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Kairin 2014-04-02 19:10

Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei LN/Manga - Requests for new threads
Since the Mahouka LN/Manga forum is limited (only Mods and Admin can create new threads), this thread serves as a way to request a new thread to be created.

Please post here if you wish to request a new Mahouka thread. Please bear in mind that we will only accept reasonable requests, we wish to maintain the focus within the forum and cut down on the noise (so no pointless threads cluttering up the place).

Don't forget that you may still post in existing threads as usual, the only restriction is that you may not create new threads within this particular forum.

Echizen777 2014-04-04 07:43

We need a general discussion thread for LN readers and maybe a thread for vol 13.

relentlessflame 2014-04-04 12:22


Originally Posted by Echizen777 (Post 5069335)
We need a general discussion thread for LN readers and maybe a thread for vol 13.

For now, we have a thread for Speculation/Theories about the Plot past Volume 12. Until Volume 13 is announced and closer to release, I think that thread should be able to house most of the discussion.

As for a general thread... we tried our darnedest to create threads that would cover pretty much every topic imaginable, including both a news and announcements thread and Q&A/discussion about other topics. I've found in the past that people can be lazy, and if you give them a general discussion thread they'll post there rather than being bothered to find the more appropriate thread. So, to help avoid this I'd rather try to see for now if the current threads will do, and if we need another new thread to discuss a specific topic not covered by the current ones, to create one specifically for that topic. The whole sub-forum is available for this, so there is no limit to the topics that can be created.

larethian 2014-04-04 14:18


Originally Posted by Echizen777 (Post 5069335)
We need a general discussion thread for LN readers and maybe a thread for vol 13.

This helps avoid 10 pages of cheers and congratulations on Mahouka getting a subforum, I suppose :heh:

But then again, I think a General thread has its uses. For example, if I want to talk about the web radio contents, where should I post it? It may be overkill to create a thread for it since interest level may be low. Or should I post it in the Anime subforum's general thread, assuming it gets one?

There's also going to be a game for PSP vita. Should it go under this subforum or the anime subforum, or have its own thread in the games forum?

IceHism 2014-04-04 16:25

I'm not sure if i can even lie here. I'm a frequent forum user at many places and i prefer general threads over all of these very specific threads. This is how i see it, people naturally head to a general thread first. Because of that, there tends to be more people who read that general thread and thus you have more people willing to answer to your posts and that's the point of a forum, It's not very fun if so few people reply to your posts. By separating everything into separate but appropriate threads, it gives me the impression that the forum is sort of unpopular/dead because many threads with less posts doesn't look as good as 1 thread many posts. A general thread encompasses everything, a specific thread can be very.... excluding and you don't even get the feeling that people have at least read your post.

Rava 2014-04-04 17:45


Originally Posted by IceHism (Post 5069761)
I'm not sure if i can even lie here. I'm a frequent forum user at many places and i prefer general threads over all of these very specific threads. This is how i see it, people naturally head to a general thread first. Because of that, there tends to be more people who read that general thread and thus you have more people willing to answer to your posts and that's the point of a forum, It's not very fun if so few people reply to your posts. By separating everything into separate but appropriate threads, it gives me the impression that the forum is sort of unpopular/dead because many threads with less posts doesn't look as good as 1 thread many posts. A general thread encompasses everything, a specific thread can be very.... excluding and you don't even get the feeling that people have at least read your post.

You do realize that they do this for their Anime forums too, and have done so for many years, right? The only thing new here is them doing this to a light novel series.

If you want to complain, you're better off going to the Forum and Site Feedback section of the board for it instead of cluttering it up here.

relentlessflame 2014-04-04 20:08


Originally Posted by larethian (Post 5069677)
But then again, I think a General thread has its uses. For example, if I want to talk about the web radio contents, where should I post it? It may be overkill to create a thread for it since interest level may be low. Or should I post it in the Anime subforum's general thread, assuming it gets one?

Maybe we could create a thread for "Other Related Projects and Initiatives"? That way anything that's discussing something related to the franchise but isn't directly related novels, manga, or anime would have a place to go.

That said, even if interest is low, I'd have no problem creating a thread for the web radio. The threads don't hurt by being there, and it'll never gain interest if it's permanently stuck under "other".


Originally Posted by larethian (Post 5069677)
There's also going to be a game for PSP vita. Should it go under this subforum or the anime subforum, or have its own thread in the games forum?

That's a good question... I guess we could create it here, and then move it to the games forum with a permanent redirect. That way there'll be an indicator here, but it'll reside in the games forum.

Verisimilitude 2014-04-04 22:17


Originally Posted by relentlessflame (Post 5069586)
For now, we have a thread for Speculation/Theories about the Plot past Volume 12. Until Volume 13 is announced and closer to release, I think that thread should be able to house most of the discussion.

I'd just like to point out that Volume 13 is coming out on the 10th of this month, so.....

Guest2 2014-04-05 00:08

Yeah, we really need a v13 thread since spoilers have started to be released on the twitter page.

Ultragunner 2014-04-05 03:35

just wondering whether we'll have a "quick link" to the anime discussion thread? I see the other sub-forums have them (DxD, To Aru).

EDIT: Wait....I think we haven't got the actual anime thread for Mahouka yet?? :heh:

nosaer 2014-04-05 09:29

Can we have a spoiler thread, or another General thread for the LN? I just read a post where the admin removed all the spoilers before I had a chance to see them. I can't read Japanese so I used to depend on this forum for spoilers. all of the specific topics are cool and all, but they deal with old info that nobody really talks about anymore as you can tell from the lack of posts. The old general thread was almost always near the top of the 1st page because someone was always posting there. Now you've taken away the general thread, and removed spoilers from the speculation thread which is the most logical place for them. How does this benefit those of us who aren't new to the series?

relentlessflame 2014-04-05 14:05


Originally Posted by nosaer (Post 5070471)
Can we have a spoiler thread, or another General thread for the LN? I just read a post where the admin removed all the spoilers before I had a chance to see them. I can't read Japanese so I used to depend on this forum for spoilers. all of the specific topics are cool and all, but they deal with old info that nobody really talks about anymore as you can tell from the lack of posts. The old general thread was almost always near the top of the 1st page because someone was always posting there. Now you've taken away the general thread, and removed spoilers from the speculation thread which is the most logical place for them. How does this benefit those of us who aren't new to the series?

A Volume 13 thread was created, so spoilers for the new volume can go there. The intention of the Speculation thread was just that: where people could speculate based on their own intuition. Then, when the volume is releasing, what actually happened can be discussed in the appropriate thread. Once you actually start posting spoilers, it ceases to be speculation and now becomes discussion of fact (or at least presumed fact), so that's why the spoilers can go in the Volume 13 thread.

One of the reasons for creating threads for old info is because we anticipate that a number of new readers will arrive to the franchise with the airing of the anime. They may wish to discuss this older content as they read it without being spoiled for the newer stuff until they get to it.

nosaer 2014-04-05 14:57

@Relentless flame

I understand why the separate threads exist, which is why I'm not bashing them. I'm just saying that there currently is no place for those of us in the know to discuss new stuff. The thread you speak of is a poll thread that specifically says

"Spoilers or hints about future events must not be posted in this thread."

Hence why I'm asking for a Spoiler thread, or another general purpose thread. Also what's the point of a speculation thread once new information is officially released? I personally think you may have created too many very specific threads that are too narrow in their function. If there's a spoiler for a certain event, then there will be speculation based on that new information. but if its all just random speculation by a bunch of people then there's not much point to reading it.

relentlessflame 2014-04-05 23:14


Originally Posted by nosaer (Post 5070860)
"Spoilers or hints about future events must not be posted in this thread."

Anything that occurs in Volume 13 is not a "future event" in the Volume 13 thread, so it's fine. I'll edit the op to clarify that.


Originally Posted by nosaer (Post 5070860)
but if its all just random speculation by a bunch of people then there's not much point to reading it.

What else are people going to do after one volume is released while they're waiting for the next volume to come? It's the normal way things go.

Anh_Minh 2014-04-08 17:37


Originally Posted by relentlessflame (Post 5069586)
For now, we have a thread for Speculation/Theories about the Plot past Volume 12. Until Volume 13 is announced and closer to release, I think that thread should be able to house most of the discussion.

As for a general thread... we tried our darnedest to create threads that would cover pretty much every topic imaginable, including both a news and announcements thread and Q&A/discussion about other topics. I've found in the past that people can be lazy, and if you give them a general discussion thread they'll post there rather than being bothered to find the more appropriate thread. So, to help avoid this I'd rather try to see for now if the current threads will do, and if we need another new thread to discuss a specific topic not covered by the current ones, to create one specifically for that topic. The whole sub-forum is available for this, so there is no limit to the topics that can be created.

Yes, but what if we want to discuss something that isn't tied to any specific volume and don't want to worry about spoilers?

For example, some subjects have come up in the anime thread just can't be talked about there (is Tatsuya a Stu? Is it a harem?).

relentlessflame 2014-04-08 17:42


Originally Posted by Anh_Minh (Post 5075414)
Yes, but what if we want to discuss something that isn't tied to any specific volume and don't want to worry about spoilers?

For example, some subjects have come up in the anime thread just can't be talked about there (is Tatsuya a Stu? Is it a harem?).

We could create threads about these topics, but we would have to come up with a way of phrasing the opening post that is sufficiently neutral and a good grounds for discussion. If someone wants to offer a possible opening post to start the conversation, I'm okay with creating threads for each of these. If we want to make rules in these threads that specific detailed plot points have to be behind tags, that'd be possible too.

And in theory it'd be possible to discuss these topics in the anime thread too, but the problem is that novel readers keep wanting to jump in, and the imbalance in information is way too high. Novel readers have a massive advantage because they literally have volumes more content to draw from. Anime-only viewers are literally speaking in ignorance in comparison. So at this stage, the conversation that source readers can have about these topics, and the conversation (speculation) anime-only viewers can have about these topics, should be kept separate due to this huge disparity in reference material.

Anh_Minh 2014-04-08 17:55


Originally Posted by relentlessflame (Post 5075418)
We could create threads about these topics, but we would have to come up with a way of phrasing the opening post that is sufficiently neutral and a good grounds for discussion. If someone wants to offer a possible opening post to start the conversation, I'm okay with creating threads for each of these. If we want to make rules in these threads that specific detailed plot points have to be behind tags, that'd be possible too.

Well, they're just examples of topics. I'm sure there'll be others.

And it is rather frustrating to read something I disagree with, from a novel reader, and not be able to say "let's take the discussion to the novel thread".


And in theory it'd be possible to discuss these topics in the anime thread too, but the problem is that novel readers keep wanting to jump in, and the imbalance in information is way too high. Novel readers have a massive advantage because they literally have volumes more content to draw from. Anime-only viewers are literally speaking in ignorance in comparison. So at this stage, the conversation that source readers can have about these topics, and the conversation (speculation) anime-only viewers can have about these topics, should be kept separate due to this huge disparity in reference material.

LKK 2014-04-08 18:29


Originally Posted by Anh_Minh (Post 5075414)
Yes, but what if we want to discuss something that isn't tied to any specific volume and don't want to worry about spoilers?

For example, some subjects have come up in the anime thread just can't be talked about there (is Tatsuya a Stu? Is it a harem?).


Originally Posted by Anh_Minh (Post 5075432)
And it is rather frustrating to read something I disagree with, from a novel reader, and not be able to say "let's take the discussion to the novel thread".

Why not say "Let's take the discussion to the thread about Other Topics"? We have this highly underutilized thread that is designed to talk about subjects that don't have specific threads. To me, the Other Topics thread is the ideal place for these discussions.

relentlessflame 2014-04-08 19:11


Originally Posted by LKK (Post 5075454)
Why not say "Let's take the discussion to the thread about Other Topics"? We have this highly underutilized thread that is designed to talk about subjects that don't have specific threads. To me, the Other Topics thread is the ideal place for these discussions.

I also support using Other Topics for this. And if we want to, we could always "spin out" a thread from Other Topics if a tangent gets too large.

Anh_Minh 2014-04-09 01:05

Good idea, but could we take the "Q&A" off the title? I kinda skimmed right past when I saw it.

HandofFate 2014-04-10 20:22

Since we have an anime now, can we get a standard .gif/magazine scans/picture thread?

novalysis 2014-04-17 14:36

Will you be creating a Mahouka fanfiction thread? Thanks.

novalysis 2014-04-18 07:16

In addition to a Fanfiction thread, may I propose a dedicated Shipping thread so that recent discussions on Shipping can be diverted towards? Thanks.

Echizen777 2014-04-18 07:34


Originally Posted by novalysis (Post 5088297)
In addition to a Fanfiction thread, may I propose a dedicated Shipping thread so that recent discussions on Shipping can be diverted towards? Thanks.

I am not a mod but you can post your fanfics and talk about shipping freely in the other topics discussion I think.

kusabireika 2014-04-18 07:36

Or mahouka social group :nod:

IceHism 2014-04-18 11:15

I also request a shipping thread. They don't mean much in the grand scheme of the story and most are hardly grounded in logic of facts that are presented in the book. So a shipping thread can keep its non-seriousness without bothering people who have questions on important plot events

SoboSobo 2014-04-19 08:33


Originally Posted by IceHism (Post 5088454)
I also request a shipping thread. They don't mean much in the grand scheme of the story and most are hardly grounded in logic of facts that are presented in the book. So a shipping thread can keep its non-seriousness without bothering people who have questions on important plot events

i support this!

LKK 2014-04-19 11:03


Originally Posted by novalysis (Post 5088297)
... may I propose a dedicated Shipping thread so that recent discussions on Shipping can be diverted towards? Thanks.


Originally Posted by IceHism (Post 5088454)
I also request a shipping thread.


Originally Posted by SoboSobo (Post 5089717)
i support this!

We discussed your requests for a dedicated shipping thread and have decided against one. We're saying no because of past experience with these kinds of threads which start out fine, but eventually get out of control with forum rule 1.2 and rule 2.8 getting broken.

novalysis 2014-04-19 13:03


Originally Posted by LKK (Post 5089847)
We discussed your requests for a dedicated shipping thread and have decided against one. We're saying no because of past experience with these kinds of threads which start out fine, but eventually get out of control with forum rule 1.2 and rule 2.8 getting broken.

Thanks - I understand, the prospect of Shipping wars tend to get out of hand.

What about a fanfiction thread? Is there any problems with one? Thanks again.

LKK 2014-04-19 20:29

A fanfiction thread has been created. :)

Ultragunner 2014-04-23 23:15

as some have said, can we suggest a Image/fanart/scans thread? I know there is an "Other topics" thread but a dedicated image thread would be more appropriate? thanks :D

anonfr 2014-05-02 20:52

Looking at some of the latest Volume 13 discussions, I think "Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei LN - Speculation/Theories on Future Plot after Volume 12" should be re-titled into a general "Predictions" thread.

I think in doing this, the thread would be disassociated with volume 12 specifically, and more associated with the discussion of future volumes generally.

kusabireika 2014-05-02 20:56

^ I agree so we can speculate on what would happen in future vol. :(

LKK 2014-05-02 21:05

I agree too. I renamed the thread "Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei LN - Speculation/Theories on Future Plot after Volume 12" thread to "Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei LN - Predictions for Beyond the Current Volume".

kusabireika 2014-05-02 21:07


Originally Posted by LKK (Post 5107082)
I agree too. I renamed the thread "Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei LN - Speculation/Theories on Future Plot after Volume 12" thread to "Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei LN - Predictions for Beyond the Current Volume".

Thank you LKK uhm can you move my post too if its ok from vol 13 to that tread if its ok :(

anonfr 2014-05-02 21:09


Originally Posted by LKK (Post 5107082)
I agree too. I renamed the thread "Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei LN - Speculation/Theories on Future Plot after Volume 12" thread to "Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei LN - Predictions for Beyond the Current Volume".

Thank you LKK! Hopefully this'll make things less cluttered.

LKK 2014-05-02 21:11


Originally Posted by kusabireika (Post 5107084)
Thank you LKK uhm can you move my post too if its ok from vol 13 to that tread if its ok :(

Done and done. :D


Originally Posted by anonfr (Post 5107088)
Thank you LKK! Hopefully this'll make things less cluttered.

I hope so too. :D

relentlessflame 2014-05-03 02:38

The reason I had set it up that way, incidentally, was because I was expecting that we would create a new thread after each volume is released so that the one thread doesn't blossom into a monstrosity. I still recommend that be done, though the purpose of the thread is the same.

kusabireika 2014-05-03 03:12

^ uhm just a suggestion we locked the said tread if it reach certain page like 100-200 pages, or if its really very old tread 1 year old or something, like I saw in other certain forums ._. they will lock the tread if they reach such monstery then create a new one by adding part 2 or something, it's just suggestion :(

Uhm sorry if its confusing :T_T:

Rava 2014-05-03 06:00


Originally Posted by relentlessflame (Post 5107342)
The reason I had set it up that way, incidentally, was because I was expecting that we would create a new thread after each volume is released so that the one thread doesn't blossom into a monstrosity. I still recommend that be done, though the purpose of the thread is the same.

If that's the case, couldn't you do it so that when a new volume is released, lock the old one, relabel it something appropriate (maybe something like "Archived Predictions - Volume 14"?) and then open up the new one with the original subject instead?

In fact, if reporting a spoiler post for a new volume in such a thread would make it easier to start the new thread with that information, I'd jump on doing that if I saw it myself...

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