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Tsuyoshi 2010-11-26 04:03


Originally Posted by Anh_Minh (Post 3362491)
Precisely my point. Well, that and the fact that if we default, all those guys who lent us money will mechanically be in trouble too.

Seeing how the Greek issue caused much of the rest of the EU trouble by aiding them financially (at the expense of tax payers), I imagine it would be hard on them if any other country, be it France, Italy or Portugal would fall into a similar crisis.


Originally Posted by Anh_Minh (Post 3362491)
Not sure. I guess they're agreeing with the principle of helping struggling countries, hoping it'll apply to use if/when we need it. There may also be a problem of self-image at work. French people are so used to thinking of themselves as poor victims, they don't realize how big our economy really is.

We have that problem with Italian politicians as well, along with more than just a few in the working class. They want to appear charitable just to win the support of the people. That's actually one of the good things about Berlusconi, of all things. He thinks of politics more as an industry, rather than try to control the people through games of subtlety, and prolly why he's lasted as long as he has. I find it a paradox that the French are lending money in the hopes others will do the same tho :heh: There's really no telling what will happen at all.

ganbaru 2010-11-26 05:41

Hariri visits Iran to lobby for stability

bladeofdarkness 2010-11-26 05:57


Originally Posted by ganbaru (Post 3363184)
Hariri visits Iran to lobby for stability

might as well bend over while he's at it.

Roger Rambo 2010-11-26 06:24


Originally Posted by Sumeragi (Post 3362994)
Tell me about it. The ROKMC is one huge family, and considering he lost several friends in the past year (two in the Cheonan sinking, a US soldier in Iraq, etc), he's taking it hard.

Never mind he's actually been in battle before.

Well Goddamn :(

ganbaru 2010-11-26 08:31


Originally Posted by bladeofdarkness (Post 3363194)
might as well bend over while he's at it.

Could be a idea, as Iran have so much impact on Hezbollah.

bladeofdarkness 2010-11-26 09:18


Originally Posted by ganbaru (Post 3363328)
Could be a idea, as Iran have so much impact on Hezbollah.

really is sickening when you think about it.
he has to bow himself to the very people who murdered his father in an effort to keep the peace.

and this is the guy who's suppose to have the U.S watching his back.

Xellos-_^ 2010-11-26 11:21


Originally Posted by bladeofdarkness (Post 3363371)
really is sickening when you think about it.
he has to bow himself to the very people who murdered his father in an effort to keep the peace.

and this is the guy who's suppose to have the U.S watching his back.

that was Syria not Iran.

Tsuyoshi 2010-11-26 11:45

Iran is supporting the ones responsible for his father's death, however, and he's trying to avoid violence with them by being subservient to them from what I understand.

ganbaru 2010-11-26 12:16

Brazilian police invade Rio gang strongholds

About 80 federal police officers joined state police in door-to-door searches in the Vila Cruzeiro slum as 800 military troops, trained in surrounding and isolating conflict areas, stood ready in their headquarters, 20 kilometres away, to back them up.
The cleaning before 2014's mondial ?

bladeofdarkness 2010-11-26 12:21


Originally Posted by Xellos-_^ (Post 3363503)
that was Syria not Iran.

actually, the ones who did the murder we're apparently Hezbollah (in Syrian service).
and Since Iran is now effectively the one pulling Hezbollah's leash....

Terrestrial Dream 2010-11-26 13:56


Originally Posted by Sumeragi (Post 3362994)
Tell me about it. The ROKMC is one huge family, and considering he lost several friends in the past year (two in the Cheonan sinking, a US soldier in Iraq, etc), he's taking it hard.

Never mind he's actually been in battle before.

Very unfortunate for your boyfriend and his friends.

Originally Posted by SaintessHeart (Post 3362979)
Sure. Tell us if the conflict affected the kimchi output to the world. :heh:

Joking. I was actually wondering if you could tell us about the location of the anti-DPRK demonstrations if there were any, in which states and regions, whether it is closer towards Seoul or towards the 38th.

Also, it would be good if you can get your boyfriend to tell us about the defence condition of SK, whether it has been heightened and by how many levels (if possible, including mobilisation and recalls of "NSmen" over there).

Actually there has been already a shortage of kimchi already :heh:.
But I am to curious about the the military condition of Korea. I was finally going back to Korea after 10years and this shit happen. So I am bit worried that when I go back they might make me serve in the military. And I wonder if they will recall someone my families back to the army.

SaintessHeart 2010-11-26 14:50


Originally Posted by Terrestrial Dream (Post 3363682)
Actually there has been already a shortage of kimchi already :heh:.

That is ridiculous. What is your Minister of Agriculture going to do about it? The world depends on both Koreas for the fermented cabbage supply! :heh:


But I am to curious about the the military condition of Korea. I was finally going back to Korea after 10years and this shit happen. So I am bit worried that when I go back they might make me serve in the military. And I wonder if they will recall someone my families back to the army.
They don't send recruits to the frontlines. I was enlisted when Mas Selamat Kastari (an Indonesian terrorist under the custody of Singapore) escaped, and unlike my friends who are already serving, I don't have to go around hunting for that SOB and burning my weekends.

How long is the initial service in SK? 3 years?

Terrestrial Dream 2010-11-26 15:30


Originally Posted by SaintessHeart (Post 3363759)
That is ridiculous. What is your Minister of Agriculture going to do about it? The world depends on both Koreas for the fermented cabbage supply! :heh:

They don't send recruits to the frontlines. I was enlisted when Mas Selamat Kastari (an Indonesian terrorist under the custody of Singapore) escaped, and unlike my friends who are already serving, I don't have to go around hunting for that SOB and burning my weekends.

How long is the initial service in SK? 3 years?

Two years... two years of wasting your youth.

SaintessHeart 2010-11-26 16:09


Originally Posted by Terrestrial Dream (Post 3363811)
Two years... two years of wasting your youth.

That is exactly our same sentiment for us guys here. We enlist at 18-20 and serve for 2 (3 in the past, during TRL's or Skane's time). :heh:

I only finished my service this year (ORD loh!) but I am due for recall next June. Our area is probably less risky than yours since you are near North Korea and risk dying in the line of service.

Roger Rambo 2010-11-26 16:45

Well, I thought I'd might post this, since this seems to be at the heart of all this shenanigans going on in the Yellow Sea lately.

Blue=South Korean defined Maritime border
Red=North Korean defined Maritime border

Hence how the North Koreans rationalize shooting training artillery shells on an island 12 miles off from the North Korean coast even further down south, as a violation of North Korean territory. It seems to be based upon some preposterous assumption that the Military Demarcation line extends straight out into the ocean.

Is it just me, or would the North Korean maritime version of the border make it REALLY easy for them to encircle the islands and cut off their ocean going life line to ROK territory?

Xellos-_^ 2010-11-26 18:57

one thing i never really understood was why seoul was made the capital of SK when it is so close to the NK border. I mean would it have been safer and made more sense to have move the capital a but farther form the border?

Terrestrial Dream 2010-11-26 19:04


Originally Posted by SaintessHeart (Post 3363865)
That is exactly our same sentiment for us guys here. We enlist at 18-20 and serve for 2 (3 in the past, during TRL's or Skane's time). :heh:

I only finished my service this year (ORD loh!) but I am due for recall next June. Our area is probably less risky than yours since you are near North Korea and risk dying in the line of service.

Glad that others understand. *sign* don't want to ever serve in the military. So hoping that I get my US citizenship next year.


Originally Posted by Xellos-_^ (Post 3364058)
one thing i never really understood was why seoul was made the capital of SK when it is so close to the NK border. I mean would it have been safer and made more sense to have move the capital a but farther form the border?

History man, it was the capital of Chosun so naturally its the capital of Korea. And Pyongyang being the old capital of Goguryeo hence became the capital of North.

MeoTwister5 2010-11-26 22:28

I am of the opinion that is they give full control of the ROK army to SlayerSBoxeR who is currently playing in a tournament, war would be over in two days.

SaintessHeart 2010-11-26 22:50


Originally Posted by MeoTwister5 (Post 3364264)
I am of the opinion that is they give full control of the ROK army to SlayerSBoxeR who is currently playing in a tournament, war would be over in two days.

I am sure the South Koreans have been breeding Zerg in their underground labs and breach the UN bio-warfare convention. :heh:

MeoTwister5 2010-11-26 22:55

As long as the ROK Zerg army doesn't have Infestors with Fungal Growth, I doubt they breach any Geneva accords.:heh:

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