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kankyo 2011-03-16 05:19


Originally Posted by blaze0041 (Post 3533490)

Spoiler for high school years:

BaKaBaKaOtaKu 2011-03-16 05:21


Originally Posted by kankyo (Post 3533501)
Spoiler for high school years:

agreed. X)

Afternoon Tea 2011-03-16 15:26


Originally Posted by Goggen (Post 3533428)
Can't be, school starts in spring...

Well, Yeah I know that. Its just that the episode gives a graduation vibe, but as for the trip like i said a post high school trip kankyo pretty much has it summarized


Originally Posted by kankyo (Post 3533469)
Some confirmation (and heavy spoilage):
Spoiler for the timeline:

SaintessHeart 2011-03-16 15:29


Originally Posted by kankyo (Post 3533469)
Some confirmation (and heavy spoilage):
Spoiler for the timeline:

Spoiler for spoiler reply:

Afternoon Tea 2011-03-17 00:13

Hey Guys! another Comparison I discovered! This time its K-ON!! to Jimi Hendrix one of my favorite musicians! and one of my most inspirational.
(more will be added later on)

Jimi Hendrix Live At Woodstock ( one of the biggest rock concerts ever )

Jimi Hendrix

Jimi Hendrix has been reference alot in the anime in both dialogue and screen action. I remember in the first episode from season one; The members asked Yui if Jimi Hendrix was one of her favorite guitarest

Jimi Hendrix
I forgot which episode the girls were messing around with the cleaning stuff in the class room like the brooms and stuff, and pretended they were playing there instruments just out of being eager/intersted to play there real instruments. but this can relate alot to Jimi's background
Entirely self-taught, Jimmy's inability to read music made him concentrate even harder on the music he heard. (kinda like Yui, she doesn't know to read music) Al took notice of Jimmy's interest in the guitar, recalling, "I used to have Jimmy clean up the bedroom all the time while I was gone, and when I would come home I would find a lot of broom straws around the foot of the bed. I'd say to him, `Well didn't you sweep up the floor?' and he'd say, `Oh yeah,' he did. But I'd find out later that he used to be sitting at the end of the bed there and strumming the broom like he was playing a guitar." Al found an old one-string ukulele, which he gave to Jimmy to play a huge improvement over the broom. By the summer of 1958, Al had purchased Jimmy a five-dollar, second-hand acoustic guitar from one of his friends. Shortly thereafter, Jimmy joined his first band, The Velvetones.

almost a mimic of what Sawako just did in that first clip?

History of how teeth playing starting :)

gives you that 60's-70's concert feel in the U.S

expect more later down the line for this comparison, I might start a series for later things instead of typing all this out
Comparison Archive

Hikamori 2011-03-18 00:49

K-ON! is going to be on the Disney Channel Japan in April :) Pretty Hardcore!!!!!

Afternoon Tea 2011-03-18 00:57


Originally Posted by Hikamori (Post 3535763)
K-ON! is going to be on the Disney Channel Japan in April :) Pretty Hardcore!!!!!
http://jakesanimeblog.files.wordpres...1/03/kondc.jpg! why would they do this?! come one now I don't really like NEW Disney at all (its okay I just like old Disney wayy better), but as long as its not like Disney here in America I'll feel sorta fine.. but still..... theres just some thing wrong about this, I just can't put a finger on it... what ever more Publicity I gauss

BaKaBaKaOtaKu 2011-03-19 05:19

uhmm.. taketatsu ayana's english-translated words from her blog concerning the earthquake and tsunami.. =(

Spoiler for ayana:

and about aki:

Spoiler for aki:

Lord of Fire 2011-03-19 13:40

^ Not sure how that last bit fits in with Ayana's sentiment for the stricken Japanese people, but it's funny nonetheless. :D

What's interesting about it, though, is how these seiyuus have become very good friends. I don't think something like that is something you would normally tell your colleagues, unless you really like or trust them. :)

LightMusicBand 2011-03-28 00:55

hmmm, ok, a bit off the topic there, but still K-On though.

when do their school year start? i remember on the ep 1 of s2, there were cherry blossoms, so it must start at spring, right? and how about summer class. last time i checked, summer follows spring. so i don't get how that really work. (i'm not japanese, so i don't know the total timeline of their seasons, but i'm basing that on what other countries in the northern hemisphere are experiencing.).

and some stuff that i don't kinda like about the anime that i have noticed just now. they have the equipment, the room, the time, but they, for the most part, don't spend them as wisely as they should, like having practices and whatnot. it's just that, my friends and i am really wishing we could have those stuff, we have to rent a studio for our practice, and we don't have time either. (oh, i'm just stressed out these days maybe, but i do have a point do i?). but they (the K-on girls) do practice sometimes, it's just that, if we were in their position, we would be jamming our hearts content. but having tea and breaks are good too.

o well... could someone answer these. (just some thoughts that lingered in mind).

Ryonea 2011-03-28 01:14


Originally Posted by LightMusicBand (Post 3548017)
and some stuff that i don't kinda like about the anime that i have noticed just now. they have the equipment, the room, the time, but they, for the most part, don't spend them as wisely as they should, like having practices and whatnot. it's just that, my friends and i am really wishing we could have those stuff, we have to rent a studio for our practice, and we don't have time either. (oh, i'm just stressed out these days maybe, but i do have a point do i?). but they (the K-on girls) do practice sometimes, it's just that, if we were in their position, we would be jamming our hearts content. but having tea and breaks are good too.

o well... could someone answer these. (just some thoughts that lingered in mind).

Well, first of all, the anime didn't show their activities every day. Hence why the extra episodes are set as insert episodes, right? :) Who knows they might have some very serious training at a day or two~ (outside of the episodes) but at least we know that the girls are quite diligent to practice at their own home. :)

Ithekro 2011-03-28 02:14

The Japanese school year goes from April to March. They have a small summer break in August I believe.

LightMusicBand 2011-03-28 02:24


Originally Posted by Ryonea (Post 3548030)
Well, first of all, the anime didn't show their activities every day. Hence why the extra episodes are set as insert episodes, right? :) Who knows they might have some very serious training at a day or two~ (outside of the episodes) but at least we know that the girls are quite diligent to practice at their own home. :)

ok, you have a point there. i guess it's not that they don't practice a lot, it's just that they were rarely seen practicing in the anime. didn't think of that. (though there are some incidents where Azusa claims they don't practice enough, and used that argument in order to train Ritsu when she faces the student council in making a request for an aircon. they didn't gave a straight answer as to why, but they promised they would practice. that's good). guess i'm a little jealous of them, that's all. ( i guessed i sorta answered my own question too).

thanks. now could someone answer my other question about when does their school year and summer class start? still clueless about that.

Vexx 2011-03-28 12:41


Originally Posted by LightMusicBand (Post 3548094)

thanks. now could someone answer my other question about when does their school year and summer class start? still clueless about that.

Ithekro answered your question -- in Japan, the school year starts with the spring in April. That's why EVERY anime you've ever seen set in a school starts out in episode 1 with sakura (cherry blossom) petals blowing off the sakura trees. April is the month of Hanami (cherry blossom viewing time).

Students go to class year-round. There are small breaks (e.g. in the summer) - but usually students are given a pack of homework to do so they won't lose their momentum. That's why every summer break episode in any anime usually has one student who forgot to do theirs because they had too much fun.

There are school festivals to mark each season and a break in winter. Graduation happens in April, a week or two before the next academic year starts.

Goggen 2011-04-02 13:00

So - anyone feel like translating the latest blog entry here? Clearly, it's about the manga continuation, but I'd love to hear exactly what's being said about it and Google Translate is not much help...

Hikamori 2011-04-02 13:29

Practice Time Considered

Originally Posted by LightMusicBand (Post 3548017)

and some stuff that i don't kinda like about the anime that i have noticed just now. they have the equipment, the room, the time, but they, for the most part, don't spend them as wisely as they should, like having practices and whatnot. it's just that, my friends and i am really wishing we could have those stuff, we have to rent a studio for our practice, and we don't have time either. (oh, i'm just stressed out these days maybe, but i do have a point do i?). but they (the K-on girls) do practice sometimes, it's just that, if we were in their position, we would be jamming our hearts content. but having tea and breaks are good too.

K-ON! critics are quick to throw in the "They don't practice" argument, but, they don't consider it's a 6 day school week x 2-3 hrs a day and most of the club activities shown are primers for the episodes
The only one not getting enough practice is, probably, Ritsu because it'd be awkward to carry your drum set home every night
She would have to practice at school, unlike, the other members

relentlessflame 2011-04-02 13:55


Originally Posted by Goggen (Post 3555191)
So - anyone feel like translating the latest blog entry here? Clearly, it's about the manga continuation, but I'd love to hear exactly what's being said about it and Google Translate is not much help...

There really isn't anything new. They're just announcing that the manga will be resuming in the two magazines in the weeks ahead, and thanking all the fans for the inundation of supportive mail they received from a wide variety of fans after the original manga ended (they point out that they received mail from everyone from gradeschool children to working adults and everything in between). The implication is that it was thanks to all that support that the manga-ka decided to continue the franchise (though, and this is my editorializing, I'm sure the fact that it's a financial juggernaut now didn't hurt...) So just basically "thanks for all your support and please keep supporting us going forward" sort of thing.

Otaku Guy 2011-04-02 19:07

^ Thank you, I was just about to post that but I guess you beat me to it.

Goggen 2011-04-02 20:55


Originally Posted by relentlessflame (Post 3555240)
So just basically "thanks for all your support and please keep supporting us going forward" sort of thing.

Got it, thanks. :)

New K-On! manga is close now... Very close. :D

Ryonea 2011-04-02 21:10


Originally Posted by Goggen (Post 3555628)
Got it, thanks. :)

New K-On! manga is close now... Very close. :D

But we still need wait longer for the translation :heh:

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