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konkoruRules 2007-02-21 03:36

i was also wondering if it ever said how kakashi used shingan

Hunter 2007-02-21 06:01


Originally Posted by Qbi Sannin (Post 839417)
Thanks for the info. Oh one more thing though. What's the significance of a red forehead protector versus a blue one? I know Lee was wearing a red one before the time skip, but then Sakura was wearing one after the time skip. Can someone explain?

Ninja are just fashion victims.

Areguzanda 2007-02-21 06:18


Originally Posted by Qbi Sannin (Post 839417)
What's the significance of a red forehead protector versus a blue one? I know Lee was wearing a red one before the time skip, but then Sakura was wearing one after the time skip. Can someone explain?

not really anything special I think. they just chose the color they like the best.
think of it as todays fighters wearing headbands,
some wear white, some wear black.
most of them just wear what they think look best and what color they like.

(though in Naruto...they have a little to much places to put the forehead protector... whats next? around the ankle? it's a forehead protector. it's there to protect the forehead!!! ooh well...independence FTW! )

lankree 2007-02-22 23:07


Originally Posted by Qbi Sannin (Post 839417)
What's the significance of a red forehead protector versus a blue one? I know Lee was wearing a red one before the time skip, but then Sakura was wearing one after the time skip. Can someone explain?

It may be a throwback to the ribbon she used to wear. Ino had given her one when they became friends. Sakura gave it back when they weren't friends anymore. Ino may have returned it one more time and Sakura decided to attach her forehead protector to it to symbolize her friendship with Ino and her growth as a person and ninja.

I'm slightly confused by the timeline of the Naruto universe. When exactly did Orochimaru leave Konoha and when did he actually leave Akatsuki? Somewhere in the flashback one of the Akatsuki stated that Orochimaru left ten years ago, but that would have meant he left before Itachi joined, but the reason Orochimaru left was because of Itachi. So when did he actually leave?

Hunter 2007-02-23 05:22

Oro left Konoha soon after Yondaime was chosen by the 3rd but left Akatsuki 7 years before the timeskip, ie around the time Itachi killed Shisui.

tatami 2007-02-23 14:03


Originally Posted by Hunter (Post 841875)
Oro left Konoha soon after Yondaime was chosen by the 3rd but left Akatsuki 7 years before the timeskip, ie around the time Itachi killed Shisui.

didnt oro left after the encounter with the third and that time he was still hokage.4th wasnt choosen that time...(according to anime):twitch: :eyespin:

Hunter 2007-02-23 14:17

What make you think Sarutobi was still in charge? But anyway I said after Sandaime choose Yondaime as his successor so it's theorically possible that the 4th was yet to assume his function.

tatami 2007-02-23 15:35


Originally Posted by Hunter (Post 842020)
What make you think Sarutobi was still in charge? But anyway I said after Sandaime choose Yondaime as his successor so it's theorically possible that the 4th was yet to assume his function.

well he was in his kage suit and 2 anbus with him ring any bells?and it seems like it was his prime by the color of his facial hair on the chin...

Hunter 2007-02-24 09:57

So working with Anbu and wearing an helmet means he was still Hokage?
Anyway I wasn't making assumption, we know that Oro left soon after the 3rd choose the 4th because it was stated by Ibiki during the war.

tatami 2007-02-24 10:56

care to give me the episode i wanna read that part again n_n thanx

Slayerx 2007-02-24 20:01


Originally Posted by tatami (Post 842074)
well he was in his kage suit and 2 anbus with him ring any bells?and it seems like it was his prime by the color of his facial hair on the chin...

Um, i think the only offical "kage suit" is the one we nomrally see him wearing... the one that's also similar to the kazekage, aswell... The ninja suit he was wearing back then and when he fought orochimaru, i think is just his personally fighting outfit

and it doesn't seem at all hard to think of him working with ANBU to deal with a high-rank case as Oro

konkoruRules 2007-02-25 01:19

why do jonin ninja have to wear chunin vest

Rahan 2007-02-25 01:29


Originally Posted by konkoruRules (Post 843610)
why do jonin ninja have to wear chunin vest

Because they have a lot of pockets and are very pratical ?
Anyways, it's not mandatory. Kurenai doesn't wear it, as well as Anko and Ibiki
Ebisu and Shizune don't wear them casually, but do when they are on missions. (Ebisu in Part 2 and Shizune before the Sound5 arc, when she heals Genma and Raido)

It's just that Kishimoto is too lazy to give a unique look to anyone.

emo_king 2007-02-25 14:43

who taught itachi (sasukes brother) to use the magengenku sharigan?was he one of oros
wgo taught itachi to use the magengeku sharigan

was he one of orochimarus students

Mangekyo 2007-02-25 14:51

umm shouldn't this be in the Q&A thread?

emo_king 2007-02-25 14:57

i guess but im new so srry ^_^

so did he learn on his own or did he get taught

Rahan 2007-02-25 15:20

Oro had already left the village when Itachi was old enough to master the MS, so he definitely wasn't Itachi's sensei.
We don't know how Itachi mastered it. It might be written on the Uchiha scrolls, but maybe not.

Missilebuster 2007-02-25 15:46

yeah it was written on one of the scrolls, he then told sasuke it was there

tatami 2007-02-25 17:18


Originally Posted by Missilebuster (Post 844375)
yeah it was written on one of the scrolls, he then told sasuke it was there

its not a fact so dont write it like that.
and if it was written in scrolls why did he bother to tell sasuke the way of getting MS.

what he told sasuke is


JackRydden224 2007-02-26 13:30

Itachi told Sasuke how to obtain the MS right before he left the village (after he killed everyone else). This was very clear in one of the episodes; Sasuke refuses to obtain the MS via Itachi's method and is determined to find another way.

Some sharingan questions of my own...

-When Itachi visited Konoha he wasn't able to use MS as many times as he liked but I remember when he killed off the Uchiha clan he was using it to his desire. An older Itachi should be able to use MS more, is there an explanation for his?

-It seems like Kakashi can't turn his sharingan off, that why he has to hide it. Is there a confirmation on this?

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