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BishounoTeresa 2008-04-08 16:39

Epic Soul Searching - part 0 - assassination /part 1/

Sequel of Hells "Half Awakened Battle" , I'm currently working on the second part, so no one buds in, ya hear me!? :p ;)

Fenrir: As I suspected, this has gone way too far, we can't ignore the matter any longer.

Nesty: I agree. We have to take care of this ourselves, like should have done from the beginning instead of sending those damn weaklings, even when they awakened they were still useless.

DefiledOne: psychotic laugh MUAHAHAHAHA…This is gonna be so much fun. Hell sure seems to be tough, and that nice little group of his, they don't give up that easy too. I expected them to be dead after the fight with Chiba, but they got lucky I guess. Well no matter, they'll be dead till tomorrow, we'll probably catch up with them by sunset, no need to hurry.

Fenrir: Indeed. Let's let them enjoy their last moments on earth. Now they're leaving, let us go after them.

And thus the three cloaked figures that were watching the four deserters from a distance disappeared from sight so fast, as if they were dust blown away from the wind.
Mean while.

Weirdo: So where are we going again?

Bishou: this is like the 100 time you asked! Don't you remember? Our talk with Shelter the other night?

At the mentioning of that name Mikke and Hell exchanged looks, the tension could be felt in the air around them, as they remembered their talk the other night. Hell looked at Mikke as if he was saying "should we tell them", but Mikke just shook his head as saying "No".

Weirdo: What Shelter said? Wasn't it something about who the top warriors are?

Bishou: And after that you don't remember?

Weirdo: Well you know, I wasn't paying much attention to you guys, but to the chocolates…

Bishou: pouting Oh yeah, you were too busy eating my chocolates!

Weirdo: Hey Shelter said they're for "us"! I left you some didn't I!?

Bishou: looks at him, then starts to laugh pfffwhahaha…You're such a kid, sound like my 13 years old nephew when he fights with me for sweets.

Mikke & Hell: (from one kid to another) Chuckles

Weirdo: Hey I'm not a kid!

Bishou: Yeah, sure. Chuckles

Weirdo: Anyway, where were we going again?

Bishou: To a safe place. There is this Villa, about 20 miles from here, that Shelter uses when he's in the region to stay. It's in a secluded place, I doubt anyone else knows about it, he found it some time ago, it was abandoned, no one had been there for years. So Shelter fixed it up so that he could have a quiet place to stay when he's here, he doesn't like towns and such, doesn't like the noise.

Mikke: Are you sure it's safe to go there?

Bishou: Of course it is! Why wouldn't it be?

Mikke: Well, are you sure you can trust that man Shelter?
At these words Bishou stoped and turned her suspicious gaze towards Mikke, and without him knowing tryed to sense his emotions through his yoki, to see what was bothering him and was the problem.

Bishou: Where is this going? Why wouldn't I trust him, you know something I don't?
She asked, as she could feel instability, as faint as it was, but it was there, and she knew she hit the right place with that question.

Mikke: hesitates, but then decides to keep it quiet No. But I don't think that we should trust him, after all we're wanted traitors with hunters on our tails, we don't know him well enough to be letting him this close to us.

Bishou: Do I need to remind you that he helped us? I asked, he gave, we took. And don't worry, I know him well enough to trust him.

Mikke: Oh really, and how did you two meet, if I may ask?

Bishou: Is it any of your business? She snapped as this conversation was getting on her nerves. It was obvious that she wasn't going to get anything out of him now, and he was suppressing his yoki, so she wouldn't have gotten further with it either. Better just leave it for now. Don't come if you don't want to, I'm not making anyone do anything against their will, but I'm going, I'm sick of this sleeping on the ground and hiding in the woods. If you decide not to come, you know where to find me, I'll be staying there for awhile, nevertheless you're welcome to come.

Mikke: (why is she talking to me like that, like I've done something wrong! I'm just looking out for everyone can't nobody see that!?)

After that, she turned her head and started walking. Hell looked at Mikke, they stood there watching. Weirdo's head was about to fall from his shoulders as he was constantly turning it from Bishou to the other two, still standing. Finaly when he made up his mind, he turned to Mikke and Hell:

Weirdo: Sorry guys, but I'm on her side. Well it was fun, hope to see you alive again, bye! Hey Bishou nee-chan, wait up! As he shouted that, he run after Bishou to catch up with her fast pace.

Hell88: You know we can't leave them, right? That pert and the newbee are bound to get into trouble.

Mikke: Yeah, I know. She sure knows how to get on peoples nerves. We won't leave them, just stay behind. I don't feel like arguing right now, lets keep some distance between us.

Hell88: Alright, if you say so.
And they started following the path which Bishou and Weirdo took. They were unaware that someone else also followed them. The three cloaked figures, watched the whole scene, undiscovered as they were trained to be "invisible" when following someone and were on yoki suppressants so that even the most precised energy perception would be fooled. And now they continued following the now divided group, waiting for the right moment to strike.

Weirdo: Hey, hey can you hear me!?!? HEY! EEEMOOO!!!

Bishou: Huh…what!?…emo?!?

Weirdo: This seemes to be the only way to get to you…you spaced out! For like ten minutes I was talking to you and you were just sitting there, not responding! Are you ok?
Or is it that you sensed something bad?

Bishou: No…I…sorry, I just got distracted, there's nothing to worry about.
She lied. Something was bothering her. Even though she couldn't sense anything except the yoki of Weirdo, Hell and Mikke, she could feel something else. She had this omniscient feeling of being followed.

Bishou: Must be my imagination…

Mikke 2008-04-08 16:42

Epic Soul Searching - Part 0 - Shattered Pride (Prequel)

Shelter VS. DGK

Time: Among the more peaceful nights.

Location: Somewhere near the coastline in the east. A folk festival in a village.

First week of training was going well. There were a few contestants running for the one role given to the eastern section; one spot in the upcoming film for a group of at least ten people to compete for.

Among the competing were four powerful claymore fans who decided to settle it in a friendly tournament after the festival was over.

- Hey Shelter! - echoed a voice from behind. - Come here, they're gonna shoot the fireworks soon!

Ergon's enthusiastic cries brought Shelter back from the semi - ecstatic experience of feeling the cultural fumes in the atmosphere; the sound of the waves and the aroma of the black sea at night made all the more enjoyable.

Shelter: Where is Gooral and Negativedark?

Ergon: Should be lurking around here somewhere. Most probably up in the village, in the heat of the event hitting on girls.

Shelter: We better go and join them then.

Ergon nodded and they set out from the shore and towards the village, situated about two miles away.

Just as they got there, fireworks errupted in a glorious display of multihued droplings of light, leaving trails of colored smoke. The main street was filled with activity; people were cheering, dancing and rattling. The two, seemed to be so overwhelmed they forgot about their comrads and while Shelter had a few personal matters on his mind, Ergon didn't waste an instant and ran to catch a seat in the nearest pub.

Shelter remained outside as unpleasant thoughts suddenly began running through his mind. Unsure of what could possible ruin his mood and disturb his peace so easily, he instictivly commenced a search of somehting physical that would explain it.

And there, he found it. A dark figure, standing in a corner of the alley and silently obeserving him. Shelter was already about to approach that cloaked figure but a voice spoke into his mind before he even moved. - Don't move a limb - It said.

Shelter: Who are you.... And why won't you reveal your face?

Figure: I will tell you what I am.. I am dead..

Shelter: So do the dead enjoy festivals?

Figure: The dead do nothing. Nothing but as they are told to by their superiors.... Much like the living....

Shelter: So what is thy bidding? Or should I say.... What is theirs?

Figure: My name is DeadGuyKai. I answer to no one, and owe no one answers. Know only this: There had been a change of plans; and even if you do get picked for the role, it will never be yours....

Shelter: How predictable.... You old timers want those roles for yourselves! Not going to happen.

DGK snapped his fingers and all animation of the world ceased; everything froze in it's spot.

Shelter: I sense nothing.... an illusion!

DGK: Quite clever aren't we.. Indeed it is an illusion.. Just enough to deprive you of your relying on your five senses. Oh wait! You are a special one, I forgot! You have a sixth sense!

Shelter: Tch..! Draw your sword! Show yourself coward!

DGK: The dead have no use for swords.. But.. Just for you, I might.....

Shelter tackled DGK, pushing his pre - emptive sensing to the limit and cross slashing his opponent. Overconfident in his success, Shelter grinned as he cut the cloaked figure, and after it fell breathless on the ground he was shocked to discover that the face beneath the cloak was his own.

Shelter dropped his sword and collapsed, covulsing in agony as the wounds inflicted on his enemy's body became his own. DGK, finally revealing his complexion upon that of one of the villagers approached with an ultimatum

DGK: You and your despicable band have caused us enough trouble. The next time any of them meddles in the role business, they will pay with their lives.
As for you..., You will be serving as our eye from now on. We will use you in anyway we please.... no exceptions.

Shelter: Tchh....

DGK: First thing's first. Kill all of the eastern section. Yes, including your friends.. If you won't, I will. The dead do not die, yet they do kill....

hell88 2008-04-08 17:50

Epic Soul Searching - pat 0 - Memories (another prequel)

Title: The Training Days

It was a cool fall night, and the training grounds were rild up with lots of excitment as the tranies were about to move on as warriors.

Temptest: Hey Fenrir! How do you like my new name! Phantom Temptest.

Fenrir: Oh? It seems you have the same name as me, Phantom Fenrir.

Temptest: You copied me!

Fenrir: Well if thats what you think we shall have a battle and the winner takes that name.

Temptest: Well seeing how is we just became warriors and might never see each other again... I except your challenge!

Fenrir and Temptest go into battle with each other, they both moved so fast niether one of them could be seen.

Sleepy: Its no wonder why they both want to be called phantom, you can't see there movements because there so fast.

The fight came to an end when Temptest was getting tired and Fenrir could keep on going.

Temptest: *on one knee* How can you keep going like that?

Fenrir goes in for the kill when Nightwish appears and stops him by throwing him back.

Nightwish: Now this is a little to much for just two graduates going to be warriors.

NSW: Nightwish whats taking so long I want you to see some of the others that are moving on to be warriors.

NSW and Nightwish dissapear and reapear in a different section of the training camp.

NSW: Hell get over here stop slacking!

Hell88: Sorry I just....

NSW: Stop pushing yourself so hard your already inline to be a single didgit, but you will be a weak one if you always protect your comrades all the time.

Hell88: I'm sorry NSW! And thanks for all the help because of all your help and experience I became strong enouph to protect others.

NSW: Thier you go again, you know what go and rest somewhere.

Hell88: O-Okay.

Hell88 leaves them.

Nightwish: He's a good one.

NSW: I hope I never have to fight that guy some day, I would never want to destroy him for some stupid reason.

Nightwish: Oh anyways what did you want me to see over here?

NSW: Oh yes walk this way.

They walk over to a room where they see two more up and coming warriors.

Nightwish: Who are these two?

NSW: This is Chiba and Derelict88. They are practising the soul link.

Nightwish: What is that possible?

NSW: Show them guys.

Chiba starts to go to his awakened form while Derelict88 controls him from going to out of control.


Mikke: Hey Hell come here!

Hell88: Oh hey whats going on?

Mikke: I heard your going to be a single didgit, thats cool! I was told that I'll be somewhere around rank 15.

Hell88: Well NSW told me a few days ago that I might be rank # 9. Which to me is the weakest of a single didgits, kind of depressing.

Mikke: WHAT?! How is that depressing? Thats still really strong compared to most people. Well then again Tempest and Fenrir are going to be ranked either 6 or 7, but oh well.

Hell88: Ah oh well.

It really didn't matter that he was rank #9. What he didn't know was that he was going to be demoted and Tenken was going to be put in that spot instead in a few weeks.

Mikke: Hey wanna see something really strange?

Hell88: Well okay.

Mikke takes Hell to a wall and gets him to look into a hole in it where he see's Chiba doing a soul link.

* * *

Hell88 wakes up.

Hell88: (I remember now! Chiba is soul linked which means when we defeated him, he must have lost his soul link with Derelict and must have been the real reason he fled the battle and didn't attack Wierdo when he ran by him. But Chiba's form looked so different back then. Could it have been the same one?)

shelter 2008-04-08 19:45


Originally Posted by Tempest35 (Post 1519894) many times have I died already? :heh: Looks like 'Burning Finger' isn't enough...Must...Change...Avatar!

And Fenrir's gonna kill me...:upset:

Now you're the "burning man":heh:

@Mikke - I think DGK has got the coolest lines.

weirdo487 2008-04-08 21:10

since everyone seems to be doing their own parts of epic soul searching I guess I'll do one too.
its not a Sequal to "a half awakened battle" just something that happens some indeterminate amount of time after

Epic Soul Searching-part 0-Weirdo's power

Bishou: Say Weirdo, what do you think Hell and... hey where'd he go?

Bishou looks around

Bishou: *sigh* I'd better go find him, left to his own devices he'll get into some sort of trouble.

Bishou closes her eyes and stars looking for Weirdo's yoki

Bishou: thats weird i cant find him, the only Yoki i can sense is one stronger than Weirdo, its to weak to be Mikke or Hell, but still who is it? I'd better go make sure
Weirdo hasn't gotten him self into trouble.

Bishou walks off toward the Yoki

weirdo is looking off over the side of a cliff talking to him self when Bishou finds him

Weirdo: Those two, I wondered what they would do still it's...

weirdo stops talking and freezes, then turns to face Bishou

weirdo: Oh hello Bishou, sorry I wandered off. I thought I saw something, I looked around but got side tracked on the way back.

Bishou: What did you see, was it another one of us? And did you feel any Yoki around here, some one of no average power was here not long ago.

Weirdo: Sorry *shakes head* I only thought I saw some one, it turned out to be nothing.

Bishou: But you were talking about something, someone, who was it?

Weirdo: Me? I don't think i was, I had only just stopped here to look out over the cliff when you found me.

Bishou: But you were saying something about... Never mind lets just get going. The strange Yoki I sensed is gone now.

weirdo: What Yoki? Someone strong? Were? they aren't coming this way right? *turns pale*

Bishou: Never mind its gone now lets go

Weirdo: Well if you sure. O.K. then lets go... Say... were are we going?

Bishou: *sigh* Anyone ever tell you you talk a lot?

weirdo487 2008-04-08 22:36

I finished part five
Its the second to last one (probably)
Spoiler for last of them part five:

since Ray's speech can be difficult to understand at times here is an explanation (of his power) that's (hopefully) easer to follow
Spoiler for explanation:

and (oops) i noticed i forgot to add a bit on to part 3 that i meant to so here that is (it explains why Ray doesn't like the memory of when he last used his full potential)
Spoiler for forgoten bit from part 3:

hell88 2008-04-09 09:31

I wonder whats taking Bishou so long to make assassination part 2. Only so many prequels can be made before we run out of idea's.

Mikke 2008-04-09 12:05

Well, you gotta make prequels to broaden the world we have created. :p

BishounoTeresa 2008-04-09 13:40

Epic Soul Searching - part 0 – assassination /part 2/

ok I’m not very good with battle scenes but I tried, I also tried to make things a little bit more “serious” and less funnier, I mean it gets boring if it’s all a piece of cake spiced with humor right :p

After a 2 hours walk, Bishou and Weirdo stepped out of the forest and on to a desolated road climbing up a hill.

Bishou: The house is at the end of that road. Maybe a half-an-hour walk up.

Weirdo: Oh good, I’m tired! How can you go on so long without stopping, usually you’re the first to want a rest!

Bishou: I’m not tired, and we did stop for a rest.

Weirdo: Yeah, when I tripped and fell, you were so kind to wait for me to get up!
He snapped, as he couldn’t suck it up anymore. He had fallen and hit his head, he was beat from walking, and hungry! But Bishou didn’t seem to care about that, she wasn’t even talking to him most of the time, it was as if he was talking to himself and she was spaced out.

Bishou: Would you prefer that I didn’t? she asked in her usual stuck up manner

Weirdo: (Thc…what’s her problem, I came didn’t I, I never argue, don’t complain much, is she still mad about those chocolates!?)…Hey, are you mad at me or something?

Bishou: Sometimes you’re very irritating, but no I’m not mad at you.

Weirdo: Well if it’s not me you’re mad at, is it Mikke and Hell, cuz they abandoned us?

Bishou: No. And we were not abandoned, everyone decided to go their own way to pursue their own interests. After we get some rest and I make up my mind on what to do, I’ll do the same, if you want I could take you to the next town, and from there you can try to get back to your home.

Weirdo: No way! You’d do that?! Well…I dunno yet, still kinda hesitating…ehh…what are you gonna do after we leave here?

Bishou: I have some unfinished business, I’ll attend to that. Now then, let’s go.


As she said that, they started walking up to the house. Weirdo was curious what exactly was she gonna do, but didn’t dare to ask, as she seemed colder than usual, now there was a sense of intimidation coming from her and he could’ve sworn that the temperature of the air around them dropped by several degrees when they talked.
Mean while.

Hell88: Ahh, it’s a lovely day to rest a bit in the sunshine. This feels great.

He said as he lied on the grass idly and stretched his arms aside.

Hell88: Hey Mik, you oughta try this yourself, we need some rest you know.

Mikke: Nah, I’m not that tired, kinda hungry though. I think we should go and catch up with them, just in time for a late afternoon snack.

Hell88: Heh…you’re just worried about them. Relax, it’s just us here, and if someone managed to follow us unnoticed, we’re strong enough to fight them off with no problems.

Fenrir: Is that so…said a voice cold as ice

Mikke & Hell: wha...?!?!

Fenrir stepped out from behind a tree, removing his cloak revealing his face, pale and still as if it was that of a dead man. Beside him was Nesty with a spiteful grin and a vicious look in his eyes.

Nesty: I’m gonna enjoy killing you off weaklings, heehee…

Mikke & Hell: you!

Mikke: You came to finish our fight from before, eh Fenrir?

Fenrir: I came to punish the traitors who became allies with the awakened one, Hell88.

Hell88: You sure you wanna do this? It’s not too late to retreat and save your lives.

Nesty: PHAHAHAH…the kid’s got spunk! Do you even know who you’re talking to?
I hope you make this worthwhile, I’m quite bored lately, so don’t expect a quick death, I’m gonna enjoy this as long as I can! he grinned Too bad you won’t be able to say goodbye to your friends, I think DefiledOne should’ve reached them by now. laughs

Hell & Mikke: wha…there’s another one!? You had him go after them?!

Mikke: (They must have saw what happened earlier and split up to take us out now that we’re less people, it’ll be easier for them to fight us! Damn!)

Fenrir: Consider them dead. Now enough talk, time to finish this.

As he said that he disappeared, and then reappeared behind Mikke ready to cut him in half. But Mikkes reflexes were fast, he jumped off and evaded before Fenrir stroke. He got out both his swords and charged ahead, trying to attack with one sword, and to guard against Fenrirs attacks with the other. It seemed that they were equal in strength, but there could be no comparison between their speed and experiences in fighting. There was a huge gulf, that could not be taken lightly, as Fenrir was one of the oldest and most feared warriors under the wing of NSW, that was considered being his right hand, having been loyal for over 80 years, and through fighting gained the nickname “Phantom Fenrir”-known as the fastest warrior there is. Mikke knew that, however he still intended to fight, but not take too long to settle this, he was worried about Weirdo and Bishou, as they might be fighting the 3rd member of the hunting team right now or were about to get attacked.

Mikke: (He’s too fast for me, gotta corner him somehow, need to find someplace that his movements would be limited, then his speed won’t matter! But where…hmm, that place just might work)
As he thought that Mikke turned just in time to see and block Fenrirs sword using both his swords crossed in front of him

Mikke: Thc…don’t think I’ll give in that easy!
He pushed Fenrir away, and then ran into the trees, hoping that the less room Fenrir has to move, the easier it would be to beat him. Fenrir followed him.

Hell: (Nesty, eh? One of the top warriors under NSWs command. He looks strong, and too confident, however my strength and speed have increased vastly after my awakenign, it has to be enough to overcome him, and I gotta hurry too, Mik’s already getting it on with Fenrir, I can’t waist time here, got to go help the others! )

Hell ran forward, his sword aiming at Nestys head, but just as it was going to sink in it Nesty vanished. Then appeard beside him.

Nesty: Impatient are we? Or, are we in a hurry for somewhere, maybe to go see if you can find you friends corpses? You know, amongst us, those just below NSW and NightWish, DefiledOne is also known as “The Butcher”, he is extremely fond of bloodshed, the more, the better as he likes to say, he doesn’t just kill his opponents, he loves to cut them up good, inflict pain, mutilate, and then to do the finishing blow. grins

Hell: You bastard…shut up and fight! with that they both lashed out at each other and swords clashed.

At the same time…

Weirdo: Aaaahhh…!

Bishou: huh..?

She woke up sitting in a chair next to the fireplace, must have fallen asleep while she was sitting there thinking. They got to the house with Weirdo an hour ago, she went to get some rest, and Weirdo said he was going to cook something.

Bishou: (What was that cry just now? Was I dreaming? Weirdo…where is he?)

Bishou got up, and went to the kitchen to find that it was empty. Where was he? She went up to the bedrooms, no one was there, the basement also empty. Now she was getting really worried and fear slowly started to slink in her mind, she decided to look outside for him. There was the door. Locked.

Bishou: (I don’t remember locking the door…wait, it’s locked from the outside!? What’s going on?! )
Fear now grew into panic. Need to get out, to see what was wrong.

Bishou: (calm down, calm down, concentrate…he must be here somewhere, if he is I can definitely feel his yoki…look……so…small…it’s so faint, but he’s here…he’s here…and something…making me feel nauseous……someone else is here!)
at that moment, the only thing she could think of was to get out, find Weirdo and run. The presence she felt was terrifying, it’s power was overwhelming.

Bishou: I have to get out, take him and go, it’s not safe here, we have to run!

She got her sword and started looking for a way out of the house, the door was locked, the windows had bars. She went up to the next floor, same thing. That left only the attic, she remembered seeing a small window in it when getting here, the only one that appeared not to have bars. She went up, there was the window all covered in dust.

Push, creek, it opened…….a horrific scene emerged before her. Her comrade crucified on the big oak tree in front of the house, countless wounds on him, blood streaming down from everyone of them. A tall cloaked figure standing in front of him, holding a blood soaked claymore…


She felt her blood run cold, eyes turned gold without thinking, her sword in hand, in a blink she jumped out of the window, landed and dashed towards the black cloak. Just as she was about to strike, he turned and blocked the attack.

Now face to face, only two swords apart they stood. The man in the cloak had strongly marked features, his cheeks whiter than ice and marble, his eyes - blood red, with vertical pupils; maniacal. His grin coming across his pale face.

DefiledOne: So, you finally show yourself. I was getting tired of waiting, and starting to think you don’t care about that one over there, well at least not enough to come out and help him.

Bishou: You…I’m going…to…kill you!

DefiledOne: Oh…
with one swift swing he pushed her, sending her sliding away about 5 meters till she squat and stopped, taking a defensive position.

DefiledOne: I suppose you know why I’m here. I am DefiledOne I was given the most boring task – to go after you and your little friend over there, while Fenrir and Nesty went after that awakened being and the other traitor.

Bishou: (So they were on to us even before we split up, curse them!)

DefiledOne: Now I suppose I can kill this one, I don’t need him anymore to keep me entertained now that I have you. A beautiful death don’t you think? Covered in the red color, like that of a rose, that adorns all that surrounds it, but only when the body is slashed and torn into pieces.

as he spoke, Bishou noticed that Weirdo was regaining consciousness, for moment he saw her and muttered “Run”. That made her want to hurt DefiledOne even more, to make him suffer bigger pain than the one he inflicted on her comrade.

Bishou: damned…monster!

Her face ferocious, eyes burning with hate, she disappeared and then reappeared behind DefiledOne, making a diagonal slash through his vanishing image.

Bishou: huh….…thc!…

Bishou jumped and dodged the hit coming from above her and it landed on the ground making a huge rift in it. She was now standing a couple of feet away from the man send to kill her. His insanity showing through his eyes, his maniacal grin widening.

DefiledOne: I’m surprised you saw that move…or rather than saw, is it more accurate to say you “felt” it. I heard there was someone in the group who had sufficient skills in sensing yoki. Your friend didn’t even saw me approaching, he noticed me when I was 10 feet away and tried to be a hero, locking the door. He even swallowed the key, to keep me from getting in chuckles not that that would stop me, I could’ve broke down the door, but it was so much more fun to toy with him first and see how long you could take to watch him like that. I think now is the time to put him out of his misery.

Bishou: Don’t you dare touch him!

DefiledOne: Do you think you have a chance of winning against me? A chance of saving you friend?

Bishou: (Chance of winning…in this situation…such a thing never existed!)

She charged forward, just as their swords were about to come in contact she disappeared and reappeared in front of Weirdo cutting the ropes that held him chained to the tree. He fell on the ground coughing blood. He was a wreck, but still alive.

Bishou: RUN!!!

Weirdo: What!?

DefiledOne: Stupid.

As he said that he appeared behind Bishou, grabbing and immobilizing her, his sword to her neck.

DefiledOne: What a waist of time, in the end your yoki reading was useless.

Bishou: Oh really? strangely she was back to her usual stuck up self, but this time radiating overwhelming arrogance, far more then the small hint she normally showed.

DefiledOne: Oh…

Bishou: You really think I didn’t knew that you were coming up behind me? HA!laughs
Hey Weirdo, if I can’t, say “Hi” to the guys from me, will you.

Weirdo: What…are…you…

DefiledOne: This was all in vain. I will kill you now.

Bishou: You are…

as she was speaking she hit him hard with an elbow in the ribs, causing him to fall on one knee, releasing her sword hand.

Bishou:…such an Idiot!!!

DefiledOne: What...what are you going to do you crazy woman!?

with a swift move, she turned her sword around pointing at her, and stabed. It penetrated her abdomen and then the chest of DefiledOne, rupturing part of his left lung and his heart. He died instantly. Now barely standing she looked at the hilt of her claymore sticking out of her and then her bloody cloths, with a sour expression she muttered before falling.

Bishou: What a mess…

To be continued…

Authors note: I tried to keep up the tension and surprise, you’ll decide whether I succeeded or not; anyway I couldn’t find the heart to kill one of you guys :heh: so I ended up almost killing myself…or maybe I did, dunno, that depends on the next one to write

hell88 2008-04-09 13:49

What else might be going on in our world. This story leads into "Half Awakened Battle" and Bishou's "Assassination."

Epic Soul Searching - part 0 - More traders

Nightwish: So it seems Hell88 and his followers have not been destroyed yet. I thought you should of had enouph power to kill them all when you were sent there Chiba.

Chiba: They aren't the strongest warriors that have been trained but they are very good in teamed battles.

NSW: Yes which is why I sent out our recon team to handle the problem.

Chiba: Might I ask why Hell partially awakened?

NSW: He thought he could beat me in a fight and I almost killed him. After I left him dying he awakened, probably so he could live on. Bishou and Mikke took him and fixed him up a bit, after that they were considered traders. Oh yes and if my sources are right one of our new recruits has joined them, I think his name is Wierdo487.

Chiba: I see.

Meanwhile someone was overhearing the conversation from a vent in the cieling.

Enara: (What? Hell half awakened! How come I never find out about this stuff?)

NSW: The team we sent out is made of three of some of our strongest warriors. They won't stand a chance.

Nightwish: Oh and Enara we know your watching!

Nightwish and NSW took out there swords and cut up the cieling and Enara fell out.

Enara: How did you know?

NSW: We know about your partial awakening as well and were thinking about sending you on a suicide mission, but I think will just kill you now!

Enara: (There's no way I can beat them! I'll have to make a break for it!)

As they were getting ready to kill Enara she jumped back and cut a hole into the wall, then fled the area.

NSW: She's really fast. Chiba do us a favor and dispose of her. Oh and she's good at hiding her yoki just to let you know.

Enara: (I have to find Hell, Mikke, and Bishou before its to late!)

Nightwish: Chiba she's probably heading for Hell and his group so if you lose track of her just look for there yoki signature and she should be around there somewhere.

Chiba headed out to slay her before it was to late, but it didn't matter how fast Enara was running she wouldn't be there in time before the three cloaked warriors reached Hell, Mikke, Bishou, and Wierdo.

Enara: Those guys got really far! I hope I'm not too late!

hell88 2008-04-09 14:42

Epic Soul Searching - part 0 - Assassination /part3/

While Bishou had defeated DefiledOne it seemed she and Wierdo might not survive much longer as DefiledOne did so much to them that they might just die from blood loss.


Hell88 and Mikke felt something strange in there stomachs. Hell88 looked over to where Bishou and Wiedo were.

Nesty: Hmmm It seems that DefileOne got the job done.

The only problem was DefiledOne was dead and they didn't notice because of how he was hiding his yoki.

With thoughts full of rage entering Mikke's head he blindly charged at Fenrir.

Fenrir: Whats this? Are you afraid of dying like they did or do you feel bad for not being thier for them.

Mikke: SHUT UP!

As Mikke went in for another attack Fenrir dodged it and got behind him to strike his back.

Mikke: I won't fall for that again!

Mikke turned around fast enouph to block with his left sword and strike with his right.

Fenrir: And I won't fall for that one again!

Fenrir got behind Mikke to strike his back again and he did but not as much as hoped. When he tried to get in close Mikke turned again to do a double cut to Fenrir even know Fenrir was cutting him at the same time.

Fenrir: WHAT THE!

Before he could finish what he was saying he jumped before Mikke could finish the attack.

Mikke: AH CRAP!

Fenrir: Now that was in vain wasn't it!

Mikke fell to the ground.

Mikke: No....

He passed out.

Hell88: .....

Nesty: Awwww are you sad?

Hell88: Actually.... I am! (I knew all along we shouldn't have split up and now Bishou and Wierdo are dead!)


Nesty: Whats this? Your yoki is powering up.

Fenrir: I'll finish you later Mikke, I have to deal with Hell now.

As Fenrir and Nesty were trying to attack Hell88 they noticed that he wasn't going to transform into his awakened form but keep fighting them with unbelievable power. The only problem was he couldn't hold onto this power for long.

Fenrir would keep on getting behind Hell and slashing him from behind, and while Hell would turn around to attack Fenrir, Nesty would slash Hell. This kept on going for a little while, until Hell fell to the ground.

Hell88: (I can't beat these guys.... And Bishou is already dead. *tear falls down his face* Wierdo prabably didn't stand a chance, and Now its mine and Mikke's turn.)

Then when he was going to give up a flash of light ran by him.

Fenrir & Nesty: Huh?

Nesty: Whatever that was lets finish him this is getting borring.

Then as Fenrir and Nesty were going in for the kill Chiba ran in yelling.


Fenrir: You had your chance.

Chiba: But DefiledOne is dead! I saw him when I was chasing Enara here!

Nesty: What?

Fenrir: Enara? Why is she here?

Then Enara showed up.

Enara: Looks like I'm just in time.

She picks up Mikke and Hell and runs off.


Nesty: Quickly lets go find DefiledOne.

As Enara took Mikke and Hell to a cave not to far from the village, she went back to get Bishou and Wierdo.

A few hours later.

Mikke wakes up

Mikke: AAAAH! Wait whats going on?

Enara: Everthings okay now.

Mikke looks around.

Mikke: (Great another cave.) What about the others.

Enara: Hell was up already and talked to me. He'll be fine. Bishou and Wierdo need a lot of rest or they may not make it.

Mikke: Why are you here? Did you kill those guys?

Enara: No I didn't, they are still around and searching, Bishou was able to kill DefiledOne but almost cost her her life. All of your yoki has been supressed while you were out so it probably threw them off track and are searching somewhere else.

Mikke: I have one more question. Why are you helping us?

Enara: Because I am a half awakened one like Hell and have left NSW because he planned on killing me.

After hearing that Mikke went back to sleep.


Fenrir: We can't go back like this.

Nesty: Chiba your coming with us, and explain to us again why Enara helped them.

To be continued...

weirdo487 2008-04-09 15:37

I'm a new recruit... awesome thats perfect for what I'm gonna do watch and be amazed at the awesome power of weirdo!... maybe.

Epic Soul Searching -part 0- weirdo's power 2

After difiled one dies before Enara gets them out

Weirdo: Owwww! Son of a Bitch, that guy tore me up good, I didn't even release any of my yoki before he got me. Any way thinks Bishou, next time though, run when I ask you too. I could've taken him after I healed up some and released some of my Yoki.

Bishou: Just because I made it look easy doesn't mean it was an easy kill. Either way its over now hurry up and heal your self before you lose too much blood.

weirdo: I'll be fine, I may not be a defensive type but I have survived worse than this, I'll be fine. All things considered.

Bishou: What do you mean, all things considered, with your minuscule... Gahck!

Bishou falls to the ground coughing up blood

Bishou: *In a shaky voice* what... what happened, when did he...

she she feels a slight whet spot on the side of he neck where defiled one's claymore had been pressed

Bishou: Poison... I need to regenerate...

Her head starts to move from side to side as her vision blurs. She sees Weirdo laying on the ground watching eyes wide.

Bishou: hurry... get out of here... before more...

Bishou falls to the ground, the poison knocking her out

Weirdo: Sorry, I can't do this while any one will notice, can't risk it, not with how unstable it is.

weirdo releases his yoki barely to the point that his face starts to distort. his wounds all start regenerating faster than the would if he used his power to its maximum.

Weirdo: Much better.

picks up Bishou

Weirdo: come one lets leave, like you said before any one else...

weirdo drops to the ground Bishou *still out cold* falls out of his arms and rolls to a stop a few feet away. Weirdo's body is starting to distort, his eyes keep shifting between silver and golden

Weirdo: damn, it's not like me to be so careless. to forget to reduce my yoki... come on, drop, go down, please.

The cobblestones around him start to crack and break as his eyes start to glow a steady golden.

Weirdo: seconds left at current growth. damn, I'm at fifty percent. When i hit sixty its all over. I need to stop it knock my self out some how.

weirdo sees defiled ones claymore and grins.

weirdo: Either way. Things cant get any worse.

weirdo laughes to him self and crawls over and nicks his hand on Defiled one's poisoned blade.

Weirdo: Just a little longer before I'm out too, Just need to hold out until then.

he sees Enara appear

Enara: Damn, I'm too late.

Enara's gaze runs over weirdo and does a double take.

Enara: You, you're weirdo. i thought the org...

Weirdo: That doesn't matter, help her, I should be out by the time you finish, we were poisoned you need to.

Enara: I have the antidote.

Weirdo: Good give it to Bishou first, she's had the poison in her system the longest. I let it drain out has I was hit and only now got another dose.
Ahhhh its working, I wont remember any of this when I wake up so...

Enara: I know, I was there... I saw... what they did...

weirdo: Hurry I'll be out soon. Don't tell the other's they cant kno...

weirdo slumps over and his Yoki goes back to normal Enara picks him and Bishou up and takes them back to the cave were she took Hell and Mikke.

Mikke 2008-04-09 15:37

Lol.. this turned into a bit of a mess. Just to synch between the authors let's say NSW kills off both traitors and AB's while NightWish allows AB's to serve him, thus some of the awakened joined his fraction after NSW rejected them.

The two fractions later conflict and a war starts.. how about that? :p

Good one wierdo.. Another female char won't hurt :)

BTW, here's a portrait of Bishou's char; I'll make one for the others too sometime ;)

BishounoTeresa 2008-04-09 17:09

Wow I look so animeish :D I can guess which picture you looked at when you were drawing this...:p

weirdo487 2008-04-09 17:37

well to all who were hoping for an end to "What Happened to the Last of Them" sorry your going to need to wait another part or so :p

Spoiler for last of them part 6:

Oh and Btw Mikke, Enara was Hell's creation she just appears/says more in what I wrote.

hell88 2008-04-09 17:42

Good job Wierdo on putting up that filler of what happens before Enara shows up.
__________________________________________________ ________________

Epic Soul Searching - part 0 - The Aftermath

(Follow up to assassination)

It was a cool foggy morning when Bishou finally woke up.

Bishou: What happened? Why am I in a cave?

Wierdo: Hey you finally woke up, do you remember how you beat DefiledOne?

Bishou: I beat DefiledOne! What how did I get here though?

Wierdo: A half awakened named Enara saved us.

Bishou: Enara saved us? Wait how long have I been out. (She's half awakened?)

Wierdo: A couple of days. Anyways Mikke and Hell are here too. I guess she saved them right before they were about to be killed.

Mikke walks into the cave.

Mikke: Well well look who has finally decided to wake up. I guess seperating the group wasn't such a smart idea after all.

Bishou: Where's Hell?

Mikke: Well Enara was training him how to control his new abilities but then they got hungry, and you can probably guess what they went to go find and eat.

Wierdo: Thats gross, if anything I hope its animals that they are eating.


Hell88: So your saying I can still eat regular human food? But I tried that all ready, it tasted terrible.

Enara: Well you have to reteach yourself what it tastes like then it will taste normal again.

Hell88: Well okay if you say so.

Enara finds another apple for Hell to try.

Hell88: I tried one of these before.

Enara: Its better to start off with fruit so keep trying.

He tried it but didn't like the taste.

Enara: I wonder how the others are doing? Bishou should have waken up by now.

They go back to the cave.

Mikke: Its about time you two! I hope you weren't feeding on an entire village?

Hell88: Don't worry about it.

Enara: Bishou you have finally woke up. *giggles*

Bishou: Hey what was that?


Bishou: What?! WHY YOU!

Hell88: (With another woman around mabye she'll be able to control Bishou's arrogant attitude so we don't have to put up with it all the time.)

Wierdo: Hey is there anyone else we should know about that might be joining us.

Mikke: Yes I would like to know that just incase our group gets too big and too noticed.

Enara: Well there is another person.

Wierdo: What who? Is it another woman?!

Hell88: HAHAHA I think I know what stage of life your at right now Wierdo.

Wierdo: What?! I'm passed that stage! I just got a little excited thats all.

Hell88: *still laughing*

Enara: Well it is another woman actually. Torren_ fay_torren@hot, she ran away from the organization and is now getting dirt on them for me, and if we hurry and leave now we can meet up with her.

So the group left the cave with Enara leading the way.

Enara: Oh and try to keep your yoki down Fenrir and Nesty are still out there somewhere.


Nesty: Do you sence that Torren? Its Enara and the others heading this way. Its a good thing we captured this traitor isn't it Fenrir?

Fenrir: *smiles* Yes it is.

Torren: What do you want?

Fenrir: Well were going to fight and kill the ones coming here that will try to save you, then will kill you as well.

Nesty: Hey what happened to Chiba, Fenrir?

Fenrir: I killed him.

Nesty: WHAT?! We could have used him though.

Fenrir: He killed my strongest rival and friend Temptest. Do you think I would let him live. That doesn't matter another fight is ahead for our runaways.


Bishou: Its so hard to run in these bandages.

Hell88: Now you know how I felt.

Mikke: Hey is anybody else starting to get a strange feeling that something dangerous is ahead?

To be continued...

Alright I'll leave this for someone else to continue.

hell88 2008-04-09 17:48


Originally Posted by weirdo487 (Post 1522444)
Oh and Btw Mikke, Enara was Hell's creation she just appears/says more in what I wrote.

I didn't create Enara, she is another member of this forum that I decided to use, and Torren as well.

hell88 2008-04-09 17:57

[QUOTE=Mikke;1522217]Lol.. this turned into a bit of a mess. Just to synch between the authors let's say NSW kills off both traitors and AB's while NightWish allows AB's to serve him, thus some of the awakened joined his fraction after NSW rejected them.

The two fractions later conflict and a war starts.. how about that? :p

Hey I think I'll start off with this if you don't mind? Right after we get rid of Fenrir and Nesty.

weirdo487 2008-04-09 18:05

you added Torren and Enara into the story Hell so unless the people you borrowed the names from want to join in they are your characters.

oh and if some one will write an intro to big battle scene and tell me what sort of powers Fenrir, Nesty, Torren and Enara have I'll be glad to write the battle part, (unless some one else rly rly wants to)

hell88 2008-04-09 18:25


Originally Posted by weirdo487 (Post 1522502)
you added Torren and Enara into the story Hell so unless the people you borrowed the names from want to join in they are your characters.

I guess that works too.:heh:

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