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Kafriel 2011-07-16 11:52

Monkey king FTWWWWW! Been waiting for this champ forever...don't care how good he will be, he's just cool :P

DragoonKain3 2011-07-17 03:03

Before I said I'd day 1 buy monkey king (and Leona for that matter), but considering Riot being less than stellar with the way they handled thing shortly prior Leona's release, they'd have to deal with just IP purchases for now.

Rime 2011-07-17 04:18

I used to play LoL but dropped after a bit , might start playing again if I see something intresting.

Waven 2011-07-17 05:41

AP kog is just a fun build to me anyway. For AD build (or more precisely: attackspeed) you just need the usual range carry manareg/level runes since artillery is just a utility spell and not for dps spam. IMO Kog is all about popping barrage (+ having bloodrazor) and melt down anything that is in range while laying slow in the crowd.
His biggest disadvantage is that he is the squishiest of all the range carrys having no defensive spell, ms raise or reliable slow. Playing Kog means having a giant bullseye on your forehead. ;)

And ye, I'm really looking forward to monkeyking. Hope his mechanics are a little more "fresh" than Leona's.

Kafriel 2011-07-19 07:00

Finally decided to invest some quality time in Poppy, who I thought had an assassin/tough dps role in the game...tried out crit Poppy (at 100% crit and some HP/LS) and it was quite fun! Which build do you think complements her abilities best though?

DragoonKain3 2011-07-19 07:14

The successful poppies I see in my games goes ap. Something like regrowth --> philo stone, sheen, dfg, lichbane. Friggin INSANE burst damage, and you don't really need much tank items thanks to ult.

And once they start getting BVs to remove a good part of the combo, get executioner's calling just so you can pop their veils before going in for the kill. XD

Grain of salt though; this is just from observing good poppies. I don't think I even own her lol.

Duo Maxwell 2011-07-19 07:27

Go AP. Your job is to take down one of the enemy's carry or support champion, then go back and make it into a 5vs4 fight. I went Deathfire, Sheen and Cap. Usually the game ends here.

Kafriel 2011-07-19 10:46


And once they start getting BVs to remove a good part of the combo, get executioner's calling just so you can pop their veils before going in for the kill. XD
Lol I actually did use this technique to bypass BV! Haven't tried AP yet, because her ratios seem kinda weak, will get to it once I log in again...

-Sho- 2011-07-19 15:18

Like Duo Maxwell , Poppy = AP , Deathfire is a must for Poppy ,then Lich Bane.
You can take down at least 2 carrys except if they disable & focus you after the first kill.
But she really needs money for items(get kills) cuz she's not a great farmer.

Kagerou 2011-07-19 22:44

Yeah Poppy is by far one of the worst farmers in the game. She's good at last hitting ever since they fixed her Q to reset her auto attacks, but the cooldown is so long that its really sad.

If you're going to play Poppy, I recommend buying a Philo Stone and Kage's Lucky Pick as soon as possible. Get your boots (preferably Sorcerer's Shoes), shoot for Lich Bane, then build Deathfire Grasp (alternatively, hold on to Kage's Lucky Pick for now and get Rabadon's). Get a Banshee's Veil and some other tanky item (preferably something that you don't need lots of farm for), and you'll be good to go.

Poppy with abt 300 AP and Lich Bane means that you can two-shot some carries.

Here's an example: Watch Doublelift just absolutely destroy people with a Lich Bane + DFG combo. (There's a couple good Janna plays and a good Garen play as well.


Duo Maxwell 2011-07-19 23:14

I don't think you should go for Lich Bane before any major AP item, though. The benefit at that time is kinda small compare to the price. You better off with Deathfire first.

Kagerou 2011-07-19 23:24

that's true. Really it depends on preference. That said, you should definitely get Sheen before you decide either way.

killer3000ad 2011-07-20 01:28

Gameplay preview of Wukong.

-Sho- 2011-07-20 03:14

Q = Nothing new , Extra dmg + debuff armor. Mono-target.

Jarvan = Multi-target.

W = Clone + invis , a mix Shaco Q+R.

E = Nice Rush with copy.

R = Really , Garen E 2.0 . Faster , Stronger , CC jump.

KBTKaiser 2011-07-20 03:43

I'm surprised they didn't include some sort of swarm technique he's so prone to using in JttW.

Amagetu 2011-07-20 04:25

If anyone on the EU wants to add me add my SN, CrossShade,
Send me a message saying it's from Anime Suki please.

If you have Skype, Ventrilo or Teamspeak thats a bonus!

killer3000ad 2011-07-23 01:33

Kayle rework spotlight.

Kafriel 2011-07-23 03:20

Really glad they decided to boost the haste on divine blessing, it's the one thing I never liked about it. So, rescaled mana costs could mean finally no tear for Kayle, but the rest seems pretty much the same...nerfed passive's gonna hurt tho.

-Sho- 2011-07-25 09:37

So the next patch is all about Trynd rage rework , TF & Panth ulti range nerfed , Galio buff & Corki nerf.

Kafriel 2011-07-25 10:30

Galio's still taking a damage nerf, and Morello said these are just the most important changes that will be made. While some people QQ about Corki getting hit with the nerf stick, I just feel sorry for Pantheon, when I played him at free week he didn't feel like a very solid champ...oh, and I think GP's getting nerfed too.

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