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Kairin 2012-10-13 01:16

Sword Art Online - Episode 15 Discussion / Poll
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miroku2192 2012-10-13 01:39

SO EXCITEDDDDD :]. Can't wait to see what this episode has in store for us with the title of "return". Let's go!

ronelm2000 2012-10-13 01:59

(At least the rage will tone down... for now.)

Well, I don't know about you, but I'm excited that FINALLY the "plot holes" have that potential to be filled that we're back in the RL world.

RRW 2012-10-13 04:34

finally New OP&ED

relentlessflame 2012-10-13 05:29


Originally Posted by RRW (Post 4393933)
finally New OP&ED

We may not actually get both this episode. It may be that, like the opening episode, the episode has no opening, and shows the OP at the ending.

RRW 2012-10-13 05:36


Originally Posted by relentlessflame (Post 4393963)
We may not actually get both this episode. It may be that, like the opening episode, the episode has no opening, and shows the OP at the ending.

but i have feeling we will get both thought. probably because they only have 11 ep to show this.

NoemiChan 2012-10-13 06:43

It's been week already?

Hiroi Sekai 2012-10-13 06:46

Super psyched to see it continue. Felt a little bit cheated out of a grand final battle last episode, but I have faith they'll fill in the blanks for us with the remaining 11 episodes.

Haru-kun 2012-10-13 08:01

(Looks at the clock)
Hurry up and come out, new episode!!

Deltaray 2012-10-13 10:28

Dat new OP, and Sugou :rolleyes:, well i leave it at that, Sugu centered ED too, much better than first OP and first ED.

LoweGear 2012-10-13 10:30

New Arc, New End Card :nod:

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Leon_Lelouch 2012-10-13 10:39

A new arc with a fresh OP and ED

Spoiler for :

waiting next week again for the next game~

Mura 2012-10-13 10:41


Originally Posted by Leon_Lelouch (Post 4394290)
A new arc with a fresh OP and ED

Spoiler for :

waiting next week again for the next game~

Oh man the rage will be furious because of this guy. The outrage may even be worse than Noumi from AW.:heh:

konart 2012-10-13 10:49


Originally Posted by Mura (Post 4394292)
Oh man the rage will be furious because of this guy. The outrage may even be worse than Noumi from AW.:heh:

Why though? I find Sugou really likable character. In a way.

nvm, for some reason I was thinking about Kikuoka at the moment :heh:

RDF2050 2012-10-13 10:49


Originally Posted by Mura (Post 4394292)
Oh man the rage will be furious because of this guy. The outrage may even be worse than Noumi from AW.:heh:

I am sure those two are related by blood. :frustrated:

Haru-kun 2012-10-13 11:17

Ah... so much angst from Kirito in this episode, just as expected.
On a side note, I'm looking forward to reading furious comments about that guy

Revan21 2012-10-13 11:26

I did not expect them to spend the entire episode in the real world, but I'm so glad they did.
Suguha is an adorable imouto, her storming out from Kirito's room after realizing she has been sleeping there all night was priceless :D

And I see they are going with the 'her a-hole fiancee kidnapped my girfriend' cliche for the second half of the series. But that's okay, the guy looks like a real scumbag anyway

I like the new OP/ED, both are much better than the first ones.

II Maestro 2012-10-13 11:33

Who's the name? Sugou? I hate that guy the my rage keeps piling up. *sign*

Gearhead 2012-10-13 11:38

This author seems to have a talent for creating a certain, specific sort of horrible jerk you love to hate, doesn't he?

RRW 2012-10-13 11:39

oh boy this doesn't start well

Mura 2012-10-13 11:42


Originally Posted by Lantern (Post 4394296)
Oh trust me, even the novel fanbase rages towards that particular guy :heh:
One of the popular reason for hating this arc :heh:
Kawahara sure had a thing for those, doesn't he? :uhoh:

Now that you mention it, I wonder if he knows how it feels.:uhoh:

Revan21 2012-10-13 11:47


Originally Posted by Gearhead (Post 4394381)
This author seems to have a talent for creating a certain, specific sort of horrible jerk you love to hate, doesn't he?

It's the oldest cliche of the harem genre though,
to have an annoying fiancée pop up from nowhere and steal the girl :p

It works well though, it's always easy to hate this type for forcing his own feelings/wants on the heroine

TooPurePureBoy 2012-10-13 11:56

Haven't seen the episode yet, but on the subject of Fiance cliche' in anime/manga/LN stories. I'm fine with them except for how they always seem to diminish the female character. Most of time I end up thinking it's the author doing everything he can to make you ignore the fact that none of this would be happening if the female character just stepped up and rejected the asshole fiance/blackmailing rapist/exboyfriend. All this angst is usually avoidable if the female would just be honest with the main character.

In this case, the way Asuna and Kirito were like a married couple it makes it hard to believe they could be split up by jealousy or insecurity. Thats why I worry about how they are going to try and pull it off.

Revan21 2012-10-13 12:02

Spoiler for Asuna's state:

Also, Takehito Koyasu is again doing the bad guy? :D
Nice! If he does half as good a job as JoJo's Dio, I'll be satisfied with the character (and hate his guts)

ReinhartX 2012-10-13 12:04

The OP is out

TooPurePureBoy 2012-10-13 12:06

Wait she's held captive? Disregard everything I just blathered about then. :heh:

Klashikari 2012-10-13 12:12

Kazuto thinking he really could take on Suguha in Kendo... well, past the 2 years issue and his obviously weakened body, his stance and style are just irrealistic and inefficient so I can relate why Suguha was laughing at him (I think any Kendo teacher would beat the crap out of him, considering how he literally screwed manners :heh:)

What bugged me a lot however is that: how Asuna's father would be fine to have his daughter married while she is UNCONSCIOUS? You can't be serious...?
Even if her parents didn't know Asuna hated that guy, it is far fetched they would give their conscent like that.
Meanwhile, color me a bit disappointed the author in the end pulled the "sister not related in blood making a triangle" plot line, as it just asking for more predictable issues...

Anyway, pacing was alright, although I would have liked more information about how the SAO incident had affected the real life and all.

Kazu-kun 2012-10-13 12:17


Originally Posted by Klashikari (Post 4394422)
Meanwhile, color me a bit disappointed the author in the end pulled the "sister not related in blood making a triangle" plot line, as it just asking for more predictable issues...

This arc is overall more generic than SAO, if that's possible. Now we have a more generic Villain, a damsel in distress to be rescued, and even a non-related imouto who wants into onii-chan's pants, etc.

SAO was unpolished due to being the first thing the author wrote, but in a way it was a lot more sincere than this, so to speak.

RRW 2012-10-13 12:24


Originally Posted by ReinhartX (Post 4394410)
The OP is out

I like This Op better than 1st one. probably because the way they mixed IRL and MMO sequence

but both of them have different feeling thought. 1st Op is more like gritty action series while this is more light hearted adventure

Utsuro no Hako 2012-10-13 12:27


Originally Posted by Klashikari (Post 4394422)
What bugged me a lot however is that: how Asuna's father would be fine to have his daughter married while she is UNCONSCIOUS? You can't be serious...?

I'm more disturbed that it's apparently legal. I know feminism still has a ways to go in Japan, but come on.


Even if her parents didn't know Asuna hated that guy, it is far fetched they would give their conscent like that.
Remember though, we only know Asuna the mighty warrior of Aincrad, not Asuna Oujo-sama. The 15 year old girl who entered SAO and spent the first week cowering in the Starting City may not've been the sort to voice disagreement with her father.

Gearhead 2012-10-13 12:33

Asuna certainly has grown up a lot in the past 2 years.

I'd say this is probably one of the story's greatest THINGS, really. The first arc distinguished itself by actually ASKING the question 'How have I changed? Was it worth it?'

RRW 2012-10-13 12:33

on other note i am happy that suguha is keeping that tight red sweater :3

Revan21 2012-10-13 12:50

Ending 2 is sweet too, IMHO even better than the OP

Krono 2012-10-13 12:54


Originally Posted by Utsuro no Hako (Post 4394436)
I'm more disturbed that it's apparently legal. I know feminism still has a ways to go in Japan, but come on.

I'm not sure it is legal, and not just the author failing at at doing the research.

RRW 2012-10-13 12:55


Originally Posted by Revan21 (Post 4394460)
Ending 2 is sweet too, IMHO even better than the OP

hmm definitely miles better than 1st ed. which is not hard to beat :p

Marina2 2012-10-13 13:08

The pace of this ep. is good. I can't sense any rush in it, which is quite rare for this anime.

I like Kendo part. Somehow its tension is greater than 80% of in-game batte.

Lastly, Suguha, I want you to be my sister!!

Also, I love both of new OP and ED. (Suguha looks great in both of them)

II Maestro 2012-10-13 13:10


Originally Posted by Gearhead (Post 4394381)
This author seems to have a talent for creating a certain, specific sort of horrible jerk you love to hate, doesn't he?

You can say that again. Haaaaa~~~!

Kazu-kun 2012-10-13 13:10


Originally Posted by Krono (Post 4394464)
just the author failing at at doing the research.

I'm more inclined to believe he just doesn't care if it makes sense.

Clarste 2012-10-13 13:24


Originally Posted by Kazu-kun (Post 4394485)
I'm more inclined to believe he just doesn't care if it makes sense.

The author's notes indicate that he has some trouble coming up with ways to create tension in his stories. So if this sort of threat seems kind of tacked on, maybe it is.

Algent 2012-10-13 13:56


Originally Posted by Gearhead (Post 4394381)
This author seems to have a talent for creating a certain, specific sort of horrible jerk you love to hate, doesn't he?

It's true, while he seem to be the standard cliché forced Fiancé with a touch of perv, he is the second bad guy this author wrote I just wanted to kill myself :).
Talking about going sexual on a girl in coma probably flipped the "must die" switch :heh:.

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