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Pellissier 2012-03-19 02:54

Another - Episode 11 Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for Another, Episode 11.

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konart 2012-03-19 12:33

Best episode so far.
I didn't have so much fun since Zombieland :D

Utsuro no Hako 2012-03-19 12:42

Oh man, that was freaking awesome. Not only do we finally get a death more awesome than the umbrella-impalement, we get three of them in five minutes.

But note to Sakakibara: In the future, when you're in a burning building and the fire alarm won't work, perhaps instead of visiting each and every room individually, you could try running down the hall shouting "FIRE!" Or even find the room with the PA system and use that.

Also, looks like we can eliminate Mikami-sensei and Twintails as suspects (assuming that when Misaki ran off at the end she was going to kill the Another).

Horse 2012-03-19 12:52

Pretty Good TM. Far fetched but pretty good. I was amused with how they were in no rush to check if Kazami was still alive.

I'd switch the OP and ED around this time to keep the energy pumping at the end though.

EroKing 2012-03-19 13:04

Now that wasn't so scary, just a bunch of high school kids trying to kill each :p :heh:

I'm also glad they are keeping the suspense till the last episode and should be one hell of a finale.

minhgurluver 2012-03-19 13:13

ZOMGWTF that was awesome. so fast-paced and exciting from start to end... feels like the producers tried their best to build up and hold back till last two eps and then... ALL HELL BROKE LOSE!

so yeah, coming back to the plot. Misaki is going to kill the Another... who is that? suspects list now only includes Teshi, Mochizuki and random guys though...
but wait, they didn't show Mikami-sensei in the screencaps reviewing the 3 deaths. so she could be alive and a suspect still.

Hakuromatsu 2012-03-19 13:25

Well, there's nothing quite like turning junior high students into psychopathic murderers.

AC-Phoenix 2012-03-19 13:26


Originally Posted by minhgurluver (Post 4060699)
ZOMGWTF that was awesome. so fast-paced and exciting from start to end... feels like the producers tried their best to build up and hold back till last two eps and then... ALL HELL BROKE LOSE!

so yeah, coming back to the plot. Misaki is going to kill the Another... who is that? suspects list now only includes Teshi, Mochizuki and random guys though...
but wait, they didn't show Mikami-sensei in the screencaps reviewing the 3 deaths. so she could be alive and a suspect still.

Knox 1st: The culprit must bee someone mentioned in the early parts of the story.
The Author is a mystery writer, so yes it applies here.

Yvese 2012-03-19 13:31

This ep just went all Higurashi which is AWESOME.

I'm still thinking Mikami is the 'another'. One more week and we'll find out!

minhgurluver 2012-03-19 14:00

back on the suspects list. Kazami and Maejima are both not confirmed to be dead... yet and might still play a part. Chibiki and the asthma dude are still away... Reiko is not here.
hell, the first time we saw that Ogura girl we all went 'omg so cute' 'poor thing'. Everybody can go batshit crazy and scary.

Kanon 2012-03-19 14:20

That was incredible. I had already figured a long time ago this would happen, but this was even more intense and ugly than I expected. They've all lost their mind. Damn that Mochizuki! Couldn't he keep his mouth shut!? To be fair, I can't really blame him since he was smart enough to share the information with only the head of countermeasures and her assistant, and not with everybody.

I never thought Misaki and Mei's resemblance would be what would lead to such a tragic turn of events. From Ogura's standpoint, her theory does make perfect sense. Unfortunately, explaining to her the Misaki she is talking about was Mei's twin would have been useless. Other than Kouichi, who would believe her story?

The only other solution to end this nightmare is to kill the extra person. Mei was reluctant to do it, but she has finally made up her mind at the end of the episode. We can rule out Izumi since she was right in front of her: if she was the extra Mei intends to kill, she wouldn't have run upstairs.

My money is still on Ms Mikami. Did you notice the look on her face when that student asked who the extra was? That was pure fear. Her death was not confirmed: she was hit by a mop, it's not unlikely at all for her to have simply been knocked unconscious. If Kazami can survive a two story fall, I think she can survive a mop.

Actually, let me correct what I said earlier: killing the extra may not end everything, as there is another killer roaming around. I initially thought the killer was Kazami, until SUDDENLY, KILLER GRANDMA! (I definitely like killer lolis better by the way) What the actual fuck? Is she being manipulated by the phenomenon? But if she is, why did she kill her husband -and in such a gruesome fashion too- who as far as we know is unrelated to anybody in class 3? I don't know what to think anymore. At any rate, that was definitely an unexpected development.


Originally Posted by Hakuromatsu (Post 4060724)
Well, there's nothing quite like turning junior high students into psychopathic murderers.

Not so cute anymore. I liked her :(

The only ray of sunshine in this dark episode was Mei and Kouichi holding hands. Dawwww. They're definitely the couple of the season for me. Funny how I care more about that pairing than the pairings in an actual romances series like Ano Natsu.

Goggen 2012-03-19 14:23

So what I want to know is (other than the obvious questions), what the hell possessed that old lady to murder the host and a bunch of kids all of a sudden? And in such brutal fashion, too...

EDIT: Ah, ha ha, Kanon beat me to it. :heh:

Kaoru Chujo 2012-03-19 14:25

Works for me. The slow reactions to everything are a bit off-putting -- like run down the friggin' hall and shout "fire!" somebody -- but they got the suspense and doubt going, and certainly found inventive ways to slice and dice the cast. However, my favorite moment was Mei holding the MC's hand to tell him not to attack. Romance among the ruins.

ars89 2012-03-19 14:31

It was inevitable that they would all single someone out and try to kill them together. So i take it Mei went to go kill the extra person herself.

Red Lupine 2012-03-19 14:36


Originally Posted by ars89 (Post 4060800)
It was inevitable that they would all single someone out and try to kill them together. So i take it Mei went to go kill the extra person herself.

The problem is that the extra will be forgotten by all but the killer. So, even if Mei kills the extra and ends the curse, no one else will know it happened and the witch hunt will continue.

TinyRedLeaf 2012-03-19 15:02

Heh, my suspicions had been on Kazami for a while, since he's been played up as a major character only to have literally disappeared for the last several episodes. He's not quite dead yet, having survived a two-storey fall, unlike poor Ogura, so my money's still on him.

Pretty bloody episode as expected but, to be sure, I don't quite like how it all came from almost nowhere. For Sugiura to literally go psycho — she had obviously been depressed for a few episodes now, but it's hard to believe she'd go Robert Bales all of a sudden.

And what's with the hotel manager? Does the phenomenon literally take over minds now, like it did with Kubodera-sensei?


Originally Posted by Kaoru Chujo (Post 4060791)
However, my favorite moment was Mei holding the MC's hand to tell him not to attack. Romance among the ruins.

Indeed. Sugiura conveniently confirmed that Akazawa's fond of Sakakibara too. Unfortunately, bad blood comes before summer triangle romances. :heh:

Candyshark 2012-03-19 15:06

This episode was complete nonsence so yeah some of us predict hell breake loose. But the reactions to some thing so unrealistic. This pretty much where people loose their shit run around like madman yell "FIIIIRE, MUURDEEER!!" and not walk around in slow pace to check whether someone is still alive and knock politely in teacher's room.

Mop-death, "Boobs" choking on wires and Teshi injury breakdown got me gigling. Old geezers killerers where did that come from? Holding hands and last scene with Mei picking skewstick and Izumi going rage mode were great despite being cliche.

So we have bitch fight next week. I hope Izumi won't die from some clumsy slip up on banana or stairs accident. I have no idea on whom to bet. I would put one of the victims on the list though.

frubam 2012-03-19 15:20

God, listening to this show wearing[high-quality] headphones scared the **** outta me :uhoh:. The atmosphere really is much more profound when the sound surrounds you instead of coming from just one direction.


Originally Posted by minhgurluver (Post 4060699)
so yeah, coming back to the plot. Misaki is going to kill the Another... who is that? suspects list now only includes Teshi, Mochizuki and random guys though... .

Isn't it possible that Kouichi is still the Another? I know Mei specifically said he wasn't, but I had initially took Mei's running away to mean she didn't want to kill him.

TinyRedLeaf 2012-03-19 15:24

So let's see, the casualties in this round were:

Kazami(injured, MIA)
Maeshima(injured, status unknown)
Mikami(injured, status unknown)
Ogura(dead, broken neck from fall)
Ouji(dead, roasted by backdraft)
Sugiura(dead, hanged by dangling cable)

There's also that one skewered student trapped in the emergency staircase that Mochizuki and Teshigawara were trying to escape into, but his identity is not quite clear. Male hotel manager is also KIA but... he doesn't really count, does he?

The graduation ceremony is going to be a fairly somber affair this year, regardless of how many students survive...

ookamigirl 2012-03-19 15:26

Strange things were happening... even more then before.
Lots of corpses too.
Takako lost it completely, but she's not the only one.
That tape sure made a mess of things.
Awesomely intense episode.

Goggen 2012-03-19 15:31


Originally Posted by TinyRedLeaf (Post 4060847)
And what's with the hotel manager? Does the phenomenon literally take over minds now, like it did with Kubodera-sensei?

But if so, why would it make her kill her husband (or whoever he was)? He doesn't have any connection to the class, so he should be safe from the calamity... Is her psycho killing unrelated to the calamity and just... bad luck for the kids?

serenade_beta 2012-03-19 15:35

I thought I was watching a horror anime until it turned into comedy. I don't know, but everything just turned into a gag. Why? Mm... Not sure, but really, I couldn't take it too seriously. People going crazy too quickly.
I was able to take it up to Tesshi accidentally killing the guy..., but then...

-Takako suddenly appearing at Lv5. (She didn't seem that insane an episode back and at that point, she should have already known though...?)
-Takako announcing to the class and then everyone just suddenly zombie-appears in the hallways...
-(And in the middle of this, some old lady that just... er...........)
-NEET-brother's sister going "DIEEEEEEEE!" --> Gets hit and snarls (<--point) "UEEEEEEEGHH!" --> Falls and does a Kill Me, Baby
-Two guys just staring into space and one of them has a weird speech pattern --> Toasty!
-Oh forgot, but also some ol' man dead behind doors!!! But then the screen shifting to doors closing. :heh: You know, it happens all the time in comedy. Open the doors, see something you don't like, and then slowly close the doors and pretend it never happened.
-Takako just popping out of nowhere in a comedic fashion (going "Not me") and attacking...
Too much too quick for me. Phew...

-Ah, but the SM play following that moment was nice. Always thought she'd fit the role, for some reason.

-And then she somehow manages to get tangled up and hanged by wires. (<--EH?! Not even sure how that happened. The wires were not so tight and wrapping from the looks of it, unless someone booby-trapped it like a snare... Mr. God of Death?!)

But anyways, it's unfortunate I could no longer take the anime seriously and unfortunate Takako died, but at least I finally learned her real name and at least got to see her do a little S&M before the anime ended. RIP.

And look, Akazawa-san snapped too. Eh~~~?
Let's just say a virus caused all of them to go crazy and die. That's the best explanation.


Nochgo 2012-03-19 15:41

Was it only me that found the slow reactions in the first half of the episode irking? First, when the protagonists find out that someone fell out of the balcony and want to check if he is dead or not, they nonchalantly and very slowly walk out. They should be running down the hall! Same thing when Sakaki finds that one guy stabbed on the floor. His reaction "oh look, his been stabbed. Oh well, not my problem." He seemed to collected to just leave him and check out the dining hall. Same with the fire thing. He did almost nil to let people know. And most of all, Misaki FIGGEN KNOWS who the dead is, but she doesn't tell anyone about it. Wow. Psycho junior high schools are fun, but not when other things dont make sense. No 119 call let check the teacher first lolol.

RikaNipah 2012-03-19 15:42

A lot of the characters going a bit Rena Ryuugu/Maria Ushiromiya in this ep.
I used to like Akazawa and now she gets on my nerves because now she's just assuming things so quickly.
I also thought it was so weird that just because one person said Mei was the extra that EVERYONE is like 'yep that seems legit let's go kill our classmate'.
Also, why is the granny going crazy?... Ohwell, not like I could get a truly logical reason for that when it comes to this anime seeing as someone already stabbed themself in the throat multiple times. @A@'

serenade_beta 2012-03-19 15:45

Ah, come to think of it, Takako's voice actor = Fukuen, right? :heh:

Commentator: Just shut up already
Me: Sorry, tension got a little high from watching the episode (probably the wrong way though)

AC-Phoenix 2012-03-19 15:50


Originally Posted by serenade_beta (Post 4060902)
I thought I was watching a horror anime until it turned into comedy. I don't know, but everything just turned into a gag. Why? Mm... Not sure, but really, I couldn't take it too seriously. People going crazy too quickly.
I was able to take it up to Tesshi accidentally killing the guy..., but then...

-Takako suddenly appearing at Lv5. (She didn't seem that insane an episode back and at that point, she should have already known though...?)
-Takako announcing to the class and then everyone just suddenly zombie-appears in the hallways...
-(And in the middle of this, some old lady that just... er...........)
-NEET-brother's sister going "DIEEEEEEEE!" --> Gets hit and snarls (<--point) "UEEEEEEEGHH!" --> Falls and does a Kill Me, Baby
-Two guys just staring into space and one of them has a weird speech pattern --> Toasty!
-Oh forgot, but also some ol' man dead behind doors!!! But then the screen shifting to doors closing. :heh: You know, it happens all the time in comedy. Open the doors, see something you don't like, and then slowly close the doors and pretend it never happened.
-Takako just popping out of nowhere in a comedic fashion (going "Not me") and attacking...
Too much too quick for me. Phew...

-Ah, but the SM play following that moment was nice. Always thought she'd fit the role, for some reason.

-And then she somehow manages to get tangled up and hanged by wires. (<--EH?! Not even sure how that happened. The wires were not so tight and wrapping from the looks of it, unless someone booby-trapped it like a snare... Mr. God of Death?!)

But anyways, it's unfortunate I could no longer take the anime seriously and unfortunate Takako died, but at least I finally learned her real name and at least got to see her do a little S&M before the anime ended. RIP.

And look, Akazawa-san snapped too. Eh~~~?
Let's just say a virus caused all of them to go crazy and die. That's the best explanation.


You mean like a Yomiyama-Syndrome?

TurkeyPotPie 2012-03-19 15:55

The show's been really uneven in the second half, but I am glad to see that if it was going to jump the shark, it didn't hold back. That was gloriously awful and stupid. :heh: I debated giving this a 1 or a 10, there was no middle ground, but ultimately went with 1 even though I laughed my ass off at this episode. Just a shame that the setup from the first few episodes was blown to pieces in the second half. There was so much hilariously bad stuff that I'm going to have to go back and rewatch again to catch it all. Some of my reactions as I watched this episode:

- Everyone's reactions were really subdued. At the beginning, Teshigawara busts in and says "I might have killed someone!" and Sakakibara and Mei's reaction is "Oh...really?" No one is particularly concerned about checking on whether the guy is still alive. Throughout the episode there's too much of this, there's a fire, blood everywhere, and half the characters are just "eh, whatever".

- I know characters in horror act stupid, but the lines "Do you think we should go outside and call the cops", "nah, let's find Mikami-sensei first!" cracked me up.

- The whole Mochizuki dragging Teshigawara around the hotel while being slowly "chased" by the nutty manager... :heh:

- A school girl kicking down a locked hotel door (which are usually rather strong).

- The rain of piss and spit as Takako died. Heck, everything involving her this episode.

- And Mei is one stone cold mofo. Never freaks out the entire episode.

Kanon 2012-03-19 15:57

The reactions were indeed over-the-top, but that didn't bother me too much. Why? Because I've also been watching BRS this season. The behavior of the characters in Another seem 100% believable if you compare them to that of the BRS cast :heh:

They at least had a decent reason for going psycho. Their lives are one the line here. It's kill or be killed. The students chanting "bring the dead back to death" like brainless zombies was quite ridiculous though. And Ogura's death was hilarious.

Wandering_Youth 2012-03-19 16:00

With the exception of the female manager going on a mad psycho spree, I was just shaking my head this entire episode at the hysteria all these fools are going through. Especially, Takao and the girl who lost her brother these poor fools have lost all their souls and *should* be killed. They are nothing more than animals at this point that need to be put down.

*sigh* I feel tad depressed after watching this episode. Chances are people in IRL might actually act this way when faced with death and that just makes me a sad bear.


Originally Posted by TurkeyPotPie (Post 4060941)

- I know characters in horror act stupid, but the lines "Do you think we should go outside and call the cops", "nah, let's find Mikami-sensei first!" cracked me up.

- The whole Mochizuki dragging Teshigawara around the hotel while being slowly "chased" by the nutty manager... :heh:

- A school girl kicking down a locked hotel door (which are usually rather strong).

- The rain of piss and spit as Takako died. Heck, everything involving her this episode.

- And Mei is one stone cold mofo. Never freaks out the entire episode.

They could of called the cops, but I think the female manager probably disconnected all the phones since she may had other plans if you get my drift. As for Misaki, maybe she's just seen and experienced similar shocking things that has her decentized?

ThereminVox 2012-03-19 16:20

I'm actually really excited that not only do we not know what comes next, but we've actually got a mystery on our hands of what came before. When Sakakibara saw the stabbed kid in the hall, and the fire/murder in the kitchen, but no one else seemed to notice, I kind of thought he was losing his mind, but sure enough, bam, Cleaver Granny.

I can't wait to see the other side of this story. Things had gone from bad to worse long before Sugiura played the tape, but notice she arrived on the scene covered in blood before she even went after Mei. Whatever happened, she probably had a hand in setting it in motion, though she specifically denies being responsible for Maejima, and possibly for the fire in the dining hall, depending on how you chose to take her words.

Chibiki and asthma kid are both still driving through the goddamned Lost Woods. Protip, Chibiki, you newb: north, then west, then south, then west.

I'm guessing asthma kid is just there as a device to remove Chibiki, but really, would he have been a sufficient voice of reason to prevent things from going full Lord of the Flies? There must be some reason he has to not be there.

Sadly, I think we can write Izumi off. The final casualty, perhaps?

Skyfall 2012-03-19 16:20

This episode pretty much left me speechless, and I'm not sure if I mean that in a good way or a bad way. So fabulously over the top the end result is either absurdly awesome or immensely ridiculous. And I think I'm leaning towards the ridiculous end; it's like the whole presentation went to the cuckoo land.

The gang calmly strolling to see whether the guy whom Teshigawara killed is actually dead, Mikami down for the count from a hit with a MOP, psycho grandma on the loose, burning houses and cleaving faces, the students slowly gathering in the hallway like a zombie horde while chanting about returning dead to the death ... :eyespin:

Seriously, what happened to the show I was enjoying so much up to now ? This was silly on so many levels. I think this is the first time Another has made me borderline laugh during a death scene - when ... err ...whatshername managed to get herself strangled upon those wires. The whole episode was a prime example of unintentional funniness.

The only good part was seeing Koichi not pulling punches to get past his nutso classmates, he scores some points there.

Klashikari 2012-03-19 16:39

I can't help but be irked to no end by this episode.
I did expect a huge uproar should the information was leaked, but the way it was played was outright awful.
First off, as stated already, Kouichi and friends reactions were awfully dull to the point it didn't make sense: past the revelation shock, they were simply walking, despite Kazami might be dying as they were going there. Meanwhile, Kouichi seems to be much more interested by some random room instead of helping out a stabbed classmate.

They also know there is a killer around, yet they for some reason split themselves... humm, okay... (What about the speakers, and announcing the predicament and the fire?)

Mikami hurt that way with a mop? Now that's seriously an incredible display of strength here.

Meanwhile, Teshigawara couldn't walk due to a... mere scratch? I could buy that he was limping, but to the point he has to be... dragged by Mochizuki? (To begin with, how Mochizuki can drag the former, considering his build?).

But aside those points, the whole "zombie army"-like scenes with the classmates wasn't really convincing. Instead, it really felt forced and really underhanded in so many ways.

I frankly hope the last episode will not follow the same trend, because that would be a very poor conclusion.

TinyRedLeaf 2012-03-19 16:40


Originally Posted by Skyfall (Post 4060987)
This episode pretty much left me speechless, and I'm not sure if I mean that in a good way or a bad way. So fabulously over the top the end result is either absurdly awesome or immensely ridiculous. And I think I'm leaning towards the ridiculous end; it's like the whole presentation went to the cuckoo land.

...Seriously, what happened to the show I was enjoying so much up to now ? This was silly on so many levels. I think this is the first time Another has made me borderline laugh during a death scene - when ... err ...whatshername managed to get herself strangled upon those wires. The whole episode was a prime example of unintentional funniness.

The only good part was seeing Koichi not pulling punches to get past his nutso classmates, he scores some points there.

I think the only plausible explanation is... BA DA BOOM... the phenomenon made them do it! :eyespin:

I mean, seriously, how else to explain psycho grandma? The symptoms are all too similar to those that afflicted poor Kubodera. It seems the phenomenon doesn't just reduce your LUCK stat, but also reduces your INT so severely that even 18+ scores would plummet to 3 or lower. :p

The adrenaline-pumping moments were good, with the usual solid sound effects to support them but, yeah, the delivery did spin far too unexpectedly into slasher-humour territory, which becomes only more obvious once the initial excitement fades. Well, at least it's only one more episode to the big reveal. Even if things stay over-the-top nonsensical, here's hoping it'll end on an emotional high note...

AC-Phoenix 2012-03-19 16:46


Originally Posted by Klashikari (Post 4061020)
I can't help but be irked to no end by this episode.
I did expect a huge uproar should the information was leaked, but the way it was played was outright awful.
First off, as stated already, Kouichi and friends reactions were awfully dull to the point it didn't make sense: past the revelation shock, they were simply walking, despite Kazami might be dying as they were going there. Meanwhile, Kouichi seems to be much more interested by some random room instead of helping out a stabbed classmate.

They also know there is a killer around, yet they for some reason split themselves... humm, okay... (What about the speakers, and announcing the predicament and the fire?)

Mikami hurt that way with a mop? Now that's seriously an incredible display of strength here.

Meanwhile, Teshigawara couldn't walk due to a... mere scratch? I could buy that he was limping, but to the point he has to be... dragged by Mochizuki? (To begin with, how Mochizuki can drag the former, considering his build?).

But aside those points, the whole "zombie army"-like scenes with the classmates wasn't really convincing. Instead, it really felt forced and really underhanded in so many ways.

I frankly hope the last episode will not follow the same trend, because that would be a very poor conclusion.

Most things making this so unreasonable result from the differences between the different kinds of media used.
Different characters die, different characters getting depressed without their depression ever being shown to the same extrend as needed to make the last part reasonable.

Klashikari 2012-03-19 16:50

The thing is that: I don't even question Takao's "madness", even though they could actually make her more "unstable" for several episodes, instead of making Izumi saying this ("show, don't tell!" point).

But the way how, every classmates showed up -sloooooowly- but -at the same time- in a zombie fashion was really silly. I would expect some to rush out, others to panic, and maybe some questioning or trying to share opinions in a much concerned way than 2 guys chilling out in the hall.

don_Durandal 2012-03-19 17:08

Well that was over the top. Was wondering at some point in the episode if this was the same series I was watching. As other mentioned, it was hard to suspend my disbelief when the redshirts went zombie-mode.
Note that we did have a bit of foreshadowing with the class’ mentally unstable state, as none of the redshirts were smiling when they took the picture in front of the lodge.
When they didn't hurry to check Kazami it was annoying though. In a "get a goddarn move on!" kind of way.

I’m sure there must be a point to the “other the top”-ness; or at least I hope there is.

When Ouji (long-haired dude) went to open the door I thought to myself “this would so create a backdraft in real life”. I must say I was pleasantly surprised to see it actually happen! I need to find a way to show it to my colleagues at the fire station ^^ (for the record that’s a very dangerous fire phenomenon and not just the name of a TV series).

Candyshark 2012-03-19 17:42

yeah and the guy got roasted with his hair intact. The more funny the whole thing that Mei a girl of figure of china doll run off to take care of "Another" all by herself.

The episode started with very high suspence for me: Those short scenes of teacher with lifeless stare got me in panic. I was like OMG not her she is dead! next cut. OMG she got stabbed in the back! she moved! uff thanks god.

Dengar 2012-03-19 18:15

I hate killing people. Whether they deserve to be punished or not.

That being said, Insane Glasses Girl and Insane Cute Girl deserved to fucking die.

And I don't mean for some silly reason like trying to kill the Moe.

I seriously mean they needed to die because they are insane and the world is better off without them.

They got what they deserved.

You know, at least the thing that Upbeat Lazy Guy did to the other guy was a fight that escalated. Even if he got killed (which he didn't), at least I would have some amount of understanding.

Did the guy that injured/killed Mikami-sensei die yet?

Hot Countermeasures Girl, you are still safe. Please don't become an insane bitch that needs to die as well.

Kirarakim 2012-03-19 18:15

The only thing I liked about this episode was Kouichi protecting Mei.

The rest I was like, I can't believe they just did that :uhoh:

sikvod00 2012-03-19 18:18

I totally disagree, Dengar. Those people needed to be stopped, but they didn't "deserve" to die. They snapped from all the fear, frustration, paranoia and whatnot that has been building for months, and reacted in the most unsighlty way possible....OK, I admit it was deliciously hilarious the way they reacted and I did laugh out lough when glasses girl stupidly chocked to death.:p:D

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