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Huh...? 2023-10-04 04:54

Studio Apartment, Good Lighting, Angel Included

Shintaro Tokumitsu is a high schooler living all alone, but things take an unexpected turn when a girl named Towa shows up on his balcony! Not only is she incredibly pure and sweet, but there’s something different about her—something...divine. Just who is Shintaro’s new roommate, and what adorable high jinks lie in store?!
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EroKing 2023-10-04 05:47

Frontier 2023-10-04 09:20

So like what if Mashiro was a roommate and an actual angel :heh:?

Huh...? 2024-02-09 01:33

Spring 2024
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Nachtwandler 2024-02-09 04:36

Eh. Is it another harem? Also the chara designes look odd.

Frontier 2024-02-09 13:59

Yui Ogura has the voice of an angel :).

Originally Posted by Nachtwandler (Post 6570725)
Eh. Is it another harem? Also the chara designes look odd.

I think the short-haired classmate is the only other one romantically interested in him. The rest are just female acquaintances.

FlareKnight 2024-02-11 01:47

Good voice casting with the angel for sure :). It seems cute and fun. Sounds like a nice one to look forward to.

Frontier 2024-03-30 13:54


stray 2024-03-30 17:15

Ugh MC seiyuu is doing the Pochita voice again. That aside it seems kinda cute and 4koma-ish. I'll see if I stick with it.

FlareKnight 2024-03-31 01:49

Luckily random guy didn't put up a fight over Towa. I think he could have totally taken the MC who quickly was downed due to illness :heh:. This almost turned into a very different series! Although the main character did sleep in the same bed as her twice in one episode so...

Also I hope Towa never gets access to TV or any sources of media. If she was that upset about the MC getting sick...just imagine if she finds out what happens in the world on a regular basis!

Should be a relatively cute and simple series. Nothing too crazy. Whether I'll keep track of it amidst what looks to be one of the craziest springs I've seen in years...I don't know :heh:. But I'll at least try to.

serenade_beta 2024-03-31 03:06

Spoiler for first impressions:

stray 2024-03-31 18:27


Originally Posted by serenade_beta (Post 6575255)
Spoiler for first impressions:

I noticed that, he's definitely got a balloon face or something going on. Proportions were just not right.

scififan 2024-04-01 02:07

It is another boy meets girl theme. Before airing, my impression of "Date with an Angel" is strong. It turns out differently.

First, the girl ends on the boy's balcony(A Certain Magical Index). The girl is naive around men(Oh My Goddess). The girl can do a lot of housework(Ai Yori Aoshi). The guy can do more housework(Tatton Master).

Giving out that I have seen that before sign is concerning, but anime may not be bad. The story may turn out better later.

Alchemist007 2024-04-01 02:36

Seems like a cute moe show.

Frontier 2024-04-06 09:34

Not every evening you see an angel flying right next to your train! Tokyo was also this close to a mass-panic of an angel descending upon them before Towa thought better about interacting with humans and ended up sleeping on Shintaro's balcony :eyespin:.

Can't beat Towa's cooking! The Angel really is Spoiling This Boy Rotten ;).

"This is Hell...for me!" I think most boys would probably think it's Heaven on Earth having a cute girl use their bath...can't blame him for imagining her naked though. But then he gets to see her naked and in her underwear on two separate occasions. Did we mention they're still sleeping in the same bed? Totally Heaven :D! least until she walks in on you taking a dump, but still :heh:.

Aw, Towa wanting to follow Shintaro to school to be with him even longer is so cute! Though I guess this isn't the kind of show where she can angel magic herself into being a transfer student :eyespin:.

We finally meet Shintaro's classmates! The excitable and dumb male best friend character Shuichi and his childhood friend Tsumugi who loves knocking Shuichi down a peg as much as she does being very considerate and attentive to Shintaro...obviously because she has a massive crush on him :blush:.

Towa really leaning into being an angel housewife! Complete with realizing she needs to make her hubby lunch :eek:!

Brave of Tsumugi to suggest she start making Shintaro's lunch, though too bad for her Towa flew all the way there. Good thing she was only caught by three boys who pulled all-nighters so they just think they're hallucinating :p.

Oh hey, the blonde girl goes to their school too :).

Pretty nice and romantic eating lunch together on the school roof :blush:.

Tsumugi's liked Shintaro since they met as kids and he helped her when she was a lost child, so it was practically fate that they were reunited in high school...though now she realizes she's competing with another girl, who just so happens to be an angel. Poor Tsumugi :meh:.

stray 2024-04-06 13:38

MC is reaching critical levels of insufferable but the new girl is kinda cute. I might give it another episode or so but I'm not sure I can make it. We'll see I suppose.

FlareKnight 2024-04-06 23:30

My condolences to the girl that lost the battle before she even got to appear in the show :heh:. Seems like a nice girl. But there's no competing with a literal angel and she's already been mentally shipped off with her other friend by the MC. Tsumugi is cute and seems nice. So hopefully she doesn't settle for the other guy.

A bit of an awkward situation as well with Towa. Obviously I get saying that she can't really come to school with him. Especially if he's determined for her to not be discovered as an angel. But at the same time it's weird to ask her to stay home. She's not a pet. If going to school is his duty then she's also got a duty to do. And it's not simply to make him happy. Though admittedly she seems to have forgotten about that. The guidebook literally gave her the option to descend and make a spectacle of herself so presumably God isn't worried about it. Which makes sense'd probably help religion to have an angel make a public appearance like that.

The whole setup is a bit odd anyways. If there's a literal guidebook shouldn't angels descending be really commonplace on Earth? Especially in the modern age where information spreads fast? Doesn't seem like Towa is particularly special, but I guess she's the first angel that's been sent to Earth in centuries?

I don't know. The show is cute, Towa is cute, Tsumugi is cute, etc. But I feel like this will be a harem where I just feel bad for the other girls. The winner here is so incredibly obvious that it's like having people join a race that ended several hours ago.

Alchemist007 2024-04-07 23:41

Haven't these people ever heard of locks on doors...especially the bloody bathroom?

Lex79 2024-04-08 01:01

Despite the premise that seems take straight out of an eroge, I'm sure this is going to be wholesome and the angel won't think of making the protagonist happy in "that" way.
Anyway, it seems a nice series, not sure if it will go full harem but as people mentioned it's already crystal clear who is going to win so adding many love interests feel pointless.

Frontier 2024-04-08 20:14


Originally Posted by Lex79 (Post 6576090)
Despite the premise that seems take straight out of an eroge, I'm sure this is going to be wholesome and the angel won't think of making the protagonist happy in "that" way.
Anyway, it seems a nice series, not sure if it will go full harem but as people mentioned it's already crystal clear who is going to win so adding many love interests feel pointless.

Though surprising amount of fanservice for how wholesome it is (not that I mind) :heh:.

Lex79 2024-04-09 01:17

Well, when you have a cute big breasted angel it would be a waste not doing so.

Frontier 2024-04-13 09:34

Shintaro really getting the perks of having an angel for a housemate/wife! She not only cooks, she does your laundry and even stitches up your underwear with cute bears! Which is probably not something a teenage boy ever expects to have happen to them :heh:.

Of course the best time for Tsumugi to ponder what happened with Towa is while she's bathing and buck-naked. I love how she rationalizes imagining an angel as because she was so shocked seeing Shintaro with another girl because she loves him too much :heehee:.

Shintaro isn't sleeping in the same bed as Towa any more? Wuss. Though the least he can do is accept her lunch ;).

Poor Tsumugi. Gets brave enough to ask him again about her making him lunch, only to see him having a lovey-dovey bento from another girl. Also Shuichi is like no help :T_T:.

"I'm starting to think I'm a wishy-washy loser." Oh, NOW you figure it out? Though probably best to avoid the scam fortune-teller...even if she was more on-point about his girl problems than he knows :meh:.

The moment Takehito Koyasu mentioned his co-worker was there I KNEW he was going to walk in on her changing...and get an eyeful of her in her cherry underwear. Quite the view, and maybe worth a slap, though she's at least decent enough to give him a cold compress and acknowledge her own fault in what happened :blush:.

Noel comes off as curt but diligent and respectable, and she's quite cute, though there's more to her than just a stoic pretty face...she's also a Yuki-Onna whose cold powers get the better of her when she gets emotional! So it's basically a Nice Guy and his Cool Female Colleague :heh:.

Nice to see Towa getting her workout in on Shintaro's Switch :cool:.

Noel has never had friends and has basically been spending her time reading manga and watching anime (can relate) but she's tried hard to make friends and Shintaro actually validates her efforts and accepts her. Now not only are they friends but they're on a first-name basis :).

Of course then Towa shows up with her wings out and we get an angel meeting a Yuki-Onna...and then Tsumugi shows up in a pink tracksuit and sees everything...the headache never ends :innocent:.

The full ED! Featuring cute scenes between Shintaro and the girls in his life, as well as the girls all hanging out! Complete with sundresses, swimsuits, and cute casual clothes :D!

stray 2024-04-13 10:25

MC is unbearable but I'm curious how the harem forms now. Looks like there's still 2 girls to meet before long.

Lex79 2024-04-13 13:00

I wasn't expecting other supernatural girls, now I wonder if the classmate is going to be the only human in the harem, and if the chances for an harem ending did actually increase.

FlareKnight 2024-04-14 19:34

Yeah, this guy is kind of exhausting. It wasn't that long, but the amount of time spent obsessing over her washing his underwear was kind of exhausting :heh:.

Truly Towa has completely lost track of her mission :heh:. Thankfully she's presumably immortal. So she can totally waste days sitting in Shintaro's room just doing nothing much. I presume God didn't set any deadlines on her activities.

My condolences for Tsumugi. She's not even counted by Shintaro as part of his girl troubles. Fallen so hard and she's already lost. I'd say it's fine considering the MC is a total loss. But her other male friend is even worse. So she's really got to expand her social circle a bit.

Also could this guy ever learn to knock before entering a room? Though apparently it keeps getting him harem girls so...maybe this is his master technique? Just walk into every room and claim the girls that cross his path!

It's still obviously going to be Towa's win. But definitely seems like they are going to push a harem into the picture anyways. Guess we'll see how things go when the next two harem members get added to the mix.

Kind of funny how the ED shows how this could be a pretty decent slice of life show if they cut Shintaro out of it ;).

Frontier 2024-04-20 09:37

An angel, a yuki-onna, and a normal girl all meet at a park...and one guy is stuck in the middle! Good thing Noel just so happens to be an angel-otaku :heh:.

Tsumugi, you look good in sweats, don't feel self-conscious! Although I love her jumping from emotinoal extremes..."he's too nice! That's why I love him! But it still bothers me! I KNEW he wasn't getting bento's from his grandma! Wait, I'm the only one he isn't on a first-name basis with!? He has a cute girl as a co-worker? Can I work there too!? Wait, he's living with another girl? Why can't that be me!?" :heehee:.

Shintaro goes to the trouble of trying to cover for Noel and she just bursts out with the truth and flashes her panties (and admitting he caught her changing) in short order. But she wants to be honest with Shintaro's friends because I guess they're the friends of her friend, and you have to be straight with someone to form meaningful connections. And even Tsumugi admits she wet the bed until the 5th grade, poor girl :meh:.

I'm not surprised Shintaro had a nightmare about the government raiding his apartment for Towa, Noel, and some random kappa girl...but Tsumugi couldn't sleep because she knows he's living with another girl. But at least they can relate to each other as two normal people trying to keep a supernatural secret :not:.

Noel is...very enthusiastic in her friendship. Like she can't turn it off and has to be absolute friends with someone to the point where she wants to constantly hang out with them and do friends stuff, right down to being unable to keep it professional at work. I'm not surprised the boss assumed they were dating, though if Noel can't keep her private and professional life separate, she might not be able to work with Shintaro :uhoh:.

I guess Towa can talk to cats! Kind of! And of course she and Tsumugi show up at Shintaro's work and Tsumugi gushes about how hot Shintaro is in work mode while trying to prevent Towa from doing his job :innocent:.

It's sweet that Towa wants to help Shintaro with his job so he can have more time to spend at home, but he's working for his own sake and he just enjoys having Towa there waiting for him at home :).

Meanwhile his boss thinks he's in a love triangle...and Noel just dumped him :eyespin:.

FlareKnight 2024-04-20 21:32

Yeah, I don't see any issue with Towa admitting to being an angel. That's hardly against her mission and frankly is a legitimate part of it. That she's kind of forgotten while obsessing too much over the MC.

Certainly can officially stamp the harem on this one. My condolences remain to Tsumugi who really has a tough time. Both the childhood friend and the only normal person amidst purely supernatural other options for Shintaro to consider! Good luck there! Sadly the only secret she could offer in this situation was bed wetting...not what I would have gone with. But I approve of her dedication to keep pace with everyone!

Solid episode. Glad the girls are getting chances to interact with each other since that is actually pretty interesting.

And probably a good move for Noel to have shifts for when the MC isn't working. She just can't handle this sort of thing right now.

Alchemist007 2024-04-22 01:47

Not sure if it's a love triangle with Noel and Tsumugi or a polygon with Towa. The latter seems more probable just because of the setup, though she seems somewhat oblivious to the situation.

Frontier 2024-04-22 16:21


Originally Posted by Alchemist007 (Post 6577478)
Not sure if it's a love triangle with Noel and Tsumugi or a polygon with Towa. The latter seems more probable just because of the setup, though she seems somewhat oblivious to the situation.

For now I think Noel is just 100% purely interested in friendship and hasn't considered romance at all...even if she's so overzealous in friendship she may as well have a crush on him :heh:.

Frontier 2024-04-27 09:32

Nice to see Shintaro and Towa settling into a very blissful domestic life together :).

I love how Tsumugi has a relationship chart to keep track of Shintaro and the various supernatural women in his life...all the while Tsumugi is depressed that she has to keep giving him advice on other girls while she's the only normal one. Why did she have to be the non-special childhood friend Heroine!? At least she's super cute and filled with love for Shintaro :T_T:.

Thank you mom for the donut date tickets! Too bad Tsumugi just can't ask out Shintaro...if she could be that straightforward, she probably would have already confessed by now! Though thankfully the one time she's actually grateful to have Shuichi as a childhood friend is when he manages to get Shintaro to agree to go to Missus D and then bows out because of club activates. Date secured ;).

I love how Tsumugi calls out the obvious flags of Shintaro meeting a devil or kappa when there are still two girls left of the main cast :p.

I guess karma works in mysterious ways. Tsumugi gets to spend an hour watching Shintaro's cute sleeping face, but then has to brave the rain with him...and after giving a little boy her umbrella she gets to share one with Shintaro and still enjoy her donut date. I'm glad for Tsumugi :nod:.

Noel is as hardcore about anime as she is about her friendship with Shintaro! Even though her ideas about friendship seem to mostly come from fiction, though they both end up enjoying each others' company and having fun :blush:.

Noel really appreciates the first person she was able to open up to as a yuki-onna, and she especially finds the time she spends with Shintaro precious as she's so giddy and happy while laying her bed skirtless :heehee:.

Of course then Shintaro returns home and finds two angels in nothing but towels...Towa and a loli angel girl voiced by Misaki Kuno who immediately slaps him and tries to drag Towa back to Heaven. Girl Trouble never ends :meh:!

FlareKnight 2024-04-27 17:41

Apparently the angel's guidebook needs to have a chapter about not changing in a hallway :uhoh:. That and locking doors.

Tsumugi has a tough spot being the normal one and the reliable one. The kind of friend that Shintaro can constantly turn to while having no clue that she's into him. Girl knows that he's setting flags for more girls to join the harem. She's going to need to develop a super power or some over the top personality quirk to keep up! Of course at least being the reliable girl allows her to spend time with him in that sense. Not an immediate opening and might cause her heartache later, but at least she's not ignored.

Frontier 2024-04-27 19:19


Originally Posted by FlareKnight (Post 6577920)
Apparently the angel's guidebook needs to have a chapter about not changing in a hallway :uhoh:. That and locking doors.

Tsumugi has a tough spot being the normal one and the reliable one. The kind of friend that Shintaro can constantly turn to while having no clue that she's into him. Girl knows that he's setting flags for more girls to join the harem. She's going to need to develop a super power or some over the top personality quirk to keep up! Of course at least being the reliable girl allows her to spend time with him in that sense. Not an immediate opening and might cause her heartache later, but at least she's not ignored.

Shintaro can't even go into his own apartment at this point :heh:.

EroKing 2024-05-03 05:10

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Frontier 2024-05-03 16:41


Originally Posted by EroKing (Post 6578356)
Dynamic tag cannot be rendered. (PrintableThread)

I appreciate the view but the staging makes it look like Shintaro has walked in on Towa for the umpteenth time :heehee:.

Frontier 2024-05-04 09:36

Find a girl who sings about your favorite food so cutely like Towa! Though Towa doesn't have time to cook for Shintaro because his balcony is a magnet for angels, now including Towa's junior Shiu who is here to drag her back to Heaven :eyespin:.

Shiu is on a mission from God to check on what is going on with Towa, and she wants to bring her back from the den of depravity that is Earth...away from perverts who walk in on you changing like Shintaro before Shiu has to kill them in colorful ways. Though come on Shiu, the apartment post-Towa is actually pretty nice ;).

Shiu actually does have a point that Towa isn't really doing her mission holed up in Shintaro's apartment and taking care of him...though she's a little overtly harsh on Shintaro. But she can't get in the way of the domestic bliss and happiness they've found in living together :).

Thankfully everything is resolved with both angels apologizing to each other and hugging it out...Shiu is basically like a little sister to Towa, but the kind of devilish little sister who flexes when she gets to hug her big sis and her love interest :meh:.

At least she's willing to give Shintaro SOME credit, even if she's fully prepared to take him on if he hurts Towa. Though good to know for future reference that angels other than Towa have Color Timers for how long they can stay on Earth, and Shiu will "poof" off mid-threat :innocent:.

What better way to show Towa more about human life and get her used to living among humans than by going out at night together? Although that's also super couple-y...even if she still doesn't quite understand how street lights work :heehee:.

I was thinking Shintaro was freaking out too uch about her going on trains...but considering she thinks everything on TV was fake, maybe he had a point :eek:.

It's fun to take the train together, though! Especially when you turn it into a shopping date! And even get to enjoy a swan boat with a great view of Towa's legs! I can't believe it took an old couple calling Shintaro out on them being a couple for him to realize it's a date :p.

Shintaro is a wimp who can't hold Towa's hands because he's self-conscious, but he can apologize to the human race and he can be happy together with Towa at least :).

Lex79 2024-05-04 10:52

OK, now I'll have to keep my fingers crossed that yhe annoying little angle never appears again, but I guess I won't be so lucky.

Frontier 2024-05-04 17:06


Originally Posted by Lex79 (Post 6578480)
OK, now I'll have to keep my fingers crossed that yhe annoying little angle never appears again, but I guess I won't be so lucky.

At least she has a time limit :heh:.

Alchemist007 2024-05-06 02:29

At least Towa didn't let her run her mouth forever.

Frontier 2024-05-11 09:33

Time to cap off a successful date between Shintaro and Towa with some nice dinner! Or at least it would be...were it not for a wild Ai Kayano beauty sitting right outside Shintaro's apartment. And glomping onto Shintaro the first moment she sees him :eyespin:!

Meet Mari-chan! Shintaro's aunt, his fathers' little sister, and a mangaka! And she's feeling the grind of the manga production schedule so hard she desperately needs a break, and someone to celebrate her birthday with, which means she's going to basically invite herself into her nephew's apartment, eat his food, and gush over her problems. Though I guess it's fair when she owns the apartment and her own nephew doesn't even read her manga. At least she brought cake ;).

Of course she wouldn't be an aunt if she didn't tease Shintaro about his love life, especially when she sees how cute Towa is, which makes it even more complicated when she asks questions about their relationship and who Towa is. She's not wrong about him being a bit of a ladykiller though. But what a way to jump to drugs and orgies after taking a dump :heh:.

They finally give Towa an "out" to escape and hide in the balcony...but Mari has no attention to go back and work with an editor who doesn't care about her. So she'll basically just live with Shintaro. Though her editor is so much on her mind she even gets newtype flashes when she shows up :eek:!

Hitomi Nabatame! I mean, Kida! A legendary manga editor who is a brutal and unrelenting taskmaster who looks amazing in a ponytail and tight pants...but she's also very diligent, responsible, and respectful in her own right. And she and Mari seem much closer than just author and editor, especially when they've made it a habit of celebrating Mari's birthdays together :blush:.

They just had to throw in Mari coming up with the manga's premise for her next work. Though if she'd said the girl living with the boy was an angel, would Kida have approved it :meh:?

Nothing more classic romcom than running away with a girl! Though those guys were actually being nice and trying to return her copy of Dracula...but now Shintaro is stuck with the most Chuuni looking girl of all time voiced by Yui Ogura who also is a descendant of vampires named Lilishika...apparently :innocent:.

Lex79 2024-05-11 10:42

We are at the point where Shintaro isn't even questioning when a girl tells him she's a supernatural being, even when she looks like the textbook definition of a chuuni.

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