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Var 2008-07-11 21:15


Originally Posted by Asleep (Post 1721177)
The new ED for example. It's a clearly a plus point for LxC. But so far I have read everything from - "it's clamp so it doesn't matterto "it is a goodbye scene, it means C.C. will die".

Your word is not law. You perceived the moment to be a plus point for C.C.. The chimp sitting at my side, however, thought of it as nothing more than a good target to fling its poo at. Me, on a more civilized side, saw the ED and said, "Interesting." And then moved on. I didn't see it a plus for C.C., just like I didn't see the Suzaku and Lelouch ED scene as a plus for SuzakuxLelouch.
Simply because others do not share your opinion does not make them wrong. One should welcome people to disagree as it spawns conversation and discussion. Blanketing something as 'clearly' only invites people to verbally disagree because they 'clearly' did not see what you did and simply start pouting matches.


Originally Posted by Asleep (Post 1721177)
While I agree that it is drawn by clamp and might not be official or anything; would they be saying the same thing, if the same picture featured Kallen and Lelou? Dann would have declared KxL to be canon, and all the KxL fans would be rejoicing. Everything in favour of LxC is meaningless, while falling on top of Lelou was an almost kiss scene. Really? :rolleyes:

Yes, why? Because I didn't consider the Suzaku and Lelouch picture at the end as symbolising some sort of lovers affection between them. I'd be inclined to believe it more if, say, C.C. or Kallen were kissing Lelouch... and not molting.
And seriously, why bring Dann into this? His opinion has become about as respected as a led ball in a floating contest on Jupiter. It's there, you see, it makes loud splashes, but, ultimately, it sinks and is forgotten.
Oh, and a correction I must make, the prominence of the almost kiss scene was not the kiss scene, nor the scene. But the composure, words, and atmosphere (contributed by the ever so timely music) present. You are looking at everything only skin deep. Error 500! But, if you want, you can dismiss me as a hopeless fanboy with a dictionary and a thesaurus.


Originally Posted by Asleep (Post 1721177)
The truth is it could really go either way, or Lelouch could even be alone in the end. At this point, what with Shirley's death and all, who can really predict, what will happen? We can only wait and see how it will unfold, and hope the writers do a good job.

The truth is this is really the wrong thread. I can predict what will happen, so can anyone else. That doesn't mean they will be right, but a simple death or occurence does not stop everyone's ability of predicting. The spoiler thread is proof of that.
And to be perfectly frank, I do not think it can go either way anymore. I only see two possibilities at this point, and I do not expect anything to change my mind anytime soon. Feel free to disagree.


Originally Posted by demon_god04 (Post 1721210)
Just out of curiousity, how do you interpret the ed scene? I personally thought that the scene was a scene of separation due to the colours and imagery used but am interested in another opinion. For the record if it was Kallen instead of C.C there I would have the same interpretation :p

I quoted this simply as an example of what I said above about disagreeing and how good discussion can be spawned. PS: Demon was the one who gave me my current outlook of that scene, when I originally saw it I was very... disinterested? Likely because I was too busy pausing and unpausing the OP every two seconds... and looping Kallen's salute. Yes... ... ...


Originally Posted by Verist (Post 1721220)
What chess piece is the witch? Maybe the one playing the game, but I know who Q1 and the King is. :)

The witch is the player. As is the warlock. Go back to Arthurian legends (as the Arthurian symbolism is begining to mesh with the Chess metaphor (for more information on this see either Esper or my own... mini-forum thing... Esper I'll reply to you soon!)) and you can see that Merlin and the Lady of the Lake were the players in the tapestry of fate that comprises the story of Arthur and his knights. They were all controlled by these power entities, like the pieces on a board.


Originally Posted by DarkLordOfkichiku (Post 1721252)
C.C might not be a piece here, but the player... :uhoh:

Why is that an :uhoh: ? I :uhoh:ed (Yes, I'm using emoticons as words and conjugating them too!) when she gave Lelouch his powers in S1. She's never been a piece on the board.


Originally Posted by seiji_kun (Post 1721269)
Well call me weird but my chesspieces have never started to make out. Maybe I should buy a new chessboard? Even if you think the chess pieces are symbolic they don't have to be symbolic in a romantic way. Or does Charles f*ck his knight of one? or who the one is that represents the queen at Brittanian.

Call me stupid but I don't remember Q1 and the King making out ever. Kallen has never kissed Lelouch, nor has Lelouch kissed her.

Also, why would the Knight (key word) of One be his Queen? Most logical people would put the piece called a knight into the knight slot. Charles' Queen was his personal Knight, which was Marianne. If Lelouch and Nunally are even a remote hint, then he was sleeping with his Queen. Unless he has a pregnancy enducing Geass.
Charles: "Have babies!"
Marianne: "Yes, your majesty."
Charles: "Ahahahahahahahahaha!"
V.V.: "We're trading in your Geass for a more useful one."

In this new game, Charles is no longer the king on the board. He is more the prize. The actual king playing is Schneizel now, and his Queen is no one. Cornelia was the Queen in the last Season, but there was no King. Only the OoBK has a King and a Queen.

(Disclaimer: No monkey actually sat at my side while I was watching Ep.13. I was actually chumming it up with my invisible friend who eats your babies!!!!)
(No babies were hurt in the writing of this post.)
(No monkeys were fired during, before, or after this post.)


Originally Posted by Dann of Thursday (Post 1721600)
Crap, Var's here. I must have done something wrong.

What am I? Some sort of demon?

Dann of Thursday 2008-07-11 21:18


Originally Posted by Var (Post 1721650)
What am I? Some sort of demon?

Pretty much. If anyone ever tries to say something positive about C.C., even if it's just speculation, you're always there to rip it all apart.

And the Queen piece was designed after her apparently. But of course, now I'll get yelled at.

Verist 2008-07-11 21:20


Originally Posted by Var (Post 1721650)
Your word is not law. You perceived the moment to be a plus point for C.C.. The chimp sitting at my side, however, thought of it as nothing more than a good target to fling its poo at. Me, on a more civilized side, saw the ED and said, "Interesting." And then moved on. I didn't see it a plus for C.C., just like I didn't see the Suzaku and Lelouch ED scene as a plus for SuzakuxLelouch.
Simply because others do not share your opinion does not make them wrong. One should welcome people to disagree as it spawns conversation and discussion. Blanketing something as 'clearly' only invites people to verbally disagree because they 'clearly' did not see what you did and simply start pouting matches.

Yes, why? Because I didn't consider the Suzaku and Lelouch picture at the end as symbolising some sort of lovers affection between them. I'd be inclined to believe it more if, say, C.C. or Kallen were kissing Lelouch... and not molting.
And seriously, why bring Dann into this? His opinion has become about as respected as a led ball in a floating contest on Jupiter. It's there, you see, it makes loud splashes, but, ultimately, it sinks and is forgotten.
Oh, and a correction I must make, the prominence of the almost kiss scene was not the kiss scene, nor the scene. But the composure, words, and atmosphere (contributed by the ever so timely music) present. You are looking at everything only skin deep. Error 500! But, if you want, you can dismiss me as a hopeless fanboy with a dictionary and a thesaurus.

The truth is this is really the wrong thread. I can predict what will happen, so can anyone else. That doesn't mean they will be right, but a simple death or occurence does not stop everyone's ability of predicting. The spoiler thread is proof of that.
And to be perfectly frank, I do not think it can go either way anymore. I only see two possibilities at this point, and I do not expect anything to change my mind anytime soon. Feel free to disagree.

I quoted this simply as an example of what I said above about disagreeing and how good discussion can be spawned. PS: Demon was the one who gave me my current outlook of that scene, when I originally saw it I was very... disinterested? Likely because I was too busy pausing and unpausing the OP every two seconds... and looping Kallen's salute. Yes... ... ...

The witch is the player. As is the warlock. Go back to Arthurian legends (as the Arthurian symbolism is begining to mesh with the Chess metaphor (for more information on this see either Esper or my own... mini-forum thing... Esper I'll reply to you soon!)) and you can see that Merlin and the Lady of the Lake were the players in the tapestry of fate that comprises the story of Arthur and his knights. They were all controlled by these power entities, like the pieces on a board.

Why is that an :uhoh: ? I :uhoh:ed (Yes, I'm using emoticons as words and conjugating them too!) when she gave Lelouch his powers in S1. She's never been a piece on the board.

Call me stupid but I don't remember Q1 and the King making out ever. Kallen has never kissed Lelouch, nor has Lelouch kissed her.

Also, why would the Knight (key word) of One be his Queen? Most logical people would put the piece called a knight into the knight slot. Charles' Queen was his personal Knight, which was Marianne. If Lelouch and Nunally are even a remote hint, then he was sleeping with his Queen. Unless he has a pregnancy enducing Geass.
Charles: "Have babies!"
Marianne: "Yes, your majesty."
Charles: "Ahahahahahahahahaha!"
V.V.: "We're trading in your Geass for a more useful one."

In this new game, Charles is no longer the king on the board. He is more the prize. The actual king playing is Schneizel now, and his Queen is no one. Cornelia was the Queen in the last Season, but there was no King. Only the OoBK has a King and a Queen.

(Disclaimer: No monkey actually sat at my side while I was watching Ep.13. I was actually chumming it up with my invisible friend who eats your babies!!!!)
(No babies were hurt in the writing of this post.)
(No monkeys were fired during, before, or after this post.)

What am I? Some sort of demon?

Your posts are always well thought out and insightful, I always look forward to your responses, even if we disagree. I just wish you would rub off on Seiji..

yezhanquan 2008-07-11 21:20

I think that C.C. is something not to be taken for granted. I still stand that she is akin to Ryuk from Death Note, minus the fun part as she has a stake on the outcome.

Stargaze 2008-07-11 21:20


Originally Posted by Verist (Post 1721220)
What chess piece is the witch? Maybe the one playing the game, but I know who Q1 and the King is. :)

C.C. not represented as a chess piece could also mean that she is one that does not need to follow Lelouch's order which differentiates her from the others such as the Black Knights. Kallen, as some people have suggested, is the queen (derived from her code name "Q1". But does that mean she is the most important person besides Lelouch? Personally I don't believe so. In fact, I believe this actually works against her overall importance. She may be the most important piece in the "chess game" Lelouch is playing but she is only important in this aspect. Which is in contrast to C.C. as she is free from being Lelouch's pawn, free from being merely a simple chess piece.

Dann of Thursday 2008-07-11 21:21

For the last damn time, it was mentioned at one time that the the King Piece was designed after Lelouch and the Queen was after C.C.. Does it mean anything? No. Does it even freaking matter if she's on the board? Does it matter what the hell Kallen is?

Verist 2008-07-11 21:24


Originally Posted by Stargaze (Post 1721670)
C.C. not represented as a chess piece could also mean that she is one that does not need to follow Lelouch's order which differentiates her from the others such as the Black Knights. Kallen, as some people have suggested, is the queen (derived from her code name "Q1". But does that mean she is the most important person besides Lelouch? Personally I don't believe so. In fact, I believe this actually works against her overall importance. She may be the most important piece in the "chess game" Lelouch is playing but she is only important in this aspect. Which is in contrast to C.C. as she is free from being Lelouch's pawn, free from being merely a simple chess piece.

Valid point, but Lelouch sees himself as the King, and they are working together on 'the board". She is important for that reason because she struggles with him, CC is to much of a wild card, not being on the board

Dann of Thursday 2008-07-11 21:25

Can we just drop the damn chess thing? God, we get it. It's so important because Kallen's there. We don't need to have it beat into our heads for Christ's sake. This isn't the damn Kallen board.

Verist 2008-07-11 21:27


Originally Posted by Dann of Thursday (Post 1721673)
For the last damn time, it was mentioned at one time that the the King Piece was designed after Lelouch and the Queen was after C.C.. Does it mean anything? No. Does it even freaking matter if she's on the board? Does it matter what the hell Kallen is?

Lol, Dan. You always make it a bit more interesting when you are around. Maybe C.C. was the queen, but Kallen has reached the 8th rank and is the new queen through pawn promotion. ;)

Stargaze 2008-07-11 21:28


Originally Posted by Dann of Thursday (Post 1721673)
For the last damn time, it was mentioned at one time that the the King Piece was designed after Lelouch and the Queen was after C.C.. Does it mean anything? No. Does it even freaking matter if she's on the board? Does it matter what the hell Kallen is?

Woah, man, hold your horses. I'm responding to Kallen being seen as the queen. If C.C. is the queen then that is another matter as my analysis is based on Kallen being queen.

Does it mean anything? Of course not, why would it? Does ANY of the speculations here mean ANYTHING? I doubt it. Unless you think you know all that is going to happen then that is a different case; not at all speculating. Why do you think I posted in a discussion tread and not a "fact" tread :rolleyes:

Verist 2008-07-11 21:29


Originally Posted by Dann of Thursday (Post 1721673)
For the last damn time, it was mentioned at one time that the the King Piece was designed after Lelouch and the Queen was after C.C.. Does it mean anything? No. Does it even freaking matter if she's on the board? Does it matter what the hell Kallen is?

Ok Dan, back to the Kallen thread I go! I wish I could give you hug Dan!

Dann of Thursday 2008-07-11 21:29


Originally Posted by Verist (Post 1721692)
Lol, Dan. You always make it a bit more interesting when you are around. Maybe C.C. was the queen, but Kallen has reached the 8th square and is the new queen through pawn promotion. ;)

Oh be quiet and stop mocking me. I don't give a damn how great it is. There are no upgrades. The Queen piece looks the same as it always did. Again, go to your Kalln thread and talk about how great she is. Don't do it here. Why are you even here? You don't even like C.C.!!!


Originally Posted by Verist (Post 1721697)
Ok Dan, back to the Kallen thread I go! I wish I could give you hug Dan!

SHUT UP!!! Just leave me alone...

Verist 2008-07-11 21:30


Originally Posted by Dann of Thursday (Post 1721698)
Oh be quiet and stop mocking me. I don't give a damn how great it is. There are no upgrades. The Queen piece looks the same as it always did. Again, go to your Kalln thread and talk about how great she is. Don't do it here. Why are you even here? You don't even like C.C.!!!

Dan, you read my mind.. Jinx!!! I said I was going back to the Kallen thread and you typed the same thing! Hey, I don't hate C.C. She just happens to be my second favorite character ;)

Dann of Thursday 2008-07-11 21:31


Originally Posted by Verist (Post 1721701)
Dan, you read my mind.. Jinx!!! I said I was going back to the Kallen thread and you typed the same thing! Hey, I don't hate C.C. She just happens to be my second favorite character ;)

Don't lie to me. And stop thinking this is all some huge joke and acting all happy about it.

Var 2008-07-11 21:32


Originally Posted by Dann of Thursday (Post 1721660)
Pretty much. If anyone ever tries to say something positive about C.C., even if it's just speculation, you're always there to rip it all apart.

What did I rip apart in my last post? I only saw me giving very sidelined comments about what people are saying.

But, since you insist, here I'll rip apart Asleep: (No I won't, just thought I'd reply.)


Originally Posted by Asleep (Post 1720952)
Like seiji said all the romance in S2 has been from Kallen's side. She undoubtedly has feelings for Lelouch. But he hasn't reciprocated at all. He would have done the same thing, even if it were Shirley,Milly (or even Nina for that matter), so telling he will come to save her is no love declaration.

To be perfectly fair, all romance from any season from any perceived angle of reality has been from the females side. As for the declaration, it's hard to apply it to uninvolved characters and say the result would have been the same. I doubt it would have been. Kallen is(was) in serious danger from her predicament, what danger could possibly come to those you mentioned? I'm not calling it a declaration of love, as it would be stupid to do so, but it is the first instance in this season (and only one) where we saw Zero and Lelouch begin to mold into one person. If you haven't noticed, that's a pretty big theme in this season and has been getting developed mostly through Kallen's interaction with him.

And since I really love the word, it is a foreshadowing element. But take that as you will as I have no intention of going on a tirade about what will happen.


Originally Posted by Asleep (Post 1720952)
And Kallen is one of the main characters. But the key words here are one of the main :p How is she the heroine of the show, when she has barely had one line to speak since she was imprisoned?

Your logic failed/my brain exploded when you mentioned line counts. C.C. hasn't spoken since Kallen was captured (mostly) either. Heck, she hasn't spoken for most of this season. Does that make her not the main heroine either?

There is no main heroine in this Season as Kaguya made painfully obvious, as all women in Lelouch's life are important and have their own role. The main heroine is all of them.


Originally Posted by Asleep (Post 1720952)
From the previous episode, the way Lelou was practically begging for her to live on, he must surely have been in love with her?

No. I tend to beg people to not die when they are close friends of mine, doesn't mean that I want to jump in the sack with them or profess some sort of undying love. The grief of a moment like that can be perversely skewed and called love, but it can hardly be fairly or justifiably shown as such. What I call the moment with Lelouch is grief, extreme grief. But he has never shown actual signs of loving Shirley.
(Yes, I've lost a few friends to their mortal coils, as such, I find it fair to joke about it. So bite me.)


Originally Posted by Asleep (Post 1720952)
You know, people do love other people like friends, family. And Lelouch is doing the same thing this season. We still don't know who he loves, I bet he also doesn't know. So it's not obvious to us normal people that Lelouch is in love with Kallen, and how KxL will so obviously happen.

*Queue Evangelion TV Ending* You just made a good point. Congratulations. The only thing there is that Lelouch does know who he loves. Her name starts with an 'N' and ends with an 'unally'.


Originally Posted by Asleep (Post 1720952)
And Lelouch, C.C. (she was watching them), Suzaku and Nunnally were there right from the first scene of the first episode. So IMO they are the essential characters.

A blade of grass was also in that scene, it must be pivotal to the plot too. If you want to say such nonsensical things, then you might as well make note of the fact that Lelouch met Kallen before C.C.. I'm seriously going to start arguing for Suzaku and Lelouch ending if you keep this up. :heh:

Dann of Thursday 2008-07-11 21:33


Originally Posted by Var (Post 1721705)
What did I rip apart in my last post? I only saw me giving very sided comments about what people are saying.

But, since you insist, here I'll rip apart Asleep: (No I won't, just thought I'd reply.)

You do pretty much all the time. I doubt you are capable of seriously saying anything that isn't negative about C.C.. And most of your comments are sided to Kallen so you are certainly one to talk. I don't see you doing the same thing when people do sided posts about Kallen.

What else is new?

hanseo 2008-07-11 21:34

kallen fans are trying to take over the cc thread? battle stations

Dann of Thursday 2008-07-11 21:35

Feh, they already took over the rest of the forum.

Verist 2008-07-11 21:39


Originally Posted by Dann of Thursday (Post 1721719)
Feh, they already took over the rest of the forum.

Reduce the paranoia!!! Nobody is attacking you or hijacking this thread. I have a serious question about C.C. With whom has she had conversations with, when she appears to be talking to herself? V.V. and Marianne right? I was thinking would this mean Marianne is alive?

GuidoHunter_Toki 2008-07-11 21:40

All this talk about love interests. Really I don't think Lelouch has a defenite love interest. He seems content on protecting all his "friends" in ashford and of course his big prioritey Nunally. Even the time he asked Kallen to comfort him, that didn't really feel that it came out of romance.


Originally Posted by Verist (Post 1721728)
Reduce the paranoia!!! Nobody is attacking you or hijacking this thread. I have a serious question about C.C. With whom has she had conversations with, when she appears to be talking to herself? V.V. and Marianne right? I was thinking would this mean Marianne is alive?

I always thought of it as talking with the dead. SO like talking with a dead Marianne.

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