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Kairin 2012-03-09 13:42

Shakugan no Shana III - Episode 22 Discussion / Poll
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Game8910 2012-03-09 14:37

Man the Chiara, Saale, Dantalion, and Mammon battle was intense and awesome. But DANTALION IS GONE, I will miss this crazy bastard.
Also poor Kamshin is not looking good, he might not make it out of this battle.

Xanadu's creation has climaxed, and the Flame Haze's hidden trump card has now been activated, the last inning starts now, only 2 episodes till the finale.

syke123 2012-03-09 20:12

I usually watch Shana on saturday mornings, but a single reply in 6 hours? What happened?

Swimming 2012-03-09 20:44

It might be because it havn't be subbed yet...

Senshigeia 2012-03-09 20:50

No subs yet, this is very unusual indeed...
I tried to watch it without subs, but failed to understand most of it. I'll vote and comment this episode when the subs are up.

Cosmic Eagle 2012-03-09 21:29

Best episode in the whole series.

Simply because of Chiara

They should make a spin-off with XV....

syke123 2012-03-09 23:02

If the blurays sell well and they get the funding from geneon I want to see toten glocke.

serenade_beta 2012-03-10 01:00

Damn, the Professor was awesome. Provided entertainment for this surprisingly dull season and died in an entertaining way. R.I.P.(?), Prof.
Awesome eyecatch too. Actually made the 3rd season kind of worth it.

Elf song 2012-03-10 08:51

Dantalion : "Oya?" *caught in the blast*
Lamest but funniest death in SnS. :heh:

Farewell, Mammon... taking the all damage from the robots' explosion to himself.

And the first and only time Tiamat talks longer than four kanji. This episode reveals that Wilhelmina's habit of saying "~de arimasu" is actually copied from her contracted lord.

Deathscyther 2012-03-10 09:25

Great episode. Once again the episode focused on the side characters mostly, but I didn't mind at all this time. Shana and Yuji can have the final two episodes.;)

The Chiara/Seere vs Mammon/Dantalion battle was pretty great. Nice and simple plan by Seere. In the end he used the nutty professor's creations against him. Just when one of the robots was about to selfdestruct, Seere launched him at Dantalion. Somehow Dantalion's escape plan failed (because of Hyakki Yakou?) and he could do nothing but wait for the explosion. Your new invention was strong enough to kill even yourself, professor. Be happy.

Mammon, who was caught off guard because of the professor's demise, was struck down by Chiara. Pirsoyn tried to save him, but Mammon decided to sacrifice himself to save the tower, which was about to be destroyed by the robots that were going on a rampage because their controller has died. A noble end for the vampire.

Things aren't looking too good for Khamsin. I don't think he'll survive this battle. I don't think he's gone just yet, but I'm expecting him to die protecting Kazumi in the end.

It seems that Yuji's 'dragon hair' won't work anymore now that Dantalion is gone. So this hair was some kind of machine that was being controlled by the professor? This 'dragon hair' was pretty handy, since he could use it for attacking and defending. I wonder if he can still use his silver powers. These powers seem to be connected to the tyrant, which was being controlled by Dantalion as well. He could have gotten these silver powers from his connection with SnH as well though.

I have a feeling that Yuji's being set up to be able to fight on his own. First Johan left him. Because of that he'll have to sense the flow of PoE for himself. Now he seems to be losing his powers that he got from the tomogara (dragon hair, maybe the silver). On top of that, he just learned 'Sakai Yuji's' own spell during this battle. Could this be hinting towards Yuji surviving and splitting from SnH in the end? It would be logical, since I think that SnH will disappear once Xanadu is created. I guess that this could mean that Yuji will continue to fight as 'Sakai Yuji' (together with Shana) in Xanadu this way, since I don't think that all problems will be solved because of the creation of Xanadu. It is Yuji's goal to make the humans and tomogara coexist with each other in that world after all. This won't be something that can be achieved easily. The tomogara will have to be kept in check as well, especially since it seems that there will be unlimited PoE in Xanadu.

So the reason why Margery sneaked into the tower earlier was because she was putting the alteration of the Taimei Shihen in the back-up system as well. The flame haze were prepared for this back-up plan.

Shana seemed content that her plan worked, but at the same time surprised when she saw that Yuji was smiling at her. I was kind of surprised by this as well. He lost some of his powers and the 'code' of the Taimei Shihen was altered, so why would he be smiling? Could it be that Yuji accepted the new rule and acknowledged Shana's actions? Or could it be that this new rule was already in SnH's/Yuji's Taimei Shihen from the beginning?

I can't wait for the next episode. I'm expecting the creation of Xanadu to start any moment now.:)

Proto 2012-03-10 09:59

Ugh... the series turned pay only suddenly on niconico. Dick move. :p

edit: oh, nvm, 22 isn't available there yet. Those are the 1 week old episodes.

syke123 2012-03-10 11:00

Gotta hand it to J.C for ruining Mammon's character.

Chaos2Frozen 2012-03-11 09:44

Chiara and Sale vs Mammon and Dantalion fight was actually pretty tense for me, there were a few of times each of them were really close to death, only to escape, but then somehow find themselves in another death trap situation :eyespin:

Can't believe there's only two episodes left...

Kakkou 2012-03-11 10:01

Well, I like Mammon for at least saving the tower and asking Pirsoyn to get away. Can't have one of the cutest Denizens in the series die. I kinda chuckled at the way Dantalion got offed. I never really liked him but his last moment was kind of entertaining.

Things are really not looking good for Khamsin though. =( His last scene and the preview feels like his death flag is up in the air. Why couldn't it have been someone else, like Sale or Chiara since they were (sort of) nearby? Not that I have anything against them, just that I could never find a reason why I should care about them over someone like Khamsin.

... I'm not sure at what point did I start watching Shana with hopes certain characters would get killed instead of just enjoying the setting. :uhoh: Somehow this season's been doing a fine job at making me want most of the cast removed, mainly on the Flame Haze side.

syke123 2012-03-11 10:37


Originally Posted by Kakkou (Post 4047625)
Somehow this season's been doing a fine job at making me want most of the cast removed, mainly on the Flame Haze side.

I feel the exact same way, I thought J.C would take advantage and do things a little their way like they always had, and maybe kill that damned nun.

Flame haze that should die, because I hate them.

Crontica 2012-03-11 11:49


Originally Posted by Elf song (Post 4046035)
Dantalion : "Oya?" *caught in the blast*
Lamest but funniest death in SnS. :heh:

Farewell, Mammon... taking the all damage from the robots' explosion to himself.

And the first and only time Tiamat talks longer than four kanji. This episode reveals that Wilhelmina's habit of saying "~de arimasu" is actually copied from her contracted lord.

I was like "what puppet dude you can't be serious with that trick are you guys going to forever plan this batt- :twitch:"


Originally Posted by syke123 (Post 4047691)
I feel the exact same way, I thought J.C would take advantage and do things a little their way like they always had, and maybe kill that damned nun.

Flame haze that should die, because I hate them.

Indeed the lengths they went to preserve such a chaotic status quo cannot go unnoticed, if it went their way it wouldn't be long until the rest of the world got caught up in the war at this rate.

Shana: Just as plan-
Sakai Yuji: Smirk
Shana: O_O

Best scene to date.

Iwa Ite 2012-03-11 12:14

Such a mess in this last battle :heh: This episode was much better thought. I hope it's so for last episodes, because I'm sick of all that talking :uhoh:
I'll just go read the novel now, that should be more understandable :)

ars89 2012-03-11 13:43

Glad Wilhelmina was able to help Pheles and Johann. Oh man the Professor finally bit the bullet. So did Khamshin also bight the dust? Still don't get what the spell Shana and Margery used did to Yuji's plan?

Ec1ge 2012-03-11 14:11

A good 10/10

For once, Mammon got more screen time and a little more dialog and action (with half the time it's only him raising his arms and attacking Sale & Chiara). What an epic way to die too for Mammon.

Love Dantallion's line before he died: "Oh. My." :heh:

Feel bad for Khamsin but he went down like a champ. :l

Still confused what Shana & Margery did to Yuji's Xanadu creation.

Deathscyther 2012-03-11 14:54


Originally Posted by ars89 (Post 4047948)
Still don't get what the spell Shana and Margery used did to Yuji's plan?


Originally Posted by Ec1ge (Post 4047979)
A good 10/10
Still confused what Shana & Margery did to Yuji's Xanadu creation.

Basically they changed the Taimei Shihen, the unrestricted method which will create Xanadu. Shana and co used a piece of the Taimei Shihen that they had in their possession to change one of the rules of Xanadu. In this piece they inserted the rule that humans can't be changed into power of existence.

Shana put this altered piece of Taimei Shihen in the chorde (the rings) and threw these chorde at the egg of the world, in which the original spell insignia of the Taimei Shihen is located. The altered piece of Taimei Shihen combined with the original and the 'code' of the original was rewritten this way.

At the same time Margery put the altered piece of Taimei Shihen in the back-up system. So nothing changed when Bel Peol activated the back-up system this episode, because the back-up system had been infected with the altered Taimei Shihen as well.

Senshigeia 2012-03-11 15:52

Finally I was able to find subs!


Loved many scenes in this episode:

- Hyakki Yakou. Pity we only met them half way in the series... Those three are very amusing.

- Basically all of Khamsin, but I just adore who he said he would protect Kazumi! Man those two should end up together and sooner! I was already sick of the love triangle... Things are not looking very well for the "Old Men" though...

- Wilhelmina and Tiamat's little chat. I am really loving Carmel-san in this third season, since she happens to be a really emotional character after all. I always thought her to be cold and insensitive, but she really happens to be a woman who has been through a lot... alone. She he already one of my favorite characters, after Shana and Margery.

- Shana saying she likes Margery, and the way she reacted to that. Those two have grown really close to each other since season 1!

- Chiara/Sale and Dantalion/Mamon fight. That was my favorite part of the episode, I think. Sale is really a funny character and I cracked with him running away from the missiles. I LMAO with Dantalion's last minutes! I didn't like him, not a bit. He reminded me of the Dr. in season 3 of Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon, so I'm actually relived with his death. Ooooops... :3

- Yuji's grim in the end. He is actually enjoying it, or maybe he already planned it that way... Don't know what it actually meant, but I enjoyed it anyway.

I'm actually nostalgic since there are only 2 episodes left. At the same time I can't contain my anxiety for the great finale! 2 years of Shakugan no Shana fandom, waiting for the 3rd season, and now it's reaching it's end... :upset:

Dominic Night 2012-03-11 18:16

So the Dantalion dies. Here I thought that he would get his robot partner to actually fight in person-to-person against Sale. Oh well.

Either way I enjoyed the battle scenes so far.

redflame 2012-03-12 03:01

Hmm.. I haven't written a review for the sns episodes in a long time.

Anyway, I never really liked the Dantalion or Domino and I'm glad they died.. in a humorous way :heh:. Khamsin? his death seems to be awaiting him soon. It was kinda cute when he would die protecting Yoshida, but also sad :upset:. Do any of you guys think Khamsin may have taken a liking to her? Its very hard to tell since he doesn't express much of his emotions.

The conversation between Mammon and Pirsoyn was nice and sad at the same time. It actually showed that tomogaras can have special relationships with each other sometimes. :)

How unexpected.. Shana opens her eyes and surprisingly sees Yuji smiling. What could that smile hide? And from watching the preview, Yuji is starting to look more himself. From the beginning of this season he was kick-ass strong then gradually getting weaker and looking more like Yuji.

About Wilhelmina.. I'm confused about what she said about herself.. What did she mean by "searching for herself?" But it was nice to see Tiamat speak more :)

Lastly, I expect Shana is kick Yuji's ass more in the next episode. And only 2 episodes left?! Time flies by so quickly :(

EDIT: Another question, though I may have missed it.. Since when did Shana change back to her school uniform? O_o

~Yami~ 2012-03-12 08:10

finally I don't need to hear Dantalion's annoying voice anymore... Mammon also die in a honorable way
Sale-Chiara's teamwork is really good

oh no! I can't watch this Khamsin... He's dying... ;__;
He just offer his life to protect Yoshida....

until now, I only think Hyakki Yakou as a tomogara's mercenary group... We don't even know their past
and finally Tiamat can give a long lecture... lol

now now... somehow I forget about what Engage Link is... lol... anyone can remind me?
and Margery's role has been exposed as well... nice move, Flame Haze..

those smirk.... yeah!!! I know it!!! Like I have said earlier, everything still going according to Yuji's plan (that even Trinity don't know about it)
next episode, finally I'll hear Yuji's true plan

question left for me : Engage Link? Where is Shaher and Rofocale? Johan-Pheles' plan? Sophie? and Rebecca's role

give me all the answer in good way (2 episode left) >.<

we're nearing at the end.... T____T

Ec1ge 2012-03-12 16:27


Originally Posted by redflame (Post 4048852)
Hmm.. I haven't written a review for the sns episodes in a long time.

Anyway, I never really liked the Dantalion or Domino and I'm glad they died.. in a humorous way :heh:. Khamsin? his death seems to be awaiting him soon. It was kinda cute when he would die protecting Yoshida, but also sad :upset:. Do any of you guys think Khamsin may have taken a liking to her? Its very hard to tell since he doesn't express much of his emotions.

The conversation between Mammon and Pirsoyn was nice and sad at the same time. It actually showed that tomogaras can have special relationships with each other sometimes. :)

How unexpected.. Shana opens her eyes and surprisingly sees Yuji smiling. What could that smile hide? And from watching the preview, Yuji is starting to look more himself. From the beginning of this season he was kick-ass strong then gradually getting weaker and looking more like Yuji.

About Wilhelmina.. I'm confused about what she said about herself.. What did she mean by "searching for herself?" But it was nice to see Tiamat speak more :)

Lastly, I expect Shana is kick Yuji's ass more in the next episode. And only 2 episodes left?! Time flies by so quickly :(

EDIT: Another question, though I may have missed it.. Since when did Shana change back to her school uniform? O_o

Nice to see you again :heh:

[ Last part ] : In ep. 18. Around the last couple minutes before the credits.

By Deathscyther

He noticed that she's wearing her school uniform. Shana's not just fighting as a flame haze. She's fighting as the flame haze "Flaming-Haired, Blazing-Eyed Hunter" Shana, who met Yuji in Misaki City, has lived in this town with Yuji, who went to school together with Yuji and who in the end fell in love with Yuji. It basically shows her reason for being there: defeating and saving Yuji.

Ec1ge 2012-03-12 16:32


Originally Posted by ~Yami~ (Post 4049149)

question left for me : Engage Link? Where is Shaher and Rofocale? Johan-Pheles' plan? Sophie? and Rebecca's role

give me all the answer in good way (2 episode left) >.<

we're nearing at the end.... T____T

- ( For your question; nice to see you again! LOL )

Engage Link = Johann and Pheles. Their plan will be revealed in the next episode(s)

Shaher and Rofocale = somehwhere in La La land and talking [... I honestly don't even know ]

Sophie = [ Yeah, what happened to her? ]

Rebecca = Probably kicking other Tomogara's ass :)

Kristen 2012-03-12 21:01

As much as people hate Datalion, I have to admit, he really was an awesome character.

2 more episodes to go! So long as JC Staff remains somewhat ambiguous my Yoshida end is still possible. :3

FlareKnight 2012-03-13 00:05

I really hope that Khamsin can hang in there. It definitely looks bad. But the guy has become one of my favorites in the series so hope he can survive somehow. He put everything on the line to protect Kazumi. No doubt all their interactions has made her important. Still wouldn't be surprised to see him go just to add some threat to survivability odds for everyone.

Interesting to see Shana's counter to Yuji's move. He doesn't seem that flustered though which makes me wonder what else he might have up his sleeve. It could be bad since I don't think Shana herself has anything else in store. Of course whatever the Engage Link are up to might make a big difference.

alvinkhorfire 2012-03-13 01:35


Originally Posted by syke123 (Post 4046160)
Gotta hand it to J.C for ruining Mammon's character.

So, are you suggesting that the novel version differs from what is animated? Could you please briefly describe how Mammon is killed in the novel? For sure, we are interested to know more about it. :)

On a side note, both Johan and Pheles are inside the blue hougu which is taken care by Kazumi? Well, what would be their purpose to do so?

MeoTwister5 2012-03-13 06:09

I sense main character death flags popping up next episode. 2 episodes to go and I'm almost sure someone from the main cast is going to die.

Triple_R 2012-03-13 09:57

I really don't get the hate that Dantalion is receiving on this thread.

He was a very fun, theatrical villain that I thought had a nice blend of comedy and drama to his character. I hope viewers aren't judging him by how likable/unlikable he is in the sense of "Would you want to be his buddy?", because that's not the best approach to take with classic-style villains, imo. :heh:

I could see Dantalion's speech mannerisms getting tiresome if he was the main antagonist, but in his largely supporting role (for the rest of Bal Masque), I thought he was truly awesome. A nice dash of chaos and color that kept this show from growing too staid during its weaker moments.

The way he went out was very poetic and fitting, too.

Overall, Episode 22 was simply a fun-filled adventurous thrill ride. Shana III just keeps delivering the action-packed excitement without the slightest bit of letup.

I really have to tip my hat to Yashichiro Takahashi - It's not easy to convey good, comprehensive action scenes in a light novel medium, but if this anime is any indication, he did a simply superb job here. Honestly, I don't know if I've seen continuous action/warfare this epic and engaging since I last watched The Lord of the Rings movies, and that was quite some time ago.

I'm truly going to miss Shana when it's all said and done. It has a certain impeccable style in how it so seamlessly weaves together action-packed epic adventures with suspenseful drama with cool chaotic comedy with anime aesthetics and sensibilities typically put to their best possible use. At its best, it makes for a truly one-of-a-kind experience.

10/10 for Episode 22. Everything just comes together so marvelously in this episode, and screen-time is divided up amongst the key characters with impressive care and effectiveness. These past few episodes of Shana III have also gone a long way to making Yoshida Kazumi a truly worthwhile character. There were times in Shana's second season when she actually came across to me as being in the wrong anime show, but that's certainly not true now.

Senshigeia 2012-03-13 15:08

Spoiler for Triple_R quote:

Triple_R basically said everything. I am looking for anime series much like Shana, but it is so unique I haven't found anything like it. The story is perfect, the romance overwhelming, the character development is huge, the battles are epic, the whole concept is just... perfect! I am sure if I read the light novel volumes with the events from season II, and even I, I wold think more highly of Kazumi. That second season was pain on anime... awww that love triangle! I'm glad that's over... Anyway I can't wait for the next two episodes, and also I can't help but sob when I think it will end in a week and a half... :upset:

Frostysunset 2012-03-13 16:33

Episode 22, and still going strong. I too love the Shana series. I might even put it at number 1 in my book.
The Prof., even if he was more or less entertaining as a villain, was a psycho. He definitely needed to go. If SS-Eclipse's translation was at all accurate, he was enraged that humans would not be able to be used in new world as sources for Existence -- despite the fabled boundless amounts of Existence that would be there for his use.

I think a few things are working up to an unexpected ending with Yuji owning SnH. Yuji was built up so much in the second season as having a great knack for tactics against the tomogara. I think he is using SnH, Shana (and other Flame Hazes), and Bal Masque to a more interesting end -- perhaps instead of creating a new world in the rift between Guze and our world he is going to lure all the tomogara into the "new world" which is really a one-way ticket back to Guze, and the path between our realms will be severed. But in order to use the power of SnH he had to make the Flame Hazes his enemies. The Engage Link will help in this: which of course will send Pheles back to Guze, which is why she does not want to help in this.

All the frustration we are seeing in Yuji/SnH's face is really when SnH is in control, but then we see moments of contentment, and I think that is when Yuji surfaces.

syke123 2012-03-13 17:15


Originally Posted by alvinkhorfire (Post 4050377)
So, are you suggesting that the novel version differs from what is animated? Could you please briefly describe how Mammon is killed in the novel? For sure, we are interested to know more about it. :)

I was referring to his character, Mammon is seen as a Tomogara that can shield his emotions and not break a sweat no matter the situation. Emotionally of course, and that disrupted emotional state ruined everything. But I guess that's just the significance I put into him.

Deathscyther 2012-03-14 19:36


Originally Posted by Frostysunset (Post 4051384)
I think a few things are working up to an unexpected ending with Yuji owning SnH. Yuji was built up so much in the second season as having a great knack for tactics against the tomogara. I think he is using SnH, Shana (and other Flame Hazes), and Bal Masque to a more interesting end -- perhaps instead of creating a new world in the rift between Guze and our world he is going to lure all the tomogara into the "new world" which is really a one-way ticket back to Guze, and the path between our realms will be severed. But in order to use the power of SnH he had to make the Flame Hazes his enemies. The Engage Link will help in this: which of course will send Pheles back to Guze, which is why she does not want to help in this.

All the frustration we are seeing in Yuji/SnH's face is really when SnH is in control, but then we see moments of contentment, and I think that is when Yuji surfaces.

I don't think that Yuji has a plan that SnH doesn't know about, since they're merged. Both know what the other is thinking since they're basically one being at the moment. That's why Yuji never says 'I' but 'Sakai Yuji' when he's talking about himself. I do think that Yuji is using SnH and Bal Masque for his own agenda though. I think he made some kind of deal with SnH when they decided to merge.

In episode 18 he told Kazumi why he's creating Xanadu in Misaki City. He said that he's creating Xanadu in Misaki City since it's easier to make holes in the barrier between this world and the rift there, because the balance used to be very bad in Misaki City. He's going to use the anti-seal to reverse the tuning Khamsin did in season 1 in order to open a big hole between this world and the rift. This will reduce the stress placed on SnH during the creation of Xanadu.

At this time he said that this was 'Sakai Yuji's' proposal/plan. So the one who wanted to create Xanadu in Misaki City was Yuji and not SnH. Why would Yuji bring the battles to his hometown? Why would he perform the dangerous anti-seal there? I don't think he decided to do it there just to reduce the stress placed on SnH. Yuji has always wanted to protect Misaki City and the people who live in it. He was even willing to leave the town with Shana back in season 2 to protect the town and it's people. So there must be another reason why Yuji wants to create Xanadu in Misaki City. I have a feeling that Yuji's plan will actually benefit Misaki City and it's people in the end.

Maybe that's where Spiral Organ comes in the picture? After Spiral Organ asks Yuji if the creation ritual will be held in Misaki City in episode 16, Yuji says 'It has to be here.' Yuji then continues to say that he wants to borrow his assistence at that time. Spiral Organ then says 'Does that entail more than what you've already requested of me?'. Yuji then nods. I think that Spiral Organ meant the anti-seal when he said 'what you've already requested of me', so Yuji is probably asking Spiral Organ's help for something else here.

klare 2012-03-15 12:41

why did the professor not guard his escape route? so far, team Shana still have the upper hand, wonder why Yuji is smiling...

2 more eps to go

Proto 2012-03-15 13:05

When are the new episodes released? I've been watching the official streaming at nicovideo but last week they were pretty slow.

Frostysunset 2012-03-15 16:43

Deathscyther, even though they are merged, I don't think the two personalities in Yuji know what the other is thinking. Johan was in there too, working on something, without (at least) SnH's being aware.
I think this is confirmed by Yuji bringing them to Misaki City to perform the ritual. Like you said, it does not seem to make sense to bring this maelstrom of chaos to Misaki for the sole purpose of reducing strain on SnH. Yuji probably has an ulterior motive for it, one that I suppose SnH does not know. The Tomogara of Guze seem to have a naivety borne of pride when dealing with humans; I think SnH is going to fall prey to this.
Then again, I have not read the novels, so I could be 180 degrees out on this one.

Deathscyther 2012-03-15 18:36


Originally Posted by Frostysunset (Post 4054406)
Deathscyther, even though they are merged, I don't think the two personalities in Yuji know what the other is thinking. Johan was in there too, working on something, without (at least) SnH's being aware.
I think this is confirmed by Yuji bringing them to Misaki City to perform the ritual. Like you said, it does not seem to make sense to bring this maelstrom of chaos to Misaki for the sole purpose of reducing strain on SnH. Yuji probably has an ulterior motive for it, one that I suppose SnH does not know. The Tomogara of Guze seem to have a naivety borne of pride when dealing with humans; I think SnH is going to fall prey to this.
Then again, I have not read the novels, so I could be 180 degrees out on this one.

Yuji and SnH are the only ones who have merged. Johan was just trapped within the Reiji Maigo, so it's logical Yuji and SnH didn't know what he was up to.

If Yuji indeed has an some kind of ulterior plan, I think that SnH does know about it. Either because they're one being now or because Yuji told SnH about it. It would fit in with the way I view their relationship. I guess I see them as partners. They seem to respect each other and each other's wishes. They are working together and using each other in order to reach their respective goals. At least that's how I see it.

Guido 2012-03-15 23:55

I cannot believe everything will be over in less than two weeks.

They put special attention on the expectations about the Engage Link, and I feeling that what both Johann and Pheles left to Kazumi may play as the trump card to allow the Flame Haze end the war. That and hoping Rofocale can summon his God now that what Kazumi is protecting caught Rofocale's interest.

As for the conclusion of the battles, I enjoyed Mammon final meetings. The catharsis he delivered by interacting with Pursoin was indeed a beautiful dramatic touch and went with a pretty Big Bang to protect the tower along with his comrades' dreams.

The plan to initiate Xanadu's creation started, or that's what Sarei no Heibi thought it would go as smoothly, but with the Flame Haze tampering the back-up system seems that the God of Creations' plans have backfired.

Or that's what we were led to believe given how Yuuji-Sairei no Heibi smirks back at Shana with great confidence, hinting to the audience that he may have developed an ulterior plan as a last preventative measure.

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