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ChuckE 2016-08-20 18:00


Originally Posted by DerGilga (Post 5926761)
Is the work schedule of a mangaka really something new for some people? Here an old picture of the schedule of another mangaka:
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Reminds kinda of my schedule at the time when I was attending university :heh:

But actually after watching the video it reassures the opinion that Bleach should have ended after the defeat of Aizen. Because later the were not any aizen-effect anymore :heh:
Also it shocked how much indeed Bleach changed.

Sad that such thing happened to manga that was once one of three pillars of SJ :(

Guernsey 2016-08-21 05:10


Originally Posted by Chosen_Hero (Post 5926525)

This video essentially made me realize that I need to do more research on the manga industry and how Bleach as a whole operates....assuming that it is accurate of course.

Tornado The Dragon 2016-08-28 13:57


Originally Posted by Going Seafoam (Post 5926823)
A weekly schedule only seems to yield good results (for a story) in the long run if it's already mostly planned out. As much as I like Kubo, I don't think he really planned anything out in advance. In fact, he probably just took it head on weekly like Toriyama did.

Yeah but Toriyama had a great editorial staff. Kubo was constantly having to fight against his. After 15+ years it would get to anyone.

And about taking it a week or a month at a time. I agree. After the ss arc especially that seems to be the case.


Originally Posted by Chosen_Hero (Post 5926525)

Man I posted that in the other thread. I didn't know this has already been posted & discussed about. Dang it.


Originally Posted by sayde (Post 5926753)
If nothing else, the video definitely puts some perspective behind the editorial influence the jump staff can have on top of painting a rather dreadful picture of how much free time authors actually get. All things considered, I might actually have to throw Kubo a pass on some of the issues I've had along with some of the twists and turns this series has taken over the years. Because if you're running on only 4-5 hours of free time a week, then I could easily see getting so burned out to the point where the process of reflecting back on your work to discover the most simple and yet effective solutions and conclusions to various plots go ignored in favor of whatever just happens to pop into your head at that very moment in time. And because of the unknown level of influence the editorial staff may have, I'd also have to forgive Kubo for not being able to effectively plan ahead. Because I'd imagine doing so could be difficult if the editorial staff insists on you doing something that runs completely contradictory to what you had in store.

Oh well...RIP Bleach. And Kubo, I hope you can finally take a long deserved break.

That 4-5 hours is brutal. But I will have to agree with your sentiments. Well if Kubo is going to continue working for the Japanese comic industry I hope he makes biweekly or monthly chapters. Or get out of the industry & design clothes. They look pretty cool tbh.


Originally Posted by itachi-san314 (Post 5926811)
^ yea... no thanks. I was aware of the scheduling, but seeing that chart makes it seem even worse. I'm actually surprised that the weekly mangas turn out as good as they do. For all the problems with Bleach there was a lot of great stuff too. I think monthly releases make more sense. At least on a humane level.

Agreed. Same thing I posted to Sayde. I'm surprised he lasted as long as he did in the first place.

sayde 2016-08-28 19:24


Originally Posted by Tornado The Dragon (Post 5933129)
That 4-5 hours is brutal. But I will have to agree with your sentiments. Well if Kubo is going to continue working for the Japanese comic industry I hope he makes biweekly or monthly chapters. Or get out of the industry & design clothes. They look pretty cool tbh.

I couldn't agree more. Kubo's character and fashion designs have and always be one of the consistently better aspects about his work IMO. Who knows? He might actually be really good at designing clothing IRL.

Guernsey 2016-08-29 16:14

Indeed. Perhaps I was clueless as to the behind the scenes going on with Kubo.

Ultragunner 2016-08-30 11:09

or he could actually follow Toriyama's footstep and handle character designer for some games, I would totally check those games out :p

DerGilga 2016-08-30 12:29


Originally Posted by Ultragunner (Post 5934572)
or he could actually follow Toriyama's footstep and handle character designer for some games, I would totally check those games out :p

Thess 2016-09-01 14:26

Good ideas, poor execution. It was rushed because of cancellation. Also they really should have focused more on Rukia as Shinigami protagonist.

I may be a minority, but I never saw anything romantic between Ichigo and Rukia, rather they were two POVS from two sides of the story. They met and helped each other to fix their world, but their respective love interests were obvious from the start. The manga further drove this point, they live apart and had their own family and are content like that (unless Ichigo loses his power and always goes angsty about that). Thanks to that meeting, they can go on and enjoy their lives and family the fullest because they moved past of a trauma and were able to reach out the people they wanted to reach, but it doesn't mean they enjoy each other's company the best. So that as basis worked for a while until... Rukia vanished.

The problem is that it focuses exclusively on Ichigo and we barely saw Rukia's side of things after Hueco Mundo, that's okay but she felt less and less as Soul Society World POV and just part of the cast there. Yeah, the tie in novel helped to fill the gap in Fullbring arc but was still a bit underwhelming.

Kubo should have divided and organized his POVs better.

quigonkenny 2016-09-01 18:45


Originally Posted by Thess (Post 5936224)
Good ideas, poor execution. It was rushed because of cancellation. Also they really should have focused more on Rukia as Shinigami protagonist.

I think the problem was their designated protagonist may have been the most boring character in the series. Either of the potential shipping mates would have been more interesting to follow, if only from a backstory and abilities standpoint.

The best protagonist option was clearly Aizen, of course.

Mad Pierrot 2017-04-12 15:35

I didn't find Ichigo boring. His interactions with Rukia in the early chapters were gold and while he became stronger in each arc, he was given new hardships such as his Hollow self. There, he became more serious but it was more suitable for the arc.

Still, what I found the manga's weak point is how long the Hollow arc became. They recycled a damsel in distress storyline but unlike Rukia's arc, this went overboard. We had about over 20 volumes just to make Ichigo and Urahara defeat Aizen in less than a volume.

DragonOsman 2017-12-26 18:55

Where can I find translations on the Bleach novels? I also know what happens in the ones that came out/are coming out after the manga ended.

I personally have no problem with Ichigo. I understand that there are more interesting characters, like Yoruichi, Urahara, and etc., but it's not like Ichigo himself was that bad of a choice as the main protagonist.

Guernsey 2019-05-17 22:19

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Has anyone seen this video by Mathwiz? He brings up a good point about how Bleach actually has some interesting themes and how the quality of the show is different across cultures.

Guernsey 2020-01-14 08:34

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I am not sure if this has been posted yet but here is a documentary about the Bleach series and its reputation.

Johnny Dy 2020-05-01 18:30

What went wrong in Bleach? Some fillers, just like in Naruto. Fillers ruin everything. If it were me, I would remaster Bleach and Naruto and cut off all the fillers. They would be clean 10/10 anime if fillers were to be eradicated as the abscesses they are. Except with the girls on the beach, those ones can be left be.

Bleach is back, can't wait for the manga, hopefully also the novels ecranisations!:smile:

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