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Deralti 2004-01-27 00:45

Your favourite jpop/jrock artist (or band)
*sigh*, 5$ says people will do exactly the same mistake the third time. But, just in case, its a friendly bet ;).


I don't like yelling, even if it's just text, but that was necessary(sp?)

Now, for me, Most people would think The Thrill is just a bunch of people playing all their instruments at once, completely making white noise, aka not very nice to listen to. But if you go past that presumption and hear them, its like hearing multiple bands at once, but in a good way. The upbeat riffs of an electric guitar, the fast paced drums, the romantic tones of the saxaphone. The Thrill is my Jrock rapture :).

As for Jpop, so far I haven't liked any. Its just too... techno-crappy to me, with gauge-my-ears high voices.
Edit: Interesting. 4 views and no posts.

ElvenPath 2004-01-27 01:17

Note: renamed the thread "Your favourite jpop/jrock artist (or band)" (was: Your favourite Jpop artist or/and Jrock band(last try)) to differentiate it from an existing thread.

Best of luck for this thread :)

Chiaki Nozomi 2004-01-28 09:05

You mean I must pick... one or two out of my favorite artists.... :upset: That's going to be... so... hard....

Takui - This is one of my all time favorite J-rockers. His first cd, NUCLEAR SONIC PUNK is the best, with songs like 'Innovator', 'UP TO DATE', and the simply hauntingly beautiful 'Saraba matenro no FAIRY TALE'. His followups, CHUNKY GOD POP and SWANKY GOD POP (each cd with 7 songs each... looks like his new cd coming out in Feb. will have 7 songs too... :upset:) are as you guessed, more poppy. The change is more pop-rock than actual pop (think that american crap Good Charlotte), but I still love him and his badass attitude and voice. He did the ED theme to Airmaster, but those songs were utter poop.

Janne da Arc I've been fans since ... well, their second release was their latest cd! What else can I say other than I love these boys dearly! We got Yasu and his amazing vocals, You with the best guitar playing I've ever heard (He inspired me to learn how to play... I'm still a beginner though...), Ka-yu on bass, Kiyo on keyboard, and Shuji on drums. For beginners, I recommend 'SINGLES' and 'ANOTHER SINGLES' because well, its all of their singles. Of their albums, ANOTHER STORY is the most popular. But as a rabid fan ;) I love all of their releases.

Shiina Ringo / Shena / Shina/ Sheena So many different spellings for her name! Anyway, this is the Goddess of the music world. You can't pinpoint her style, because she has none! This girl experements with everything, and guess what? It's always good! She writes, composes, produces, and plays more than one instrument on her tracks. Karuki Zamen Kuri no Hana, is a godsend to true music lovers. RINGORAMA is amazing. What? I end almost every sentence with an exclamation point? Well its cuz she's that good people! Now go! Go buy all her releases!

CardCaptorMoody 2004-01-28 13:24


Originally Posted by CardCaptorMoody
I don't really have a couple of artists that i follow other than Utada Hikaru since she has such a hummble and gentle voice. Other than that, i usualy just listen to individual songs that appeal to me.

Edit: Well since no one has mentioned her, Mika Nakashima is also a fairly good artist. Her voice isn't the greatest but her songs have a nice vibe to them.

I just feelt that i should transfer my reply (whith out changing it) from the dead thread since i was the only one that justified and explaned why i like Hikki and Mika.

Just remembered that i also like EE Jump. I haven't really got to know them since i can't find their cds ANYWHERE, so i have only heard/seen (music videos) 4 of their songs, and from what i saw, i liked. They kind of have a fresh feel to them. One of the main vocalists also swiches from a popish sounding voice to a opera sounding voice, which is kind of interesting and it blends in well with the rest of the song. If any of you stumble along one of their CDs when you are looking around on the internet, plz pm me the url. I hate liking unique things, i can never find them :sad:

Edit: added EE Jump to the 'list'

Chiaki Nozomi 2004-01-28 20:59


Originally Posted by CardCaptorMoody

Just remembered that i also like EE Jump. I haven't really got to know them since i can't find their cds ANYWHERE, so i have only heard/seen (music videos) 4 of their songs, and from what i saw, i liked.
Edit: added EE Jump to the 'list'

You want more EE JUMP, you need to get SONIM, the female singer. You see, EE JUMP is no longer with us. What happened? Let's just say it involves the boy and a strip club. :nono: Yes, the twelve (?) year old boy was caught in a stip club. I say the boy because his name slips my mind. ^^;;; My man knows how to pimp the ladies though.... ^^;;;
[edit] Sonim's contract recently expired, so I don't know what's going to happen to her. She's an indie artist now until someone else signs her. She used to be part of a small company that H!P owns. EE JUMP never released a CD because, well, they broke up before one could be made!

[edit] To keep this more in topic, here's another artist, and I agree with CCMoody -

Mika Nakashima Her latest cd, LOVE, is spectacular. From the jazz influenced 'Love Addict' to the simple and melodic 'Yuki no Hana', she delivers a solid album. Well, it doesn't help that all the tracks but two were singles. :P Nevertheless, a strong album. Most of the songs lean on the slow side, so I wouldn't reccommend her to those who don't like chillin to their tunes. :P Although, when she performs live, I keep thinking she's going to die because she starts swaying and crouching closer and closer to the ground.... :heh:

Kenji 2004-01-29 09:21

X Japan I love their ballads. I like it a lot this kind of music. That's why my other fav Jrock band i Concerto Moon
And in Jpop I like Megumi Ogata, Masami Okui and Hamasaki

Tboz 2004-01-29 09:23


Anyway, I used to love Siam Shade and I still love them now (disbanded). They are not a visual group, but their songs are defintely hard rock though sometimes chirpy happy too. There is Hideki's raging vocals, Junji 's mad drummings, Natin on solid bass, Kazuma the leader on backup and not to forget, Diata on guitar absolutely rocks.

I would recommend everything by them, but these are my favourites, especially Triptych which is a masterpiece.
-Lovesick you don't know
-1/3 no Junjou na Kanjou
-Bloody Train
-Love Vampire
-Tears I Cried
-Triptych (Instrumental)
Sway, I hate repeating the 3rd time. No offense, but I think you are going a little overboard in your moderating. Please relax abit. I am reposting my last reply like CardCaptorMoody as I believe I have explained why I like my favourite band. If you don't like what you see, say it in the threads please, closing the thread isn't the best way to sort things out. To make it clearer, I have bold the relevant explainations. :)

Anyway, its quite ironic that Sonim (or Sonin?) herself has gone on down the sex object route considering what had happened to Goto Yuuki. I must say I'm quite fond of her as she seems quite hot, her voice is decent for a pop idol and I repeat again she is quite hot. A pity I have yet to see her famous MVs. :heh:

Anyone heard of Fayray? Some of you might have seen her in Love 2000, but she's rather low profile and I think not many people know about her. Her style is much like Misia, Yoshida Miwa(DCT) and Nakashima Mika meaning she sings R&B and soul. Her voice is not as distinct as the aforementioned artists but there is an emotional quality in it that touched me never like before. Its not easily to describe, but I can feel them and I love her voice for that. If you don't believe me, check out her songs Baby If and Tears. :)

megazone23 2004-01-29 11:16

I haven't listened to a great variety of Jpop yet...
I guess Utada Hikaru and Ayumi Hamasaki (even though every other disc that she gets out is a REMIX... which has gotten pretty annoying because there's so many remixes of everything she sings)
As for bands, I like X-Japan the most (even though I'm not a big fan... their music is pretty nice) Not that I've listened to a lot of different bands, but X-Japan's made the biggest impression on me. (but some of their songs are kind of.... umm.... long?)

Akumeru 2004-01-29 12:19

wow ok my favorit artist is Ayumi Hamasaki...... but thats only because she is my cousin......wait have any of you ever herd of her?????? she did a end theme for Inuyasha and various other animes... I just moved to the United States last month and I was wandering if asian artest were as popular over here as they are back home.

AzNKiDoOo2 2004-01-30 08:50


Originally Posted by Akumeru
wow ok my favorit artist is Ayumi Hamasaki...... but thats only because she is my cousin......wait have any of you ever herd of her?????? she did a end theme for Inuyasha and various other animes... I just moved to the United States last month and I was wandering if asian artest were as popular over here as they are back home.

My Fav is Ayumi Hamasaki and Gackt. Alittle Hyde but not much. =P
she Does Release Alot of Remix O_o..
Well would u rather have a SINGLE With Orignal Mix and The Instrumental one thats it? so i guess Adding a few remix don't hurt =P

Jin 2004-02-01 23:39

Mines would be a toss-up between T.M. Revolution and Takashi Sorimachi (plays Eikichi Onizuka in live action version of GTO). Did anyone see this guy in full-time killer? Damn what a cool guy.

Tboz 2004-02-02 06:34

T.M.Revolution, another one that I happen to like. Some says his music are repetitive and others dislike his dressup. Overall I find his rock/pop/techno sound to be quite cool and he sure has a pretty powerful voice and nice vibrato. Incidently, he was the second Japanese artist (first was Siam Shade :p) that made me part my money for the imported album. Anyway, I always thought his songs are just perfect for space anime OP. :heh:

Hannah's_Knight 2004-02-02 08:13

I can't believe that nobody has mentioned Dir en Grey yet!!
The kings of all that is Visual Kei.
If you haven't heard them yet, PM me, we'll chat about them ^.^

diabolistic 2004-02-04 00:14

Watched the Bump of Chicken music video for 'Sailing Day,' and i was hooked to their music..

Yes, their music is a little predictable..
Yes, they bare similarities to the pillows..
YES, they stick to major chords in many of their songs..

but the deliverance is awesome, not as soft as Mr. Children, yet not as fast as Pillows.. they are a perfect blend of Japanese "punk" rock and pop. their tunes are really refressing as well.. always upbeat and happy, never a dull moment in their songs. they also stray from using sound effects and voice-altering machinations that many japanese (and a majority of asian) artists incorporate into their music.. giving them that 'garage band' feel that has become so popular both in north america and japan.

Sushilicious 2004-02-09 23:47


whooo.. kenji's tha mayn, f'sho.

Xenocraze 2004-02-10 02:18

TWO-MIX!! She's the best Jpop artist I've heard yet. Her songs just bring me to life. I don't understand everything she says, but I understand some of it. The lyrics may not be the best, but most of the Americans that listen don't care, so meh. The rhythm and beat will latch onto you though. It's very catchy once you start listening. I've been listening to her for four and a half years, and it's not getting any older. :)

Kyoji 2004-02-10 03:23

The Mad Capsule Markets - I LOVE THEM :heh: they are my favourite jrock band and there is something about their music that i love, i could (and do) listen to them all day without getting bored, i managed to see them live twice when they played here and it just made me love them more :)
i can't wait for their new album!!!!!!!

*runs off to listen to them*

Griffith 2004-02-10 03:25

Namie Amuro is one of my current favorites. I first heard her music through Inuyasha and it inspired me to hear more of her. She's equally good at slow songs as she is pop/rap/rock sounds.

M00gle 2004-02-15 08:01

hmmm... hard to choose, Utada Hikaru or Ayumi Hamasaki... Ayumi r0xx0rs.

koki_2706 2004-02-15 08:18

How come nobody mentioned the rock band The Brilliant Green?? I absolutely love the lead vocalist Tomoko Kawase's (or Tommy, as she is affectionately known) melancholy vocals and they write some of the catchiest tunes i've ever heard. Frankly speaking, I dont know why they are not very popular in Japan, whereas it is the other way round outside the country...

On the other hand, if you like Tommy only, she has an alternative personality known as Tommyfebruary6. Strangely, compared to TBG, Tommyfebruary6 sings neo-80s tunes, which may be off putting for some people...

Copy Ninja 2004-02-16 19:39

Dragon Ash (their more rap type songs)Fantasia, etc...

Maximum the Hormone (funky as hell and punkish too)

and newcommers

Orange Range...their whole album rocks!

those are just the top 3 lists here so i'll leave it at 3.

OkitaSoshiX 2004-02-17 04:09

My current favorite artist is Gackt

Best songs:
-Kimi no Tame ni Dekiru koto
-Kimi ga oikaketa Yume
-Asrun Dream
-Seki Rei
-Tsuki no Uta

I used to like Siam Shade and L'arc en Ciel But Siam and L'arc are both Disbanded and Hyde's vocal is great but his music isn't that good.

Bubblemunche 2004-02-28 06:28

I'm a staunch fan of The Brilliant Green too ;) First heard of them way back in 1999 after watching Over Time (they did the theme song and another), and was inspired enough to get their album Terra 2001 (ROCKS!!!)

They aint' popular in Japan? Surprising!! To me, they're like among the freshest sounds to come from Japan! Fresh rock with a hint of melancholy, that's how I'll describe them ;)

Vicious 2004-02-28 12:14

I'm really surprised no one mentioned Laruku yet. Well, my favorites are:

Asian Kung-fu Generation: relatively new band. I love the kind of music they play (something like punk rock). All their songs are awesome, but I'd say my favorites are Song of Blue; Kimi to Iu Hana; Natsu no Hi, Zanzou; Sunny Day and Compass. People may know them by their song Haruka Kanata, which was the song used for Naruto's second opening.

Laruku (L'Arc~en~Ciel): pretty much my favorite Jpop/Jrock band ever. I like the majority of their songs, Hyde's vocals are perfect. Their style varies all the time- heavy songs (like The Nepenthes) to slow ballads (like Winter Fall) which are my favorites. I like almost all the songs, but I'd say my favorites are Winter Fall; Stay Away; All Year Around Falling in Love; Driver's High; Ibara no Namida; Ready Steady Go; Love Flies; Neo Universe; Perfect Blue; Time Slip and Spirit Dreams Inside :D

Hyde: I'd also like to mention Hyde's solo carrer, which I like very much too. The songs are a heavier than Laruku (his solo carrer is kind of japanese heavy metal), but they're awesome. His 666 solo album is just perfect. My favorite songs would be Fruit of Chaos; Hello; White Song and Shining Over You.

sumo 2004-03-03 18:01

hey i say asian kung fu generation is the best, I may be new to the japanese music but i love thier music........Oh by the way does anyone know where i can download the opening to condor hero .......I know it sound a little goofy but i gat hooked on the opening song and the girl crying in the river.....I hve the asian khun fu generation cd and i cant put it down its grrrrrrrrreat!

Mcdonalds 2004-03-05 19:31

don't think we're allowed to post where to d/l it from, but the band is called nor

azumi_naruto 2004-03-08 21:28


Mcdonalds 2004-03-11 13:43

don't really know any japanese Rock bands, but from what i've heard so far, THE PILLOWS (band that did FLCL soundtrack) is my favourite atm

DooMRenZokuKen 2004-03-12 00:22

I can't believe no one has said <b> Dir En Grey</b>!!
They have such awesome style and they're music is just way cool. It's Japanese Hardcore, pretty dark.
Also, there are two bands coming here, Birushanah and Shot Each, has anyone ever heard of them?

llama 2004-03-14 21:05

Megumi Hayashibara is definitely my favorite. She can sing in a number of different styles and plus she's done just about everything! Her voice is distinct too. Also most of her music is happy and upbeat and listening to it puts me in a good mood. ^_^

I also really like Utada Hikaru. She's got good songs in both English and Japanese! And her English is actually understandable. :heh:

moo-chan 2004-03-15 01:16

Well..i have alot of favorite j-pop bands or artists but i cant really remember alot of them right now...-^_^-;; At the moment my favorites are Megumi Hayashibara, Namie Amuro, Hikaru Utada, The Pillows, Gackt, BoA, and V6 -^_^-

CerealKiller 2004-03-30 14:58

I'm not really into an artist, but Hitomi drew my attention lately, she's got some very good songs.
EDIT: ow jeah, kanei tanaka is the best composer imo

animedudematt 2004-03-30 15:41

Seatbelts - They did all the Cbebop music and Cbebop has the best music ever whether u like or dislike anime no one can say the music is bad, there mix of rock, jazz and the blues was great.

Yoko kano - She is just a great composer.

Hotaru 2004-03-30 22:08

Rightnow, Dir en grey - THE FINAL is my fav.

LoveHinaOtaku 2004-04-03 01:19

I'm sorry for this.. But I have to post alot lol...

Malice Mizer : I have to list them first as they were my addiction to jrock.. long live mana-sama (^^) I love their work when Gackt was in and when it was ended with Klaha.. (Not during Tetsu's time.. he just suckd -_-) The music would vary greatly from one track to another..

Pierrot : I like them because they are pretty upbeat.. the songs I like are.. Psychedlic Lover and Bararai no Sekai ( a opening for Getbackers ).. Didn't know they did an opening for an anime til friend told me he heard it from somewhere lol

X - Japan : The fore fathers of Jrock.. They set the standards for Japanese Rock

Dir En Grey : I list it too.. I love the way Kyo sings haha.. Sometimes.. I pretend to be Kyo from the PV of Obscure.. where he vomits and scratches his chest.. and does his famous kicking dance .. Best song I think for me is... Cage ( Kyo face o.o)

Gackt : After he left Malice Mizer.. It was only smart to follow where he was heading.. which was his solo career.. Well him and the band , "Gackt Job". His new music is pop which varies differently from when he was a member of malice mizer... The music gives you a new crisp feeling when hearing for the first time.. The only songs that are kinda jrock resemblance would be.. Lu na and Lust for Blood (IMO)

Klaha: I also followed where this artist was heading when Malice Mizer broke up.. He ended up being like Gackt.. His music was new and interesting.. what I mean is that he started doing pop too.. But the catchy part is that he alos does songs that Gackt wouldn't do or hasn't done yet... such as a Acapella

Kozi: I followed the ex-guitarist of Malice mizer.. and I would have to say.. his music is great.. it may seem distorted at first.. but the music tune is very catchy.. the melody is syncopated and syncronized.. the pitches.. don't vary much so it's easy to remember.. the songs vary in tempo and dynamics .. from a piano to forte.. fortissimo to a pianissimo.. basically crescendos to decrescendo, the tempo.. from an allegro to adagio... the music somehow just blends in.. pretty good I recommend it (Honey Vanity Good^^)

Schwarz Stein: Although they ended just a few weeks ago.. they are the Jrock of Techno lol.. this 2 man band doesn't give up.. and repeats their music with new twists.. Very Great band

Kaggra : Probably the only Jrock band that I know that I can relate to Romantic Period Artists.. As in the idea of their songs coming from Nationalisation, Fantasy, Dream, Nature.. Their music is very .. how do I say... Japanese.. lol What I mean is that it sounds customary ( very custom music, ceremonial is it?)

Moi Dix Mois : The group that Mana has went to.. after the disband of MM.. This band being consisted of 3 people.. has upbeat dark music... most of which derive from latin or german roots i think.. Moi Dix Mois Mean "My ninth month" I think.. Not sure..

Siam Shade : I personally like their style and vocalist.. but it sounds a lil too much like luna sea vocalist haha.. its good music.. upbeat.. and they also did the 3rd ending for kenshin

Hide: I like his music for the upbeat style it has.. he was probably the fastest jrocker i've heard.. kinda hard to keep up with the song DICE.. try to karoake with it while working out (explains the upbeat music addiction).. Go Pink Spyder!

There are other bands that are great.. but will not list for I have similar reasons listed for them.. Now on to Jpop artists (excluding GACKT and KLAHA)

Ayumi Hamasaki : Very nice vocal.. I preferred her older style though.. First japanese song I heard was.. Depend on You.. In the Game.. Thousand Arms.. (^^;;) Her style has changed alot though.. Her voice became a lil more squeeky.. (You can notice this if you compare the old Depend on You to the A-Best : Depend on You [the remake of it]). The good upbeat songs that I will always favor are Evolution and Naturally.

Hitomi Shimatani: Seems to have good traditional pop music, nice and upbeat (well some). I personally like Perseus, I listen to this song when Playing ragnarok online :P

Ishida Youko : She was the singer of the opening for Ai Yori Aoshi, but is a pop star, her voice is great and still reminds me of Aoi for some reason..

T.M. Revolution : The techno guy who made kenshin's ending Heart of Sword and also the person who sang the song Invoke for the opening of Gundam seed, I found him to be great since his music videos made no sense to what was in the lyrics of the song Haha. But seemed interesting for that

Yup I won't post anymore since Administration will get mad at me for typing too long.. Sorry!! Mouwashi waki arimasen

tenshiboy 2004-08-27 12:11

You know nothing about EE Jump!
First of all you really know nothing about EE Jump! Your message made me really angry!
The name of the male meber was Yuki, and don't say so stupid things about him!!!
Yuki was on the time he graduate 16 years old! He is now 18! I know that, because I met him this summer in Toyko and became good friends with him and his family. He is a really nice guy! I never met a friendly guy like him!
so please don't say so stupid things about him!
And EE Jump has right now 6th singles and 1 Album! Sonim has 5 Singles and 1 Album, so you really know nothing. You can go and check out the singles on

stupid fool! :topicoff: :fingers:


Originally Posted by Chiaki Nozomi
You want more EE JUMP, you need to get SONIM, the female singer. You see, EE JUMP is no longer with us. What happened? Let's just say it involves the boy and a strip club. :nono: Yes, the twelve (?) year old boy was caught in a stip club. I say the boy because his name slips my mind. ^^;;; My man knows how to pimp the ladies though.... ^^;;;
[edit] Sonim's contract recently expired, so I don't know what's going to happen to her. She's an indie artist now until someone else signs her. She used to be part of a small company that H!P owns. EE JUMP never released a CD because, well, they broke up before one could be made!

[edit] To keep this more in topic, here's another artist, and I agree with CCMoody -

Mika Nakashima Her latest cd, LOVE, is spectacular. From the jazz influenced 'Love Addict' to the simple and melodic 'Yuki no Hana', she delivers a solid album. Well, it doesn't help that all the tracks but two were singles. :P Nevertheless, a strong album. Most of the songs lean on the slow side, so I wouldn't reccommend her to those who don't like chillin to their tunes. :P Although, when she performs live, I keep thinking she's going to die because she starts swaying and crouching closer and closer to the ground.... :heh:

Leo_Otaku 2004-08-27 12:17


Originally Posted by Tboz
T.M.Revolution, another one that I happen to like. Some says his music are repetitive and others dislike his dressup. Overall I find his rock/pop/techno sound to be quite cool and he sure has a pretty powerful voice and nice vibrato. Incidently, he was the second Japanese artist (first was Siam Shade :p) that made me part my money for the imported album. Anyway, I always thought his songs are just perfect for space anime OP. :heh:

I agree with you on T.M :)

I also love
Fairy Fore: They did songs for FF:U, and Devil Children. They sound so diffrent in their vocals. They remind me of Billy Talent. Thier music is also nothing what I have ever heard before. It is truly awesome :)

I love many other like I've and so forth

Oujirou 2004-08-27 12:31

T.M. Revolution like a few other are saying ^_^ Personally I think Zips is one of their best songs, right up there next to the Gundam SEED Best Collection songs.

Second in line to T.M. Revolution to me would have to be Yoko Kanno. Just listening to the music got me interested in Wolf's Rain and GitS ^_^

Chiaki Nozomi 2004-08-27 14:14


Originally Posted by tenshiboy
First of all you really know nothing about EE Jump! Your message made me really angry!
The name of the male meber was Yuki, and don't say so stupid things about him!!!
Yuki was on the time he graduate 16 years old! He is now 18! I know that, because I met him this summer in Toyko and became good friends with him and his family. He is a really nice guy! I never met a friendly guy like him!
so please don't say so stupid things about him!
And EE Jump has right now 6th singles and 1 Album! Sonim has 5 Singles and 1 Album, so you really know nothing. You can go and check out the singles on

stupid fool! :topicoff: :fingers:

Whoa. Calm down. Seriously. I get ennerved when people start ranting off like that online.

First off, notice the (?) mark. It means that I was unsure of the information on the age.

Regardless, EE Jump is dead. Thier album was never released. It's listed as 'cancelled' everywhere. So while an album was planned, it was never techinically released. Also, all their songs are out of print. You can hardly call that being alive. And, on that link you so lovingly gave us, a mention of Sonim being on an EE Jump album is mysteriously missing. Mysteriously, they also stop releasing stuff after the sixth single. :hmm:

Yes, Sonim is still releasing singles, but she is not signed with any label currently. Her managing company, Harmony Promotions, is releasing her stuff if I remember correctly. In fact, she's releasing a new single in October (or was it September...^^;) called "Jigsaw Puzzle" with a c/o song "I love You" sung in Korean. So, Sonim has six singles and not five.

And really, you've met Yuki's family? Cuz really, I'm not going to believe any of that until you show some proof. I know some people who would be interested as well, especially those who are fans of his sister.

For those who don't like Japanese, here's an excellent english Sonim site run by Shidoshi. I've linked to her profile/discography page. So Very Sonim

Also, here's her official homepage from Harmony.

tenshiboy 2004-08-28 06:37

Hello again
Sorry, I think I was a little to hard to you :( . It's because he became a very good friend to me, one of my best and he is a very nice guy private so I got very angry :frustrated: .
Yes sure I met Yuki and his Family this summer. I also met Maki there. It doesn't matter to me if you believe or not, I have also pictures, but I can't show you them. They will got in trouble if I will show. Sorry.
But the nicest person I met in Japan was defenitly Yuki's and Maki's mother, she is very kind!

See ya, bye


Originally Posted by Chiaki Nozomi
Whoa. Calm down. Seriously. I get ennerved when people start ranting off like that online.

First off, notice the (?) mark. It means that I was unsure of the information on the age.

Regardless, EE Jump is dead. Thier album was never released. It's listed as 'cancelled' everywhere. So while an album was planned, it was never techinically released. Also, all their songs are out of print. You can hardly call that being alive. And, on that link you so lovingly gave us, a mention of Sonim being on an EE Jump album is mysteriously missing. Mysteriously, they also stop releasing stuff after the sixth single. :hmm:

Yes, Sonim is still releasing singles, but she is not signed with any label currently. Her managing company, Harmony Promotions, is releasing her stuff if I remember correctly. In fact, she's releasing a new single in October (or was it September...^^;) called "Jigsaw Puzzle" with a c/o song "I love You" sung in Korean. So, Sonim has six singles and not five.

And really, you've met Yuki's family? Cuz really, I'm not going to believe any of that until you show some proof. I know some people who would be interested as well, especially those who are fans of his sister.

For those who don't like Japanese, here's an excellent english Sonim site run by Shidoshi. I've linked to her profile/discography page. So Very Sonim

Also, here's her official homepage from Harmony.

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