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Tenzen12 2015-03-12 06:20

I have to admit I never had opportunity meet real tsundere (tsun attitude as armor of dere inside), but I love dealing with
cholerics, who has same traits people hate on tsunderes ad well as share their strong points.

People don't really don't get along with more severe examples, but if you can deal with their (often pretty nasty) explosions, you earn ally that will go any lenght to help you. Exactly in that regard it's completely same.

It's worth and because that, I never understood that lame tsundere hate.


Originally Posted by Nintendo Maniac 64 (Post 4653673)
Tsundere doesn't have to be abusive. Me thinks you've been watching too much anime and not reading enough visual novels.

To put it another way, to quote tvtropes:

In first place Senjougahara is not tsundere (unlike Rim or Kyo) even if she call herself as one. She is kuudere which I in general like more. Though it's, true that kuuderes did inherited some of type I. tsundere traits.

Goshin 2015-03-12 10:50

I am a grown Man and I act cold and harsh when my girlfriend is trying to show me affection in front of people. (it's a shy thing). idk if that counts. sometimes she gets really mad at me for that. with reason of course. but I wonder if she would understand if she watched anime lol

Bahriel 2015-03-13 15:12

kinda does, though you may be closer to a kuudere than a tsundere.

tsundere's shields are generally quite 'aggressive', sarcasm, insults, sometimes even physical violence, but mostly just verbal abuse, for the lack of a better word.
and towards those they care for (often without admitting it), these may take on a weird reverse statement thing though, this seems to be mroe the anime stereotype, than the real ones.

that said: there is a huge difference in the choice of way to insult random people, and those they actually care about, the one i've met actually seems even more vehement towards her husband than she does toward others, however if you listen closely, there's an undertone of affection.
Yet while she's more on his case than anyone elses, the insults are somehow... different, can't really find a word to describe it.

pleghm 2015-05-25 09:03

Hello. Sorry to barge in to the thread. I'm sort of new to animes. I have a crush on this person. But I can't understand her and when I ask why, she's a self confessed tsundere. I don't know how to handle her. I'm afraid I bug her too much, she often sent me away but gets very angry when I really am away. I want to be close but then she likes to shove me away (though she gets embarrassed, it's lovely to see her rosy face). I don't want our conversations to die but I don't want to make it dirty all the time too. Do you have any advices I can follow? We are not a couple yet. And I don't like to rush things. I'd be very grateful with a help.

Fizix 2015-05-25 16:26


Originally Posted by pleghm (Post 5544592)
Hello. Sorry to barge in to the thread. I'm sort of new to animes. I have a crush on this person. But I can't understand her and when I ask why, she's a self confessed tsundere. I don't know how to handle her. I'm afraid I bug her too much, she often sent me away but gets very angry when I really am away. I want to be close but then she likes to shove me away (though she gets embarrassed, it's lovely to see her rosy face). I don't want our conversations to die but I don't want to make it dirty all the time too. Do you have any advices I can follow? We are not a couple yet. And I don't like to rush things. I'd be very grateful with a help.

Advice? If you pursue it then you'll probably find that it'll go nowhere and if it does, you'll come to regret it. Those types of relationships tend to be nothing but destructive.

VORTIA 2015-05-29 10:50


Originally Posted by pleghm (Post 5544592)
Hello. Sorry to barge in to the thread. I'm sort of new to animes. I have a crush on this person. But I can't understand her and when I ask why, she's a self confessed tsundere. I don't know how to handle her. I'm afraid I bug her too much, she often sent me away but gets very angry when I really am away. I want to be close but then she likes to shove me away (though she gets embarrassed, it's lovely to see her rosy face). I don't want our conversations to die but I don't want to make it dirty all the time too. Do you have any advices I can follow? We are not a couple yet. And I don't like to rush things. I'd be very grateful with a help.

Belt in for the roller-coaster. A tsundere's not exactly sure what she wants, and she's certainly not going to take direction from you. The burden of being the steady, calm reliable one is going to be entirely on you. If you lack confidence or let her get you worked up, she'll carry you along with her and the results will be UGLY, and your relationship will implode.

Express your affection and compliment her directly, but don't be gushy or overly affectionate. Be a gentleman, and be generally helpful but draw clear boundaries and don't be manipulated into dropping everything your doing and accommodating her latest rantings. If she's into you, then she'll gravitate closer to you naturally. If not, then it wasn't to be. What ever you do, just don't pour kerosene on the fire! :heh:

Idealist 99 2015-05-29 13:34

I doubt it !
Are you seeing innocent harmless Boys sent flying by an angry girl ?

IceHism 2015-05-29 14:34


Originally Posted by pleghm (Post 5544592)
Hello. Sorry to barge in to the thread. I'm sort of new to animes. I have a crush on this person. But I can't understand her and when I ask why, she's a self confessed tsundere. I don't know how to handle her. I'm afraid I bug her too much, she often sent me away but gets very angry when I really am away. I want to be close but then she likes to shove me away (though she gets embarrassed, it's lovely to see her rosy face). I don't want our conversations to die but I don't want to make it dirty all the time too. Do you have any advices I can follow? We are not a couple yet. And I don't like to rush things. I'd be very grateful with a help.

uhh, I'm pretty sure she can express far more things than a tsundere can.
Anyways, don't be afraid. Take your time and don't rush. If you want to be a couple, then make the effort. Take her out to places and confess when you are comfortable (don't take too long though). You don't get anywhere if you don't make the effort
Though it doesn't sound like she likes you if she is shoving you away and only really needs you when you aren't around.

DustHalls 2015-05-29 15:11


Originally Posted by Idealist 99 (Post 5547953)
I doubt it !
Are you seeing innocent harmless Boys sent flying by an angry girl ?

Funny that you mention that, since lately I've been thinking that a lot of people misunderstand what makes a tsundere.

I don't think it's really about being physically violent, but more about reacting in an abrasive way to situations that they don't really know how to handle -- be it because it's embarrassing (like having a crush on someone but not wanting anyone to know), because they're simply not used to it (like a person who's used to being alone/an outcast being suddenly treated nicely by someone else) or for whatever other number of reasons.

I feel like one of the reasons the tsundere archetype is super popular (beyond the moe factor, obviously) is that everyone, and I mean everyone, has at least a bit of tsundere in them.

I mean, I know for a fact that I've reacted in ways to situations that, when I look at them in retrospective, were really damned tsundere reactions.

For example, here’s one of the many situations where I’ve reacted in a very tsundere way:

There was this time when I was taking this one class course. I was acquainted with someone who'd already gone through it, and he was always sniffing into my business and treating me with a very know-it-all attitude that really pissed me off. I didn’t like that person at all, and always answered to what he had to say shortly and bluntly, trying to cut communication as quickly as possible.

One day, he asked me how I was doing with the studying. Even after I said that I was doing well, he had the gall to start asking me questions about the topics of the class to “make sure I really was doing good with the studying.” That really irritated me. Like he didn’t trust my word for it at all.

After swallowing my irritation, I decided to answer his questions, if only to put him in his place. I answered all the questions correctly. I was feeling pretty smug about it, too, and tried to show it on my face as best as I could to rub it into his face. But he didn't react sorely like I expected. Instead, he told me that he was surprised by how well I did, saying that when he was at the point I was in he didn’t even know half as much as I did, and praised me for it.

I hadn’t expected to be praised at all. At that point I went full tsundere and said something along the lines of, “O-Of course I did well! Anyone who actually takes the time to study would be able to answer those questions!”

Of course, on the inside I was really happy to be praised, and if I hadn’t had a chip on my shoulder, I probably would have said something much nicer to him. I had these conflicting feelings of looking at the guy in a slightly different light after having him be a bit nice to me, but still being annoyed at all the other times I found him unbearable. And really, I just didn’t want to be nice to him. Like being nice to him would mean I lost or something.

That kind of feeling, you know?

I know I can’t be the only one who’s ever reacted like this to a situation. I feel like it’s something everyone goes through, at least at one point, whether they realize it or not. Being caught off-guard and reacting more aggressively than you usually would have, then being too proud to apologize, or being more irritable around one specific person that you don’t really hate at all – like snapping at your mom or sibling for saying or doing things that you wouldn’t have minded if they were said or done by others.

Actually, most people are mega tsundere to their siblings. Siblings always treat each other roughly and nastily, but they obviously love each other despite it all. That’s pretty normal, I think.

I also know quite a bunch of people who say they can't stand it when their lover gets mushy with them in public, so they react angrily or coldly. That's normal. It's not that they hate them, they're just embarrassed.

Tsundere in anime are just an over-exaggeration of these feelings. Sometimes their reactions are understandable, and sometimes they come off as irrational (usually because they're done just for the sake of having a tsundere in the cast without much explanation or motivation behind their behavior).

Vexx 2015-05-31 17:54

Bingo! DustHalls gets it. I'd given up on this thread with the slew of very pat simplistic (and therefore incorrect answers). I've been married to a little Japanese tsundere for many years. Crunchy on the outside, creamy inside ... doesn't handle praise well, occasionally violent (but more like crashing pots and pans and slamming things around with a cloud of undirected profanity).

Wouldn't miss it for the world. ;)

rladls2121 2015-06-01 00:13


It is just my opinion, I don't think tsundere exist in the real world.
I think tsun exists, and I think dere exists.
But I don't think tsun and dere exists together at the same time.
It is just impossible, and is tsundere even normal human being?

I also think tsundere is a power that makes an another person hard time to understand his/her own feelings.
Even so, being grateful in the inside and the face shows to others how ungrateful he/she is rather critical part of deepening such a relationship.
Rather complex.

oxitran 2015-11-09 10:43

When I was in school I had a transfer student always trying to take my pencil case, she would insult me, try and embarrass me, yet when it was just me and her together she was so sweet.

So I guess it does exist, it's just annoying

magaru 2015-11-14 07:04

I can't believe people here are actually arguing that a two-dimensional anime stereotype can be defining a real, living person. It's one thing to joke about someone displaying a trait that's commonly associated with an anime trope, such as tsundere and the other ir insisting that you can apply the definition to an actual person. People are much more complex than anime tropes.

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