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Forbin 2006-12-08 14:17

Kara No Kyokai
Saw this on

But Apparrently KnK was given a page on NewType and the speculation is that it is going to be an anime!

For those of you who don't know much (like myself). KnK is the book written before Tsukihime and takes place in the Tsukihime's world.

Shiki (is a girl in this one) and has the same eyes of death as Shiki Tohno and many references to the Tsukihime world.

Shiroth 2006-12-08 15:23

I heard about this yesterday.. but i really need something official before i can hold a party about it. It could be sexy - we all know that.

Thelastguardian 2006-12-08 15:24

The rumor for Kara No Kyokai has resurface periodically ever since Tsukihime was made into anime...

Anyway, if this book is going to be make into anime, I feel sorry for whoever is responsible for directing it- he is going to have a heck of a tough job appeasing the fans (notwithstanding that TM fans are well-known for being harsh :heh: ) .

He might as well write his will now :heh: . The novel is not easy to understand.

I recommand anyone who attempts to read this novel to play thru Tsukihime beforehand. The plot is hard enough to understand as it is, you don't want to get caught up with the terminalogies at the same time.

PS: Ryogi Shiki's ability is not that much more powerful than Nanaya Shiki. Sure, Ryogi has [], had the other Shiki, and the all-seeing eyes, but Nanaya Shiki has the bloodline of the Nanaya family, and the blessing of the Shinso princess...


Nevermind then

Forbin 2006-12-08 17:37

Blessing of the Shinso princess?

Sushi-Y 2006-12-08 18:11


Originally Posted by Thelastguardian (Post 763055)
Anyway, if this book is going to be make into anime, I feel sorry for whoever is responsible for directing it- he is going to have a heck of a tough job appeasing the fans (notwithstanding that TM fans are well-known for being harsh :heh: ) .

It's going to be very hard to make a novel like Rakkyo (short for Kara no Kyoukai) into an anime indeed. The whole thing is made up of 40% description/narration, 40% philosophy, and 15% action (and 5% of "what language is this?orz"). If the anime cannot successfully deliver on the reasonings and philosophy part, it's going to end up being one awfully confusing anime for first time viewers (and even if they can deliver, it's still going to be confusing anyway :heh: ) Rakkyo was pretty much Nasu's rough draft for his later works: it's an unedited smattering of his early ideas and inspirations that will eventually became the basis for Tsukihime, it's certainly not an easy to read book.

Still, I have to admit that Shiki is the coolest heroine ever. Even now, years after I finished Rakkyo, I have still yet to see any female character, from Type-Moon or otherwise, who can surpass Shiki in terms of coolness.

Now, as for this anime rumor thing. As of now, it's really nothing more than
"Wow there's an original drawing of Shiki by Takeuchi on Newtype"
"So there's going to be a pinup & special article on Fate/stay night and Kara no Kyoukai next month.... Wait, Kara no Kyoukai?"

My opinion? It is interesting that official Rakkyo content is popping up at Newtype, and it's true that there has been a lot of rumors of backstage activities surrounding Rakkyo for the past few years. Now that Fate/stay night anime ended with relative success, it wouldn't surprise me if a Rakkyo anime is announced next.

Either way, we can only wait until next month.

animefanrk2k 2006-12-08 18:41

I am slightly bothered with the misinformation of Nanaya/Tohno Shiki's abilities, but that's all right. If there is a small chance that Kara no Kyokai will be made into an anime, let this one anime fan hope, so that I can FINALLY know what it's about. XD

I just hope that the job done on this is better than the Tsukihime anime, which was good, but could have been better. (Played the game in Japanese without understanding a word of it and enjoyed it tons more than the anime for some reason. o_0)

Thelastguardian 2006-12-08 22:25


Originally Posted by Forbin (Post 763169)
Blessing of the Shinso princess?

Spoiler for just some stuff :) :

Those aside

I know Ryogi Shiki is cool and all, but (no offence here) I don't quite understand the logic behind some of her actions. Her actions before the accident, those I can understand; Not the (some)ones after she woke up though. In paticular how she grown fond of Kokuto (again) after the accident.

Maybe I am just too nice :heh: If I saw death everyday maybe I would understand.

But yeah, she does kick ass. Even though she has no magic power, her "coldness" in battles allow her to overcome many obstacles.

What I really like, however, are the Japanese title for each chapters (the English ones are totally different things :heh: ) . They are almost, ahem, one line poems.
Those names, along with the intro for each chapter, set up some of the most memorable suspense ever.

Side Note: I recommand anyone who has free time to head over to Mirror Moon's website and look at their partial translation of the books. I don't know how well they translated the story though :/

iamandragon 2006-12-09 09:08

Kara no Kyokai is a good book, though the timeline order of the chapters are mixed up by a bit...
I wonder would they do that in the anime(if it really comes out...look forward for it a lot. Thanks for the information Forbin!)

Side note: All three Shiki in Nasu's world are often compared and is thought to possess the same eye...But Shiki's mugen is different from Shikis' mugen...(heck, the two Shikis mugens are different in functionality, as well) (how clumsy...)

Sushi-Y 2006-12-26 21:43

Refer to MOON PHASE (12.27 entry):

"Kara no Kyoukai anime adaptation confirmed" is what cyan-san's source says.

With so many rumors up until this point, it almost looks certain this time. Hope the official news comes soon.

Prism Ark's anime announcement above that is a surprise too though. :heh:


Originally Posted by iamandragon (Post 763857)
Kara no Kyokai is a good book, though the timeline order of the chapters are mixed up by a bit...

It's meant to be written that way. Present time → past story→ back to present time is a common way to tell stories in novels. In a way, the erratic time jumps are what gave the novel its mysterious feel.

Newprimus 2006-12-26 23:48


Originally Posted by Sushi-Y (Post 780621)
Prism Ark's anime announcement above that is a surprise too though. :heh:

............ *grabs a bag and runs outside*

MeganeShounen 2006-12-27 08:36

I figuratively "came" with this piece of info.
Along with Nanatsuiro Drops and Prism Ark...

Good Lord, did Christmas come late or what. >.>

darkchibi07 2006-12-27 09:42

I hope to GOD a good production studio gets this one!

NoSanninWa 2006-12-27 18:18

My goodness... I was hoping for a long time that this would be made into an anime ever since I read on The Moonlight World:

Originally Posted by The Moonlight World
The writer once said in an interview that games have an advantage over novels because it can use pictures and music on top of text. For a novel to be just as interesting, it needs to be three times as interesting. This is the novel that is three times as interesting as average games.

Nice quote, eh? Now I'll just have to pray that is is not given the Tsukihime treatment and turned into garbage.

Shiroth 2006-12-27 18:23


Originally Posted by NoSanninWa (Post 781342)
Now I'll just have to pray that is is not given the Tsukihime treatment and turned into garbage.

It totally depends on how you look at the Tsukihime anime - look at it as it having no past source, and its a pretty decent series. Thats what i've done plenty of times to enjoy it, and i did play the game originally before i seen the series.

NoSanninWa 2006-12-27 18:25

I watched the Tsukihime anime before finding out any spoilers from the game. As an unspoiled viewer I thought it was mediocre and rushed. It isn't awful until you find out what was left out, but it isn't really all that good. Now that I'm playing the patched game I see how much worse than mediocre it really was. (Gosh it could have been incredible if it had been done right.)

I'm hoping Kara no Kyokai is treated well.

Shiroth 2006-12-27 18:31

I don't believe even with all the material used, Tsukihime anime couldn't have been good - its just like the F/SN anime, they couldn't add everything so its left just being a medium series - like Tsukihime for me.

Though with Kara no Kyokai, of course there's a lot riding on this - well its hard to believe that it'll be something perfect. Just gonna have to wait for more information regarding it.

Archer 2006-12-28 01:10

And the mystery studio is....!

*drumroll please*


Newprimus 2006-12-28 01:37

Well I like the opening picture of Shiki they have there.

Archer 2006-12-28 01:38

Also, this will be a movie.

Yes, a theatrical production.

Not a series.

MeganeShounen 2006-12-28 01:51

A movie? Well, *guess* that it's better that way. Less room(?) for mucked-up characters... or the fixing of said-of traits. I'm still looking forward to the fight scenes. Badass girls in knife fights are always a treat to watch, given the right production studio. :D

That reminds me. Is Ryogi (and I guess all Shiki personas in the Nasuverse) an expert in all sorts of melee weaponry? Or do they just prefer knives and katanas?

Sushi-Y 2006-12-28 02:01

Quite a few updates in one day. ^^;
This thread is updating at 2ch speeds too. :heh:

To save people from jumping pages:
Never before has a 404 error irritated me so much (trailer). :heh:

They're handing out Rakkyo shopping bags at Aniplex's C71 booth (Aniplex is the production company, while ufotable will be in charge of animation production).

The fact that it's going to be a movie and not a TV series is actually somewhat of a relief for me. When I mentioned some of the concerns about the novel in one of my earlier posts, I figured it would be difficult to maintain any kind of tempo if the anime was going to be a weekly show.

For a 900 page novel featuring relatively slow-paced developments, a full-length movie seems to fit the bill better than a 13-episode TV series. Of course, it all depends on the expertise of the production staff though.


Originally Posted by MeganeShounen (Post 781730)
Badass girls in knife fights are always a treat to watch

I'm actually more interested in the various scenes (Häagen-Dazs strawberry ice cream, for example) that combines to give Shiki that 0.1% dereness. Keep your eyes open or you'll miss it. :heh:


Originally Posted by MeganeShounen (Post 781730)
That reminds me. Is Ryogi (and I guess all Shiki personas in the Nasuverse) an expert in all sorts of melee weaponry? Or do they just prefer knives and katanas?

The Ryougi bloodline is another one of those wacko families like Nanaya. It's probably best not to spoil anything for now though.

Shiki simply likes knives and katanas, that's all. Not much else you can use to cut those lines anyway. ^^;

MeganeShounen 2006-12-28 02:35


Originally Posted by Sushi-Y (Post 781738)
Quite a few updates in one day. ^^;
This thread is updating at 2ch speeds too. :heh:

If it's comparable to 2ch, then it might be really surprising.

Perhaps, what's even more surprising is the number of Nasu (and to a larger extent, TP) fans out there... :heh:


To save people from jumping pages:
Never before has a 404 error irritated me so much (trailer). :heh:
I also tried viewing the trailer, but it comes back with zilch. So they just put in some placeholder links? Guess I'll check back at another time..


I'm actually more interested in the various scenes (Häagen-Dazs strawberry ice cream, for example) that combines to give Shiki that 0.1% dereness. Keep your eyes open or you'll miss it. :heh:
If you say so... ^^


Shiki simply likes knives and katanas, that's all. Not much else you can use to cut those lines anyway. ^^;
Well, I guess that paring knife that Shiki used to cut his hospital bed right after he woke up from the accident also counts as one of those...

Shinndou 2006-12-28 10:52

You can see the trailer if you browse the website with Internet Explorer. It doesn't show anything at all though, only previous known artworks and that's it (like the novel's cover or the image being shown in the website itself).

Varion 2006-12-28 12:37

It's not working for people? Weird, worked fine here...

Anyway, I'd put it up somewhere but I have no webspace so sendspace is going to have to do. 2MB WMV and yes, it shows basically nothing :heh: (and for some strange reason only seems to work in media player for me).

Shiroth 2006-12-28 12:46


Originally Posted by Valdra (Post 782120)
and for some strange reason only seems to work in media player for me

wmv files.. they only love Media Player. :3

Archer 2006-12-28 12:49


Originally Posted by Valdra (Post 782120)
It's not working for people? Weird, worked fine here...

Anyway, I'd put it up somewhere but I have no webspace so sendspace is going to have to do. 2MB WMV and yes, it shows basically nothing :heh: (and for some strange reason only seems to work in media player for me).

It's definitely a placeholder until the real trailer gets up, from the looks of it.

NoSanninWa 2006-12-28 17:28

Reason for hating WMP and wmv #532:

"Secure Storage protection error. Restore your licenses from a previous backup and try again."

Apparently since I've upgraded my hardware I cannot play anything that requires DRM until I reset Windows Media DRM. And unfortunately there isn't a "reset DRM" button in the options. :mad:

Reset Windows Media DRM by deleting all the files in the Windows Media DRM folder. Note that the Windows Media DRM folder is a hidden system folder. To view hidden files and folders, follow these steps:
  1. Click Start, and then click My Computer.
  2. On the Tools menu, click Folder Options, and then click the View tab.
  3. Click Show hidden files and folders, and then click to clear the Hide protected operating system files check box.
The following are the typical locations of the Windows Media DRM folder, depending on your operating system version:
  • Microsoft Windows 2000 and Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\DRM
  • Windows 98: C:\Windows\All Users\DRM
  • Windows Millennium Edition: C:\Windows\DRM

If you cannot find the Windows Media DRM folder, the exact location of the folder on the computer is stored in the following registry key:


Note By default, the path is displayed in binary format. To see the path in plain-text format, double-click DataPath. In the Edit Binary Value dialog box, the path is displayed in the column on the right.
Not really hard, but it seems so irritating to have to do this just to watch a tiny trailer. I wonder if this is a good time to upgrade to WMP11...

White Manju Bun 2006-12-28 17:38

Ive never seen Tsukihime since I keep hearing mixed stuff about it (some ppl like it others hate it) but I think Ill chk this out. Maybe just cuz I like the pic of Ryogi with the knife :D

Varion 2006-12-28 18:00


Originally Posted by NoSanninWa (Post 782380)
Not really hard, but it seems so irritating to have to do this just to watch a tiny trailer. I wonder if this is a good time to upgrade to WMP11...

Wouldn't bother, it really is just a bunch of scrolling stills with some music in the background.

But yeah, I think we've safely verified WMV and streaming asx files like no one and are evil incarnate. I've never seen that error before using WMV10 though...

Maids! Maids! Maids! 2007-01-09 15:50

This appeared sometime during the last few hours on Takashi Takeuchi & Kinoko Nasu's website.

Is the new novel, DDD, related to this title, or am I just tripping over the dualling announcements?

Sushi-Y 2007-01-09 18:06


Originally Posted by Maids! Maids! Maids! (Post 794360)
This appeared sometime during the last few hours on Takashi Takeuchi & Kinoko Nasu's website.

Is the new novel, DDD, related to this title, or am I just tripping over the dualling announcements?

Lol a top page illust update after three and a half years. :heh: I look forward to the next update in 2010. ^^;

Rakkyo's movie anime adaptation probably means a lot to Nasu and Takeuchi-san. After all, everything started for them 8 years ago at that tiny bamboo broom site with Kara no Kyoukai as their first "official" creation.

And no, DDD (which stands for Decoration Disorder Disconnection, by the way) is not officially related to other TYPE-MOON creations in any way. Although I heard you might see some similarities between certain settings.

Spoiler for off topic description of DDD:

Newprimus 2007-01-09 19:53


Originally Posted by Sushi-Y (Post 794473)
Spoiler for off topic description of DDD:

I thought Karyou was supposed to be a guy, not a girl.

Sushi-Y 2007-01-10 05:00

Spoiler for off topic, should be sealed, burned, and buried:

Filler to keep post relevant:
Azaka has always been the neglected one. Hopefully she can get some love in the movie.

I wonder how far they can go with the movie in terms of explicit contents, since Rakkyo does have quite a bit of those (Fujinon's that in the beginning, for example :upset: )

Newprimus 2007-01-10 15:28

What's this "that" you speak of?

(Movie may not show it and I don't mind so spoil me)

Sushi-Y 2007-01-10 20:13


Originally Posted by Shinova (Post 795385)
What's this "that" you speak of?

(Movie may not show it and I don't mind so spoil me)

Go to Moonlit World's Rakkyo page and read the first paragraph of Chapter 3 (痛覚残留/tsuukaku zanryuu)'s sypnosis, and you should get the idea.


Hopefully, my Amazon shipment with DDD in it will arrive tomorrow. ^^
So here's a bonus Fujunon ava:

Thelastguardian 2007-01-11 03:10


Originally Posted by Sushi-Y (Post 794950)
Azaka has always been the neglected one. Hopefully she can get some love in the movie.

I wonder why Takashi(the TM artist) and ufotable put Azaka instead of Aozaki in those 2 pages. Aozaki is much more important...Is Aozaki too old for Takashi:heh:?

Kokuto looks pretty handsome...

iamandragon 2007-01-14 12:16

Kara no Kyokai
Anyone know when exact will it be aired? It's one of my all time favourite light novel, so i am actually looking forward to it!

Sushi-Y 2007-01-14 21:36


Originally Posted by Thelastguardian (Post 796096)
I wonder why Takashi(the TM artist) and ufotable put Azaka instead of Aozaki in those 2 pages. Aozaki is much more important...Is Aozaki too old for Takashi:heh:?

Kokuto looks pretty handsome...

Because imouto character is all the rage right now? :heh:

Azaka did play an important role in 忘却録音, so she's not all "extra". But I suppose it's true that she didn't get to see much action, unlike the other characters.

And I don't think Takeuchi-san dislike Touko-san. If anything, both Takeuchi-san and Nasu-san love those sultry aneki type characters, according to Tsukihime tokuhon. :heh:

As for Mikiya, he was pretty much the base model for Tsukihime's Shiki. The only difference is that Mikiya is 3-4 years older.

He's pretty much abused all the time by the female cast in the novel though, so you don't get to see him look cool often :heh: (but the most famous line in the novel came from him, so it kind of evens out).


Originally Posted by iamandragon (Post 800211)
Anyone know when exact will it be aired? It's one of my all time favourite light novel, so i am actually looking forward to it!

The movie's official site and maybe TYPE-MOON's official site would probably be the best place to look for those kind of information. Right now, there aren't any news of a premier date yet. Only a couple of weeks have passed since the initial announcement, after all.

raidragon 2007-02-26 04:57

lol^^, Kara no Kyoukai anime...this will be REALLY GREAT^^.....since i think Ryougi is the coolest char 4ever....^^

well, but compared to Nanaya Shiki, i think that Ryougi is still stronger than Nanaya since

Archer 2007-03-21 20:07

Website has been updated. Be on the lookout for a new trailer sometime soon.

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