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PreSage 2009-07-02 00:12

PreSage's Little Epiphanies

Some stuff I've made...enjoy! :)


Spoiler for older sigs:

Spoiler for SOTM entries:

Spoiler for sig requests:

Daniel E. 2009-07-02 00:35

Gratz on starting your thread here! :)

I also started out using Photoshop 5, btw. :p

ganbaru 2009-07-02 01:03

Congratulation for opening your thread on the fan creation sub-forum.

Kana Futayo 2009-07-02 01:08

I glad I'm not late with the congratulating. :heh:
Congrats on your own thread! :D

Although I started at CS3 13 months ago. :meh:

Riker 2009-07-02 04:12

I started with Photoshop 6 and am still using photoshop 6 today. D:

And grats on your thread.

White Manju Bun 2009-07-02 07:26

YOU MADE ONE!!! *breaks out the good champagne* :D So you got into Kaito from Vocaloid :heh: Wow I didnt know the VK sig you used over on the Cult was your first sig ever O_O looks a heck of alot better then the first sig I ever made. I didnt even post mine in my thread :heh:

Keep em coming!

LKK 2009-07-02 08:52

You know what I hate most about your sigs? I hate the fact that you haven't been making them for very long, but they look so fantastic despite of that fact. :mad:

Yay for opening a sig thread of your own. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your lovely work. (And maybe I'll steal a trick or two from you. :uhoh:)

White Manju Bun 2009-07-02 17:09


Originally Posted by LKK (Post 2486865)
You know what I hate most about your sigs? I hate the fact that you haven't been making them for very long, but they look so fantastic despite of that fact. :mad:

Now thats a comment only Sensei could get away with :heh: Also mark this day since she's never posted in my thread. ;)

PreSage 2009-07-02 23:57

Thanks so much for the warm welcome. Makes me feel less nervous for opening this thread. :blush:

@Daniel E.: Really? LOL. That's quite a coincidence. :heh:

@Riker: No way! You're using Photoshop 6? And you made all those awesome animated sigs?? My gawd! :bow:


Originally Posted by White Manju Bun (Post 2486750)
YOU MADE ONE!!! *breaks out the good champagne* :D So you got into Kaito from Vocaloid :heh: Wow I didnt know the VK sig you used over on the Cult was your first sig ever O_O looks a heck of alot better then the first sig I ever made. I didnt even post mine in my thread :heh:

Keep em coming!

XD. Yeah, because you said so...and you know I always listen to you. :/

Gah! I can't believe I forgot this one! (I know Naru is going to kill me for not remembering)

Remember this one, Bun-bun and Sensei? XD Seeing it again I realize it's still one of my favourites, for some reason. I guess I just like the atmosphere the sig gives with Naru walking away in that 'door' of white light like that.

I guess you can say that's the first sig I made but it was more a crop and that's it. Herbert did the animation. I didn't know how to animate back then. :upset: I didn't mean to tell a white lie - I truly totally forgot about it - didn't help that it wasn't on any of my two hard disks. Luckily it was still on my photobucket account or else I would have lost it. :uhoh:

Since we're on memory's a re-visit of some GH craziness.

Spoiler for you are warned of the disturbing images which lies beneath XD:


Originally Posted by LKK (Post 2486865)
You know what I hate most about your sigs? I hate the fact that you haven't been making them for very long, but they look so fantastic despite of that fact. :mad:

(And maybe I'll steal a trick or two from you. :uhoh:)

x_X ... I smell another detention coming. :T_T:

:twitch: ...Sensei is stealing from her student...that...that is unconstitutional! :heh:


Originally Posted by White Manju Bun (Post 2487807)
Now thats a comment only Sensei could get away with :heh: Also mark this day since she's never posted in my thread. ;)

And Sensei is the only one who can get away with giving me detention for doing something productive. :uhoh:

PreSage 2009-09-10 00:58

I guess it's about time I update this thread. :heh: And, of course, I'm doing this now when I'm busy...argh, the procrastination ninja hits me again. >.<

My last 2 SOTM entries (which I snuck in because of that procras-ninja. :twitch:). Didn't have a whole of lot of time putting these together, so they turned out worse than usual. :upset:

Seemed to have lost the sig for SOTM July 09, so here's the link to my entry post (it's the top one).

SOTM August:

Other sigs:

A banner. The text was originally for an lj community but I changed it to post here.

I so need to learn how to do Text properly. D: *cries*

escimo 2009-09-10 11:44

Congrats on opening your thread and welcome to FC. (I know I'm seriously late...)
Top tip on blending text, make it one of your bottom-most layers and add a lot of crap over it. Works for me... ;)

White Manju Bun 2009-09-11 10:26

As I said elsewhere I really like the banner :D


Originally Posted by escimo (Post 2636248)
Top tip on blending text, make it one of your bottom-most layers and add a lot of crap over it. Works for me... ;)

Oh now I didnt even think of that! I usually make it one of my top layers, explains why it never looks blended.

PreSage 2009-10-11 00:40


Originally Posted by escimo (Post 2636248)
Congrats on opening your thread and welcome to FC. (I know I'm seriously late...)
Top tip on blending text, make it one of your bottom-most layers and add a lot of crap over it. Works for me... ;)

Thanks. ^^

So that's how you do it? And here I was doing it the other way around by putting the text at the very top. :uhoh: Thanks for the tip!

Okay, a brief update...just some Halloween related sigs and banners I made.

Made these banners for my lj and lj-community.

Spoiler for save space - banner:

And this one is the latest version of my attempt for this month's SOTM-Spooky theme:

C&C are always welcomed and appreciated. :blush:

LKK 2009-10-11 09:44

:eek: How did I miss the rose by any other name one?? It's luscious.

Daniel E. 2009-10-11 15:40

Both versions are pretty cool! :cool:

I honestly couldn't decide between one or the other, so good luck with whatever one you choose. :p

White Manju Bun 2009-10-14 09:33


Originally Posted by PreSage (Post 2697511)

Ooooo submit the animated ver! Both are awesome but I prefer the lights flickering in the background *wishes she could figure out sig animation...*

PreSage 2009-10-23 06:50

So this is finally the version I submitted to SOTM October - Spooky theme. :D

v4 - submitted version

Spoiler for previous versions for comparison:

LKK 2009-10-23 10:24

I love your sig. Back when I was thinking of what to do for this month, I thought of using a spooking setting with flickering will-o-wisps. I couldn't make the image work. You followed a similar thought and not only made it work, but made it work extremely well. Good job!

Evil Rick 2009-10-23 10:51

Woa, I think I didn't noticed your thread before, my Apologises.

I like your work on animated sigs, the work on statics it's good too.

Great job and keep improving! :D


White Manju Bun 2009-10-23 12:53


Originally Posted by Evil Rick (Post 2723650)
Woa, I think I didn't noticed your thread before, my Apologises.

Sage's thread is pretty new so I think she'll forgive you...I think... :D


Woot Sage hits 2 boxes!!!

I like the vers you submitted, when you told me via lj pm you were gonna tweak it I wondered how and I like the final cut, the lights flicker just enough to not take away from the ghost girl. Sold entry.

Voting this month is gonna be hard....

PreSage 2009-10-23 22:10


Originally Posted by LKK (Post 2723603)
I love your sig. Back when I was thinking of what to do for this month, I thought of using a spooking setting with flickering will-o-wisps. I couldn't make the image work. You followed a similar thought and not only made it work, but made it work extremely well. Good job!

Thanks. :D I actually had a really difficult time coming up with an idea initially, despite first thinking this should be an easier theme to work with. :uhoh: It was shear luck that I googled upon that image of the scary doll - and, yes, that "ghost girl" is really the picture of a doll; I just changed things to make her look like a ghost. *doll AND ghost...shivers...runs and turns on all her lights* >_<


Originally Posted by Evil Rick (Post 2723650)
Woa, I think I didn't noticed your thread before, my Apologises.

I like your work on animated sigs, the work on statics it's good too.

Great job and keep improving! :D


That's okay. There are so many people here that threads get buried fast. ;)

It's all thanks to everyone's (including yourself) input and tips in the SOTM thread, and now this thread, that really help me a lot - got me even more hooked on sig making. :heh:

Thanks for the cookies! Woot, I get another box!! :D


Originally Posted by White Manju Bun (Post 2723865)
Sage's thread is pretty new so I think she'll forgive you...I think... :D

Woot Sage hits 2 boxes!!!

I like the vers you submitted, when you told me via lj pm you were gonna tweak it I wondered how and I like the final cut, the lights flicker just enough to not take away from the ghost girl. Sold entry.

Voting this month is gonna be hard....

LOL. I forgave Evil Rick, so he won't be going into my cauldron this year. :p

I didn't even realize I got an extra box until I read your post. YES! Finally, haha. :heh:

Yeah, it was an idea that KiNA first suggested, but it was such a pain to have to play with 6 different files with small itty bitty slices of each torch. >_< But the good side is that I learned how to animate things at different speeds. 8Db It was the one thing that I kept wondering about when I saw Endrance's sig with the crows flapping differently.

I know, isn't it? It's always hard, since I usually have 4 or 5 sigs that I really like. :eyespin:

LKK 2009-10-23 22:19


Originally Posted by PreSage (Post 2724716)
I actually had a really difficult time coming up with an idea initially, despite first thinking this should be an easier theme to work with. :uhoh:

I've seen a number of people who thought this month's theme turned out to be harder than they expected it to. Myself included.

PreSage 2009-11-12 17:15

With very little free time, I threw something quick together for this month's SOTM but, since I'm not sure whether I'll have the time to enter it or not, I decided to post this piece here. C&C would be appreciated (from anyone that drops by my thread :heh:).

...and my most recent icons (snuck in some time to make icons...and finally posting them here :heh:).

...and I threw this sig together really, really quick. Excuse the poor quality since all I could get my hands on was a poor quality trailer. :(

LKK 2009-11-12 17:26


Originally Posted by PreSage (Post 2763699)

Too cute for words.

I think you should your SOTM even if you enter it as is. I like it. I'm not sure if I'm entering or not. Been busy & have more busy yet to come. I may work up some so-so thing just to keep up with the contest. Your entry looks much better than I can imagine anything I would come up with. Besides, how much time would it take to create an SOTM post with the phrase FINAL ENTRY and this current picture? Not much, I'd think.

If you feel like you have time to play with the pic, the one change I would recommend would be to tone down the white highlights. I wouldn't eliminate them, just reduce their intensity. They're a little too overwhelming for the picture as whole at their current level.

PreSage 2009-11-14 16:22


Originally Posted by LKK (Post 2763715)
Besides, how much time would it take to create an SOTM post with the phrase FINAL ENTRY and this current picture? Not much, I'd think.

If you feel like you have time to play with the pic, the one change I would recommend would be to tone down the white highlights. I wouldn't eliminate them, just reduce their intensity. They're a little too overwhelming for the picture as whole at their current level.

It's not so much the actual posting part per se, it's whether I feel the sig is worthy enough to be entered at all. I don't want to do what I did last time, and that was to throw something quick (and crappy) together and call it an entry. :(

You mean the white aura around the girls? Okay, I'll do that when I get the time later. It's sometimes hard to judge things on my monitor because everything is so much smaller. ):

EDIT: Okay, so I decided to enter this sig for this month's SOTM anyway. Made the suggested change.

SOTM Nov 09 - Versus theme

PreSage 2009-12-15 01:30

Some random stuff I made in the past week.

Edit: I can't seem to get the lighting effects I see on some other sigs. Maybe I lack the software? :confused:

PreSage 2009-12-24 12:57

So I managed to squeeze in an entry for December's SOTM. :heh: First time I went straight to a submission without asking for critiques but that is because I had less than 24 hours left and no time to make any changes anyway. orz Well, hope this turned out okay.

SOTM December theme is: Gothic Lolita.

White Manju Bun 2009-12-24 17:27


Originally Posted by PreSage (Post 2835923)
So I managed to squeeze in an entry for December's SOTM. :heh: First time I went straight to a submission without asking for critiques but that is because I had less than 24 hours left and no time to make any changes anyway. orz Well, hope this turned out okay.

SOTM December theme is: Gothic Lolita.

The fact you used Gin-sama will make KiNA very very happy :D

Daniel E. 2009-12-24 19:41


Originally Posted by PreSage (Post 2835923)
SOTM December theme is: Gothic Lolita.

I haven't seen all the other entries for this edition of SOTM, but yours already manages to stand out all on it's own. :)

Good Luck! ;)

ganbaru 2010-01-08 04:29

Happy birthday PreSage san :) .

Riker 2010-01-08 09:21

In Soviet Russia, Birthday celebrates YOU!

Therefore a birthday happy is you. :)

White Manju Bun 2010-01-08 09:27

SAGE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Will find something appropriate later :naughty:

JRendell 2010-01-08 09:49

Happy Birthday! Hope you have a good day :D

PreSage 2010-01-08 11:48

Oh wow, thanks very much you guys. :D

escimo 2010-01-08 12:53

Happy Birthday!

LKK 2010-01-08 12:58

Happy birthday, Sage!

Eps~ 2010-01-08 19:14

Late as usual, but happy birthday! :3

Daniel E. 2010-01-17 16:14

Oh dear, I don't like to miss birthdays, so here's a mega late Happy Birthday from me. :meh:

PreSage 2010-01-23 22:14

Thanks for all the wonderful b-day wishes! Would you believe it was your posts that reminded me it was my birthday that day? Sadly, it's true. :T_T: Some can attest on how forgetful I can be. :meh:

Anyway, finally got a break from work so...threw some stuff together for fun. :hyper-^v^:

Spoiler for sigs:

Spoiler for icons:

LKK 2010-01-23 22:26

Wow. That dragon sig is wonderful!

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