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White Manju Bun 2007-11-25 20:49

Code Geass Fanfiction Discussion
This thread is to be used for Code Geass Fanfiction and discussion. Feel free to post your fict in the thread or Fan Creations Forum.
You may also posts links to other sites with Geass fanfictions for discusssion.

Few ground rules though~

1-At this time please only post stuff relevant to season 1. No theories or possible spoilers stories to what may or may not happen in season 2. If youre posting a link to a fict that has this please let others know. Not everyone (including myself) wants to be spoiled.

2-No XXX stories. Keep everything in here clean. Romance is fine just dont go over board.

3-Respect the writier, if you dont like the story, cuz you dont like the main/supporting character in it then dont post. This thread is to help writers with their stories not flaming them cuz they like one character over another. No "Youre story would be better if XYZ died" or "Why do you always write about XYZ".

Ok I think thats it. Enjoy :)

Cal-Reflector 2007-11-25 21:04

Code Geass: Lelouch of Brittania

Summary: History often hinges on a moment: What if young Leulouch avoided the fate of exile and remained in the royal family? All roles become reversed. The story of Lulu's quest for power and vengeance as the Black Prince of the Empire.

Characters appeared so far: Lelouch, The Emperor, Cornelia, Reuben Ashford, Milly, Darlton, Jeremiah, Euphemia, Schneizel, Clovis, Nunally, Kewell, Villeta.

Rating: PG

Notes: This story was motivated by two factors; my interest in the world of Geass, it's alternate history, and life in the near future Anglo-American hybrid Brittanian Empire. I was also curious as to how Lulu might have turned out had he been given the chance to stay; to have people like Cornelia and Epuhemia and Jeremiah on his side from the start.

Presently there are seven chapters, and Lulu is leading the newly formed "Black Knights" against Brittania's enemies, with a familiar trio under his command. Hopefully, the story will generate much of the discussion seen in the Weapons Thread, the History/Geography Thread, and the Pairings thread here as well.

-KarumA- 2007-11-26 09:07

edit: aargh i cant post my story up.. its still shounen ai but with a story line set after the finals...
i guess that's not allowed is it?

White Manju Bun 2007-11-26 15:38


Originally Posted by -KarumA- (Post 1271609)
edit: aargh i cant post my story up.. its still shounen ai but with a story line set after the finals...
i guess that's not allowed is it?

If you have it posted elsewhere you can link it, just warn ppl that the timeline is after epi 25. But Id like to keep stuff in this thread relevant to s1 right now.

-KarumA- 2007-11-27 02:54


Originally Posted by White Manju Bun (Post 1272007)
If you have it posted elsewhere you can link it, just warn ppl that the timeline is after epi 25. But Id like to keep stuff in this thread relevant to s1 right now.

yaaay, but the thing i was worried about was the shounen ai part of it =x

Summary: Lelouch never thought much about the dire consequences that his contract might have, he is about to find out and the entire world will crumble underneath his feet

Genre: Supernatural, Drama, Sci-fi, mecha

Rating: T - M (mostly because of shounen ai, some chapters are M rated)
If you dont like Shounen - ai you have been warned because it contains it!

Also it is set after the season's final!
Characters: Some new, the rest all old.. because it sets after S1 all the characters from S1 are still in it.. main focuss is on Lelouch and Suzaku ofcourse

Notes: i was sketching something and because of that sketch id ecided to write this, the sketch was from a scene in NGE that really got me thinking and so it began.. currently 16 chapters have been released and it is still going.. =3

once again 2 warnings, it is shounen - ai (with right now 2 M rated chapters) and set after season 1!

Timeless Enigma 2008-01-01 02:36

Just like to say I've found a Kallen x Lelouch fanfic that I think has potential. There was a bit of OOC in it but so far it looks good.

It's an AU fic that starts when Suzaku has that party thrown for him by the Student Council.

Rated T for Teen

Tormenk 2008-01-01 11:10

Reading through some of the stories posted here but no comments so far. :p
Fair to say I'll keep a close eye on the development of this thread to see how it turns out. ;)

BlackOni 2008-02-21 21:49

Great job on your fan fic Cal-Reflector I found it very intesting an loved the concept idea. can't wait for the next chapter.

I have yet to read the others, but i'm sure there great too.

Well I've been creating my own fan fic call "Black Oni" (obviosly were I got my name from.) It's about Isamu Tatsuma, the last suvivor of the Oni clan who saposably died during the Todou's merical event. It's about how he jions the OotBK and what his life is like as he tries to live up to his sisters name, "The Crimson Oni" . basically a backround charatchers view point. follows the events of the main series.

As I only jioned today there will be a 2 day delay before I can uplaod any of it.

I'll post a link when available

BlackOni 2008-02-23 21:56

Sorry to double post, but heres the link to my fan fic as metioned above. the first chapter take place during todous miracle.

next chapter should be ready soon.

Strettger 2008-02-24 19:11

Found a brilliant one today, here. Told from Marrianes perspective, it perfectly summarises a possibility of her personality.

In it, she is cruel all she wants is her child to be the 83rd Emperor, and is dissapointed. So Lelouch is practicly neglected for Nunnaly who is pampered. So who was the mother figure that Lelouch thinks of with his mother?
Quite touching and puts a different tilt on the way you look at Lelouch and why he fights.

Cal-Reflector 2008-02-25 03:37


Originally Posted by Strettger (Post 1420728)
Found a brilliant one today, here. Told from Marrianes perspective, it perfectly summarises a possibility of her personality.

In it, she is cruel all she wants is her child to be the 83rd Emperor, and is dissapointed. So Lelouch is practicly neglected for Nunnaly who is pampered. So who was the mother figure that Lelouch thinks of with his mother?
Quite touching and puts a different tilt on the way you look at Lelouch and why he fights.

I read it, it was a very well written and imaginative character study of Marianne and her son. The story doesn't fall under the category of AU. Everything inside is possible, and what's most important is that this author is artistic and persuasive. Compared to this poetry my writing is... economic.

Here are several well written JAPANESE fics for Code Geass. What's special about them is that they include amongst them a number of Milly-Lulu stories.

My fic has now recently reached it's ninth chapter, and I'd like to thank anyone whose been following that story; Oni, I will look at your story.

DeotoxSlayer 2008-02-25 21:00


Originally Posted by Cal-Reflector (Post 1421506)
I read it, it was a very well written and imaginative character study of Marianne and her son. The story doesn't fall under the category of AU. Everything inside is possible, and what's most important is that this author is artistic and persuasive. Compared to this poetry my writing is... economic.

Here are several well written JAPANESE fics for Code Geass. What's special about them is that they include amongst them a number of Milly-Lulu stories.

My fic has now recently reached it's ninth chapter, and I'd like to thank anyone whose been following that story; Oni, I will look at your story.

Too bad I can't read Japanese, or i could use that website.

Yay ninth chapter gotta go read that now thanks, and keep up the good work.

KrimzonStriker 2008-02-25 22:43

Oh, YOUR the author of Lelouch of Britannia!! Absolutely fantastic work I must say :D Though, you should read some of the sound episodes, as Milly and Lelouch did not meet until he transfered to Ashford academy :p

Cal-Reflector 2008-02-25 23:17


Originally Posted by KrimzonStriker (Post 1423311)
Oh, YOUR the author of Lelouch of Britannia!! Absolutely fantastic work I must say :D Though, you should read some of the sound episodes, as Milly and Lelouch did not meet until he transfered to Ashford academy :p

Thanks. Yeah, I found out after I wrote chapter two. But no use crying over spilled milk. Instead of Lulu knowing Milly since the age of 12, he now knows her since the age of.... 7, until age 10, when she is forced to move to Japan.

The principle for the story is that only one change is made at the very beginning. Everything thing else I try to keep as plausible as I can, with canon in mind. Thankfully, Milly's role doesn't alter because of that bit of late information; she's still "the one who understands Lulu best."

KrimzonStriker 2008-02-25 23:38

That's fine I guess, need to get to C.C though if you please, I WANT MY GEASS ADDICTION FULFILLED PLEASE!!! Thank you very much :D

BlackOni 2008-02-26 13:18

Well after being notified that my fan fic had way to many spelling/gramer mistakes
(thanks cal-refector.) I went through and realized that I accidentaly posted the drafts of the chapters instead of the finished products. So I replace the current chapter with there proper one's and will be more careful in the future.

great job on chapter 9 cal-relfector, can't wait for the next one.

-KarumA- 2008-02-28 18:46

moving this conversation here i guess


Originally Posted by DeotoxSlayer (Post 1429355)
Wow 200 pages, and you're only half way...

Sorry bout calling u a boy, I guess I should've known ur a dirl since your into Yaoi.

What are your new stories gonna be about.

NP mistakes are easily made...
i just finished chapter one of the first mini story..
though i'm going to finish that story before uploading it completely as the first of already 9 in planning

Spoiler for for plot fo the first mini story RATED M!:

as for the other mini stories... as expected in Suza/Lulu themes
they involve C.C. cursing Lelouch and turning him slowlly into a cat.. jealosy after the Euphemia's Knight anounciation... loss of sight and of course pregancy! X9 ooh dear some of them are prue crack

ive got 9 stories in plannign so far, each consisting of around 3-4 chapters some might be longer and maybe i'll make even more sequels like for the first story what would happen in the Island of God situation

Pink-chan 2008-02-28 21:29


Originally Posted by -KarumA- (Post 1429326)
no offense taken =3
btw its SHE not he.. he he
it will probably be the longest int hat section cause i dont think anyone will go as far as me =3 im just half way now.. almost half way to be honest XD over 200 pages ieck!
im writing a new story at the moment.. thought hey are short stories but heck.. i guess that is to blame for that saying X9

Haha. I'm currently reading that. It's good. I'm looking forward to more.

Duke of Thanatos 2008-04-07 19:47

The crumbling world around.
(Note: I know I haven't posted a single Link to the Fanfiction, but I will work on it, I am almost done my first Chapter. I apologize in any way.)

June 28, 2013 a.t.b.

It was a pity to watch father lying on his deathbed. Yes, confined here for 2-no, 3 years now, yet there had been bleak hope of his recovery. They tried everything: Nuclear Therapy, Cryogenics, Cellular suspension, but to no avail. They could not stop the rapid decline of his nervous system, leaving him to die like a lifeless slab in front of his trustees, to cast a shadow of mourning upon his vast Empire. But his death did little but to undermine his great influence and deep passion for only 2 things: freedom and family.

Even I knew my father well, he was a great man- despite the loss of his beloved Wife he persevered to make Britannia our future birth right and his family to his Right hand. He raised me like the head of the flock, and like the kindly shepherd he tended to the entire empire: citizen or noble, honorary or rightly born, he molded each one of us into the shape of future pioneers- to bring about peace and the world beyond us.

But now, do not despair his loss. For his death was only the passing of the flame- the righteous torch that led our empire across the wide expanse of dusk, that warmed us from the chilling breeze of corruption and provided for us the marker light to found the Holy Sanctuary, where the chosen can retreat into the walls of safety from the outside- Long live the Holy Empire!

The world around was crumbling. The EU's rapid decline soon followed as the fall of the Theocratic Empire of Germany soon left it's mark during the Battle of Outer Europa, and the effective Blockade sanctioned upon the Chinese Federation for their support towards the Black Revolt took it's toll from the diminishing influence of the two Mighty nations.

But home soil itself would grow seeds of revolt. The death of the Blessed Emperor and the appointing of his incapable 13-year old son as the heir soon shook the very origins of nobility itself. Separatist nobles, bickering at the weaknesses of the Boy emperor were further fueled by their desire to take the throne from the hereditary dynasty. Nobles jockeyed for support and flattered the various stewards of Power, hoping to gain enough support to embrace the true power of the Holy Empire.

Sadly, domestic violence wasn't the only troubling fact: news of an underground secret society that funds various terrorist organizations soon creeped from the borders of the Empire and made its way to the weary Frame pilot, whom never saw no rest from the continual wave of uprisings and eventual traumatic massacres against indigenous peoples.

Empire fall, Nations crumble, and civilizations end. But one echo did resound across the world, soon engulfing others within an endless cycle of hatred: Britannia will fall. Now, ask yourself. Which side do you want to embrace?


This Fanfiction is set presumably without the existence of a few Canon characters, but with a few alterations. The story itself relies heavily upon Original characters, from the Prince of Britannia to the genetically synthesized 'DA Black'.

The main focus is placed upon a Terrorist group, a small but well trained 5-man cell. All 5 have a torn and rugged past, but share one common trait: their unparalleled hatred of Britannia. It also places focus upon deception and a small side story of how the Elevens try to restore their Country's former glory, starting from the Ghetto.

Strettger 2008-04-09 14:17

Found an interesting one.
Kind of fluffy and funny, features a hyperactive Nunnaly through too much coffee and a promiscuous Sayako who is forced to give "the talk" to Nunnaly.

Lelouch and C.C are there, but exausted and go to sleep.... problem is an enlightened Nunnaly picks up the conversation through the door they have the wrong way.....

Link here, short but good :D

-KarumA- 2008-04-09 16:15

I updated my short fiction bundle with yet another story, here is a summary and a linkf or those interested in reading it
be warned that stories int his bundle cover a male/male relationship, yes the bundle consists of yaoi stories but not of a flat build up

Story 02: You may kiss the bride!
A story set in a wedding twist, Milly is bored and anounces a wedding festival.. guess who's getting married!
Category: humour, romance...
Warnings: for yaoi
Status: Complete and three bonus chapters included

once again a warning for yaoi content
i based this story of the wedding cosplay pic of Lelouch from Lost Colors and a fanart drawing made by Cou, i also added three bonusses, one is an aftermath of the situation and the other two are set in R2

here is the link, added in spoilertags to once again warn people that it is m/m story

Spoiler for for the link, story features a male/male relationship and has been rated for the M section, you've been warned:

next planning for A series of unlikely events is to write a story that occurs int he start of R2.. or i might make the sequel for consequences

right now i am writting out all left over coverage for Realm of God, i'm typing chapter 49 now (still no end in sight XD that would be around chapter 90 - 100 i guess lol)
and i am already making plans for the story i want to write afterwards

Cal-Reflector 2008-04-09 16:27


Originally Posted by -KarumA- (Post 1522284)
right now i am writting out all left over coverage for Realm of God, i'm typing chapter 49 now (still no end in sight XD that would be around chapter 90 - 100 i guess lol)
and i am already making plans for the story i want to write afterwards

Your output is simply amazing. Do you have any specific tips, tricks, or motivational tools which you use to keep up the effort?

-KarumA- 2008-04-09 16:40


Originally Posted by Cal-Reflector (Post 1522315)
Your output is simply amazing. Do you have any specific tips, tricks, or motivational tools which you use to keep up the effort?

music i guess...
when i started writting i drew the ending out, well one scene and i have been super excited when it came to writting it all
the idea was pretty stupid but i liked it and i thought about it for a week straight before even starting the chapter progress
i even changed fromt hat sketch to what i want now and i did a lot fo research on philosophy and greek legends

at some points i was a little down and a little writterblock like but i have been writting for so long that i have found methods that keep me up track all the time, previously iw ould focus on 4 stories at once now i am keeping my minimum at 2 so i can focuss better and i made notes of what i want to put in every chapter though they arent accurate anymore because i still make changes even now.. right now i am changing it to plan Rollo in the story later on

whenever i hear music a try to plan it into a certain scene and then everything i want to write just pops in my head and i type it out.. though it takes a toll on my sleep.. i usually am finished around 2 AM while starting at 9PM with thinking
to get some more sleep i decided to do about 1-2 chapters a week instead of 4 lol
the type of music depends on the scene, when writing phychology themed scenes i turn to classical music such as Back or Beethoven and i listen to one song the entire process.. right now i am listening to Ergo Proxy =3

edit: i would say that this has improved my english a lot.. right now my grade is a 9,7 out of a 10 (10 is equal to an A+, we work from 1 - 10 with 5 being an average grade)
i got a 10 for my English letter yay! i let my teacher read a little and she helped me with some parts and i dont have to follow class at all sinc ei know everything they do...
this story is also for me to work on my English because i love that langauge so much.. im not a native but my english is at some point better than my dutch XD

Cal-Reflector 2008-04-09 17:03

I also use mood-themed music a lot, more and more though I find it to be more distracting than helpful. This may be because I love music, and when listening while writing music appreciation takes over as my brain's primary task.

I also like caffeine and sugar. It doesn't always work though.

R2 should answer many questions that will help ambitious fic-writers clarify the directions of their stories. The question I'll need answered eventually is who killed Marianne.

-KarumA- 2008-04-09 17:22


Originally Posted by Cal-Reflector (Post 1522376)
I also use mood-themed music a lot, more and more though I find it to be more distracting than helpful. This may be because I love music, and when listening while writing music appreciation takes over as my brain's primary task.

I also like caffeine and sugar. It doesn't always work though.

R2 should answer many questions that will help ambitious fic-writers clarify the directions of their stories. The question I'll need answered eventually is who killed Marianne.

i am changing some factors of mine so that it fits with the story but i changed everything in such a way that it makes sense and that my ending is worked out correctly =3
the only thing i usually worry about is whether or not my over all idea is in fact the ending (has happened to me before -_-;)
or that it will confuse me in a certain way, i was very happy with the 6 month break :heh: it already took me a month to work out all the points in the story

as for caffeine, i dont drink coffee.. i do sugar but never too much because (I tend to eat more than i actually write but suckable candy works better in that part) when it stops working you feel ooh so very dead and tired.. just like i am now and it always affects my writing skills.. i make silly spelling mistakes that annoy me greatly int he end... one of them the always noticeable "...t he" instead of a normal the or a "resaile" lol in stead of realise... i am going to continiue my chapter tommorow i need some sleep, it's past 12 over here now XD

Yu Ominae 2008-04-11 23:06

Here's an upcoming story plot I got for

"A covert unit of Britannian-trained child soldiers fought in Japan in 2010 in the ranks of the Britannian army. However, they disappeared in the midst of the war before rumors of survivors surfaced in 2017. Their loyalty, this time, is not for Britannia. What had happened to these unknown soldiers and whose side do they fight for? What cause do they fight for after their disappearance in the invasion and occupation of Japan?"

I'll post what I have maybe later on.

Yu Ominae 2008-04-12 15:47

Here's a preview of my story anyhow:


Spoiler for Story. Content is subject to change:

Masterkeyes2 2008-04-14 14:12

Well here I go...

Story: A Friend Indeed

Summary: Kallen and Lelouch. The leader and the solider who follows him. What happens when Kallen unknowingly befriends the person she admires most? What happens when Lelouch starts to see his subordinate as more than just a pawn, and starts to see her as a friend.


Pairings:Kallen/Lelouch(not until later).

Word Count: 17,000. (Roughly)

First off this is very my first story so I am still nervous about it. My reasons posting were simple, I had found the lack of Kallen/Lelouch fiction disappointing and two I couldn't help but wonder what would of happened if Lelouch trusted his number one Knight more. Could some things be avoided?

I also wanted to wait until I got chapter two up to start posting. I plan to go back and revise the chapters at my own pace, my friend is also helping me in this matter so any errors should corrected soon enough(I hope).

Pink-chan 2008-04-16 09:14


Originally Posted by -KarumA- (Post 1522284)
I updated my short fiction bundle with yet another story, here is a summary and a linkf or those interested in reading it
be warned that stories int his bundle cover a male/male relationship, yes the bundle consists of yaoi stories but not of a flat build up

Story 02: You may kiss the bride!
A story set in a wedding twist, Milly is bored and anounces a wedding festival.. guess who's getting married!
Category: humour, romance...
Warnings: for yaoi
Status: Complete and three bonus chapters included

once again a warning for yaoi content
i based this story of the wedding cosplay pic of Lelouch from Lost Colors and a fanart drawing made by Cou, i also added three bonusses, one is an aftermath of the situation and the other two are set in R2

here is the link, added in spoilertags to once again warn people that it is m/m story

Spoiler for for the link, story features a male/male relationship and has been rated for the M section, you've been warned:

next planning for A series of unlikely events is to write a story that occurs int he start of R2.. or i might make the sequel for consequences

right now i am writting out all left over coverage for Realm of God, i'm typing chapter 49 now (still no end in sight XD that would be around chapter 90 - 100 i guess lol)
and i am already making plans for the story i want to write afterwards

I read it. The last part makes me sad.

I read this fanfic here. Poor Suzaku wouldn't have gotten so much bashing if he is such a person. Personally, I will prefer Lelouch to stay this way but if it's possible, there will be no show for us :p.

-KarumA- 2008-04-16 14:55


Originally Posted by Pink-chan (Post 1539106)
I read it. The last part makes me sad.

I read this fanfic here. Poor Suzaku wouldn't have gotten so much bashing if he is such a person. Personally, I will prefer Lelouch to stay this way but if it's possible, there will be no show for us :p.

very nice, i was planning on using a simular idea but in a completely different way for my next "series of unlikely events" story, which is going to be about them rebuilding their friendship and relationship after Lelouch's memories were erased up to a point where they return to him.. but first chapter 50 of realm of god =3

Pink-chan 2008-04-17 10:34


Originally Posted by -KarumA- (Post 1539639)
very nice, i was planning on using a simular idea but in a completely different way for my next "series of unlikely events" story, which is going to be about them rebuilding their friendship and relationship after Lelouch's memories were erased up to a point where they return to him.. but first chapter 50 of realm of god =3

Yes, please do. I will be looking forward to more of your work ;). Read your Realm of God and I love it :D.

ShadowSongx 2008-04-18 00:50

I found these 2 that are just... amazing.
~ Warning ~ Involves speculation past S1
Spoiler for Warning - Episode 25+:

Onizuka-GTO 2008-04-21 17:54

where is the gender-bending?

don't tell me no one though what a female Zero would be like?


DJ_RockmanX 2008-04-21 17:55


Originally Posted by Onizuka-GTO (Post 1550844)
where is the gender-bending?

These people aren't like us Oni. :heh:


Originally Posted by Onizuka-GTO (Post 1550844)
don't tell me no one though what a female Zero would be like?


I can only imagine she'd be awesome beyond all belief.

-KarumA- 2008-04-22 13:52


Originally Posted by Onizuka-GTO (Post 1550844)
where is the gender-bending?

don't tell me no one though what a female Zero would be like?


im usually not very fond of genderbending (well not for lulu anyways) =x but i did think of a cat lulu story

Strettger 2008-04-23 13:13

Bah, Kyonkoism is the way forwards, Zeroism is approaching though....

On another note, I found this earlier today, The inconvienient Truth.

Its the sequel to misinterpretations.... and well remember how when watching the series you kept thinking what peoples reactions were like? This guys stories live on them, fluffy but funny. Lelouch/C.C.

Kristen 2008-04-26 07:40

This is just a quicky I wrote when I was feeling high on life this morning. Awful grammar and stuff, it's just meant for a quick laugh, in anything. :p

Spoils all of season 1
Spoiler for Code Geese:

Pink-chan 2008-04-26 10:37

Posted this at Rollo's thread and was flamed. Yeah, it is illogical, that's why I said it's a fanfiction :heh:. It is based on my imagination that Lelouch is actually Rollo's half brother and I had this impression that Lelouch may not be of royal blood and he is really the brother of Rollo. Consider this AU. I wrote them in a rush. It is only a breif summary. I don't know if I will turn this into a fanfiction as I may not have the motivation to do it and my command in English is not very good.


Originally Posted by Pink-chan (Post 1559741)

Spoiler for due to length:

Feel like writing on the imagination I have for Code Geass ending and get flamed :p

aurr 2008-04-30 09:46


Originally Posted by ChrissieXD (Post 1560340)
This is just a quicky I wrote when I was feeling high on life this morning. Awful grammar and stuff, it's just meant for a quick laugh, in anything. :p

Spoils all of season 1
Spoiler for Code Geese:

Man that was priceless! You should be doing more this stuff, it's awesome!

Dean_the_Young 2008-05-05 20:14

I'm surprised no one has mentioned What If, a accurately named collection of "what ifs" of Code Geass. More like drabbles than fully-explored storylines, they remain interesting ideas for departures from the main story line, focusing mostly on Lelouch and Suzaku. Well worth the read, especially for any fan of how things could have gone had one thing changed.

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