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kj1980 2006-07-18 11:42

Higurashi Episode 16 Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for Higurashi no Naku Koroni, Episode 16.

Thread Guidelines
  • No telling or asking for RAWs.
  • Try to keep spoilers from the Game or Manga out of the anime thread. If you need to in reply to someone with a reference to the Game / Manga, either PM them or use Spoiler tags (see example below).
  • Discuss your expectations of the episode if not aired.
  • Be polite to your fellow forum members.
  • Try to keep the discussion on topic and future episode spoilers out of the thread whenever possible.

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ADDITIONAL RULES FOR Higurashi no Naku Koroni
  • Make sure you read the English wikipedia article for Higurashi no Naku Koroni before you ask questions!!!
  • Feel free to utilize the info on the TIPS section as a complement to this series.
  • Feel free to share your theories and speculations. In fact, I encourage you to do so as this is what makes this series interesting.
  • I am designating Sushi-Y and Freakman to lead the discussion in the correct path without spoilers as they have played the game in advance. I put confidence in them that they will recognize a member has spilled the beans too far if any other members has begun to play the game.
  • SPOILERS FAR ADVANCED THAN THE CURRENT AIRED ANIME EPISODE WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. THIS INCLUDES THOSE IN SPOILER TAGS!!!. People tend to peek at spoiler tags; especially when they do not know such tag is meant for the episode, only to find it spilling the beans too far advanced in the game storyline.

Rasuberi 2006-07-18 20:29

Aa, now I'm confused. I enjoyed the episode, but now I don't know what to think of any of my theories when it comes to Shion. Shion~


Sushi-Y 2006-07-18 20:45

Holy cow, is Hinamizawa famous for producing people with superhuman powers or something? :twitch: People getting tossed/blown against walls like they're made of paper... :heh:

But still, hurting my beloved Satoko... Shion... 許せない :mad:

Now then, for some general comments.

To start off, I'd like to say that the flow of the episode was not bad. It's much more composed compared to the earlier chapters (where events flew by at light speeds) However, there were a few points in the episode were the development would suddenly jump ahead, leave you hanging for a bit before you can catch up. For game players like me, we can follow the story easily enough (by filling in the missing spots with what we already know from the game), but I wonder if the anime watchers can keep up with the story. It's also possible that all the swappings between Mion and Shion can become confusing too.

Oh the other hand, the animation quality was quite stable. Satoshi's design and voice were both pretty spot on (Kobayashi Yuu was a slightly surprising choice though ( ・ω・ )). Shion was very cute too. ^^

Spoiler for episode specific comments:

Hanatori 2006-07-18 23:46

Actually it wasn't that bad, I could tell that Shion liked Satoshi from the first time they were together. o_o; Satoshi~ I was caught off-guard by his voice, though. But I like him already.

Crazy me, I've already watched this 3 times. >_<; I rarely do that with raws.

I wonder what will happen between Mion and Satoshi now that Shion didn't quite give him the best impression...

So... Keiichi does not show up at all? ._.;

kj1980 2006-07-19 13:45

Most likely the best adaptation of the game to anime episode I have seen recently for Higurashi. Sure, it still left out some pieces here and there, but this one was paced quite evenly.

I was surprised to hear that they used Kobayashi Yuu for Satoshi. Hmm, perhaps she'll was the one selected in advance for Satoshi in future drama CDs? Nice to know as she is becoming one of my favorite seiyuus ever since her excellent role as Secchan in those Negima CDs.

Mika-P crying for over 2 and a half minutes! Now that's a great professional voice acting work right there!

And I guess my theory was indeed correct: kids living in rural areas back before the eras of video games are more energetic and powerful. Must be the excercise and they get everyday going out into the woods.

USCPharmacist 2006-07-19 18:11

and level up...killing oyashiro sama's bits

Flame-X 2006-07-19 20:12


lol one little push, everyone gets tossed XD

USCPharmacist 2006-07-20 11:51

I am only basing this on the anime, so the game player might disagree with me, but I really hate Shion now. I think she is an obsessive, compulsive, selfish bastard who only think about herself and not other. Also she is either really dumb or her obsession made her handling the situation with Satoshi very poorly. I think part of the reason of her selfishness was due to her rich girl experience and isolation. She thought that she was the most important person in the world from her statue and she felt she was a victim because of her isolation so the world owed her something.

There was nothing wrong for her to fall in love with Satoshi at first sight. However she then became "jealous" of Satoko. Yes, she claimed she hated her because Satoko caused suffering for Satoshi but I think that's a self denial. She didn't like her because Satoko was too clining to Satoshi, so that Satoshi had to pay all of his attention to her instead of Shion. I meant, any normal person, like Keiichi hahaha, would see that the villains were the uncle and aunt, and perhaps the villagers. How could she blame Satoko for getting scare from abusive foster parents. Shion should've call children service first instead of beating to crap out of Satoko for crying (although a crying kid can be very annoying but that's not an excuse eheheh). If Shion really love Satoshi the smart thing to do is to first lose the disguise. I understand the situation but she was inconsidered for Mion if she continue to use her image for stupid thing. Second, Shion should help out Satoshi to take care of his sister first. It didn't matter if that'll hellp the situation but at least Satoshi would be grateful. It was true that Satoshi might really want to ditch his sister but Shion would be stupid to think he'll do it publically. but I think that Shion just didn't have any patient, she wanted Satoshi now, instead of spending time to woo him and also sacrified a bit of herself to help Satoshi. She acted as if she wanted to eliminate everything in Satoshi's life so he can only think about her. That's very selfish if you ask me. Of course, if people were not fucked up in Higurashi, we wouldn't have all these crazy murder to begin with :)

Sushi-Y 2006-07-20 15:34


Originally Posted by USCPharmacist
I am only basing this on the anime, so the game player might disagree with me

No, I think those are very reasonable observations. Shion is actually a very intelligent person, she's just blind and impulsive when it comes to love.

Your observations are pretty much the same as what I had when I was at this point in the game. It's a good mindset to have because you can see how your opinion will change as the chapter progresses. It'd be interesting to hear what people think about Shion right now and hear from them again after the chapter ends.

USCPharmacist 2006-07-20 18:26

It would probably takes a lot to change my opinion, even if Shion past is really tragic because being in a tough situation and falling in love doesn't give you the right to beat the crap out of someone else unprovoke (no, crying loud is not a justifiable offense). My beef is not really the violent, because I watch Higurashi for that :) but the fact that she pick on Satoko instead of the Aunt and Uncle.

Does she really believe that beating Satoshi's sister in front of everybody will make the supposely compasionate brother find you hot, in your sister appearence? hahaha lol

TougeSil80 2006-07-21 08:22

This ep is a little confusing for me. Is this the beginning of the Answer Arc, or is this still Question Arc? Thanks.

LostBlue 2006-07-21 10:12

Answer. Answer Arcs don't solve everything in one go. But they do reveal A LOT of info and completely crush incorrect theories.

Shiroth 2006-07-24 17:30

So the first answer arc begins, yay for a lot more Shion. Its good to finally get to see Satoshi, not shocking at all how people thought Keiichi was him.. i'd say its only the hair color/eyes that are different.

I was pretty much just waiting for Shion to snap at Satoko, you could just see it coming from the Rena & Shion talk. You just gotta feel sorry for Shion & Satoko.. ;_;

Next episode looks like its gonna get even more crazy, & i'm missing Keiichi.. ^^;


Originally Posted by Sushi-Y
Spoiler for episode specific comments:


Rias 2006-07-24 17:50

This epsiode made me think about the events in Watanagashi-hen...the fact that Shion can take Mion's place, without anyone noticing...makes me wonder about the events that happened at the last epsiode...

I wonder how Rena ties into this, after all, this arc is supposed to solve the Onikakushi-hen, no?

kj1980 2006-07-24 17:54


Originally Posted by Rias
This epsiode made me think about the events in Watanagashi-hen...the fact that Shion can take Mion's place, without anyone noticing...makes me wonder about the events that happened at the last epsiode...

I wonder how Rena ties into this, after all, this arc is supposed to solve the Onikakushi-hen, no?

Read the English wikipedia article for Higurashi no Naku Koroni carefully:


Meakashi-hen (目明し編, Detective Chapter?), (Released December 30, 2004)
Answer to Watanagashi-hen. It is practically the same as Watanagashi-hen, however this story is told from a different person's perspective which allows the player to understand the mysteries of that chapter.
Note the word "practically the same" as well. It denotes a hint.

BakaOnna 2006-07-24 18:14

Now I understand why Shion was the gamers' least favorite character out of the main ones. She was sure a violent girl. Like others have mentioned, people from Hinamizawa have super strength. :heh:

Anyway, this was the first 10 I've given in a while, since episode 8 and ep. 4 before that. I really enjoyed seeing events through Shion's POV, and I also liked the sister relationship the twins have with each other. But I do miss Keiichi since he's one of my faves. :p

Sushi-Y 2006-07-24 18:25


Originally Posted by Angelsama

If that's the case, you might as well buy the game and try to go through it yourself that way. ^^; If you already have a gist of the story from the anime anyway.

There were a few memorable moments from the game (for me) that this episode covered:

Shiroth 2006-07-24 18:30


Originally Posted by Sushi-Y
If that's the case, you might as well buy the game and try to go through it yourself that way. ^^; If you already have a gist of the story from the anime anyway.

My japanese could be able to get me through the game.. maybe the PS2 version.


Originally Posted by Sushi-Y
There were a few memorable moments from the game (for me) that this episode covered:

Thanks a lot Sushi, i'll probably rewatch the episode with these tracks playing at the right times, see what i get. ^_^

Matrim 2006-07-24 18:38

I expected the answer arc to cover the same time period as Watanagashi but once again this series managed to surprise me. For the first time I could not wait and watched the raw first but didn't post here before watching the sub to get a clearer picture of the events. Impressive episode - I voted 9, not 10 because of the stupid incredibly strong athletes that seem to live in Hinamizawa according to the anime scriptwriters.


Paracelsus 2006-07-24 19:18

Awesome episode, lots of answers, but still, I wonder:


And Sushi-Y: I think Satoko became so strong and dependable, thanks to that wrestling match with True Mion <.<

FatPianoBoy 2006-07-24 19:41

Oh my :twitch:
This episode > every other so far.
It had lots of Shion, which is pretty much autowin.
The bikers' completely unintelligible speech was awesome, as it's something I've always thought about that stereotype in anime :rolleyes:

I can definitely sympathize with Shion finding Satoko to be excessively whiney, but not really enough to do what she did. And I think I heard poor Shion's heart hit the floor when Satoshi yelled at her :upset: One of my favorite things about Higurashi is the sudden psychotic outbursts, so I was loving that. But Shion's still my favorite, despite ;)
It's feeling like my idea for Watanagashi-hen is gonna get ripped to shreds though, especially since Shi and Mi switch places so easily. And I just reaffirmed recently that people were putting too much thought into them switching places :heh:

All in all, if the rest of this arch stays this strong, it'll be the best yet. I have to give this a ten for bursting at the seams with awesome. It's really the best episode yet.

Shuin4 2006-07-24 20:50

Wow, that scene at school was intense. I can understand why Shion thought those things during this episode, but seriously


Shame they didn't change the OP+ED (i was hoping they'd have new animation scenes to match the answer arcs) but it's no big deal.

Guido 2006-07-24 23:48

The school scene was tearjerking for me.

Cardiac Glycoside 2006-07-25 00:55

I think Shion is horny, and that horniness carried over too far and made Satoko a victim. (Strange seeing the beating scene when Satoko did pretty much the same thing to K1 in episodes 10 and 13).

Is it just me, or does Satoshi sound a lot like Jun from Rozen Maiden?

Alu 2006-07-25 01:04


Originally Posted by LostBlue
Answer Arcs don't solve everything in one go. But they do reveal A LOT of info and completely crush incorrect theories.

What a great episode, to me Higurashi has been a rank 10 all arround Anime, and this episode clearly doesn't stay behind.
Much like LostBlue previously said.., answer Arcs don't give the answers in a literal way.., everyone will still have to think to understand how everything fits together :p

Altough despite crushing alot of theories aswell.., I am becoming extreamly happy on the way that Maekashi-hen started and is developing towards its conclusion.., this specialy because well.., my speculations & theory so far regarding Watanagashi-hen (which I posted in the episode 8 thread) seem MORE and more to be correct :D

Reasons for this are as follows.., and also taking things from this episode...
I'd better spoil tag this ^^


In the end.., I'll say it again.. A Great episode !, to me..., there is no way this anime can do any rong :D

LostBlue 2006-07-25 02:26


Originally Posted by Guido
How come Shion exerted that supernatural strength? Was it the product of her going into Oyashiro-mode?

Same reason why Satoko can push K1 like a rag doll and Rika can control the wind and how Satoshi can fling Shion... Studio Deen people had too much to drink.


Originally Posted by Alu
I wonder if this effect will be the trigger which caused Satoshi's death as we saw in the begining of Tatarigoroshi-hen

That wasn't Satoshi. The lucky person who got the Watanagashi Deluxe package is Ritsuko Mamiya (see TIPs). This body was found in real time in the EP, meaning the death happened in the 5th year. You'll find out more about her later.

Darkside 2006-07-25 02:58

Shion is scary :(

I thought Rena was the scariest in Oyashiro-mode, but Shion is relentless xD

Alu 2006-07-25 03:04


Originally Posted by LostBlue
That wasn't Satoshi. The lucky person who got the Watanagashi Deluxe package is Ritsuko Mamiya (see TIPs). This body was found in real time in the EP, meaning the death happened in the 5th year. You'll find out more about her later.

oh.., many thanks LostBlue, judging by the hair colour and how quickly the image was, my first conclusion was that it was Satoshi.., this also because I haven't gotten to read that far in the TIPS section yet; I only started Higurashi 5 days ago :)


Originally Posted by Guido
How come Shion exerted that supernatural strength? Was it the product of her going into Oyashiro-mode?

This is just another aspect used to emphasise the effect of the scene, as it has happened in the previous scenes like LostBlue previously mencioned; despite Satoko beeing quite small, the throwing of her against the cabinets the way Shion did was just to enforce the brutality of the act.., something that in my eyes, worked like a charm :)

solwyvern 2006-07-25 03:08


oops, forgot. Let's not forget the Highlight of the show.

Alu 2006-07-25 03:19


Originally Posted by solwyvern
T_T Alu, it just might be true. Your speculation that Shion is actually the 'evil' person here. ..but I still find it hard to believe that everything is Shion's doing.

Thanks Solwy :), but I am not saying that everything is Shion's doing.., because it CLEARLY is not :p

All that I wrotte then and now about Shion is only regarding most of what happened in Watanagashi-hen; specialy regarding the Shion & Mion's actions actions.., and what lead for those events in Watanagashi-hen to happen.

Regarding EVERYTHING else, there are still alot of questions on how & why, and I surely trust many of the answers will be without a doubt non-Shion related; oh and I do want to emphasise "everything" beacause.., it is alot :p

This episode in my eyes just focused in my eyes in delivering some justifications, as to how Shion's development started.., in which then as ended in Watanagashi-hen.
Hopefully the next will continue to do as such, but not just that ;)

dangitsdon 2006-07-25 03:42

wtf is up with shion?!!or was it mion?...i think it was shion..anyways...
lol...preview for next episode looks promising.

Deathkillz 2006-07-25 10:27

oh dear...oh dear...satoko got her butt kicked O.o shion is beaing really rough...but interesting that shion and mion are such close sisters...before i thought they hated each other...keep the answers comming :)

LostBlue 2006-07-25 10:47


Originally Posted by solwyvern
I don't see why she took it all out on Satoko. The reasons have very little justification. Jealousy perhaps? xD!

One thing the anime didn't portray is the passage of time. Shion has been hiding for weeks. The baseball practice itself is only on Sundays. So, I believe it was 3+ weeks where Shion didn't see Satoshi at all. She was very surprised of how much he changed when she saw him at school. And regardless of Mion's warning to leave him alone for now, Shion couldn't hold her feelings back. So she was extremely shocked when Satoshi acted cold towards her. Initially, Shion didn't have any intentions to harm Satoko, but when Satoko started crying out for Ni-ni
Shion just snap taking out all her frustration that's been building over the weeks onto her.


Of, course, we can't forget the best part.
Another thing I wished the anime should have done is kept Shion's monologue here... Shion had her survival instincts kick in while having this talk with Rena. Shion's instincts told her never to cross paths with Rena. Yea, Rena scared the crap out of her. Also just for time reference, Rena just moved back at this time.


Also, I'd like to mention that I am really starting to miss K1.
You'll see more of him =) The answer arcs definitely made him by far my favorite character in the series. And I don't think I'm the only one with him being #1 in the most recent character poll off the 07th Storming Party Homepage. :)


Oh, wow. I have always thought that was Satoshi.

Next EP... *shudders*

Shuin4 2006-07-25 11:47


Originally Posted by LostBlue
Another thing I wished the anime should have done is kept Shion's monologue here... Shion had her survival instincts kick in while having this talk with Rena. Shion's instincts told her never to cross paths with Rena. Yea, Rena scared the crap out of her. Also just for time reference, Rena just moved back at this time.

That's probably why Rena was surprised to hear of Shion in Watanagashi-hen.

And I think that's what this show is missing. Narraration by the main character, so we know what they're actually thinking instead of just watching their pupils get smaller.

BakaOnna 2006-07-25 12:05


Originally Posted by LostBlue
Another thing I wished the anime should have done is kept Shion's monologue here... Shion had her survival instincts kick in while having this talk with Rena. Shion's instincts told her never to cross paths with Rena. Yea, Rena scared the crap out of her. Also just for time reference, Rena just moved back at this time.

That would explain why Rena was the only one who didn't die in Watanagashi hen, at least from the information we were given. If we were to assume that the Mion in ep. 8 was actually Shion, and Mion was the one in the cage thing, then Shion is indeed wary of Rena. I still think Rena is scariest in her Oyashiro-mode.

ChainLegacy 2006-07-25 17:47


Originally Posted by BakaOnna
That would explain why Rena was the only one who didn't die in Watanagashi hen, at least from the information we were given. If we were to assume that the Mion in ep. 8 was actually Shion, and Mion was the one in the cage thing, then Shion is indeed wary of Rena. I still think Rena is scariest in her Oyashiro-mode.

Scary... sure... but Keiichi killed both Rena and Mion in the first arc, so I don't know how much of her is bark and how much is really bite.

Sushi-Y 2006-07-25 19:14


Originally Posted by LostBlue
One thing the anime didn't portray is the passage of time. Shion has been hiding for weeks. The baseball practice itself is only on Sundays. So, I believe it was 3+ weeks where Shion didn't see Satoshi at all. She was very surprised of how much he changed when she saw him at school. And regardless of Mion's warning to leave him alone for now, Shion couldn't hold her feelings back. So she was extremely shocked when Satoshi acted cold towards her. Initially, Shion didn't have any intentions to harm Satoko, but when Satoko started crying out for Ni-ni
Shion just snap taking out all her frustration that's been building over the weeks onto her.

Another thing the anime doesn't do very well (or avoided doing) is the portrayal of the characters' emotions (besides the "i'm-gonna-try-to-look-scary-at-every-chance-I-get" anger). Besides the lack of Shion's monologues, which would've provided a view into her mental workings and explain how she came to reach the conclusions she did (rather than "suddenly" blowing up on Satoko, and "suddenly" wishing for Satako and her aunt to die, etc.), the anime also avoided "tear scenes". To be honest, there were actually a lot of cryings in the story, but so far, I think Satoko's crying in front of Irie's clinic in the final Tatarigoroshi-hen episode was the only normal crying scene they did so far.

These scenes are quite important because they provide you with critical insights on how the character is feeling at the time. When Shion finally got to see Satoshi again at Hinamizawa's school (after weeks of seperation, like LostBlue said), she was crushed when Satoshi treated her coldly. Shion was crying and begging him to tell her what's going on, but even then, Satoshi completely rejected her. And when Satoko began crying later, that sadness turned into pure anger directed at her.

Wouldn't the episode have a much larger impact if it was done that way?


Originally Posted by LostBlue
Another thing I wished the anime should have done is kept Shion's monologue here... Shion had her survival instincts kick in while having this talk with Rena. Shion's instincts told her never to cross paths with Rena. Yea, Rena scared the crap out of her. Also just for time reference, Rena just moved back at this time.


keke 2006-07-25 19:49

Hmm... So Shion has been secretly living around Hinamizawa pretending to be Shion when she goes out. In chapter 2, it seems everyone knows Shion. At least we see that Takano, Oishi, and others know Shion. But why is it that Rena never knew her? When K1 mentions Shion, Rena said she didn't know Mion had a younger sister at all. Mion says that Shion lives in Okinomiya, which is where Oishi is from.

Perhaps the citizens of Hinamizawa don't know about Shion? In episode 16, we see that Shion was 'suppose' to be killed at birth since having twins would be troublesome. Perhaps Shion's birth was kept hidden from the citizens of Hinamizawa, since the Sonozaki family hold such importance there. That could explain why outsiders like Oishi and Tomitake know Shion, and Takano being kind of a snoop and knowing Tomitake might have that kind of information. But it seems Dr. Irie also knows her. She's even the manager of the Hinamizawa baseball team!

So probably Shion has officially revealed herself to the public before K1 moved to Hinamizawa. Maybe Rena doesn't know about Shion because she's kind of dumb and maybe mixes Mion and Shion together into 1 person when they are both there. Too bad we never see the other girls talk about Shion or even ever meet her except when they think she's Mion. So perhaps they are also oblivious to Shion's existance. But I guess some of them would know, especially Satako since she would probably act coldly to Mion, unless she knew it was Shion that beat her up. But do we ever really even see Satako talking with Mion alone?

LostBlue 2006-07-25 20:43

At this pt in the story almost no one knows who Shion is or that Mion had a twin besides people within the Sonozaki. Rena just moved back into town around the time Satoshi stop coming to the baseball practice. No one including Mion, knew much about Rena at this point. Rika has heard of a Shion, but never met her as Shion is not allowed at the Gosanke meetings. Kimiyoshi-san however has met and loves Shion. That's pretty much the extent of it. Both Shion and Mion lived in Okinomiya with their parents through most of their childhood so it isn't strange that the vast majority of the people in Hinamizawa do not know who Shion is.

Shion's name has meaning just like Mion's (although not as meaningful). Shion was given the character 寺 (Shrine) in her name 詩音. This was to signify that Shion was predetermine to be sent off away from the family. In the old days in Japan, parents did abandon their childern at shrines to be raised away with little to no contact with the family again (overly simplified, I know).

Tidbit 2:
詩 (Shi) = Poem
魅 (Mi) = Charm, enchant
音 (On) = Sound

Alu 2006-07-25 20:43


Originally Posted by LostBlue
Another thing I wished the anime should have done is kept Shion's monologue here... Shion had her survival instincts kick in while having this talk with Rena. Shion's instincts told her never to cross paths with Rena. Yea, Rena scared the crap out of her. Also just for time reference, Rena just moved back at this time.

hmmmm.. Just why is Shion realy scared of Rena.. ? From what I could conclude Shion has real belief in the Oyashiro-sama's curse.., thus when meeting up with Rena and after that conversation it would be natural that she'd simply rather stay away from her..; but this would imply that she was not afraid of her prior to that moment.

Had she ever met Rena before she was sent to that private school ?, This would have been of course, before Rena had moved out and then moved in again.

Thing is according to the TIPS (and despite Keiichi had not asked Rena about it) it only showed us that Rika knew of Shion's existence.., and well.. in Watanagashi-hen when Keiichi first questions Mion about Shion.., Rena seems surprised as if she did not know of her existance aswell.

BUT.., Rena did play a Key role in the last episode of Watanagashi-hen.., upon entering the Sonozaki house and sitting down with Keiichi to talk with Mion(Shion).., she Clearly saw that that was in fact Shion and quickly caught her act, specialy from the moment she even says that it isn't necessary for her to show the tattoo; since she knew that her beeing Shion she wouldn't have it.
So she rather just letted the story play along, probably to see how far it would go.

It feels strange to me that.. if Rena had actualy never met Shion how could she tell ?, Was it all instinct ? Was it aswell the same reason why Shion was afraid to cross path with Rena, only pure and natural instinct ?


Originally Posted by Sushi-Y
Besides the lack of Shion's monologues, which would've provided a view into her mental workings and explain how she came to reach the conclusions she did (rather than "suddenly" blowing up on Satoko, and "suddenly" wishing for Satako and her aunt to die, etc.), the anime also avoided "tear scenes"

Oh.., it is a shame indeed.., I did not know they where ment to exist, but I clearly see or imagine the diference they would make, not to mencione the impact.
Much like you said.., it would realy provide us with a much bigger in-sight on how Shion's mentality works.., and what where the trigger moments that compeld her actions in the way that they did.

Never the less though, if one pays extreamly attention to the details I belive the anime is giving good foundation to lay down good speculations about the possible reasons that made her act as such.

Altough.., I now miss not seeing the inner monologues aswell :p

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