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Kairin 2014-05-15 16:02

Mahouka [LN/M] - Character Speculation/Theories: Tatsuya
The purpose of this thread is to provide a place to discuss all speculation, theories, and general discussion related to Tatsuya.

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guestuser 2014-05-15 19:49

i guess i take this one
i like tatsuya because he is one of the rarest kind of protagonist unlike most protagonist they are either weak or strong but tatsuya he is a true OP character in that they win in a interesting way but they differ between style so u may not like his style of winning and most main character will win in the end anyway so why bother to drag it out longer than it need to and true OP main dont have to or a need to develop their characters until the time is right like at the middle stage or the end stage because dont lump a OP character with a weak or strong character because they need to develop earlier to survive the next fight so they have a big difference and a true OP main character is suppose to dominate the beginning and the middle to protect their title as the strongest which they usually have one have but will have a much harder time until they lose and the gary sue thing to me is just a OP protagonist that is boring not about how powerful they are like i said they have a style of winning if u dont like that style than feel to call them that but i find tatsuya interesting so i just refer to him as a true OP main character also because it is hard to find a style similar to tatsuya i only know of like about one main i can think of that is super similar to him

IceHism 2014-05-15 20:07

I think the things with OP main characters is that they were never suppose to struggle through fights. Their problems resides somewhere else where brute force just can't solve no matter what

guestuser 2014-05-15 20:12


Originally Posted by IceHism (Post 5121398)
I think the things with OP main characters is that they were never suppose to struggle through fights. Their problems resides somewhere else where brute force just can't solve no matter what

true i mean i dont get why people dont understand the difference between a strong and a overpower character i mean that is what OP suppose to stand for

millie10468 2014-05-15 22:17

Even if he was as OP as the definition of OP, I don't see how that detracts from the story in any problematic way. Some say there's no tension in his fights since it's pretty clear he'll win. To that I reply that even assuming the author hasn't planned to introduce characters on the same level as Tatsuya, his ability to defeat whoever comes after him is not enough to keep him from dangling on the ropes of other more influential characters. In fact, it makes it much worse for him since it creates a lot more problems for him than it solves.

IceHism 2014-05-15 22:24


Originally Posted by millie10468 (Post 5121532)
Even if he was as OP as the definition of OP, I don't see how that detracts from the story in any problematic way. Some say there's no tension in his fights since it's pretty clear he'll win. To that I reply that even assuming the author hasn't planned to introduce characters on the same level as Tatsuya, his ability to defeat whoever comes after him is not enough to keep him from dangling on the ropes of other more influential characters. In fact, it makes it much worse for him since it creates a lot more problems for him than it solves.

Putting an OP main character would detract from the story if the show is mainly about action sequences I think.
And I don't think Mahouka is about the fighting scenes really

millie10468 2014-05-15 22:33


Originally Posted by IceHism (Post 5121541)
Putting an OP main character would detract from the story if the show is mainly about action sequences I think.
And I don't think Mahouka is about the fighting scenes really

This is what I feel a lot of people aren't willing to see. For a while now, I've been thinking that this story is more of a SoL/school life series with a dash of side action considering there's a war going on after all. Thinking it's a full-on action series will definitely cause some disappointment.

IceHism 2014-05-15 23:44


Originally Posted by millie10468 (Post 5121551)
This is what I feel a lot of people aren't willing to see. For a while now, I've been thinking that this story is more of a SoL/school life series with a dash of side action considering there's a war going on after all. Thinking it's a full-on action series will definitely cause some disappointment.

I thought it was more politics, school, drama
Slice of life is a bit of a stretch for me.

Echizen777 2014-05-16 12:26

Tatsuya's powers don't make him invincible...

rladls2121 2014-05-17 23:21

Tatsuya's intellegence and athlete makes him invincible, at least I think.

It is something I want to learn from, he is so smooth of almost anything.
So calm and dont get over to his head.

Just what is with his eyes? his perceiving eyes?
It is kind of weird though, him saying to a person who wears glasses have a really good eyes. Even though that person is wearing glasses. Half joking.

SoboSobo 2014-05-18 06:24


Originally Posted by millie10468 (Post 5121551)
This is what I feel a lot of people aren't willing to see. For a while now, I've been thinking that this story is more of a SoL/school life series with a dash of side action considering there's a war going on after all. Thinking it's a full-on action series will definitely cause some disappointment.

it depends what you consider action? its not pure slice and dice action story, there's plenty of action in it especially after the first arc but the main character is not the "kill them all" type guy, that's why he seeks to resolve problems through other means and combat is a last resort and thats why its not a pure action series.

guestuser 2014-05-18 08:01

i kind of get the feeling tatsuya should be call the ultimate spear because he only have offensive ability with practically no defensive ability but if u consider it like this wouldnt that means he is miyuki weapon that people borrow

Ultragunner 2014-05-18 08:57

have you forgotten the mighty Regrowth? I think that's the one beyond "cheating", more than any of his also broken abilities :heh:

guestuser 2014-05-18 09:40


Originally Posted by Ultragunner (Post 5124043)
have you forgotten the mighty Regrowth? I think that's the one beyond "cheating", more than any of his also broken abilities :heh:

it does have its own limit that regrow slows down his processing speed and yea it is pretty broken but think about how many time he need to go to the hospital with out it

IceHism 2014-05-18 10:03

I'd say elemental sight, being the backbone to all of his powers, is the real OP technique here. It allows him to read eidos to use regrowth, see up to 1000m away, read activation sequences and magic sequences, see through physical obstacles, allow him to target to up to more than 1000m away as long as he can get the coordinates of the enemies (which he described was hard if they were farther or if they are not using magic as said in vol 6)

millie10468 2014-05-19 17:49

I'm rereading the novels and in one of the earlier volumes(3 to be exact), Miyuki says that one of Tatsuya's flaws is that " he was unable to comprehend goodwill directed towards him. More importantly, Tatsuya honestly questioned why people would think positively of him."
She goes on to blame that on the fact that his parents neglected to "pour" that emotion into him and even went as far as to "strip it from his mind."

Reading this when people are complaining about his lack of flaws drives home just how interesting Tatsuya as a character can be to people who look closely enough. Sure, some might say it's just an attempt by the author to try and make him less of a Gary Stu but I do believe the author has planned far enough that everything about Tatsuya was not merely written on a whim.

The above excerpt just made me realize that, for all people predict Tatsuya being able to end up with someone at the end of the series, it seems more and more unlikely to me the more I reread it. The guy doesn't know or remember what love is. How exactly is he supposed to love someone even if he does indeed magically regain his emotions? Basically, the author has given him a magical reason for having low self esteem and it's really interesting to see how his self image contradicts with how we the readers and even characters in the series see him. While it amazes me how someone as logical as Tatsuya cannot see his own self in a positive light, I shudder at what could happen if he ever sees just how awesome he is himself. He's probably not be extremely arrogant, but he'd be a lot more risky, wouldn't he?

Rava 2014-05-19 18:07

Yeah, he definitely still has a low opinion of some of his abilities. Even in 13, according to the myriad spoilers, he doesn't think people won because of his Engineering skills but that he happened to be the Engineer for the people who won.

peinmaximus@ 2014-05-19 18:28

Guys,any friends of Tatsuya already know that he is one of the most powerful wizards of the world(that he is an strategic class wizard) until the last volume of the LN that is out?
And in the story already appeared someone who is stronger than Tatsuya?

Marcus H. 2014-05-19 21:57


I'm rereading the novels and in one of the earlier volumes(3 to be exact), Miyuki says that one of Tatsuya's flaws is that " he was unable to comprehend goodwill directed towards him. More importantly, Tatsuya honestly questioned why people would think positively of him."
We need a weakness that it actually debilitating in combat.

millie10468 2014-05-19 21:59


Originally Posted by Marcus H. (Post 5125687)
We need a weakness that it actually debilitating in combat.

Why would that make him a better character?

Marcus H. 2014-05-19 22:30

Why not? It's not like Tatsuya can handle himself well no matter the circumstance.

bietchie11 2014-05-20 00:53

Tatsuya is awesome!!!!!

Chris38 2014-05-20 01:04

Personally, I think that Tatsuya when he fights as 'Shiba Tatsuya' has more then enough limitations in combat.

After all:

- He has his powers sealed by Miyuki, which reduces the amount of psions that he can use ... decreasing his overall combat efficiency. It has also been implied in the novels that this is not the only seal that is placed on Tatsuya ... so we probably haven't seen how strong Tatsuya actually is, without any restrictions placed on him.

- He has to hide the fact that he can 'Flash Cast' and since his artificial magical abilities are pretty low it's a disadvantage against some powerful mages.

- He can't use his natural innate abilities openly, since they are a national secret.

- He has to avoid using abilities that would connect 'Shiba Tatsuya' with 'Mahesvara', which is something that I believe will become more and more pronounced the further we go into the story.

Of course ... some of those limitations are not present when he is fighting as 'Mahesvara', but I believe that the times when we see Tatsuya fighting using this identity are going to decrease, when the awareness of the existence of 'Mahesvara' is going to spread around Japan and outside of it's national borders...

Marcus H. 2014-05-20 01:08

Ironically, I want him to be more restrained in combat, but I also want him to fight more so that he actually loses decisively for one (and NO RESETS WITH REGROWTH, PLEASE). I hope he throws away that bullshit about keeping a "national secret" or having an "alternate personality" because it's dragging on the story.

pampz21 2014-05-20 02:59

Spoiler for bore me:

zerozeronine 2014-05-20 08:27


Originally Posted by pampz21 (Post 5125935)
Spoiler for bore me:

Why?Becuase he doesn't spit nonsense lines and get typical harem scenes like Touma of Index?:heh:

Ultraviolet X 2014-05-20 13:08


Originally Posted by pampz21 (Post 5125935)
Spoiler for bore me:

hmm, I partly agree, partly disagree.

Compared to other Ln MC's, I really like Tatsuya. He's not like most leads spouting those tedious lines along the lines of "I will save everyone", and he doesn't blunder into his victories like most other MC's do. Also, hes not having those tedious scenes where he makes girls "fall in love" with him constantly over a little thing or those misunderstanding ecchi scenes.

Putting that aside, personality wise he does seem boring. Hes cold, calculating, ruthless, doesn't do anything impulsive and doesn't really seem to enjoy anything besides pleasing Miyuki. Not to mentions he usually thinks things through before he answers someone, even with normal interactions unless it's towards Miyuki. While this is a good thing for him in combat or situations where he is pitting wits against someone else (also to read, at least for me), in normal interactions hes boring.

Even counting some of the things he does later on as he develops his "weaker" emotions, he still seems dull. Well, at least he is on the right track.

Jirachier 2014-05-20 14:11


Most magicians don't have defensive abilities, it was already stated that in mahouka if you don't have some really really good defensive magic like Katsuto or Minami it's best to completely focus on offense. And the truth is Tatsuya has several extraordinary defensive abilities, he has Gram Dispersion and Gram Demolition which are the strongest counter magics there is, and even if you somehow go through them Regrowth will kick in and heal him. Finally there is something which he never even needed to use but still has which is AoE Decomposition, that is basically the best anti-physical barrier anyone could hope for.


Originally Posted by Marcus H.
We need a weakness that it actually debilitating in combat.

It really bothers me when I read stuff like that, why does Tatsuya needs a weakness in combat ? Tatsuya is meant as a character who is basically perfect in anything he does except when it comes to being human, that is his flaw, some people keep arguing that it's just something the author came up with as an excuse and doesn't affect him negatively in any way, which is absolutely false. He is being forcibly bound to his sister thanks to the experiment done on him by his own mother and aunt(maybe he would still be living with his sister the way he is now, but no one can say that for certain because he is a slave to the result of that experiment and we will never know the truth unless he gets back his emotional freedom), ever since he was a child he had to struggle just to survive and the scars on his body are a testament to that, even with his current powers and knowledge he still doesn't see how impressive he is and looks down on his own accomplishments.
Some readers only focus on how much of a badass he is and completely ignore the reality that he can never be truly happy, that his childhood was stolen from him and that he can never be a real human being.

Also it's not that Tatsuya is invincible, he only seems as such because he is one o the most powerful magicians in the world, if you're making him fight someone who isn't on the same level as the likes of Maya, of course he will seem unbeatable. If you want more difficult fights for him then ask for characters that belong to such a category to come and face him rather than hoping for a weakness, we have too many protagonists already with more than enough combat flaws why do we need another one who has to struggle against regular everyone he meets ?

Echizen777 2014-05-20 15:09

Tatsuya's weakness is evident. Crual lack of versatility but he is specialisations are enough to rival the others. While Tatsuya will always fight with Decomposition, Regrowth, ES and Non systematic magic you have other OP mages like Miyuki. Not only that Miyuki has deadly spells but she has access to the numerous normal spells any normal magicians can use. Her Deceleration Zone is so ridiculously strong and that's just a common aoe spell, how many magics of this genre exist? Plenty. Tatsuya can't even use the spells he discover. I am not even sure Tatsuya can beat her 10 times out of 10. Normal magicians potential is too high especially 10MC magicians. I am sure Tatsuya would have been stronger if he was born with only one of his innate magics.

guestuser 2014-05-20 19:15

wow i just learn the meaning of tatsuya name which fits him perfectly and i always wonder what it mean The name "Tatsuya" means "to achieve/ he who is an achievement" or "dragon". i got this from the wiki

Marcus H. 2014-05-20 22:17


It really bothers me when I read stuff like that, why does Tatsuya needs a weakness in combat ? Tatsuya is meant as a character who is basically perfect in anything he does except when it comes to being human, that is his flaw, some people keep arguing that it's just something the author came up with as an excuse and doesn't affect him negatively in any way, which is absolutely false. He is being forcibly bound to his sister thanks to the experiment done on him by his own mother and aunt(maybe he would still be living with his sister the way he is now, but no one can say that for certain because he is a slave to the result of that experiment and we will never know the truth unless he gets back his emotional freedom), ever since he was a child he had to struggle just to survive and the scars on his body are a testament to that, even with his current powers and knowledge he still doesn't see how impressive he is and looks down on his own accomplishments.
I hate people who are an unstoppable force.
I hate people who are an unstoppable force and yet continues to look down on himself even more.


Some readers only focus on how much of a badass he is and completely ignore the reality that he can never be truly happy, that his childhood was stolen from him and that he can never be a real human being.
That's bullshit. There are a lot of non-human characters who can live human lives, and he's even blessed with a constant companion like Miyuki.


Tatsuya's weakness is evident. Crual lack of versatility but he is specialisations are enough to rival the others. While Tatsuya will always fight with Decomposition, Regrowth, ES and Non systematic magic you have other OP mages like Miyuki. Not only that Miyuki has deadly spells but she has access to the numerous normal spells any normal magicians can use. Her Deceleration Zone is so ridiculously strong and that's just a common aoe spell, how many magics of this genre exist? Plenty. Tatsuya can't even use the spells he discover. I am not even sure Tatsuya can beat her 10 times out of 10. Normal magicians potential is too high especially 10MC magicians. I am sure Tatsuya would have been stronger if he was born with only one of his innate magics.
The problem is that his supposed losses are against hard counters. It would be much better if battles allow for equal chances of winning between Tatsuya and the enemy. That or Tatsuya wins against an enemy through sheer tactical superiority (no, his constant reliance to the information dimension doesn't count).

My Zodiac Aries 2014-05-20 22:48


Originally Posted by Marcus H. (Post 5125687)
We need a weakness that it actually debilitating in combat.

He's unstopable. No one is allowed to kill him except Miyuki.

millie10468 2014-05-21 00:00

Does anyone think Tatsuya went too far with his apathy regarding anything that has nothing to do with Miyuki when Kobayaka lost her magic as an indirect result? I find it interesting that while he sometimes has to stop himself from being a busy body and poking his nose in other people's business, he still finds it effortless to turn a blind eye to things around him that don't directly have anything to do with him.

kusabireika 2014-05-21 00:06


Originally Posted by millie10468 (Post 5126828)
Does anyone think Tatsuya went too far with his apathy regarding anything that has nothing to do with Miyuki when Kobayaka lost her magic as an indirect result? I find it interesting that while he sometimes has to stop himself from being a busy body and poking his nose in other people's business, he still finds it effortless to turn a blind eye to things around him that don't directly have anything to do with him.

Because his first priority is miyuki that how he was made .... By her mother :(

bietchie11 2014-05-21 00:21


Originally Posted by Marcus H. (Post 5126730)
I hate people who are an unstoppable force.

The problem is that his supposed losses are against hard counters. It would be much better if battles allow for equal chances of winning between Tatsuya and the enemy. That or Tatsuya wins against an enemy through sheer tactical superiority (no, his constant reliance to the information dimension doesn't count).

Tatsuya is the go-to guy.
Want to get something done? Call Tatsuya.
Want to end combats fast? Call Tatsuya.
Tatsuya's whole existence means business.

If you want to play your childish little combat game, call Leo. When you are tired of it, call Tatsuya. Otherwise, don't bother him when he spends his quality time with Miyuki.

Why Leo?

millie10468 2014-05-21 00:23


Originally Posted by bietchie11 (Post 5126847)
Tatsuya is the go-to guy.
Want to get something done? Call Tatsuya.
Want to end combat fast? Call Tatsuya.
Tatsuya whole existence means business.

If you want to play your childish little combat game, call Leo. When you are tired of it, call Tatsuya. Otherwise, don't bother him when he spends his quality time with Miyuki.

This was quite funny:)

Echizen777 2014-05-21 00:33


Originally Posted by millie10468 (Post 5126828)
Does anyone think Tatsuya went too far with his apathy regarding anything that has nothing to do with Miyuki when Kobayaka lost her magic as an indirect result? I find it interesting that while he sometimes has to stop himself from being a busy body and poking his nose in other people's business, he still finds it effortless to turn a blind eye to things around him that don't directly have anything to do with him.

Well, she was not one of his friends. Erika said it herself as long as Miyuki and his friends aren't involved he won't care. But remember he found a way to help her in vol11 and wanted it to be a secret. That is development for me.

In 9SC we can see 3 interesting reactions depending of his relations with the others.

Mari(friend): Went immediately to rescue her as fast as the responsibles.
Kobayakawa(nothing more than an acquaintance): Cold glare...
Miyuki(mental support): Great emotional reaction and go destroyer mode.

pampz21 2014-05-21 02:56


Originally Posted by Echizen777 (Post 5126865)
Well, she was not one of his friends. Erika said it herself as long as Miyuki and his friends aren't involved he won't care. But remember he found a way to help her in vol11 and wanted it to be a secret. That is development for me.

In 9SC we can see 3 interesting reactions depending of his relations with the others.

Mari(friend): Went immediately to rescue her as fast as the responsibles.
Kobayakawa(nothing more than an acquaintance): Cold glare...
Miyuki(mental support): Great emotional reaction and go destroyer mode.

I wouldnt call Mari his friend>¿ shes more like a commanding officer and thats enough for him to move; if you dont think thats enough then Tatsuya moved because Miyuki look worried.

Echizen777 2014-05-21 03:02

How is she not one of his friends? Excluding his usual band the student council, Kirihara, Mibu, Eimi the 101 count as friends. And he stood up before Miyuki's worried look.

pampz21 2014-05-21 03:39


Originally Posted by Echizen777 (Post 5126991)
How is she not one of his friends? Excluding his usual band the student council, Kirihara, Mibu, Eimi the 101 count as friends. And he stood up before Miyuki's worried look.

Ever heard of aquaintances? You nver seen Tatsuya wanting to hang out with them; there is Kirihara's case where Tatsuya cheered him up; or is it Tatsuya's plan for him to make the first high boys aim for a comeback?

As we stated back on the generic discussions Tatsuya isnt you friendly;mr. Nice guy!

He evil, manipulating bastard that is obssess with his sister or is he?

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