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daliinn 2004-02-25 21:32

Diablo III
Diablo III, I have heard some rumors that there will be one, but some people say its never gunna happen. Anyone have any dirt on this?

Newprimus 2004-02-25 21:44

I don't see why they would. Diablo's gone, Mephisto's gone, Baal's gone....Who are they gonna use? Some random demon or evil wizard?

Deralti 2004-02-25 22:27


Originally Posted by Shinova
I don't see why they would. Diablo's gone, Mephisto's gone, Baal's gone....Who are they gonna use? Some random demon or evil wizard?

1. This is not anime related.
2. Diablo has had 2 official(and multiple unofficial) sequels, give it up already. Whacking stuff is fun, but it is only fun for so long.

Newprimus 2004-02-25 23:53


Originally Posted by Deralti
1. This is not anime related.
2. Diablo has had 2 official(and multiple unofficial) sequels, give it up already. Whacking stuff is fun, but it is only fun for so long.

You're telling him to give it up, right, not to me? Cause I'm against the idea of a Diablo 3.

Now Starcraft 2 on the other hand :D

zalas 2004-02-26 00:09


Originally Posted by Shinova
I don't see why they would. Diablo's gone, Mephisto's gone, Baal's gone....Who are they gonna use? Some random demon or evil wizard?

Remember there were 7 evils. 5 of them are gone (Andariel and Duriel were also major demons). But yeah, I don't see a point in the game though. Too boring ~_~ Maybe they should just make it a novel or something if they really have more material to cover.

Dark Zero 2004-02-26 00:15

As much as I loved Diablo, I don't think there's much left to do, if anything worthwhile at all. Let alone, who else would the game's engine work? DiabloII was kinda iffy as is, I can't see many improvements for the games style. The more they try to re-do the style, the worse it gets. Now Fallout3 is a different story ;) Even then I don't think they can make a new one to be worthy of the fallout title.

brightman 2004-02-26 10:20

If you guys are talking about the story, there's still PLENTY to do with it (obviously some people here haven't seen the Lord of Destruction ending...) Gameplay-wise though, no idea.

As for a sequel, I doubt there'll be one for another ten years, if ever, seeing as how Blizzard North is now crap after so many people left.

daliinn 2004-02-26 15:30

I am also against the idea, it was fun but would just become overated if a third was made. Plus the plot would be horrible because there isn't much story to follow Diablo II AND Diablo II expansion (also the storyline wasn't so great to begin with in these games). I just heard rumors and wondered if they were true.

To follow up your statement shinova, I think if a Star Craft 2 was made it would just become another warcraft 3 with a more futuristic storyline

Newprimus 2004-02-26 19:48


Originally Posted by daliinn
To follow up your statement shinova, I think if a Star Craft 2 was made it would just become another warcraft 3 with a more futuristic storyline

Well, Starcraft 1 was basically Warcraft 2 with a more futuristic storyline too if you think about it. :D

aahhsin 2004-02-27 00:04

D3 will come. just probably wait a long time.

if u watched the ending the Worldstone is gone. the last barrier that seperatates hell and santuary is gone. The soulstones only kill the mortal bodies that the 3 use for their time on earth. The 3 can't die. eventually they'll get another body and come back.

7thMethuselah 2004-02-29 11:11

As long as Blizzard doesn't announce anything don't count on it. As far as I know they are very much into World of Warcraft now, there are rumors about a "secret project" currently under development but from what I've read and heard on their forums it's likely to be something completely new. Also the developers said they were kinda tired of Diablo for now, Even though it isn't unlikely diablo III will ever appear, it won't be for any day soon (especially considering that blizzard always announces game 1-2 years before release).
If you really want a new hack and slash game I recommend Sacred from Asceron entertainment, it's new and after playing the demo it looks very promising.

I)ark-I)eath 2004-02-29 22:52

starcraft had better gamplay than warcraft to me...cause in starcraft the limit was 200 and in warcraft the limit was 90...defealt right? so starcraft can get more strategic elements......starcraft 2 is gonna be wicked.....they just gonna add to the original formula which is good....PROTOSS RULE!

Necrodeath 2004-03-01 17:34

There's still a lot of story to tell after DII, in fact, DII:LoD had an open ending...
I could be wrong with the next thing, but the bosses you kill in the game are the living bodies, and the soulstones contain their soul, therefor if you destroy the soulstone, their souls fade away. This was the mistake at the ending of DI, and diablo's soul manifested itself in the adventurer that killed him. This mistake has been corrected in DII where both Mephisto's and Diablo's soulstones are destroyed. Baal's soulstone however has, to my knowledge, not been destroyed yet (can't fully remember it, but baal took it from the feller who pulled it out of Tal Rasha in the movie between actII and actIII (you see this in the end of DII (not LoD)). The only Prime Evil that can return now, is Baal. Also, if people read the manual that came with the DII (or LoD) game, then you can see that there is a map in there. You, as adventurer, have been everywhere on that map, except on the Amazon Islands. In short, I think that Baal has a possibility in coming back (him being the youngest (and maybe even strongest) of the three brothers) and maybe that will happen through Tyrael, in exactly the same way how Diablo came back.

But still, enough story to make a third game with the Horadrim and all too ;)
Just my opinion :p

Bastion 2006-03-17 10:49


Originally Posted by Deralti
1. This is not anime related.
2. Diablo has had 2 official(and multiple unofficial) sequels, give it up already. Whacking stuff is fun, but it is only fun for so long.

For number one.. Get the hell over it and go cry somewhere..
For number two.. I agree with you all the way.. Diablo 2 was fun for a while but it just became old..
I was addicted for a while, passed it on to my friend, and quit playing soon after. After you beat it once there is just no point. I do have to admit though.. I did not pay much attention to the storyline.. ¬_¬

Newprimus 2006-03-17 17:25

Why on earth would you resurrect a two-year old thread??

Chronissz 2006-03-17 18:42

Ending 2006-03-17 19:55

^ A lotta comments in that place.


Why on earth would you resurrect a two-year old thread??
Who cares; REJOICE that the old buddy is back! :D

Oh, and D3 -if it ever comes- will start from the betrayal of what-was-his-name angel. You know; the one with shiny-white tentacles and a black blob of a head. In reality, he just wanted to shatter the Worldstone to weaken other angels and let demons into human realm.

Maceart 2006-03-17 20:12

If Diablo III comes out and you can finally hire Tyrael's angels as your mercenaries (even better, fight Tyrael as the final boss), then I'll be waiting, fifty dollars in hand to buy this game.

I've always thought Tyrael was pure evil... look at those sprawing wings!

Archuka 2006-03-17 20:30

Most likely D3 would be set in a time before the events of D1 because continuing from where D2 ended would seem like repeating what has already been done. D3 could, for example, tell the story of the Horadrim and how they banished the prime evils (can't really remember what happened).

The game mechanics would also need a major overhaul in my opinion. They need to either go back to a more D1 style dungeon crawl or do the opposite and make it fast and furious with full 3D and a physics engine with enemies who can be tossed around and so on.

microlith 2006-03-17 21:17

Three words:

World of Warcraft

Muir Woods 2006-03-17 23:57

Yes, the realm of the Diablo franchise still has the capacity for more story and plot, but let's be honest to ourselves, who really played the Diablo series for the story? We all played for the action-RPG genre experience that the Diablo games defined and honed: the compulsive click-click-click hack'n'slash towards that one more level, and the addicting hunt and hoarding for better items. That said, a game need not have the title "Diablo" to deliver that kind of experience. If you just want more of that formula, no need to wait for Diablo 3. There are well rated and praised Diablo clones, to satisfy those who want more of "Diablo". Some games such as Divine Divinity, Dungeon Seige 1&2, and Fate.

Frankly, I'm just waiting for Oblivion, which looks to be the next big thing. It's going to be out on Monday.

Ending 2006-03-18 07:58


Three words: World of Warcraft
Minus pay-to-play. Or the initial software-fee. One or the other. Of course, if it is anything like THIS, it's sure as "hell" that it will be a flop.


Frankly, I'm just waiting for Oblivion,
Same, but that doesn't mean we can't have the fun of 'speculation.' ;)

Grees 2006-03-18 10:00

Blizzard is way to busy with milking out WoW that they won't have time for anything else for a long time to come. Also there is Starcraft Ghost that Blizzard is gonna finish first before thinking about Diablo 3

Danj 2006-03-18 12:08


Originally Posted by Grees
Blizzard is way to busy with milking out WoW that they won't have time for anything else for a long time to come. Also there is Starcraft Ghost that Blizzard is gonna finish first before thinking about Diablo 3

Starcraft Ghost seems kinda dead in the water; the last time I saw any images or video of it, it didn't look too impressive (bootsguy :heh: ) and with the PS3 coming out later this year they don't really have much time left given that it's only a PS2 game.

I did hear somewhere that Blizzard had actually started hiring for Diablo 3, so I don't think it's completely impossible that they might be thinking about it already. I'd much rather see Starcraft 2 though - even if it was just the WC3 engine with SC units plus some new additions and a new storyline, that'd be better than nothing. I bet the Koreans would eat it up.

Wakoeme 2006-03-19 03:48

honestly i would absolutly love another diablo game, i was absolutly adicted to it, and id still would be, but i cant find my discs to reinstall it.

neoko 2006-03-19 05:09

The expectation of starcraft is too high, they would need to come up with something new, that lots of people willl like. Until they find it, no sc2.

DioHeavenwater 2006-03-23 15:45


Originally Posted by Necrodeath
There's still a lot of story to tell after DII, in fact, DII:LoD had an open ending... In short, I think that Baal has a possibility in coming back (him being the youngest (and maybe even strongest) of the three brothers).
But still, enough story to make a third game with the Horadrim and all too ;)
Just my opinion :p

I agree learning more about the ancient Horadrim would be spectacular. Just one thing... you said that Baal was the youngest, that is wrong, Diablo is the Youngest of the three, Mephisto is the oldest and Baal is the middle. Which would explain why he is indeed the strongest. = P

Though there are many avenues that could be followed to create a third game, one of which being that the lesser evils rise up and replace the prime evils and their underlings. If you think about it, there are open possibilities for a third game should blizzard decide to make one. But for now I think that they should just concentrate on SC:Ghost... DAMN am I tired of wating for that one....:frustrated:

Corn 2006-03-24 01:45

It's important to remember that most of the Diablo and Starcraft creators don't work at Blizzard anymore.
Allot of does guys left to ArenaNet! Who makes Guild Wars( )

GW has been called a spiritual sequel for D3. Though they have some very different design sheets.

Kazuma77 2008-04-15 16:33

After eem... 2 years i am bringing back to life Diablo :heh: I was so addicted to this game in 2001 and 2002 but when i played it the other day, something was bothering me... Characters are standing on the place you send them, they don't auto-attack their opponents, and suddenly you got like 40 enemies targeting at one :confused: and you have a total useless character, and all you can do is run and hope you escape them in time :heh: didn't help in my case... in the end like 60 opponents where following me like puppies:confused::heh:

felix 2008-04-16 21:30

Yes in Diablo you don't auto-attack... how could you have forgoten that "wonderful" experience. :heh:

-RK- 2008-04-17 07:13


Originally Posted by Shinova (Post 109572)
I don't see why they would. Diablo's gone, Mephisto's gone, Baal's gone....Who are they gonna use? Some random demon or evil wizard?

Technically a beta was released for Diablo 3: Hell on Earth a long time ago. I believe it dealt with Tal'Rasha, who you release in Act II and never see again. It would be way easy to resurrect Diablo who cant die and has proven to endure despite being killed several times over.

However, Bill Roeper and his team (who used to work at Blizzard North) created thier own studio called Flagship I think and they are doing very very well for themselves. I'm pretty sure they own some of the rights for Diablo and thus the chances of Diablo 3 making a comeback is slim.

LoSs 2008-04-25 08:16


Ending 2008-04-25 16:48

There is no necromancy on Animesuki. On the contrary: it's the norm.

Anyway, I haven't read any news concerning D3, but I saw a new banner with the "Diablo 3" logo on their official site a little while ago. So I'm guessing that once Starcraft 2 has been finished, Diablo 3 is coming next. Perhaps in about three years.

Jazzrat 2008-04-26 11:20


Originally Posted by Cats (Post 1540417)
Yes in Diablo you don't auto-attack... how could you have forgoten that "wonderful" experience. :heh:

Yes you do, it's called Bowazon and Strafe XD

There's always a chance of D3 story wise. IP belongs to Blizzard so they can easily create more plot. The ending of D2 xpac left that possibility open.

THX 2008-05-12 12:52


Originally Posted by -RK- (Post 1541215)
Technically a beta was released for Diablo 3: Hell on Earth a long time ago. I believe it dealt with Tal'Rasha, who you release in Act II and never see again. It would be way easy to resurrect Diablo who cant die and has proven to endure despite being killed several times over.

However, Bill Roeper and his team (who used to work at Blizzard North) created thier own studio called Flagship I think and they are doing very very well for themselves. I'm pretty sure they own some of the rights for Diablo and thus the chances of Diablo 3 making a comeback is slim.

Flagship doesn't own the rights to Diablo, Blizzard does; otherwise I'm sure Roeper would have made Diablo 3 instead of Hellgate :)

It's almost a certainty that Diablo 3 will be released within the next 5 years, at some point Blizzard will have to slowly begin to replace WoW with something newer and better, otherwise another company will create a game to replace it (imagine GTA as a MMORPG :) )

I loved Diablo 1 & 2, so I will be anxiously awaiting its release once it is announced.

Supah Em 2008-05-13 11:39


Originally Posted by LoSs (Post 1558420)

too many necromancers here but most of them really count(i.e infused new data, provided more insights, etc.) so it really doesnt matter most of the time.... i think

anyways i played diablo 2 and was addicted to it until i finished the game, then it went meh... i never really cared for the story because the gameplay itself was immersing.

kimchipride 2008-06-23 19:19

Diablo 3
It's coming

"Hell has froze over"

kimchipride 2008-06-24 03:28

"The url of the images begins with

Why 232309? If we assume that the numbers correspond to the letters in the alphabet we get 232309=WWI ... ring a bell? :-) World Wide Invitational
23 = W
23 = W
09 = I
Anyway the "hidden" picture is called 04.jpg. (
My guess is that tomorrow we'll see a picture called 09.jpg, then on Wednesday 01.jpg ....

Today is 04.jpg = D
if Tomorrow will be 09.jpg = I (if its not, maybe not diablo at all Tongue)
Wednesday will be 01.jpg = A
Thursday will be 02.jpg = B
Friday will be 12.jpg = L
Saturday will be 15.jpg = O (June 28 WWI 1st Day, Good to announce here also.)
Sunday will be 3.jpg = 3 or three.jpg or whichever. = (June 29 WII 2nd Day, and B-day of Diablo, more better to announce here.)" Quote from

Blizzard has had 04.jpg and 15.jpg so far which represents the D and O for Diablo.
Diablo 3 will be announced at the 2008 WWI. I'd bet money on this

boggart 2008-06-24 04:16

Ooooh... new splash screen! LOL

Too much speculation for me to handle for now... I'll eagerly wait for some more info. :p

Newprimus 2008-06-24 04:26

Oh boy, here comes more hack/smash/explodey dungeon crawling. :D

Hope Necro makes it back.

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