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Tyabann 2012-10-05 20:58

Hey, I have my complaints, but I'm certainly not dropping it. Not until I see how they adapt the secret of the world, in any case.

ronelm2000 2012-10-05 21:01

Even if it hasn't aired yet, I already can't wait due to have seen the preview in general.

/unrelated lolforhavingthe96pagesinanAnimePreAiringNewsandSpe culatonthread

Tyabann 2012-10-05 21:02

...A subforum? Before it even airs?
I understand that it was going to happen anyway, but...

winhlp32 2012-10-05 21:10

Ohh...I thought this would hit 100 pages before the first episode airs. So close.

Congrats on the shiny new subforum by the way.

ultimatemegax 2012-10-05 21:10


Originally Posted by Kaisos Erranon (Post 4383272)
...A subforum? Before it even airs?
I understand that it was going to happen anyway, but...

Given the amount of people who've played the game and will likely rant about the anime, it's better to attempt to split it up into separate threads than the one general thread. Best to prevent any spoilers from happening before the first episode starts.

Shinguji 2012-10-05 21:12


Originally Posted by Kaisos Erranon (Post 4383265)
Hey, I have my complaints, but I'm certainly not dropping it. Not until I see how they adapt the secret of the world, in any case.

Same here. I don't think it's quite fair to judge how good/bad a series will turn out to be just based on a ten minute preview. I'm pretty happy with it so far, and I'm curious to see how they adapt the rest of the story.

Marcus H. 2012-10-05 21:15

Guys, you're being too harsh about a first episode.


Quick, let's all judge this before even giving it a chance. Why's it so hard to enjoy something for what it's worth anymore?
Some people want only the best, and they end up being blinded by their own expectations.


Because there are people that believe this show is not getting the treatment that it deserves.
Is having an anime series after three years of anticipation not enough treatment for you? There are a lot of series deserving and anime series that they end up not getting one, so it's fortunate that someone picked this one up.


Fixed that for you :heh:
"Committing sudoku" is a 4chan meme.


Okie dokie so this one will be a pass for me. Didn't watch it, but looking at the scraps of info here and some posts, its just not worth the time.
Welp, don't do that. Try it yourself.



Originally Posted by relentlessflame
Reminder: We All Know This Isn't Animated By KyoAni; please don't focus only on that

I don't know why, but I was very amused by this thread title. :heh:
Unfortunately, it's true. Many people still believe that KyoAni should have gotten Little Busters!

relentlessflame 2012-10-05 21:28


Originally Posted by ultimatemegax (Post 4383284)
Given the amount of people who've played the game and will likely rant about the anime, it's better to attempt to split it up into separate threads than the one general thread. Best to prevent any spoilers from happening before the first episode starts.

Yes, you've basically got it right. Trying to keep everything constrained to one thread (given the high amount of interest, the high amount of game players, and the high amount of controversy) would have just been chaos. And yes, this is another case where spoilers can be totally deadly to the experience (plus there are a lot of people who've played the game), so establishing those boundaries is also key. I hope that the game players will cooperate by keeping any and all hints and spoilers about the game (including hints about the game structure and routes) out of anime threads, and using the other threads instead so that all conversations can happen in "safe zones" without needing to worry about ruining the show for people.


Originally Posted by Marcus H. (Post 4383290)
I don't know why, but I was very amused by this thread title. :heh:
Unfortunately, it's true. Many people still believe that KyoAni should have gotten Little Busters!


Well, yeah, we all know people are still bitter about this, and I'm not trying to say they're wrong to feel that way at all (or stop them from expressing that when appropriate). But, by the same token, at this point it's not like whining is going to change anything either (to be clear: I'm not trying to say all such opinions are whining though). We have to try to at least look at the show as is and judge it on its own merits. Hence why I said "don't focus only on that". If at the end of the day people end up disappointed, at least they can say they gave the show a fair shot.

ronelm2000 2012-10-05 21:34

Spoiler for relentlessflame:

"imb4 post immense amounts of KyoAni comparison" averted. Thank you, lol.

Question: did any series did this before? I mean... a 96-page pre-air thread before the series proper....:heh: Wait... I think I'll need to browse the answer through might already be answered. :uhoh:

relentlessflame 2012-10-05 21:48


Originally Posted by ronelm2000 (Post 4383312)
Question: did any series did this before? I mean... a 96-page pre-air thread before the series proper....:heh:

There have been other shows that have a similar level of pre-airing interest, but the problem is that this thread is really two topics in one. First is "Little Busters will be animated" and second is "Key selects Warner/J.C.Staff for their next Anime Adaptation". Obviously the two topics are inter-related, but they're really separate issues (because the second conversation is only happening due to the brand history, and has nothing really to do with Little Busters itself except by proxy).

(In retrospect maybe we should have had two threads from the get-go, but as they say, hindsight...)

Pocari_Sweat 2012-10-05 22:57


Seriously, the hype behind this completely dwarfs the one from Sword Art Online. You think SAO's was bad, just watch this lol.

However, I will be watching this since I'm pretty indifferent to Key and I've liked parts of some of their series. Also I heard that the source material is more "friendship" based then "melodrama/wangst" based which is a plus to me.

At least I'll definitely take this over that Chuni-byo series by the actual series done by Kyoani this season ... which if I had to be blunt gave me incredibly mediocre first impressions but that's for another day.

supermegasonic 2012-10-06 00:30

well i wanted to see this anime before playing the VN, they definitely have to take a bunch of stuff out to fit the whole anime in. so i'll see what they do before i see what was intended to happen...

Aspirety 2012-10-06 00:43

As has been said, people just need to chill the **** out and just appreciate it for what it is .The only thing worrying me about enjoying this series is all the flaming from both directions online, heh. Just take it easy. If you abandon petty concerns and attachment to Kyoani, I'm sure people will enjoy this a lot more.

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