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AkitoW013 2013-07-10 02:52


Originally Posted by Kafriel (Post 4753862)
^ chapter's out!
Spoiler for 241:

Spoiler for Not the bishokukai:

Kafriel 2013-07-10 03:23

Spoiler for ^:

ShiroiRyu 2013-07-10 12:06

WOW ...
This Joa is fucking awesome.

ellifeedn 2013-07-10 12:17

With Jirou coming, I wonder what will happen.

Kafriel 2013-07-10 12:22

Another possible road would be...
Spoiler for pure conjection at this point:

marvelB 2013-07-10 15:07


Originally Posted by ShiroiRyu (Post 4754241)
WOW ...
This Joa is fucking awesome.

I'm REALLY hoping that when Joa shows his face, he'll be revealed to be a dude who can even give Livebearer a run for his money in terms of pure creepiness. :D

.....Of course, it's probably more likely that he'll have a generic bishie face, but a guy can dream.....

ars89 2013-07-10 19:56

Wonder if there is a way to undo the control. Seems like the with Teppei i thought it was an image technique, but now the knife changes things up. Both Teppei and the Nitro have scars thanks to the knife. Was the translation right in that Joa said they were only "red " Nitro? Have we heard of this before? So i guess Nitro's abilities are characterized by colors.

Qpax 2013-07-11 18:35

As he calls "Red Nitro"s easy food's to cook then I'm sure that there are lots of different Nitro who is characterized by their outer appearance. Remember BB Corn Arc and there was a Nitro who looked like he was kind of Nitro version of Bishokuya so I am sure there are Nitro's who also uses gourment cells and have a developed colony deep inside Gourment World. This issue aside I don't think Joa will join Bishokukai because Midora's and Joa's world view's seems differ from each other. Joa wouldn't gather as much member around the world if he is planning to join Midora's army so there are 3 factions that will be fightning againist eacht other to get their hands on God. I also wonder if there is way to break Joa's enslavement tecnique. I hope they don't dead or lost their free will. Teppei is the only... oh shit I just remembered Teppei is the grandson of Jirou and Jirou is in his way to Gourment Stadium. I wonder what shitstorms will happen when he see Teppei in this form. Probably Setsuno and Jirou will join hands like in old days and try to fight againist Joa. This will make a epic fight. I can't wait next chapters now :(

ShiroiRyu 2013-07-16 05:45

Fuck it ... It's so awesome.
"Oh yeah, here".
From the food . XD

marvelB 2013-07-17 14:42

Next spoilers are here:

Spoiler for Toriko 242:

ShiroiRyu 2013-07-18 07:29

Lol ...
One finger ...
JIRO ! *___*

Kafriel 2013-07-18 08:45

Flick decapitation is OVERKILL! Especially on a buff red nitro ._.

ars89 2013-07-18 12:40

So Frohze is after Komatsu? Now i wonder who Acacia's 3 disciples are. So she can also revive the dead. Setsuno was really in a pinch, good thing Jirou showed up. Wonder what he'll do about Teppei.

Fenrir_valindri 2013-07-18 13:07

As previously stated, Acacia's 3 disciples are Jirou, the Bishoukukai leader, and the President of the NGO.

Kafriel 2013-07-18 13:09


So Frohze is after Komatsu?
One more for ol' matsu's harem :heh: Although I'm still not entirely certain when it comes to Joa's identity...As for Teppei, I expect Jirou to either knock him out of his state or leave him for Yosaku to handle in the future.

Now i wonder who Acacia's 3 disciples are.
Acacia's disciples are Ichiryu (IGO prez), Jirou (roaming drunkard) and Midora (Bishokukai bawss). I would be pretty mad at how life turned out if I was Jirou :P

edit: ninja'd :O

ars89 2013-07-18 13:22

Oh thanks, totally forgot that. So Jirou would probably know if Joa really is Frohze.

C.A. 2013-07-18 13:50

We haven't even entered the Gourmet world yet and things are escalating to such insane levels.

By the end of the story they're probably going to be fighting in space, destroying solar systems and devouring gourmet stars with black holes in their stomachs.

Kafriel 2013-07-18 14:02

Toriko -could- end with god being an apocalyptic world beast that threatens to destroy the human world...and go for a Toriko 2, taking place in gourmet world with Toriko struggling to become a god eater! Or even combine appetites with the other 3 heavenly kings and materialize a GODzilla!

I think Frohze had to appear at some point, because even if someone found god, how would they cook it? I'm expecting an extreme special preparation ingredient that only a certain someone is lucky enough to cook...but even Komatsu would need a few hints to get started on it.

ars89 2013-07-18 20:23

I want to know the reason why Frohze needs Komatsu. Since she was Acacia's combo partner wouldn't she have cooked god already? We still don't know anything about her motives.

Qpax 2013-07-18 20:39

Are sure that Joa is now Frohze-sama? Well by the looks of it and with the answer that Joa that gave to Setsuno it's highly that it might be Frohze. Why? Because since Joa can revive the dead then I won't be suprised if she have lived so long even after Acacidia gone from this world. She might be went to Dark Side and fell into Darkness and have totally different and wicked world view than Acacidia's but of course it's just a speculation from me. And what's interesting is that now we have the Acacidia's discplines Midora, Igo's President and Jirou. Joa said that only these three might block his attack. So if Joa turns out to be Frohze then it's possible that yesterday's enemies would join forces to take down Frohze together. I can't imagine how epic that fight will be if these three fights together lol. But then what would happen to Toriko and others? Since they now have common enemy then it would be interesting to see Starjuun and Toriko join forces and fight againist the gourment world creatures together until they get their hands on God or if Joa kidnaps Komatsu then they might save him or whatever.

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