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Nixl 2012-01-15 13:18


Originally Posted by Ak3mi (Post 3948173)
When one of your items sell in the Real auction house, that money then goes to your, paypal account(Or whatever other options there are for transfering money). That money then can be taken out from the card connected with that paypal account, correct?

If that is right then, I missread some details on the auction house.Like if you sell any items, it will go to your battlenet account and you can't take that money out. :confused:

Both, by default it will got a blizzard account, but I believe you can link it with Paypal and get the cash.

Surprisingly the RMT does not bother me at all. My thought process over the feature is that even if all hell breaks lose, the community is toxic, etc etc you can separate yourself from the cancer. It can be the worse feature of all time, but you do not have to play with it or the users. Perfect containment is probably impossible if you do not always play solo or with friends, but the choice to avoid the RMT is there.

So long as Blizzard allows players to create their own game sessions, I am not too worried. Now if this was an MMO or a game where you are forced into the same pool as everyone else then RMT could suck.

Ak3mi 2012-01-15 13:52

Ah ok brilliant cheers :).

I just wanted to have competition between me and my missus :D, who can make the most cash, I doubt we will do that amazingly, depends on the amount of buyers in the market I guess...

Xacual 2012-01-15 14:24


Originally Posted by Nixl (Post 3950277)
Both, by default it will got a blizzard account, but I believe you can link it with Paypal and get the cash.

Surprisingly the RMT does not bother me at all. My thought process over the feature is that even if all hell breaks lose, the community is toxic, etc etc you can separate yourself from the cancer. It can be the worse feature of all time, but you do not have to play with it or the users. Perfect containment is probably impossible if you do not always play solo or with friends, but the choice to avoid the RMT is there.

So long as Blizzard allows players to create their own game sessions, I am not too worried. Now if this was an MMO or a game where you are forced into the same pool as everyone else then RMT could suck.

I thought I read somewhere that the RMT doesn't work for hardcore or the highest difficulty mode too.

Nixl 2012-01-15 14:38

Interesting, because I thought I heard that little differently. I heard that you cannot buy items from a mode you have not completed/entered. As in, one cannot buy an item from Inferno mode if they are still in normal mode. Furthermore, I heard Hardcore items and non-Hardcore items are on separate RMTs.

I cannot remember my sources though, it has been too long. Perhaps it was speculation by Bashiok. Nonetheless, I am not at all worried about RMT, because even in the worse case scenario I can completely avoid it and its effect on the community.

Dhomochevsky 2012-01-31 16:09

Miraluka 2012-01-31 18:51

I didn't give up with Half Life 3 yet ;___;.

FlareKnight 2012-01-31 19:43

That was an entertaining song :).

And I agree with the spirit...when is this coming out!? Need my Diablo 3.

Duo Maxwell 2012-02-19 21:08

Now if they are going to keep the new change in the release, consider I'm done with it. It can't get any stupider than that.

Archon_Wing 2012-02-20 19:15

DRM is still shitty. Well at least there's no region lock; that was fucking retarded SC2.

Good job Blizzard. It's not like I play your games because I want to.

-Sho- 2012-02-28 09:10

New video which show the more powerful high level abilities of Diablo III's five classes :

It's meh. I'm not impressed. Déjà vu & it looks boring.

I like this com :


"Excited for Blizzards latest action RPG Diablo III?"

I was excited 2 years ago. Now I'm just tired.

Duo Maxwell 2012-02-28 09:56

I don't know, the game still looks good in my eyes. I just don't like the new change with the Rune system.

DuoRanger 2012-02-28 10:02

i've lost all hope about this game


"Excited for Blizzards latest action RPG Diablo III?"

I was excited 2 years ago. Now I'm just tired.

Flying Dagger 2012-02-28 10:31

I am fortunate enough to get into the beta, and in my opinion the game is way overhyped.

Sure, its still a good game and we are playing maybe 1/4 of Act 1, but I have many issues with the game: an outdated interface (D3 team needs to check out UI mods WoW players install), crappy bnet platform, etc. Gameplay wise, tbh I am not that big of a fan of running the same dungeon 100 times to farm for rares. Because D3 is D3, I am afraid it will just be a game based on how good your equipment is. How much "skill" do players really need in this game? (Knowledge of dungeon layout, mob property, etc are more important imo: and the beta does not clearly explain what a "frozen" mob does or how to avoid their effects to those who did not spend a long time playing d2 like some of us).

Graphics look a little dated, a bit too cartoonish imo.

While beta is only the start: I feel the story is not too captivating. I am a (insert class) who just somehow, for no reason, seek the fallen star (what is it?). I asked, why am I doing this? What am I going to get out of this? Do i really care about rescuing some old man who was left behind in the ruins?

Recent games such as WoW, Skyrim, Kingdoms of Amalur, Witcher 2 have pushed my standard of excellence to the next level (content/story, combat, graphics, etc). So far in beta D3 has left me feeling disappointed.

Sure, I will most likely replay the game FOUR times (normal, nightmare, hell, inferno): but after that I do not think I will be in the mood to go loot farming.

Waven 2012-02-28 11:42

Same here, I was hyped about D3 but I got kinda tired of it. Right now I'm much more looking forward to GW2 since its beta weekend.

Nixl 2012-02-28 12:05

How do you guys think Starcraft players felt lol? 10 years. When they finally announced Sc2, I think it was 3 years of waiting. Blizzard always take a long ass time.

I am not sure I'll buy D3 at release since my computer sucks, but it is always a fun game to return to after a break with other games. Diablo always had that casual approach. I am also tempted just to wait for an xpac since it will fleshed out and hopefully they will add necromancer in again(yes I am that pathetic).

I like where they are going with Diablo 3 in general, but I am not sure any the classes aside from Demon Hunter really grabbed me. Then again, in D2 I only played necromancer and could care less about the other classes. I do not know how people played Barbarian or other classes that were littered with passive % skills.

Duo Maxwell 2012-02-28 14:06

I don't follow the news day by day, so my hyping meter is still the same as before, although it does drop a bit lately.

The main fun of this game, imo, is to play with friends. I didn't play D2 that much until I joined my friends later.

Paranoid Android 2012-02-28 15:51

Starcraft 2 is fairly different because of the genre. ORPG is too overpopulated (after FPS).

There hasn't been a decent major RTS for a long time (since AoE2 tbh lol...). It didn't have much competition. I played Age of Mythology and a civilization to endure through the wait for SC2. And there isn't really an RTS alternative.

D3 was behind in game design since it's public announcement. The first time the site went up, I thought the game looked already way behind, maybe if you don't play Asian games then I guess it's alright?

For me D3 is out of my wish list. Unless it's less than $20. GW2 -> Blade&Soul (maybe, the character design is rather discouraging) -> C9 for my ORPG list =/

Any co-op/LAN/Multiplayer is fun with friends, so that's not really a bonus at all. I haven't seen a game with original classes since ragnarok or action since vindictus.

If D3 reverted back to D1 fog-of-war dungeon crawl, it might convince me to return for retro/nostalgia sake. But after confirming my opinions from the closed beta, D3 is like a hipster that just came out of a comatose.

If you're hyped up about D3, don't take my post too seriously. I'm just explaining why I'm not excited anymore. Not trying to tell others to not be excited.

FlareKnight 2012-02-28 16:09

Think since I let myself get distracted haven't really lost too much hype. Of course it has been a really long time. While I might not be super excited, I'm still looking forward to it. Probably helps that enough friends are in the same position so easy to look forward to going through the game in a group.

Could certainly see how some might have lost excitement, but everyone is different. Not thinking too much about it (until we finally get that release date) and having friends eager to play is enough.

Paranoid Android 2012-02-28 16:20

That too, non of my friends are interested in D3 =/

iceyfw 2012-02-28 19:28

i was hyped when i saw a sneak peek at the pvp system like.. a year ago i think? now i'm not too obsessed on when this game is finally going to launch. i have my classes and console/PC games to kill time (MASS EFFECT 3 CHYEA). i also talked to a bunch of WoW arena players on my realID, ranging from 1800-2500 and ex-glads, before i quit WoW and they're going to shift to D3 when it comes out. it shall be a fun time... of camping people!'

ill post back in this thread when it launches if anyone wants to add me to their realID.

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