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Pellissier 2010-12-05 07:26

Ore no Imouto - Episode 10 Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for Ore no Imouto, Episode 10.

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HinataShou 2010-12-05 11:24

the yandere is back

Epic battle

kate starry night unforgiven blade work


larethian 2010-12-05 12:27


Sprite_Coke 2010-12-05 13:00

^ Well Meruru and Kanako have the same VA. Smart choice on the producer's part to prepare for Kanako -> Meruru episode from the beginning.

Hooves 2010-12-05 13:58

Oh no!!

I have a good idea what its about :heh:


kate starry night unforgiven blade work


You know she is going to control the world with that cuteness :uhoh:

blitz1/2 2010-12-05 14:03

SO, Yukari Tamura has 3 roles now in this show? xD LOL

Darknemo2000 2010-12-05 14:12


Originally Posted by HinataShou (Post 3377417)
the yandere is back

She is not a yandere. Not enough mentally fucked up and still havent tried to stab anyone just yet.

Sprite_Coke 2010-12-05 14:16

^ The recently released PSP game would tell you otherwise...

CrowKenobi 2010-12-05 14:18

But, that is the game not the anime, novels or manga.

omimon 2010-12-05 14:18


Originally Posted by Darknemo2000 (Post 3377642)
She is not a yandere. Not enough mentally fucked up and still havent tried to stab anyone just yet.

No....she's definitely a yandere. Either way if I had a little sister who slapped me like that I would literally beat her inside out.

blitz1/2 2010-12-05 14:23


Originally Posted by omimon (Post 3377651)
No....she's definitely a yandere. Either way if I had a little sister who slapped me like that I would literally beat her inside out.

and please post the pictures. xD

Dahak86 2010-12-05 14:32

ep10 - gifs
Ayase... dam, she's scary.:heh: =>

Epic Battle =>

Kira! =>

other gifs =>

Micchi 2010-12-05 15:05

Yessss!! Kanakana-chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan~!!!!!!

I was afraid that they would skip this part since it's pretty late in the series to introduce new characters and do development for subchars, but I was pleasantly surprised. Kanakana-chan (not Kanako) is so cute! We get to see Bridget-chan too >w<b Too bad we probably won't see them together again though...

Spoiler for LN v4c1:

Ayase packs a lethal kick. Even if she won't wear the costume here, she sure is flaunting it on the special manga cover XD

Kira~! 9/10

omimon 2010-12-05 15:42


Originally Posted by Micchi (Post 3377725)
Yessss!! Kanakana-chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan~!!!!!!

I was afraid that they would skip this part since it's pretty late in the series to introduce new characters and do development for subchars, but I was pleasantly surprised. Kanakana-chan (not Kanako) is so cute! We get to see Bridget-chan too >w<b Too bad we probably won't see them together again though...

Spoiler for LN v4c1:

Ayase packs a lethal kick. Even if she won't wear the costume here, she sure is flaunting it on the special manga cover XD

Kira~! 9/10

The anime people are too scared to show a minor smoking. Anal-parents will raise hell if they did. Personally I knew they were going to do this. Since its a minor character thing I wouldn't care but something like this happened in the Naruto anime and I was PISSED since it was an actual important plot device.

type-R! 2010-12-05 16:05

I'm surprised Kirino wasn't drooling over Kyousuke with that outfit and hair (well who knows what she did later on that day while bathing), he should have brought the neuralyzer to erase her memory so that she would stop being a tsundere.
Is a real life otaku crowd still like that? There's gotta be some more younger people including girls (there were a couple but still...).
Although there wasn't that much plot development it was still entertaining, I wonder how Manami would react if she saw Kyousuke in that outfit.

HayashiTakara 2010-12-05 16:53

Spoiler for lol:

Anyway that midget, dont care to remember her name, but she's a total bitch and a half. I'm glad she's not around for most of the series.

Darknemo2000 2010-12-05 19:36


Originally Posted by omimon (Post 3377651)
No....she's definitely a yandere. Either way if I had a little sister who slapped me like that I would literally beat her inside out.

She is not. Until she takes a knife or something similar and starts going around attempting to kill others, she will not be a true yandere.

Here is yandere definition

So far she doesnt show all that stalkerish tendencies and isnt obsessed to the point of trying to kills someone so yeah

Seiryuu 2010-12-05 19:59

OK, save the yandere arguments for Ayase's thread. Awesome ep. Especially loved the look on Ayase's face when she spotted Kirino in the crowd. Not to mention, you'd think she wouldn't be dumb enough to ask what you do with them after you collect them. That's like asking a teenage girl why she has 300 different pairs of shoes when she only wears 20 regularly (voice of experience there, if a little exaggerated). Personally, I don't get the figurine stuff at all, I just collect the anime and manga, let the others pay extra for figurines. Then again, the only figurines I've seen were so bad it was an insult to the anime it came from.
Lastly, Kyousuke is an absolute IDIOT. Even if she openly says that she does gravure work, which in many cases is taken to mean risque but not quite pornographic, there's no WAY Ayase would show up on stage wearing that. And note that I said gravure is often taken that way, not that it is that way. I know that gravure is a broad spectrum, but every time I see it referenced it ends up being magazines of not-quite-naked girls.

Undertaker 2010-12-05 20:59

Slightly modified event of ch1, vol.4. very nicely done though. Kanakana is great here, understandably they cut away the smoking part, though if there is a season 2 it mean the next Kana-event might have be modified. Bridget is cute, too bad she is just a minor character in the series.

Overall pretty good episode.


Originally Posted by Seiryuu (Post 3378178)
Lastly, Kyousuke is an absolute IDIOT. Even if she openly says that she does gravure work, which in many cases is taken to mean risque but not quite pornographic, there's no WAY Ayase would show up on stage wearing that. And note that I said gravure is often taken that way, not that it is that way. I know that gravure is a broad spectrum, but every time I see it referenced it ends up being magazines of not-quite-naked girls.

With all due respect, there's a time when a man need to act even if he knew ahead that the action is futile. Kyosuke is just doing what every man in his right mind would do, asking a model you happen to know to wear a skimpy outfit when you got a chance....

BTW, while I know you know what gravure is, pornographic is still a strong word. (not that I mind those stuff, but there are still diffrenece between gravure and porn)

The anime version of Dark Witch (that was shown) is is much less risqué than novel though, here is the illustration in the novel:

Rikimtasu 2010-12-05 21:02

EP 10 Batch:

And on this week:

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