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NeoSam 2005-12-18 19:30


Based on a novel for young men.

From AnimeNfo:


It is based on the novel with the same title.
Kawahira Keita was a descendant of historic Inugami(*) tamer family. However, because he lacked in its ability, he was forsaken by the family. One day, an Inugami named Yoko came. She looked graceful, obedient, above all, beautiful. Soon he contracted with her, and she paid homage to him. However, she was a problematic Inugami that no one had been able to control.

This is a slap stick comedy of an Inugami Tamer, Keita and an Inugami, Yoko. Keita is a man of worldly passions, and he likes money and girls very much. On the other hand, Yoko likes to destroy things and very jealous.

(*) In this novel, Inugami is a sacred being. It contracts with a human with power to help him exterminate evil monsters.
Genre: Seinen, Comedy, Fantasy, Romance


Its based on a novel thats serialized in the seinen(young men's) novel magazine Dengeki HP, and its published under the seinen(young men's) label Dengeki Bunko.
For now there are 10 volumes released of this novel, here are the covers:

A manga based on the novel is serialized in the shounen manga magazine Dengeki Comic Gao!.
The manga started serialization on 27/10/2005 (Dengeki Comic Gao! is a monthly shounen(boy's) manga magazine).

For now there are 2 volumes released of this manga.
here are the covers:

Genre: Seinen, Comedy, Fantasy, Romance

Inukami! is a seinen novel/anime.

darkchibi07 2006-01-22 01:18

I just noticed this Encyclopedia entry:

The director and animation production studio who did Nanoha A's will working on this. This should be quite interesting. :p

NeoSam 2006-01-22 07:51

The first post was updated with the covers of the seinen novel.

Inukami! Character Collection CD 1 will be out on 25/1/2006.
Here is the cover:

Other seinen novels that got serialized in the seinen(young men's) novel magazine Dengeki HP: Zettai Shounen, Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan, Kino no Tabi - the Beautiful World -, Iriya no Sora, UFO no Natsu, Shinigami no Ballad, Hanbun no Tsuki ga Noboru Sora, ...

Other seinen novels that got published under the seinen(young men's) label Dengeki Library: Shakugan no SHANA

Other shounen manga that got serialized in the shounen(boy's) manga magazine Dengeki Comic Gao!: Pita Ten, DearS, +Anima, Okusama wa Mahou Shoujo, Speed Grapher, Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan, Hanbun no Tsuki ga Noboru Sora, ...

navi432001 2006-01-22 18:35

I like the art work, by the looks of the main page it seems a bit ecchi to me, thus the "Young men" thing makes sense. ^__^ I'll be sure to watch this series when ever it is out. Hopefully it wont be like Girls Bravo.

NeoSam 2006-03-20 04:38

The first volume of the manga thats based on the seinen novel Inukami! will be released on 27/3/2006.

Inukami! manga is a shounen manga thats serialized in the shounen manga magazine Dengeki Comic Gao!

I'll post the cover when its available.

DaFool 2006-03-20 07:05


Originally Posted by darkchibi07
I just noticed this Encyclopedia entry:

The director and animation production studio who did Nanoha A's will working on this. This should be quite interesting. :p

Pinhole camera angles and wise use of cheap animation budgets, focused on the action scenes (if any). Given the website designs I was expecting Noein-style Superflat (consistency be damned!) but this is just as good. Awesome!


Originally Posted by NeoSam

Other seinen novels that got serialized in the seinen(young men's) novel magazine Dengeki HP: Zettai Shounen, Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan, Kino no Tabi - the Beautiful World -, Iriya no Sora, UFO no Natsu, Shinigami no Ballad, Hanbun no Tsuki ga Noboru Sora, ...

Ah, slice-of-life animes with unique worldviews. Also Kino no Tabi is in my opinion to best feminist anime that appeals to men. Seinen rules!

Kaoru Chujo 2006-03-20 14:52

The fact that it will star Horie Yui is a plus, too. And Nazuka Kaori and Shintani Ryouko are seiyuus in it, as well as Honda Youko, in her first real role since she was Ichika in Uta~Kata. I've been hoping she would reappear.

NeoSam 2006-03-26 11:07

A manga based on the seinen novel Inukami! is serialized in the shounen(boy's) manga magazine Dengeki Comic Gao!.

The first volume of the shounen manga will be released tomorrow 27/3/2006

Here's the cover of it:

Shounen manga (based on a seinen(young men's) novel)

Serialized in: Dengeki Comic Gao!

NeoSam 2006-03-31 09:41

The latest issue (may's issue 5/2006) of the shounen manga magazine Dengeki Comic Gao!:

Other shounen manga that got serialized in this magazine:
Pita-Ten, DearS, Gokujou Seitokai (The Best School Council), +Anima, Okusama wa Mahou Shoujo, Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan, Speed Grapher, Eat-Man, Bakuretsu Hunters (Sorcerer Hunters), Hanbun no Tsuki ga Noboru Sora, ...

DaFool 2006-03-31 13:27

I just realized I confused this with Himawari! when making my comments. Ow, my head is spinning :P

If only they'd put a real trailer instead of an invitation to watch the show...

Ending 2006-03-31 17:14

That AnimEnfo's description sounds pretty interesting. Brought Urusei Yatsura to my mind. :heh:

Omniscient 2006-04-05 21:06

Episode 01 Screencaps

Well this was certainly unexpected, to say the least - probably for the better. There were a ton of nudity and sex jokes in this first episode, but I found it to be pretty funny. Here I was thinking this would be an average harem series with magical powers, and instead I get a series that reminds me a bit of Magikano (but with more dirty jokes).

Sian 2006-04-06 00:38

willie the elephant ...

Magikano on loads of viagra ...

Kaoru Chujo 2006-04-06 14:56


Originally Posted by Devilen
willie the elephant ...Magikano on loads of viagra ...

Lol. However, I was not that thrilled with this first ep. Yes, the relationship was pleasingly different. Yes, Horie Yui was fabulous. Yes, the tail is sexy. Yes, I liked that first double-entendre-filled conversation, with the kleenex box and the rumpled bed. But the lead guy character didn't do much for me, nor did the flying elephant-man, despite the echoes of Futakoi Alternative. The fighting and the plot and the relationships were blehh, for me. Hocchan/Youko shone like the sun whenever she was on screen, but everything else was just shadow. Since I had just watched Suzumiya Haruhi and Nana, however, it would have been hard for any other show to measure up.

Reaction from Japanese otaku on 2channel seems generally quite positive. Several people said this was the best show of the new season.

NeoSam 2006-04-06 19:20


Originally Posted by Kaoru Chujo
Reaction from Japanese otaku on 2channel seems generally quite positive. Several people said this was the best show of the new season.

Yeah, also the reviews of the novel that I checked were almost all good 4/5 stars and 5/5 stars >.< so I'm looking forward to see this subbed.

I'm so hoping some group will work on this, the group thats subbing Magikano maybe or one of the groups subbing Kage Kara Mamoru!

Anyway, I just noticed that volume 9 of the novel will be released this month (April 2006) so I added its cover with the rest of the covers of the novel in the first post of this thread (I'm not linking to it, its up there, yes just scroll up to the first post and you'll see it :p :heh: )

evil-samurai 2006-04-06 19:37


Originally Posted by NeoSam
Yeah, also the reviews of the novel that I checked were almost all good 4/5 stars and 5/5 stars >.< so I'm looking forward to see this subbed.

I'm so hoping some group will work on this, the group thats subbing Magikano maybe or one of the groups subbing Kage Kara Mamoru!

Now all we need is a continued good story convertion for the rest of the show. With Nanoha A's animation team, I dont have to worry about the animation :)

I'm kinda worried that ther are going to be shows like Yoshinaga-san chi no Gargoyle, that might not get subbed :( ( well.. at least not as quick as the others) the quality of shows this season seemes to have gone up, in all aspects.

Well Inukami! is a good! show, from what I can tell watching the RAW, a bit werid ^^;; but I dont mind it.. I like! the two main characters, which is important. The guy is fairly interesting.. plus the girl is too. More-so with shows like this I only like one of them, which leads to me un-interested or droping the show >.> But here are great!! together :)

justsomeguy 2006-04-06 20:20

What kind of stuff are they smoking over there?! My brain broke watching this. There are hot girls, but instead we get to see males naked. And they also didn't censor that little kid's package either. -_-;

I look forward to the next episode and some subs.

lavielove 2006-04-07 03:24


Originally Posted by Kaoru Chujo
Reaction from Japanese otaku on 2channel seems generally quite positive. Several people said this was the best show of the new season.

I think that's a kind of trends in japan by now. otaku+comedy+cosplay(erogame plus points).forth place in a chart is too much for this kind of show.too bad...

Chikushou 2006-04-07 06:01

I enjoyed the first episode, so after watching it raw I went and timed the whole thing and translated about half of it, including the OP. Problem is, I'm not confident enough to release it as anything other than a joke. About 10% of the lines went over my head so I just made nasty jokes.

Apparently Mahomaho and Himitsu are intending to sub this. Maybe I should at least get in touch with them to see if they want to have the timing script I made.

Last time I did fansubbing (Kamichu) it made me lose interest in the show, so maybe I should just quit now!

NeoSam 2006-04-07 07:02


Originally Posted by Chikushou
Apparently Mahomaho and Himitsu are intending to sub this. Maybe I should at least get in touch with them to see if they want to have the timing script I made.

Yay, thanks Chikushou for the info :)


Originally Posted by evil-samurai
I'm kinda worried that ther are going to be shows like Yoshinaga-san chi no Gargoyle, that might not get subbed ( well.. at least not as quick as the others) the quality of shows this season seemes to have gone up, in all aspects.

I read somewhere (a long time ago) that Yoshinaga-san chi no Gargoyle novel got an award, I'll try to find where it was mentioned and if I find it I'll post about it, maybe that will get someone interested in subbing it >.< I hope.

DaFool 2006-04-07 08:06


Originally Posted by Kaoru Chujo
Yes, the relationship was pleasingly different. Yes, Horie Yui was fabulous. Yes, the tail is sexy. Yes, I liked that first double-entendre-filled conversation, with the kleenex box and the rumpled bed.
Reaction from Japanese otaku on 2channel seems generally quite positive. Several people said this was the best show of the new season.

Yes, Yui Horie,

Yes, awesome action-oriented animation by Nanoha A's team.

Yes, not your run-of-the-mill moe show since it's over-the-top pushing it.

However, it still feels disposable. So I won't mind even if no one subs this, there are other moe shows who do things better (Haruhi), as well as others who don't brainf_ck you on the get-go but you can be assured you will be later (Higurashi).

While not as boring as Yosh.... Gargoyle, but this time I would have to disagree with the japanese otaku ratings.

Srin Tuar 2006-04-07 08:59

Well, its certainly not the best show this season, but its still seems fun.
The first ep seemed to have way too much elephant in it though...
Like the main character says, "if you are going to strip someone it should be the woman" :heh:

One thing I noticed is that the pet/master relationship seems to be a little strange.
He's suppossedly the master, yet she gives most of the orders and he wears the collar....
Also, he seems adverse to furries, depsite being a perv for everyone else.

Omniscient 2006-04-12 15:36

Episode 02 Screencaps


evil-samurai 2006-04-12 19:13

Keita and Yoko make a great team, and I think that is a big! reason why Inukami! is so Great.The opening theme and other things do make me thing that the show will go into more Dramatic moments later on, and I dont think the show will be mostly all comedy all the time so with the label being a Romance, I wonder.. how serouis it can/will get.

I would like Inukami! to run for 24 episodes and that looks to be the case, 13 episodes seems to short for all the characters (lots of girls ^^) going to be showing up in the show. Anywho... Cant wait for a Sub ^^

Kaoru Chujo 2006-04-13 13:08

episode 2 raw
The only thing I like about this show is Horie Yui, but she's enough to keep me watching. The best I've heard her.

I was getting more and more pissed off with all the unerotic homoeroticism until I realized I should give the makers credit for being able to make me so uncomfortable. From then on, I was better able to see what was good about the episode, and not be blinded by the tongues and haunches (ick!)

I'll hang in there until I get to hear Honda Youko as Igusa (who will be the green-haired inukami with braids). I've been waiting since Uta~Kata (where she was Ichika) to hear her in a real role again.

Srin Tuar 2006-04-13 18:46

Okay, ep 2 was the second homoerotic episode in a row.:twitch:

Being the first two episodes, thats a bad sign.

I was sortof hoping ep1 was a fluke, but it seems not to be the case...

Perhaps this show needs yaoi warnings.

NeoSam 2006-04-13 19:35


Originally Posted by Srin Tuar
Okay, ep 2 was the second homoerotic episode in a row.:twitch:

Being the first two episodes, thats a bad sign.

I was sortof hoping ep1 was a fluke, but it seems not to be the case...

Perhaps this show needs yaoi warnings.

I haven't watched the second episode yet, but thats really weird, whats happening here :mad:

Lets look at this:
The novel is serialized in a magazine for young men, and the manga thats based on it is serialized in a magazine for boys.

So whats happening here :confused:

Could this be some weird type of comedy :confused:

oDin01 2006-04-13 20:01

A few gay jokes here and there is okay. A whole episode didicated to it is pushing it. Had to FF most of the episode. Next episode has a lot of new female characters in it so I'll keep on watching.

evil-samurai 2006-04-13 20:16


Originally Posted by NeoSam
Lets look at this:
The novel is serialized in a magazine for young men, and the manga thats based on it is serialized in a magazine for boys.

So whats happening here :confused:

Could this be some weird type of comedy :confused:

It was in the Novel (pointed out in Matthew's Blog and also its said thats it has been "faithful to the original work.." ) and yep it is just! for the comedy, I guess its just not to everyones liking ^^ I found the first episode hilarious. If the show did get serouis in that way then I wouldn't like it, But personally I dont find it bad now. It's not! like the show is going to be all this all! the time, (Cant be with all the cute girls ^^) but still things like this might be showing up later as well.

Anyway, I put together a few pictures from the offical site. (trying to download them from the site just gives you them in bits and pieces :heh: )

NeoSam 2006-04-13 20:25


Originally Posted by NeoSam
and yep it is just! for the comedy, I guess its just not to everyones liking ^^ I found the first episode hilarious. If the show did get serouis in that way then I wouldn't like it

Thank god its only for the comedy >.< after all its a seinen novel and a shounen manga.

BluWacky 2006-04-14 02:25


Originally Posted by NeoSam
Thank god its only for the comedy >.< after all its a seinen novel and a shounen manga.

You put far too much stock in your genre classifications :p

Anyone else notice that this is pretty much a ripoff of Urusei Yatsura but with more fighting?

NeoSam 2006-04-14 05:50


Originally Posted by BluWacky
You put far too much stock in your genre classifications :p

Well, like it or don't like it, thats the way it is :p

Srin Tuar 2006-04-20 18:38

finally, ep 3 was actually decent.
I was just about to drop this series, but now im ready for another ep :)

evil-samurai 2006-04-20 18:44

Spoiler for episode 3:

Originally Posted by Chikushou
Apparently Mahomaho and Himitsu are intending to sub this. Maybe I should at least get in touch with them to see if they want to have the timing script I made.

Mahomaho doesn't look like they are going to show at all anymore, Himitsu are subbing it but.. there are just taking a little time to get through the first episode which has to do with staff shortage as I hear, well I wish them the best with it!

eggplant 2006-04-21 06:14

With episode 3, they finally detracted from the testosterone laid images that were perhaps giving the wrong impression to some people.


By the way, here's a photo of three of the inkukamis, from left to right:
Nazuka Kaori (Nadeshiko), Horie Yui (Youko), and Hasegawa Shizuka (Tomohane).

Catgirls 2006-04-29 13:22

All right...first Ep. has been subbed.


Thanks to [Anime-Himitsu] for the hard work.

NeoSam 2006-04-29 13:27


Originally Posted by Catgirls
All right...first Ep. has been subbed.

Yay thanks Catgirls for the info :)

Now whats left is Yoshinaga-san chi no Gargoyle >.<


I'm somewhat thinking of getting the seinen light novels :P
Ahh, there was some mistake in the first post of this thread concerning the number of available volumes of the novel, I corrected it.

Catgirls 2006-04-29 19:42

Here are a few GIF avatars from episode #1:

One large GIF for around the house usage:

What? You think I have a tail fetish or something? :heh:

monir 2006-04-29 20:13


Originally Posted by Catgirls

What? You think I have a tail fetish or something? :heh:

Oh, that's without a doubt. :D Can we have some gifs on elephant trunks? Why should tails get all the attention? It's so unfair. :heh:

Shenlong 2006-04-29 21:09

Ze googles.. they do nothing! When watching a fanservice show I dun wanna see... brb I need to find a dark corner to curl lup and cry in. This show is wrong on so many levels.. why nipple lasers..

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