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Skyfall 2007-10-11 12:33

Clannad - Episode 2 Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for Clannad, Episode 2.

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Klashikari 2007-10-11 14:12

as usual... clumsy bullet summary (currently watching)

Episode 2: summary and screencaps

i will rework it a bit tomorrow. same for the upload of the screencaps.
the raw is out by the way

EDIT: Screencaps are uploaded. summary has been reworked as well.

FireChick 2007-10-11 15:11

I'll watch this after school with the subs. Fuuko appears! Whee!:):D

Cyz 2007-10-11 15:27

Screenshots and soon to have a summary of episode 2 courtesy of Random Curiosity. Pls. look at it at your own risk!!!

Daniel E. 2007-10-11 15:31

For some reason, I felt that this week lasted an eternity. :eyespin:

Need my Clannad fix pronto! :heh: :heh:

Takuto19 2007-10-11 15:55

Really looking forward to this heh, been waiting all week for it, hope it's another great episode.

mikemil828 2007-10-11 15:55

Best part of the show, Tomoya stating that Kyou is Bi to the entire class, when she forbid him to talk about her Motorbike.

Shiroth 2007-10-11 16:35


Originally Posted by mikemil828 (Post 1196378)
Best part of the show, Tomoyo stating that Kyou is Bi to the entire class, when she forbid him to talk about her Motorbike.

Yeah, that was a great lol moment.

At the moment i have a lot to say about the second episode --- though all you're getting from me at the moment is moe moe Kotomi. <3

FortMan 2007-10-11 16:39

Kyou's "Bi" moment was quite hilarious.

I also like that Tomoya's conditions are revealed bit by bit and not in one huge infodump. They aren't something he wants to talk about, so he'd reveal them only when really necessary (it's his arm this episode).

Moridin 2007-10-11 17:02

Im not sure, but when the "girl with the little knife" talked, I felt as though I could easily imagine an "Uguuuu" comming from her. I wounder if that Seiyū was in kanon aswell, going to check that when im finished with this reply.
Im a little proud right now. I could understand a lot just by listening to the japanese this time, its one of the first times ive tried that :) I did it with lucky star 2 times, but that was almost impossible beacause they talk so fast in that anime, but in clannad there are several characters that talk really slow (atleast for being japanese) so its good when trying to learn some japanese.
I liked this episode a lot, but I miss two of my favorite characters from last weeks episode :(

Deathkillz 2007-10-11 17:37


enough said ;)

Bloody Nightingale 2007-10-11 18:13


Originally Posted by Deathkillz (Post 1196531)

enough said ;)

Oooooo they left an extra 4th digit in the front, does that mean there's gonna be a new record sooner or later? Looking forward to 9999 hit combo (maybe).

Computer_guy 2007-10-11 18:32

Cant wait for the release!!

KKensei 2007-10-11 18:44


Originally Posted by Deathkillz (Post 1196531)

enough said ;)

I agree!
That made my day. That part was hilarious!

amoirsp 2007-10-11 19:54

This episode ended up normal.

I find Kyoani's choice of chronology extremely screwy. But that's only because I remember all the scene dates, so obviously it would look rather weird. Otherwise it's sequentially reasonable, and aside from minour truncations, the overall idea once again, is still there.

In terms of accuracy to the game, with slight truncations, overall ideas are still maintained. Though because of the fast pace, the introductions are rather fast. With Kyou and Tomoyo it's fine because of their frequency, but for Fuuko and Kotomi they use a slower pace.

And my god the days are running fast. Now I'm realising they're doing introductions, then segmenting like they did in kanon. And if I keep thinking chronologically, I will find it extremely screwed up.

And of course in terms of Nagisa, it's fantastic. The other girls, I can't say quite the same. Now this is merely character usage. Clearly the main girl would have the most emphasis, but even I never recalled Ayu usage being that dominant that early (or it was, kind of, but not really).


Well I'm basing my opinion on the raw. Otherwise, it's still fine. If the perks work, they work. If anything, the other girls should be emphasized at a later episode. Likely by then most of the dates will be ignored because of segmentation. Maybe I keep forgetting that the same scenes in the game are like 10x longer due to text, but that anime speed covers most of it rather quickly.

Upon watching it again, it's not as bad. And perhaps I easily missed something from the raw.

This might be the only series that I watch each raw episode. Chronology aside, the overall idea was maintained, and the linking format obviously isn't identical, but it still works. If the pace is fast, at least most things are concise. If anything, a large sequence of events happened in the same episode, which is technically what I like in general episodes, so I should be quite satisfied.

[SPOILER]Although relatively Nagisa's usage obviously delved more into the route more, it'll seem quite odd when she may very well be missing for 12 or so episodes when segmented routes are undergone. It's like if her usage remains this high in the next few episodes, you'll run out of things to do with Nagisa lol because most of it would be covered. Now then again I don't know if there's an after story or not, but if there was, that would totally screw over the pace of the segmented routes, or those would simply be pretty fast since there's already portions of each route used anyways.[\SPOILER]

Right now everything is being put down so there's a fair share of seeing everyone (um except Miyazawa). Well, a lot more happens anyways. I just wonder in what order.

Kaioshin Sama 2007-10-11 20:17


Originally Posted by Deathkillz (Post 1196531)

enough said ;)

Guy should get the hell out of the way. Either that or he likes it. :naughty: Other than that, still not much here to divert my interest from other shows this season.

toxic_trance 2007-10-11 20:47

Oh..this has been a long long wait. Watched the First Episode 25 times. Kami-sama knows what shall be my fate with the second one

boggart 2007-10-11 21:06

I shall wait for the widescreen version. :( Let's see if I can actually hold out til then.

darlliu 2007-10-12 01:12

I like the animation especially some details.really nice.
other than that, tomoyo rules as usualXD

Decagon 2007-10-12 02:01

Ugh. I enjoyed watching this so much I want to get the game just to compare. Is there some busy college student abridged translation somewhere? The pacing for this ep was nice. I especially liked the background and atmosphere they used with Nagisa's scenes.

Daniel E. 2007-10-12 02:23


Originally Posted by Kaioshin_Sama (Post 1196775)
Guy should get the hell out of the way. Either that or he likes it. :naughty:


Ascaloth 2007-10-12 06:30

Subs are out. Subs subs subs subs subs subs subs....*rabid frothing* :eyespin:

Shiroth 2007-10-12 06:31


Originally Posted by Daniel E. (Post 1197230)


luckyovermind 2007-10-12 07:29

Spoiler for 2nd episode:

Kinny Riddle 2007-10-12 07:33


Originally Posted by Deathkillz (Post 1196531)

enough said ;)

God damn motherf****r, and I thought 64 hits was her limit already. :twitch: It looks like we've (people who've read the visual novel) all seriously underestimated Tomoyo's potential. With 4 digits instead of 3, one wonders just how much better she can get? Her potential is limitless. Easily the highlight of the episode. :D

Poor Ryou, she looked devastated upon Tomoya telling everyone her sister's a "Bi". (Kyou: DON'T BELIEVE THAT!!! lol )

Most of the ep is pretty much focused on Nagisa, including the crucial rain scene. Fuuko and Kotomi get their introduction, though Fuuko got more screentime.

I can understand why Tomoya despises his father so much, to have your dream ruined by such a petty fight, I'd be mightily pissed, though how one picks himself up depends upon the person and circumstances. By meeting Nagisa and deciding to help her form her Drama Club, Tomoya has a chance for redemption.

As for Tomoya's dad, he's pretty much the train wreck that he is, after losing his wife, he now has to live with the guilt of destroying his son's dream.

Looks like we'll be seeing Yukine by next episode.

Rhyel 2007-10-12 08:05

This episode was great. But forced widescreen is the most worse thing of the universe... Philanthropy & Sekai :(

Ascaloth 2007-10-12 08:19

Gosh, they threw the Tomoyo 64 right out the window. I was so NOT expecting that. I can just see the rush to rewrite KEY history happening about now.

Okay, for this episode, it's not just nitrous oxide anymore; it's a KyoAni ride, certainly, but this time it's one where the brakes don't seem to work. The awesomeness of the fight aside, I didn't think Tomoyo would warm up to Tomoya so quickly. They didn't even exchange words in the first episode, and already Tomoyo's telling Tomoya about nostalgia? Too fast, KyoAni......I was thinking that Tomoya would go through the "I AM a girl!" phase first....

No Kappei in the Kyou bike scene. Looks like he got cut out.

LOL at the "Bi-" scene. Now why didn't Konata parody that scene with Kagami and Tsukasa?! :(

What strikes me most in this episode though, is how KyoAni's already going into the "emotionally heavy" scenes with Tomoya and his father. Even AIR (TV) didn't shift into gear that fast; not like I expect them to take their time a la Kanon (2006) style, but certainly they could have waited until Episode 3?

And introductions of the other girls aside, it already feels as if Tomoya's spending most of his time with Nagisa. I also get the vibe that he's doing so because he's taking an interest in her; I mean, I'll be that nice to a girl too if I'm interested in her. Wonder how this is all going to play out.

Giving this episode a 7, and anybody who knows me knows that's a pretty low score for a KyoAni episode. I really feel like they're jumping the gun KyoAni afraid they won't have enough time to wrap things up due to the last few episodes of Kanon (2006)?

RIUVA article coming soon.

EDIT: BTW, 528 hits is 66 sets of 8.

Forever 2007-10-12 08:40

528 hits! And not only aint he aint dead, he is still conscious! Even Kenichi cant take that many hits. That school uniform must be made of Kevlar.

Ah if kyou was really a bi, then a Tomoya threesome with the sisters will take on an extra meaning.

Kristen 2007-10-12 08:40

Not quite as good as episode 1, in my opinion. Episode 1 seemed to be extremely good for the shock value, and the emotional value that it created. Just like with Kanon, episode 2 seems to be the start of the plot of the story, not just a "This is the world you are being thrown into!" So, I expected this to be not quite as good as episode 1. The Bi scene was classic! And Tomoyo still remains amazing.

Kinny Riddle 2007-10-12 08:46


Originally Posted by Ascaloth (Post 1197532)
No Kappei in the Kyou bike scene. Looks like he got cut out.

Nah, I just think they're not in a hurry to introduce Kappei yet. Maybe in another Bike scene, so don't be so pessimistic. We still got 22 weeks to go.

Klashikari 2007-10-12 08:51


Originally Posted by Ascaloth (Post 1197532)
Okay, for this episode, it's not just nitrous oxide anymore; it's a KyoAni ride, certainly, but this time it's one where the brakes don't seem to work. The awesomeness of the fight aside, I didn't think Tomoyo would warm up to Tomoya so quickly. They didn't even exchange words in the first episode, and already Tomoyo's telling Tomoya about nostalgia? Too fast, KyoAni......I was thinking that Tomoya would go through the "I AM a girl!" phase first....

I don't get your "I am a girl" thing, but i'm quite surprised for this comment. Tomoya was obviously not following Youhei's lead in both episodes, and his funny/indifferent behaviour towards youhei, but also the fact he is siding with Tomoyo are factors which make me feel it is kinda natural for her to blurt something from her past.

What strikes me most in this episode though, is how KyoAni's already going into the "emotionally heavy" scenes with Tomoya and his father. Even AIR (TV) didn't shift into gear that fast; not like I expect them to take their time a la Kanon (2006) style, but certainly they could have waited until Episode 3?
As far as i can understand with this episode: the situation wasn't something constant and especially not something to "build".
Considering the end of this episode, I can't see how Tomoya has "to wait some moments" before bursting.
It isn't something which should happen only after some random time, and the trigger looks normal.

I think it contrast much better, as it is somewhat silly to always wait the "good timing" for such stuff, especially that his conflict with his pops isn't something new.

And introductions of the other girls aside, it already feels as if Tomoya's spending most of his time with Nagisa. I also get the vibe that he's doing so because he's taking an interest in her; I mean, I'll be that nice to a girl too if I'm interested in her. Wonder how this is all going to play out.
Huh... is that actually something wrong? I don't think they can actually do what they did with Kanon on CLANNAD. it is like trying to push an elephant through a normal door. Using the "main girl" as the main focus is something which will prevent prejudice for the plot progression. (and i think it is nearly impossible for tomoya to hand around the 4 other ones, just like Yuuichi did in Kanon)
Analogy aside, being a complete noobie in clannad, Tomoya looks like he just wants to help her, and doesn't exactly take advantage or anything (heck, he even decline to get involved in the drama club)

guess i should write up my thoughts later, but i'm fairly surprised to see rants about pace, while it is actually something which is hardly possible to help.

Ascaloth 2007-10-12 08:53


Originally Posted by Kinny Riddle (Post 1197566)
Nah, I just think they're not in a hurry to introduce Kappei yet. Maybe in another Bike scene, so don't be so pessimistic. We still got 22 weeks to go.

There are other Bike scenes? Didn't know that. Not that I mind him being cut out; he came across as ambiguously gay to me. >_<

And if you're wondering, I know only that much only because I was messing around with KeyFC's translation of a tiny part of CLANNAD a while ago. So I still don't know enough to spoil very much.


Originally Posted by Klashikari (Post 1197572)
I don't get your "I am a girl" thing, but i'm quite surprised for this comment. Tomoya was obviously not following Youhei's lead in both episodes, and his funny/indifferent behaviour towards youhei, but also the fact he is siding with him are factors which make me feel it is kinda natural

It's not so much on Tomoya's side as it is on Tomoyo's. I think you may have gotten mixed up...what I'm trying to say is, with Tomoyo's frigid "ice queen" vibes in the first episode, I didn't expect her to warm up so quickly to Tomoya.


Originally Posted by Klashikari (Post 1197572)
As far as i can understand with this episode: the situation wasn't something constant and especially not something to "build".
Considering the end of this episode, I can't see how Tomoya has "to wait some moments" before bursting.
It isn't something which should happen only after some random time, and the trigger looks normal.

I'm just saying Episode 2's a little too soon for it. That's all.


Originally Posted by Klashikari (Post 1197572)
Huh... is that actually something wrong? I don't think they can actually do what they did with Kanon on CLANNAD. it is like trying to push an elephant through a normal door. Using the "main girl" as the main focus is something which will prevent prejudice for the plot progression. (and i think it is nearly impossible for tomoya to hand around the 4 other ones, just like Yuuichi did in Kanon)

Who said something's wrong? :eyespin:

I was just making an observation. If anything, I'll say that it's a sign that the focus is definitely on Nagisa. That's all.

Gee, Klash. I recommend Prozac. :heh:

Skyfall 2007-10-12 09:02

A good episode, no doubt. The first boggling moment came straight after the OP ... the absolute animation overkill on the mysterious girl made my eyes almost pop out of sockets. The animation is absurdly smooth there. Besides looking droolworthy, i feel it also helps to emphasize the surreality of the scene. (does it mean the animation is so smooth it is surreal ? :p).

That aside, the episode was pretty much what i expected it to be. We get introduced to new characters, and both are quite peculiar. The way Fuko throttled away from Tomoya at first and almost growled at him reminded me of some small, warm and fuzzy animal :heh: I was half expecting some catchphrase from her :heh: Obsession with carving wooden stars ? Though i bet there is an explanation for that.

Kotomi sure has a weird entrance. And she sure was quick to offer some of her lunch to him. Not much to say about her at this moment.

I was expecting Nagisa to come down with a fever (hey - you can't stand in the rain and not collapse in anime), so her collapsing was not that surprising, even though a bit convenient given the overall drama of the situation.(More references to her having a weak body ?). Tomoya's revelation about his right arm was something i did not expect however. No wonder he hates his oyaji so much.

The prank Tomoya pulled on Kyou was priceless :) that one earned qui9te a few laughs from me. Overall i find Tomoya a pretty good male lead who has his own share of problems as well. Definitely looking towards the next ep.

Kinny Riddle 2007-10-12 09:06


Originally Posted by Ascaloth (Post 1197577)
There are other Bike scenes? Didn't know that. Not that I mind him being cut out; he came across as ambiguously gay to me. >_<

As feminine as he may look, Kappei's rather straight. Just wait till Sunohara sets his eyes on Kappei. (Mods feel free to delete this tid-bit of info if they deem it a spoiler. )

kevin13 2007-10-12 09:19

Awesome! Horray!! Episode 2 is out.

"I might look this way, but I'm actually quite good at sports."

Now where have I heard that line before... :D

Cheezy 2007-10-12 09:21

Now that Skyfall mentions it, the animation right after the OP was breathtaking.

Overall the animation so far is great, the details in the eyes and everything is really nice.
Everything else has alredy been said. Looking forward to the next episode.

DragoonKain3 2007-10-12 09:47

Sunohara has just risen to be my favorite character of the series. God, that guy is a freaking riot. :D

Solafighter 2007-10-12 10:37

Like i expected, a very great episode. :)

Mentar 2007-10-12 10:48

(Since for some reason our torrent submission has been left unprocessed for 4 hours - SS-Eclipse release out)

4ran 2007-10-12 10:49

so tomo-kun hates his father because he was the reason for why he cannot play basktball anymore - SO He was a baskatball player?-

the episode was good.. and it is funny how tomoya keeps seeing these " weird " girls in the school ..

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