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serenade_beta 2011-12-26 14:18


Originally Posted by Sides (Post 3919620)
Just notice that andriasang has an article that si called "3DS Fire Emblem Kicks Off Nintendo Paid Download Content".
Personally I am not a big fan of DLCs, unless it is a real expansion to the main games, like the old expansion packs. Since no one is sure what kind of DLC it will be, I am not going to judge it for the time being. But hopefully it won't be stupid like buy gold for money or weapons.

By the way the letter box application is really neat, once you have further options unlocked.

Acha... I hope Nintendo stays on the track of no paid DLC though, even if companies like Gamefreak and IS are falling to this crap.
Of course, I won't buy the DLC.

I can see it now, 5 years from now, Fire Emblem will have enough DLC to buy another game... Falling down the same track as Tales.
Iwata! Go and slap some sense to them before this happens!

Nintendo Direct today, on NicoDouga

amasposu 2011-12-26 15:08

Today's Nintendo Direct can also be watched live on ustream. It will air at 7PM PST tonight for those interested.

I hope I don't forget. >_>;;;

TJR 2011-12-26 16:01


Originally Posted by serenade_beta (Post 3919705)
I can see it now, 5 years from now, Fire Emblem will have enough DLC to buy another game... Falling down the same track as Tales.
Iwata! Go and slap some sense to them before this happens!

Nintendo handles the sales and marketing of those games though, so they're ultimately responsible. IS, in particular, is a first party development studio.


Acha... I hope Nintendo stays on the track of no paid DLC though
No such policy exists. If you're referring to Reggie Fils-Aime's recent comment, it's PR speak that certain sites (i.e. Eurogamer and plenty of Nintendo oriented blogs) were quick to distort and misinterpret.

We're interested in it to the extent that it makes sense to the consumer.

A diplomatic way of saying that they're interested in DLC so long that it doesn't anger the customer.

And it's interesting: I've had this conversation with a number of our key developers, and their mentality is, "Reggie, when we sell a game, we want the consumer to feel that they've had a complete experience. Now, in addition, if we want to make other things available, great, and we'll look at that. But what we're unwilling to sell a piece of a game upfront and, if you will, force a consumer to buy more later. That's what they don't want to do, and I completely agree. I think the consumer wants to get, for their money, a complete experience

That's good.

However, most AAA and indie developers currently say that same thing - that their games are complete experiences with optional content available to those who want more. Nintendo isn't a special case.

and then we have opportunities to provide more on top of that.

aka DLC.

In terms of how it will work, it's up to the developer whether they want to make it to buy new levels, new items--all of that is up to their imagination. Essentially, what we're doing is creating the framework for those transactions to happen.

He's shifting "responsibility" for DLC from Nintendo's business side to the creative side, which is yet another PR maneuver. Instead of admitting that they have an impetus to make more money, they're saying that they're helping developers further their own aspirations (via DLC).

All I'm saying is--your question was--will Nintendo participate in this additional digital content? And the answer is yes, but the way that we'll do it is that whatever we sell initially, we will feel that that is a complete experience. And if that's all the consumer wants to do, that they'd be satisfied.

Nowhere does he say "Nintendo isn't interested in paid DLC!"

Angelic Cross 2011-12-26 19:17

Got Ace Combat: Assault Horizon Legacy (ugh, why Namco would choose a name that'll make people think it's a downgraded version of AH, I'll never know)/Cross Rumble for Christmas. Awesome, awesome game. I'd definitely recommend it to anyone with a 3DS.

Hiroi Sekai 2011-12-26 19:21

You know what Nintendo should do before making paid DLC on the 3DS a thing? Release the damn eShop cards around the world.

serenade_beta 2011-12-26 19:57


Umm... Thanks for your personal analysis of what they said?
Can I have the source though, so I can read it myself? I know I saw it somewhere on Nintendo's financial part of their website, but I don't remember where.

TJR 2011-12-26 20:22


Originally Posted by serenade_beta (Post 3920062)
Can I have the source though, so I can read it myself? I know I saw it somewhere on Nintendo's financial part of their website, but I don't remember where.

Here's the original source:

The meaning got distorted through headlines like Fils-Aime: Nintendo devs wary of paid DLC, Nintendo Say No To Paid DLC (Downloadablel Content), and Why Nintendo isn't Interested in Paid DLC. Maybe there's some confusion over the meaning of "complete experience". In this case, complete doesn't mean 100% of all created content but rather a state in which the game feels whole without having had its guts ripped out (i.e. significant parts of the story missing, an obvious lack of cars/tracks/levels/fighters, or all the cool weapons disabled so that gamers are forced to buy DLC to make it worthwhile).

serenade_beta 2011-12-26 20:28


Originally Posted by TJR (Post 3920092)

Ah, this is an interview I never read about.
I was thinking about the one Iwata gave, which was posted on the official website somewhere.

But anyways, less than 2 hours to go for the Nintendo Direct!
When I checked around, it seems the only source for the FE thing is... Nikkei... which is only one of the most reliable sources when it comes to Nintendo (sarcasm). So I hope he makes it clear in this broadcast today.

amasposu 2011-12-26 21:39

It hasn't even started yet and the ustream has over 5,500 viewers.

kyouray 2011-12-26 22:55
Iwata x Nene :heh:
Love Plus 3DS will sure bring creepy photos...

serenade_beta 2011-12-26 23:20

Ohohoho, bought a JP 3DS, so no problem for me.

Anyways, nice broadcast. 1 hour, too! Over 100000 views.
The LovePlus with Iwata was hilarious :heh:
Iwata-kun :heh::heh::heh:
but don't play Monster Hunter, so didn't really care much about that part.

Oi, Nikkei, you bastard, you said more info in today's Direct, but there was nothing on it... Better not be lying again.

Starting background was pretty funny. :heh: Actually part of Nintendo!

Shinrei Camera
were pretty interesting, but not sure if it is worth importing...

Mario & Sonic
Ace Combat
Rhythm Thief
Labyrinth no Kanata
FF Rhythm
Metal Gear
Hatsune Miku
Sangoku Musou
Kingdom Hearts

Finally a release day!

Amazing technology... Makes me wanna buy it. But, mm...

Bokujo Monogatari
Hurry up with Rune Factory 4, please~

Tsundere Life
Kaiji... :heh::heh:

Fire Emblem Kakusei
Simple title
Nice seeing Sacred Stone's free map coming back. Don't think voices were needed though...

Bravery Default

Download Soft

3D Pics


kyouray 2011-12-27 03:50

For those who have missed the event :
Bravely Default PV (via Siliconera) :

It wasn't introduced at this event but Code Of Princess opening appeared !

Animation by studio Point Pictures.


Originally Posted by poisui (Post 3920285)
It is discomforting to know that many of these games will never make it to the West. Importing is not an option because the 3DS is region-locked. =(

Yeah sad...
and the demo they announced are also region locked.


Originally Posted by serenade_beta (Post 3920299)
were pretty interesting, but not sure if it is worth importing...

Plus it was a wii game.
Wario Ware was fun but I'm sad that Metroid's creator is currently developing this kind of game.

Hiroi Sekai 2011-12-27 04:08

So, has anyone received the new update from Nintendo? They've done it folks! A Pictochat for the 3DS, and it's called SwapNote.

kyouray 2011-12-27 04:36

I thought it was the new Flipnote but it's still very fun. I spend too much time on it :D (I think I sent you some drawings)

Shiroth 2011-12-27 04:53

I know it's already been posted, though i couldn't help but laugh at andrisang's report on the Love Plus 3DS video. :heh:

& this:

One new bit is revealed during the AR segment. Iwata asks why the AR functionality exists -- is it to take pictures of your girl with yourself, or your friends? Uchida reveals that the game has a make-your-own-date feature. By taking pictures with the 3DS camera, you can create your own date course, with the AR functionality used to insert the girls in the scene.
is a brilliant idea. :heh:

Vallen Chaos Valiant 2011-12-27 07:57

I just tried playing Dragon Quest Joker 2 on my DSi for the first time, and immediately after reading the game guides I am already turned off.

There are entire groups of game monsters I cannot get unless I tag TEN people, TEN!

This game is ancient, I don't think anyone else even play it any more. And yet because of this stupid "feature" I am now locked out of a large chunk of the game because of tagging.

What does that have to do with 3DS? Plenty, because 3DS also has tagging. And I am seriously now considering abandoning all thoughts of ever buying a 3DS purely because I hate the tag requirements. I want my single player RPG, damn you. Each successive game only got worse and worse. At least with DQIX I can get a new tag by starting a new game on a different cartridge of my spare DS, but with Joker 2 I need UNIQUE DS game consoles! The only way for me to get ten tags is to literally buy 8 more DSis!

I feel like I am being stabbed in the face repeatedly by the tag feature. Never again; I will never buy another game that isn't truly single-player. And by the looks of it, this includes all 3DS RPG games.

TJR 2011-12-27 14:14


Originally Posted by Vallen Chaos Valiant (Post 3920765)
I feel like I am being stabbed in the face repeatedly by the tag feature. Never again; I will never buy another game that isn't truly single-player. And by the looks of it, this includes all 3DS RPG games.

If predictions hold true, social features (whether optional or mandatory) will be more or less standard in the near future. The manufacturers (Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, Apple, etc.) are pushing for them, and as some believe, the press will.

Vallen Chaos Valiant 2011-12-27 14:36


Originally Posted by TJR (Post 3921122)
If predictions hold true, social features (whether optional or mandatory) will be more or less standard in the near future. The manufacturers (Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, Apple, etc.) are pushing for them, and as some believe, the press will.

I don't care if there is social features as long as it doesn't hold exclusive benefits that I can't obtain some other way. But if the only means I have to get full advantage of something I bought is to find a dozen non-existent other players of the same game, then I demand LABELLING that said so on the package.

See, I can tolerate if I need to go online and contact other people. But if you tell me to physically FIND another human with another copy of the same game standing in wifi distance, that's just screwed up.

mangatron 2011-12-27 16:14


Originally Posted by Angelic Cross (Post 3920012)
Got Ace Combat: Assault Horizon Legacy (ugh, why Namco would choose a name that'll make people think it's a downgraded version of AH, I'll never know)/Cross Rumble for Christmas. Awesome, awesome game. I'd definitely recommend it to anyone with a 3DS.

Cool, is this an english release? I'm really looking forward to my first flight sim experience on a Nintendo handheld (Top Gun DS was a joke, and nintendo somehow decided to leave international players High and Dry with Jet Impulse) Been meaning to find time to buy a 3DS, and Ace Combat is a must buy :D

Angelic Cross 2011-12-28 01:04


Originally Posted by mangatron (Post 3921218)
Cool, is this an english release? I'm really looking forward to my first flight sim experience on a Nintendo handheld (Top Gun DS was a joke, and nintendo somehow decided to leave international players High and Dry with Jet Impulse) Been meaning to find time to buy a 3DS, and Ace Combat is a must buy :D

Yup, it's the English release. Amusingly, the US got it before Japan (they get it in January), so everyone's still wondering how to unlock some of the stuff in the game. In any case, if you love classic Ace Combat, then Legacy is just what the doctor ordered.

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