics so far that would make her joining his (ugh) harem anything but an asspull on the author's part. The fact that she would be lowering herself very much to join a harem is already too much for me. Maybe if Godou was as admirable as Monster Girl Saga's Luka, but he's nowhere developed enough to warrant it.

And once again, my pet peeve of "She has to join the MC's harem, the harem must be fed!" was triggered. Why do they really have to be a harem member really? Can't they just be, you know, friend? It's not like all relationship between the opposite sex must be romantic anyway.

XFire 2014-04-04 10:13


Originally Posted by goblehook (Post 5069048)
More than an ally, I want the current Athena to end up pledging affection and be subordinated to Godou. I don't care how long and how difficult it is. Please just make it happen


Seriously, why would you want that? The whole reason the two had such an interesting relationship was because they were sworn enemies. Ship tease is one thing, but if she ends up as his servant I might ditch the series.

Trung-t-rung 2014-04-04 11:26

Well, I like their (before her death, rebirth ?) relationship, trying to kill each other in a fight (and maybe flirting while doing so).

lived_1714 2014-04-04 11:51

I think it's impossible for a Goddess to join a Campione who is a Godslayer. They think different, they're not human, so, Athena should die, or reborn, but not joining Godou.
If she joins Godou, I'm afraid she would try to send all of his harem on the bus.

bakapervert 2014-04-04 12:51

Well, this story's premise is that Campione is pretty incomprehensible. Having a DA or HG fall for campione can be pretty much glossed easily. As for Athena joining the harem, right now her personality seems identical with when she was still HG, yet she sewms pretty okay with the fact that she got enslaved and made subordinate for another god. I hope in the end of this KotE arc she will be joining Godou's harem rather than got killed or back to their frenemy status.

Birdway 2014-04-04 15:47

Guys, did you all forget this novel series said that in the old age, steel gods defeated earth goddesses and make them their wives? (Vol.4 reference) or others just make them their subordinates by twisting their legend?(Vol.1 reference) Or a gods subordinating themselves towards another god?(Vol.7 reference)

Even the KoTE himself is subordinated to the one summoning him, so having Athena subordinated to a god slayer shouldn't be that out of place.

The subordination could be just a farse just to cut any ties Athena could have with another god or the grail.

This, in no way means Athena would really became Godou's worshiper, they still can end with the farse once the problem is settled and return back to their usual love-rival flirting which is something I liked a lot from "Lancelot", seriously, their chimestry was mature-style for me.

Damn, now I miss Lancelot again... :(

Btw, where is my cute chinesse bully campione!?

XFire 2014-04-04 17:45


Originally Posted by Birdway (Post 5069726)
Guys, did you all forget this novel series said that in the old age, steel gods defeated earth goddesses and make them their wives? (Vol.4 reference) or others just make them their subordinates by twisting their legend?(Vol.1 reference) Or a gods subordinating themselves towards another god?(Vol.7 reference)

Even the KoTE himself is subordinated to the one summoning him, so having Athena subordinated to a god slayer shouldn't be that out of place.

The subordination could be just a farse just to cut any ties Athena could have with another god or the grail.

This, in no way means Athena would really became Godou's worshiper, they still can end with the farse once the problem is settled and return back to their usual love-rival flirting which is something I liked a lot from "Lancelot", seriously, their chimestry was mature-style for me.

Damn, now I miss Lancelot again... :(

Btw, where is my cute chinesse bully campione!?

Lancelot came back with Athena, remember?

And the first thing she says is...


"What wondrous joy to encounter you again, Kusanagi Godou! The man of this knight's destiny!"
Gotta love Lancelot.

Birdway 2014-04-04 18:39

Add her to the 'to be conquered' list for Godou as well

Trung-t-rung 2014-04-04 18:54


"What wondrous joy to encounter you again, Kusanagi Godou! The man of this knight's destiny!"
And she said that while trying to pierce his forehead with a lance thrusting at God-speed.
Got to love her for that.

Ickarium 2014-04-05 01:23

That 'subordinated' to the God is based on mind control. Remember, that's how Perseus was able to control Liliana.

Even if one accepts her joining his harem is a good idea in general (I don't, it would throw dynamics of), -do you really want the main character to basically be mind-raping and eventually physically raping someone-? Seriously?

XFire 2014-04-05 14:18


Originally Posted by Trung-t-rung (Post 5069883)
And she said that while trying to pierce his forehead with a lance thrusting at God-speed.
Got to love her for that.

I know, right?

This is why I like Athena and Lancelot more than the actual harem girls. Its all the fun of a yandere without the creepiness.

Breimoon 2014-04-05 14:31

kinda like a certain past campione's Harem lol

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