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Tusjecht 2013-01-12 06:15

Let's move this to the fanfiction thread. :P

fhxc885 2013-01-12 08:50

Just a random question.... Has anyone ever tried uninstalling the Brainburst program by him/herself without forcibly uninstall...???

Sunder the Gold 2013-01-12 08:54


Originally Posted by fhxc885 (Post 4509895)
Just a random question.... Has anyone ever tried uninstalling the Brainburst program by him/herself without forcibly uninstall...???

One of the few avatars of Brain Burst who had the ability to heal other avatars. So many people fought to control her that she quit the game in despair.

Haruyuki also contemplated deleting Brain Burst from his Nuero-Linker.

Neither of these tell us for sure that it can be done, but it seems a possibility.

Oh, and of course you can just burn away all of your Burst Points with non-stop Accelerations.

Tusjecht 2013-01-12 08:58


Originally Posted by Sunder the Gold (Post 4509899)
One of the few avatars of Brain Burst who had the ability to heal other avatars. So many people fought to control her that she quit the game in despair.

All this talk of Megumi being this Mystery Healing Burst Linker, it isn't her right? As far as I saw, changing the stage is broken enough even without healing.

Sunder the Gold 2013-01-12 10:42

Why can someone only have one impressive power?

Yellow Radio can create disorienting illusions, teleport, and I'm pretty sure he can irradiate his surroundings so that his opponents die from radiation-poisoning.

Tusjecht 2013-01-12 10:56

All those fall under Indirect/illusion magic type. But put it this way: say, Megumi, the controller of Orchid Oracle, is also able to heal avatars. Not speeding up their respawn rate like White Cosmos, not rewinding time like Lime Bell. OO really restores health. If that's the case, OO barely needs to fight at all: she can tag team with another avatar, change the stage to suit her partner's strength or opponent's weakness, and heal her partner in safety. That, to me, sounds just like Dusk Taker using SC's wings and Pyro Dealer to spam from the sky, while LB is bait.

Here, both abilities are different variations of indirect abilities. More generally, what if the avatar possessed two impressive abilities, and contrasting abilities at that? That would be like, Blue Knight with his Impulse in one hand and a rocket launcher in his other. Long- and short-range are covered and he's unkillable.

Besides, one impressive power seems to be the limit when it comes to designing avatars themselves. The dream that all newbies have seems to induce the single strongest emotion in them, which then forms the basis of their power. Eg: Haru wanted to fly away from the bullying and pitying. Taku wanted to spear his seniors on a stake like a kebab. Chiyuri wanted to go back to a time when the three were all friends together. Noumi wanted to steal back everything his brother took from him.

Working backwards, it thus seems logical by induction thus, that OO should only have one impressive power. Changing the stage to tip the odds itself seems about as high-level as the ones I just mentioned, so that's my reason why one character has one power.

Flere821 2013-01-12 15:53


Originally Posted by tusjecht (Post 4509107)
Hi I read through this forum in the past and have few questions..

-Azure Air/Heir: said to be stuck inside the palace with The Infinity and monsters on the outside. Is he actually trapped there ala SAO style, unable to log out? That would suck big time if it is.

-Green Grande/Iron Pound: IP is supposedly his 3rd lieutenant. No mention of 1, 2, and others?

-Disaster Armour with 100% transfer rate: does it pass on to a random avatar who fought the thing, or the person who killed it? Mainly cos I'm writing a fanfic and need some canon material.


Azure Heir can log in and out any time he wants to.

No details on Grande's other lieutenants so far.

The Disaster passes on either to one of the people that killed it, leaving the armour as a 'drop', or when the drop rate doesn't leave the armour behind the armour regrows itself from another part it leaves behind. The time with the 4th Disaster it was Yellow Radio lying he doesn't have the armour, but the 5th Disaster was no drop rate and it instead latched onto Haru when Haru got injured by the Disaster and had a part of it embedded in him when he logged out.

Orange Duke 2013-01-12 16:19


Originally Posted by Flere821 (Post 4510275)
Azure Heir can log in and out any time he wants to

How is that supposed to work though? O.o Hasn't it already been established that the only way to log out of the Unlimited Field is via a leave point?

Tusjecht 2013-01-12 20:18


Originally Posted by Flere821 (Post 4510275)
Azure Heir can log in and out any time he wants to.

The 5th Disaster was no drop rate and it instead latched onto Haru when Haru got injured by the Disaster and had a part of it embedded in him when he logged out.


Originally Posted by Orange Duke (Post 4510301)
How is that supposed to work though? O.o Hasn't it already been established that the only way to log out of the Unlimited Field is via a leave point?

Flere, you mean when the wire latched onto Haru, that's enough to leave a part of CD on him?

Duke, there is one way to leave the UNF without leave points, which KYH and the old NN team used. In their assault on the palace with the arcs they made a program to log them out by a set time, thus when they failed their avatars can be logged out. However only Raker and Lotus got out of Endless Kill, while at least Maiden was stuck in EK when she was logged out. Maiden should still be able to duel normally but if she logs into UNF she'll appear in the same place where she was being EK-ed.

How Azure Heir is able to login and logout of his own free will then, as Flere said, thus baffles me at the moment.

Thanks for the CD info Flere, but is there a reason why Azure Heir is not actually stuck in the palace?

Tri-ring 2013-01-12 20:34


Originally Posted by Orange Duke (Post 4510301)
How is that supposed to work though? O.o Hasn't it already been established that the only way to log out of the Unlimited Field is via a leave point?

You can log out of the Unlimited field by simply disrupting the connection between the web like pulling out the LAN cord but you return to the point you left off.

By the way the only people living within the Imperial palace is the royal emperor's family.

judasmartel 2013-01-12 22:22


Originally Posted by Tri-ring (Post 4510595)
You can log out of the Unlimited field by simply disrupting the connection between the web like pulling out the LAN cord but you return to the point you left off.

By the way the only people living within the Imperial palace is the royal emperor's family.

If you happened to get out of the UNF while inside a dungeon and/or during a battle with an Enemy, you have just experienced a phenomenon known as the Eternal Kill Mode, or EK Mode.

It happens when your spawn point is near a very powerful Enemy's spawn point or when a very powerful opposing Duel Avatar camps out near your spawn point. Since there is no way to get out of it except by defeating the Enemy or the opposing Duel Avatar or if the latter stops spawn camping on you, your Burst Points will continue to decrease over time as long as your spawn point never changes or unless you have managed to make your way into a designated leave point.

Such predicament happened to three Nega Nebulus members: Ardor Maiden, the Element of Fire; Aqua Current, the element of Water; and Graphite Edge, the Element of Earth. NN went on a quest to defeat the Four Gods, because Lotus believed this is the only other way to reach Level 10 aside from defeating all the other Level 9's. However, NN failed on its quest and were forced to log out of the UNF. Edge, Current, and Maiden, however, logged out right around the Four Gods, so if they try to log into the UNF, the Gods will kill them as soon as they spawn within their range. Rinse and repeat until they lose all their Burst Points.

Tri-ring 2013-01-12 23:34


Originally Posted by judasmartel (Post 4510777)
BTW, was the new NN able to get them out of EK Mode, or only Maiden made it out and Edge is still stuck?

You forgot Aqua Current who is also stuck in EK mode. We still have not met Graphite Edge yet.
Ardor Maiden faced Suzaku (Red Phoenix), Black Lotus faced Genbu (Black Turtle), Aqua Current faced Seryu (Blue Dragon) and Graphite Edge faced Bykko (White Tiger).
Black Lotus escaped from EK mode with the help by Sky Raker the other two are still stuck so they will not step into unlimited neutral field since they will end up in EK mode.

Tusjecht 2013-01-13 00:34

Aqua current's enemy had a skill that levels you down to level 1 in one shot. AC got hit, and at level 1 you're not allowed to be in UNF, so she got kicked out and presumably is no longer in EK.

Flere821 2013-01-13 01:18


Originally Posted by tusjecht (Post 4510577)
Flere, you mean when the wire latched onto Haru, that's enough to leave a part of CD on him?

Yeah, that's pretty much it.

Originally Posted by tusjecht (Post 4510577)
Duke, there is one way to leave the UNF without leave points, which KYH and the old NN team used. In their assault on the palace with the arcs they made a program to log them out by a set time, thus when they failed their avatars can be logged out. However only Raker and Lotus got out of Endless Kill, while at least Maiden was stuck in EK when she was logged out. Maiden should still be able to duel normally but if she logs into UNF she'll appear in the same place where she was being EK-ed.

How Azure Heir is able to login and logout of his own free will then, as Flere said, thus baffles me at the moment.

Maybe not 'whenever', but Azure Heir had that set-up you said planned out, he's not stuck inside the palace for good and can leave.

Originally Posted by tusjecht (Post 4510577)
Thanks for the CD info Flere, but is there a reason why Azure Heir is not actually stuck in the palace?

RL speaking, he can log out because of the timed disconnection. UAF speaking, he can bust himself out by cutting open one of the Gates with the Four Gods to leave, and from he said himself he's confident he can outrun two of the Four Gods if he has to. He has reasons to stay within the palace however, which in-setting he has not explained yet. From Author's twittering or other provided info outside LNs however, it appeared the name 'Azure Heir' is a reference to him actually being the RL royal heir of Japan. This was provided in one of the previous posts in this thread too.

Orange Duke 2013-01-13 02:13

You guys are forgetting that Flere said in addition to him being able to leave freely, he can also enter freely. I do know about the NN raid on the Forbidden City but if his connection was disrupted like the Nega Nebulous members he would be unable to enter the field freely.

Tri-ring 2013-01-13 02:52


Originally Posted by Orange Duke (Post 4511069)
You guys are forgetting that Flere said in addition to him being able to leave freely, he can also enter freely. I do know about the NN raid on the Forbidden City but if his connection was disrupted like the Nega Nebulous members he would be unable to enter the field freely.

That is why I posted in the previous post.
The only ones that can find themselves within the Forbidden castle from the start are the ones that are within the physically in the place already.
Get my drift?

Orange Duke 2013-01-13 03:11

Yes, I do, but if he forced a disconnection while still in the castle, he would link in at the castle regardless of where he was in real life.

Tri-ring 2013-01-13 03:34


Originally Posted by Orange Duke (Post 4511117)
Yes, I do, but if he forced a disconnection while still in the castle, he would link in at the castle regardless of where he was in real life.

Well as Chrome Falcon noted he was the first to infiltrate the forbidden castle and yet the novel suggests that someone else had been there before. Another point would be that as Azure Heir had suggested that he had never left the forbidden castle from the start which leaves the only logical choice, he was there from the start.

Orange Duke 2013-01-13 03:43

This I also already know. My question is how Azure Heir is going to link in after forcing a disconnection since his avatar would still be at the palace.

Tusjecht 2013-01-13 06:25

Actually that would be less of a problem; the old NN members would spawn near the monsters, where they got logged out. Conversely, Heir's spawn point would therefore be somewhere where he logged out. Since the locations are the same in Heir's case, he'll always spawn in the palace.

Even if he spawns just outside the palace, if he's as fast as he says, he can outrun the God-class enemies and camp in the palace.

How powerful is the Infinity again?

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