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Kairin 2012-08-11 10:40

Sword Art Online - Episode 6 Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for Sword Art Online, Episode 6.

The Illusionary Avenger - 幻の復讐者 ~ Maboroshi no Fukushusha

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styr 2012-08-11 10:55

I hope CR is wrong.... it says Ep 6 is going to come out "7 days from now" :( (I do have premium membership too so.. idk)

Ray 2012-08-11 10:57


Originally Posted by styr (Post 4300232)
I hope CR is wrong.... it says Ep 6 is going to come out "7 days from now" :(

They're not. Only some channels will be airing Episode 6 today (some already have, I think). No simulcast today. =/

styr 2012-08-11 11:02


Originally Posted by Aphrah (Post 4300236)
They're not. Only some channels will be airing Episode 6 today (some already have, I think). No simulcast today. =/

Ya, I noticed that SAO usually airs at 1pm EST on CR, but today it is 4pm EST..

Is the 1pm showing the simulcast? What influences it so much on a weekly basis I wonder.

M.A.D 2012-08-11 11:02

It's because of the Olympics, isn't it? But we only need one channel to broadcast it, don't we?

relentlessflame 2012-08-11 11:04

It seems that MBS had to cut the episode this week, and will instead be doing a double-broadcast two weeks from now (on the 25th) to catch up. So if Crunchyroll was forced to not air the episode before MBS did (which could explain why they don't simulcast till 5:00am JST), that means we can likely expect a similar pattern, hopefully including the double-airing in two weeks.

(Most other channels airing the anime did air it this week on schedule, though. The TBS/MBS/RKB network is the one doing games coverage in Japan, though, so that's why many their shows are affected in some way.)


Originally Posted by styr (Post 4300243)
Ya, I noticed that SAO usually airs at 1pm EST on CR, but today it is 4pm EST..

Is the 1pm showing the simulcast? What influences it so much on a weekly basis I wonder.

Actually, I think it was moved to 4pm EDT a few weeks ago. It was 1pm at first. If my speculation above is right (which seems to fit), the reason would be contractual rights for Japanese broadcast on MBS (a clause that says that station must air it before it's allowed to be broadcast anywhere else in the world).

Leon_Lelouch 2012-08-11 11:49

have watched it

Spoiler for anime:

next episode will be the last side story (for now) which is lizbet and the out of dark repulser

Ray 2012-08-11 12:05

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Deltaray 2012-08-11 12:09

Dam they nailed Johnny Black's voice, PoH was pretty good too, sadly XaXa didn't get any lines =(

But yeah, finally we got away from this most boring side story for me, cuts from novels were pretty smart because otherwise it might spoil too much, pretty good.

Clarste 2012-08-11 13:03

I always imagined PoH being more charismatic than that, but it works.

Netto Azure 2012-08-11 13:20

Darn, will have to look somewhere other than CR then. Reading here it seems everything went well. :3

Yusei Fudo 2012-08-11 13:23

Interesting Episode :D

Noticed the Ending Artwork was done by Buriki lolz

Shaggeh 2012-08-11 13:27

I really think it was well done, and the parts left out wasn't too major or would of been too many spoilers this early. One more side left until the main story starts looking forward to it.

hoshino_crimsonwings 2012-08-11 13:43

Who's the amazing artist for the Asuna portrait in the end?

Lota 2012-08-11 13:45


Originally Posted by hoshino_crimsonwings (Post 4300448)
Who's the amazing artist for the Asuna portrait in the end?

Buriki, as Yusei Fudo said a few posts above :heh:

Utsuro no Hako 2012-08-11 13:54

I was wondering how Kirito was going to figure everything out without the Kains/Kaynze clue. I think the solution the anime came up with worked well, especially since it allowed them to keep the sandwich scene.

M.A.D 2012-08-11 14:09

Personally, I think the scene with Laughing Coffin was played out a too fast. I just sort of blinked, and then they left already. How could they keep the part where Kirito patted a horse's backside but couldn't come up with better pacing for people that matter?

Also, could anyone tell me the next episode's name?

melina_putri 2012-08-11 14:19


Originally Posted by M.A.D (Post 4300467)
Also, could anyone tell me the next episode's name?

Next episode title is "Warmth of the Heart".

ZGMF-X10A 2012-08-11 14:19

wasn't all that good episode imo. Although it did wrap up why those two were killed the previous episode.

Shaggeh 2012-08-11 14:19


Originally Posted by M.A.D (Post 4300467)
Also, could anyone tell me the next episode's name?

"Kokoro no Ondo" (心の温度)
"Warmth of Heart"

Its another side story from Volume 2, and I'm really wondering how they are going to do it without spoilers to the main plot.

And Edit: oops got my side story titles mixed up and someone also beat me to it.

Utsuro no Hako 2012-08-11 14:23


Originally Posted by M.A.D (Post 4300467)
Personally, I think the scene with Laughing Coffin was played out a too fast. I just sort of blinked, and then they left already. How could they keep the part where Kirito patted a horse's backside but couldn't come up with better pacing for people that matter?

Also, could anyone tell me the next episode's name?

Spoiler for Next episode title:

Hmm.... 2012-08-11 14:48

Hmmmmmmmm................................My impression after finish the episode is soooo what is the point of this 2 episodes arc. I just can't understand the studio's decision. Why do they need to spend 2 episode on this sidestory ? What do we or rather anime viewers get, story/character development-wise, from the last 2 episodes ? Perhap someone can enlight me.

Leon_Lelouch 2012-08-11 15:12


Originally Posted by Hmm.... (Post 4300501)
Hmmmmmmmm................................My impression after finish the episode is soooo what is the point of this 2 episodes arc. I just can't understand the studio's decision. Why do they need to spend 2 episode on this sidestory ? What do we or rather anime viewers get, story/character development-wise, from the last 2 episodes ? Perhap someone can enlight me.

well I just guess that it was just to let people watch the development between Asuna and Kirito and people tend to like the novel part being animated than an original script....:p

Clarste 2012-08-11 15:16

We met the female lead. What could be more important than that?

FlameSparkZ 2012-08-11 15:17

Great episode.
The mystery was all wrapped up, even though it took a slightly different route from the novel, it was nicely done.

Next week will be "Warmth of the Heart", which along with "The Black Swordsman" is one of my favorite chapters :D

justinstrife 2012-08-11 15:19

Could have done without this story arc to be honest. -yawn-

relentlessflame 2012-08-11 15:44

At the end of the day, at least as anime-only viewers, I think that you can't really judge the importance of any given episode until you understand the whole story shown in the anime. Then you can fully understand how the pieces fit together and judge how you think the anime spent its time. From our perspective right now, we shouldn't rush to conclusions.

And I think that light novel readers need to be careful what they say about what the overall plot of the story is. Not shown in the anime yet = can't be discussed here.

(By the way, on the topic of Crunchyroll, they did post an update that basically corroborated what I said before about MBS. They said "Due to the Olympics and resulting broadcast schedule in Japan, episode 6 will be streamed on 8/18. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience." The station that delayed is MBS, so that suggests they're bound by contract to not show the episode before MBS does.)

Clarste 2012-08-11 15:52

Important themes to take away from this arc/episode:
  • The value of living life in the game vs. trying to escape it
  • Are the rules of the game "fair"? So far the answer is yes.
  • Life in the game as a means of personal growth. IE: Griselda
  • Establishing the kind of relationship that Kirito and Asuna have outside of life threatening scenarios.

Maybe there are others, maybe not, but I don't think it's a complete waste of time.

Hmm.... 2012-08-11 16:10


Originally Posted by relentlessflame (Post 4300553)
And I think that light novel readers need to be careful what they say about what the overall plot of the story is. Not shown in the anime yet = can't be discussed here.

Sorry about that. All in all I want to hear what anime viewer feel about the last two episodes.
Episode 4 may feel very fillerish but it at least introduce new character Silica.
I don't think the return of Asuna alone justified 2 episodes even from my anime viewer perspective (but I may perhap bias). Making episode 2 or 3 into 2 parter is better time spent IMHO.

creb 2012-08-11 17:04

Another episode that further makes me wish the author was designing MMOs, rather than writing about them. :heh:

Glad to see the explanation for the 'deaths' made sense. Good to see the normally level-headed Kirito do something pointless. I mean, if you can't hurt/kill people in town, what was he hoping to accomplish throwing his spikes in the beginning? :p

If this episode is like the previous five, in helping to establish ground rules so that the meat of the story doesn't have to waste time on exposition, then I guess it's a fair certainty that Kirito is going to get married at some point, and one would have to assume it'll be to Asuna. :D

Well, if this is really going 24 episodes, I guess it's fine that they're taking their time to lay the foundation via mini arcs. It's kind of crazy that I'm just now realizing how long it's been since I've actually watched a 24 episode anime straight, without the whole skipping a season or some other bs. The over-abundance of 12-13 episode anime has caused me to expect things to move faster, something I guess I need to reign in for this show. I'm glad they're doing it they way the are, or they'red likely be pointless filler later down the road.

Kaihan 2012-08-11 17:12

First thing first, please tell me it was my sub that was just trolling me: :heh:
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Was a good episode, better than last week. The reason for killing was unexpected and the way how those two players faked their death by stabbing themselves to destroy their armor was a great idea.

HandofFate 2012-08-11 17:16

well that was kind of a boring conclusion....
the entire reason for the killing of the wife/ring plot was bland as hell.

The Laughing Coffin showing up was cool, no action happened though.
Kirito's explanation was pretty entertaining though.

Best part of the whole arc, was just the regular Kirito x Asuna alone time, the actual mystery was pointless.

The end with the ghost actually appearing was confusing though, especially given the game design of what we know so far....why would she appear there like that...makes no sense from a game perspective.

creb 2012-08-11 17:18


Originally Posted by Kaihan (Post 4300621)
First thing first, please tell me it was my sub that was just trolling me: :heh:
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Was a good episode, better than last week. The reason for killing was unexpected and the way how those two players faked their death by stabbing themselves to destroy their armor was a great idea.

Or that's his introvert way of telling Asuna he wants to reciprocate her wanting to jump his bones.

Divini 2012-08-11 17:20

That answer that Kirito gave Asuna in the end - I'm definitely going to use it if I ever get asked the same question. :)

Spoiler for thoughts as a LN reader:

Deltaray 2012-08-11 17:46


Originally Posted by Kaihan (Post 4300621)
First thing first, please tell me it was my sub that was just trolling me: :heh:
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Was a good episode, better than last week. The reason for killing was unexpected and the way how those two players faked their death by stabbing themselves to destroy their armor was a great idea.

Or you just got caught by that sub group leaders trolls, since I'm probably not allowed to talk about group with name because this is licensed.

Atleast it wasn't like that in novels ^^

Awrya 2012-08-11 18:01

Well, it was okay, it felt a bit sudden how Kirito found out about item durability and considered the possibility of a murder guild involved.

It looked a bit too friendly how Schmidt and Caynz carried Grimlock, especially how he is responsible for their guild leader's death. At least drag him:heh:

The leader of the trio sounded a bit too rough, the poison guy really fit the image of a crazy killer, props to the voice actor. The leader also has what looks like a scar on his face, did he get it before or in the game?
Seriously, we go from the awesome looking weapon Yoruko is holding to some boring long sword the third guy threatens them with, wish they put a bit more effort in designing swords:uhoh:

Kirito raised a couple of flags this episode, but considering that there wasn't really any significant development between them for the last ~16 months, these were probably the first flags in the Asuna route.

Kaihan 2012-08-11 18:08


Originally Posted by Deltaray (Post 4300660)
Or you just got caught by that sub group leaders trolls, since I'm probably not allowed to talk about group with name because this is licensed.

Atleast it wasn't like that in novels ^^

Well thats good news. It still made me chuckle if thats what they tried to achieve.

DXMichael 2012-08-11 18:09

Famous words from Kirito:

"I'm willing to bet my virginity".

Such a brave man to speak about such a thing to Asuna :heh:

Anyways, back on track with the episode. I kinda felt let down by the first half of this episode. Last episode was so tense and realistic with the trauma, the sadness, the motives and revenge and it was quite the interesting and enjoyable episode to watch. Then it's revealed that it was all a lie, no one actually died that episode and it was all figured out by Kirito dropping some food that was about to expire? I had hoped for something a little better :(

None the less, it managed to pick itself back up once a real PK guild made their entrance. The Laughing Coffins, quite the name, probably easy to remember too :p

I am really surprised however that Kirito let them live or escape. They showed no signs of changing their ways after being threatened and it was obvious they would continue. He's going to have the blood of other innocent players on his hand for doing that.

Alas, I liked the conversation Asuna had with Kirito about marriage and the storing space being shared. It was as if she was hinting something there, eh? Eh Asuna? Go ooonn! :heh:

Speaking of marriage, Grimlock and Griselda were married in real life eh? That was quite the reveal :p

Also, this episodes end card:

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Asuna! :love::love:

don_Durandal 2012-08-11 18:23

That was a rather good adaptation. Could have been dragged for longer, but I feel that the plot was covered enough this way. They need to get to the main story anyways.
Still, we got some interesting expositions to the mechanics of the game throughout the episode.


Originally Posted by DXMichael (Post 4300694)
None the less, it managed to pick itself back up once a real PK guild made their entrance. The Laughing Coffins, quite the name, probably easy to remember too :p

I am really surprised however that Kirito let them live or escape. They showed no signs of changing their ways after being threatened and it was obvious they would continue. He's going to have the blood of other innocent players on his hand for doing that.

The question here is: who let who escape?
The Laughing Coffins are on a whole different level than the small fry Kirito faced in episode 4. Even a frontliner like Schmidt automatically recognised them.
And even if Kirito was able to take on all three of them (with Yoruko and Cainz being middle level players, and Schmidt being paralyzed on the ground) it’s doubtful that they’d let themselves get caught. Does Kirito have the guts to kill a player?

zeando 2012-08-11 18:31


Originally Posted by Hmm.... (Post 4300578)
Sorry about that. All in all I want to hear what anime viewer feel about the last two episodes.
Episode 4 may feel very fillerish but it at least introduce new character Silica.
I don't think the return of Asuna alone justified 2 episodes even from my anime viewer perspective (but I may perhap bias). Making episode 2 or 3 into 2 parter is better time spent IMHO.

anime only viewer, and i mostly agree with this

Originally Posted by Clarste (Post 4300563)
Important themes to take away from this arc/episode:
  • The value of living life in the game vs. trying to escape it
  • Are the rules of the game "fair"? So far the answer is yes.
  • Life in the game as a means of personal growth. IE: Griselda
  • Establishing the kind of relationship that Kirito and Asuna have outside of life threatening scenarios.

Maybe there are others, maybe not, but I don't think it's a complete waste of time.

plus, i would add, more infos about the game mechanics

it's still a build up, and personally i wouldn't mind at all if it continued like this till the end
the pace just slowed down from the previous episodes (where some people were whining about it being too fast), hope the next ones will come back fast as before

also this was quite a talky episode, lots of talking and explanations, which may not be satisfying if someone is watching it mostly for the action

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