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Dagger 2006-08-07 22:58

New Evangelion Project: Rebuild of Evangelion [Movies 1 & 2]
ANN link

You can read the original story at Anime News Service.

It'll be interesting to see whether or not this pans out. I'm not a die-hard Eva fan, but if Anno is in fact doing something that involves the Eva franchise + (extensive) new footage, I would most certainly be all over that. Likeable or not, his work is always interesting.

The Avatar 2006-08-07 23:04

Hmm, interesting. I definitely wouldn't mind seeing a sequal to the anime that got me into anime.

Oh and Magus who's that in your avatar? She kinda freaks me out.

kakasensai 2006-08-07 23:56

Hmm this rumors been out there for a long time now... I was quite interested in it to... hmm

Orchunter226 2006-08-08 00:27

If the rumors are correct, I'd be quite interested in any new Eva movies.

MrProphet 2006-08-08 01:18

Hopefully not.

10 years ago Shinseiki Evangelion was a great self-therapeutic project for Anno that helped him crawl out of depression, which is the reason why he personally never returned to it anymore.

For Gainax, though, it's just a cash-cow to milk. Evangelion is Gainax's only profitable project ever, so intellectually I can understand why they would continue beating it, but it's nothing I'm looking forward to. Even if it's something like a "Kotetsu no Girlfriend" movie (which would be fun).

arias 2006-08-08 01:50


Originally Posted by MrProphet
10 years ago Shinseiki Evangelion was a great self-therapeutic project for Anno that helped him crawl out of depression, which is the reason why he personally never returned to it anymore.

For Gainax, though, it's just a cash-cow to milk. Evangelion is Gainax's only profitable project ever, so intellectually I can understand why they would continue beating it, but it's nothing I'm looking forward to. Even if it's something like a "Kotetsu no Girlfriend" movie (which would be fun).

Sometimes, revisiting old places can be cathartic. No opposition on my side regarding any deep psychological intent that Anno might have if this project were true.

Anyways, I am suprised to hear that EVA is the only Gainax work to make money.. There's Nadia: Secret of Blue Water (1990) which I think definitely should have sustained some volume of sales. It was pretty good. And then there's FLCL (2000), which is a cult hit. And recently there's also Negima. So perhaps you have the wrong information? A studio with its only success being an anime made 10 years ago would have crumbled by now, I'm guessing.

This is also interesting because I think Anno wanted to depart from anime to making live-action movies (hence Cutie Honey) and so this return should be, at least, interesting.

MrProphet 2006-08-08 02:28

"Good" and "popular" does not equal "profitable". "Evangelion" brand-name is still making money. The projects you named do not.

arias 2006-08-08 03:00


Originally Posted by MrProphet
"Good" and "popular" does not equal "profitable". "Evangelion" brand-name is still making money. The projects you named do not.

No no, you clearly said in your post that EVA was the ONLY project which Gainax ever made profit off. I'm obviously aware that the EVA brand is still churning money with merchandize until now, but that is different from my point that it is likely that FLCL and Nadia were both profitable projects for Gainax. Whether they still churn money now is not my concern.

Try putting up some stats or some newslink for your claim. I don't see how it's feasible, because I can imagine at least Nadia pulling off a profit -- it was really quite popular. Or you could revise your claim if mistaken.

MrProphet 2006-08-08 04:40

Hiroyuki Yamaga, one of the 4 founders of GAiNAX, has gone on the record to say that Evangelion was the only profitable project the studio ever made.


AQ: Aside from Evangelion, what has been your most profitable Anime and your most profitable product.

Mr. Yamaga: There really hasn't been a profitable series besides Evangelion. In fact, That was such an anomaly, it kind of did something strange to Gainax. they didn't know how to deal with it because it was so profitable. In fact, the more interesting the story was, the more money that they put into it, they would lose more and more money. Until then they were hoping that they would get some of the copyright money but until then they were always kind of hungry and then suddenly there was too much food, and they ate too much and they kind of a got a stomach ache. And that is what happened.

When something is "really quite popular", it doesn't mean that it will bring you a ton of money. The people who make the most off the animation are the producers who funded the project, the tv station that broadcasted it and the distributor who made the DVDs.

The studio itself gets the royalties and maybe a portion of the profits in some cases, if the studio has played its card smart. The animators themselves make a pittance.

So, only when a monster like Evangelion comes, can a studio literally live off it for many years. FLCL and Honneamise may have been a work of genius, but it doesn't put them in the same league as EVA vis-a-vis popularity.

redline 2006-08-08 06:49

Looks like we could be riding the coattails of another big one here folks. Just posted to :

8-8-06 (7:35AM EDT)---- "Extra Large" Evangelion Scoop In October Newtype
According to information published in the just released September, 2006 Japanese edition of Newtype Magazine, 10 years from the original series telecast their October issue will include an "extra large" scoop on Neon Genesis Evangelion. No details are given but in a teaser preview they ask readers the question "What starts happening?", and invites them to pick the next issue to find out.

MrProphet 2006-08-08 07:19


Yeah. Last time they promised the "extra large" scoop, all we got were the 3 PVC figures of the various angels. 8)

C.A. 2006-08-08 08:13

I'm still not sure why, when it comes to mentioning GAINAX's best works, Top Wo Nerae! is never mentioned. GAINAX even celebrated its 20th anniversary by releasing Top Wo Nerae! 2, which has been in production since 2003, releasing a high quality 30 minute episode only every 6 to 8 months. Its probably GAINAX's largest animation project.

Lambda 2006-08-08 12:17

Whether anything is going to happen with respect to Evangelion is almost irrelevant to me. The overridingly important piece of news here for me is that GAINAX and Anno are hooking up again to make anime. Maybe it will lead GAINAX out of their slump and they'll start making exceptional and groundbreaking stuff again.

(Although having said that, I haven't touched Top Wo Nerae! 2 yet because I don't really like waiting several months between episodes of anything but an out and out comedy, so I'm waiting until it's finished to watch. Well, maybe it is an out and out comedy, but its predecessor certainly wasn't, despite pretending to be at the start, so...)

C.A. 2006-08-08 12:26

Don't worry, the last episode, episode 6 of Top!2 will be out at the end of this month, the subs should come in a month or two(hopefully).

And Top!2 has more fan service(in the form of 'Nono') than comedy, but its a solid plot-driven story.

the.Merines 2006-08-08 12:28

I'm definitely not hoping for anything. I thought I read somewhere recently that Anno was looking for staff for a new project that wasn't EVA related at all. I think ANN may be taking a little freedom in linking that with "updated copyright info." And the Newtype thing is probably another PC game or something to add to Gainax's cash addiction, or some ADV BS like a very expensive "anniversary" set.

Why would Anno wait 10 years to tack on more stuff to EVA?

Rengemaru 2006-08-08 13:14


Originally Posted by the.Merines
Why would Anno wait 10 years to tack on more stuff to EVA?

We don't know, EVA was a very odd anime and it's ending was too disturbing to many people who saw it. A sequal to it would be great, as many fans were awaiting such things.

I guess we'll just have to wait until we get more news.....or rumors.

the.Merines 2006-08-08 14:17


Originally Posted by Rengemaru
We don't know, EVA was a very odd anime and it's ending was too disturbing to many people who saw it. A sequal to it would be great, as many fans were awaiting such things.

I guess we'll just have to wait until we get more news.....or rumors.

That's why we got End of Evangelion. I've been a part of the EVA online community for years, and it's generally accepted that there is no way to sequelize Evangelion. It'd be A) Shinji's dream world where everything is cool and awesome, or B) post Third Impact where everyone except Shinji and Asuka are dead. A) already has a manga [Angelic Days] and B) would be horribly boring except to S/A pairing fans.

Kisuke06 2006-08-08 15:16


Originally Posted by the.Merines
That's why we got End of Evangelion. I've been a part of the EVA online community for years, and it's generally accepted that there is no way to sequelize Evangelion. It'd be A) Shinji's dream world where everything is cool and awesome, or B) post Third Impact where everyone except Shinji and Asuka are dead. A) already has a manga [Angelic Days] and B) would be horribly boring except to S/A pairing fans.

Well, I have heard some rumors says that it's not going to be a sequel, it would be a new movie that would be a new ending(something that would substitute EoE).

Well, I hope that this is true. I like very much of EVA, and something new with Anno would be very good, IMO.

Rengemaru 2006-08-08 15:24

I don't know about a new ending, I presonally accepted the first ending. This is how the writer wanted to end his story why did people complain so much about it that forced him to make an alternative ending. And now a third ending......Isn't it getting a bit too much? That's what I think anyway

Kisuke06 2006-08-08 15:30


Originally Posted by Rengemaru
I don't know about a new ending, I presonally accepted the first ending. This is how the writer wanted to end his story why did people complain so much about it that forced him to make an alternative ending. And now a third ending......Isn't it getting a bit too much? That's what I think anyway

That's true, but essentially the end of the TV series and EoE were the same. And this new ending(if it's going to be a new ending)isn't something forced and it is Anno who is going to do it, that's why I got interested. :)

But let's see what will happen.

WillReaper 2006-08-08 16:31

Over the years how many rumors have burst out about classic anime or manga and so on having a new start. Most the time it failed in flames or was extremly bad. Don't get me wrong though, I would love an actual ending to the series. Even when I watched the movie The End Of Evangelion I was lost, and that doesn't happen, ever. Besides, this isn't the first Eva rumor of this kind to start. The stuff they have launched of late to boost Evangelion really hit low. So even if by some strange chance they do make a FINAL movie to try and explain more, chances are it won't do well.

I say this based on one question, who can really explain what happend at all? Everyone dedicated enough to see it all (including the movies)will most likely have their own theory and will be disapointed when it's something different. Lastly, I may be wrong on the location but I believe in the commentary on the second movie it said that the man who created Evangelion would never do so again because he was so pissed off at the crowd. That's also why he put in the death threats that lots of people sent him for making the first movie and the ending so bad (or nonunderstnandable, take your pick). If you watch closely near the end you can actually see them fly past with other things, although they aren't in english so I don't know what they say exactly.

arias 2006-08-08 16:58


Originally Posted by Rengemaru
I don't know about a new ending, I presonally accepted the first ending. This is how the writer wanted to end his story why did people complain so much about it that forced him to make an alternative ending. And now a third ending......Isn't it getting a bit too much? That's what I think anyway

Hey, Hideo Kojima wanted to end his Metal Gear Solid involvement and got death threats.. :cool: Pressure from the fans can move mountains. I think we should be wary of jumping to conclusions regarding this.

And I'm still suprised that EVA was the only profitable anime. I am VERY aware of the popularity status of things.. but this is still news to me : o I guess none of their other works ever spawned such an opportunity for merchandize as EVA did. Even if they're doing this to milk the EVA franchise, I still now have somewhat some faith in Anno.. as long as he's helming the project, something could be pulled off.

Kisuke06 2006-08-08 19:07


Originally Posted by WillReaper
That's also why he put in the death threats that lots of people sent him for making the first movie and the ending so bad (or nonunderstnandable, take your pick). If you watch closely near the end you can actually see them fly past with other things, although they aren't in english so I don't know what they say exactly.

Indeed, those death threats are in the movie, they flashed at a certain part of the movie. You can see the translation of some of those threats here.

Rengemaru 2006-08-08 20:54

I think those kinda of fans who would threat authors like that are stupid. I mean, this is HIS story, he can end it anyway he likes even if you don't agree/understand it, you should atleast respect his ending.

I didn't like EVA's ending either but after putting some thought into it I was like "this is his story, he created it not us. We have no right to force our openion or hopes on him". Also, 50% of my anime rating depends on the ending and EVA is considered as my 3rd best anime ever with it's horrible ending.

Why? because I respected the start, middle and ending of the story as it is. This is how Anno forged it, I have no right to object on it more then expressing my openion about it.

And i'd really hope to see the TRUE ending that Anno-san had in mind.

Kamui4356 2006-08-08 21:04


Originally Posted by arias
And I'm still suprised that EVA was the only profitable anime. I am VERY aware of the popularity status of things.. but this is still news to me : o I guess none of their other works ever spawned such an opportunity for merchandize as EVA did.

It isn't...

Originally Posted by Mr. Yamaga
The structure of the organization has never really been concretely established. But, it is getting better year after year and it seems that we have been turning a profit on Mahoromatic.

Same person, from the same interview, on the same page as MrProphet's quote. :eyebrow:

I think the intent of the quote was to say gainax never had a series as massivily profitable as Eva, not that no other series made them any money at all. Not to mention the interview is from 2002

As for Nadia, according to that interview, it was making lots of money, for the NHK. It seems they owned the rights, not gainax.:heh:

Anyway, to get on topic, wasn't the last huge Eva announcement about the Evangelions 2 video game? Perhaps this will be something like that? Well, if there is a new project, I just hope it'll be 100% new material.

Orchunter226 2006-08-08 22:34

I wonder if it would be some like Girlfriend of Steel anime verson. That could be good or bad...

Also: Yay Mahoromatic!

the.Merines 2006-08-08 22:49

People complained about the original ending. People compained about EoE. They are, essentially, different sides of the same coin (EoE being the very bloody and graphic side). Why anyone would want to change it is beyond me. Shinji accepts the fact that people will hurt him, and then he awakens in a broken world with Asuka. Very good way to add ultimate closure.

Caviar 2006-08-08 23:41

there's a live-action movie of evangelion that is still in pre-production (it's actually halted). the people that worked with the effects in lord of the rings (WETA) are actually going to work on that project. there are some concept sketches already that i've seen...

stonedzombie 2006-08-09 03:29

hmm.....i would just like a new evangelion-type show. something for the 00's

the.Merines 2006-08-09 07:31

Anno's not involved with the production of the live-action movie though, and those images have been out for a couple years now. I'm looking forward to another Anno/Gainax collabo-project, but I don't think it has anything to do with EVA.

NeonZ 2006-08-11 12:47


Originally Posted by the.Merines
That's why we got End of Evangelion. I've been a part of the EVA online community for years, and it's generally accepted that there is no way to sequelize Evangelion. It'd be A) Shinji's dream world where everything is cool and awesome, or B) post Third Impact where everyone except Shinji and Asuka are dead. A) already has a manga [Angelic Days] and B) would be horribly boring except to S/A pairing fans.

Not really, Shinji and Asuka were the only ones shown back in human form, but Rei said that everyone would come back (though that was never shown). So, if they want to make a sequel with a populated world again, that will be perfectly possible and won't contradict End of Eva.

JarOfMayo 2006-08-11 13:23

But is it worth it? ... You know there are plenty of anime works that warrant sequels or revisions... Like many series made from manga originals (Fruit Baskets to toss one in).

But when a original anime story ends... Can't we just let it end? :heh: I can understand being attached to a series and its characters, but why risk the "canon" ruination of the things you hold dear? Just so you can have a little more "new material"?

Its fine to feel that a sequel or movie be nice... But I would say be cautious of what you wish for. Because like... ohh for example GS -> GSD, or.. say RK(manga based arcs) -> RK (end of series) it might be not be what you really wanted. lol:heh:

Ziv 2006-08-11 13:33


Originally Posted by the.Merines
That's why we got End of Evangelion. I've been a part of the EVA online community for years, and it's generally accepted that there is no way to sequelize Evangelion. It'd be A) Shinji's dream world where everything is cool and awesome, or...

How do you know that shinji lives in that "dream world?" From what I understood, it was just a representation of shinji's mind, showing the process he went through to overcome his depression. In that case it could still be reconcilable to the end of the movie (somewhat...)

WillReaper 2006-08-11 13:39

I would like to see alot of animes and mangas continue as well, but when the author wants to cut out you let them. Then they go to work on something else that's good, hopefully. But to send death threats?! You got to be retarted or something, I mean it's not the end of the world or something.

So it is out that they are trying to make a live Neon Genesis is it? I've been hearing about that one for ages, I was thinking about that was a saying how useless rumors are. It's promising and could be a huge hit if it works, and with the graphic and computer technology we have now.... But I think it will fail, it's still too high in the air... Only time will tell I guess.

the.Merines 2006-08-11 18:30


Originally Posted by Ziv
How do you know that shinji lives in that "dream world?" From what I understood, it was just a representation of shinji's mind, showing the process he went through to overcome his depression. In that case it could still be reconcilable to the end of the movie (somewhat...)

Well, I guess not exactly his dream world (been spending too much time in the Rozen Maiden topic), but the ideal world he created where he felt like he could live a happy life. I get that from the series ending, from the snippet where he and Asuka are childhood friends, he "bumps" into Rei, and Misato is their teacher.

The Angelic Days manga follows that storyline. I meant that this storyline is a possible sequel, but it wouldn't satisfy a lot of fans. If you're talking about the TV ending where Shinji gets a big congratulations at the end... I don't know what kind of interesting, canonical plotline could come out of that.

The "big news" in Newtype could well be the Chronicles of Evangelion book, which Anno stated would never come out. It's supposed to answer every single question about EVA. Anno's new Gainax project is just that, a new project.

Mr_Paper 2006-08-11 18:38

Hmm... that new 'project' sounds an aweful lot like the "Document of EVA" project that was announced several years ago.

Rengemaru 2006-08-11 19:35


Originally Posted by the.Merines
The "big news" in Newtype could well be the Chronicles of Evangelion book, which Anno stated would never come out. It's supposed to answer every single question about EVA.

A new story would be nice, but that new project sounds much better. It'll be great if that book/anime could come out >.<

Deacon Blues 2006-08-11 19:40

EVA was the dumbest piece of crap anime that has ever been produced in the history of anime. The shows creators saw that it was going to be a huge cash cow and used that to an extreme disadvantage therefore t deserves to remain dead...

NeonZ 2006-08-12 06:29


The "big news" in Newtype could well be the Chronicles of Evangelion book, which Anno stated would never come out. It's supposed to answer every single question about EVA. Anno's new Gainax project is just that, a new project.
The first book of that series has already been released... It even includes a bios page for the random female operators of Nerv (complete with new artwork)... :heh: I don't see how talking about something that is already out would be a scoop...

the.Merines 2006-08-12 06:51

@Deacon Blues: This is the wrong thread to voice that particular opinion. No one cares.

@NeonZ: Link?

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