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Klashikari 2008-10-04 13:22

Code Geass R2 - Overall Series Impressions & Total Series Rating
This thread is to be used for discussing the entire 25 episodes of Code Geass R2... your thoughts about the show, overall impressions, speculation on the possible DVD only bonus episodes, etc., etc…

A few subjects you might want to ramble on about:
  • General impression of the series.
  • Opinions on the overall story, writing & plot devices.
  • Thoughts about the animation quality.
  • Will there be additional DVD only episodes and what will they contain.
  • Characters/Character Design
  • What the show meant to you.
  • What could the creators/animators/writers could have done better.
And so on.

The poll represents your total series rating. In other words, how you would rate all the episodes combined (1-10)? If you'd rather rate the whole series by technical/artistic merits, you can do so. An example:

Animation Quality: 1-10
Voice Actors: 1-10
Script: 1-10
Editing: 1-10

Average = Total Series Rating

Or a combination of the two. Or your general gut feeling.

bladeofdarkness 2008-10-04 13:29

first in
up until ep 19 i was ready to name this show my fav of all time
but the last arc spoiled it for me (and the panultimate one was a NGE ripoff)
the last ep saved the show or me
but it had to save it becouse it was going downhill for a few eps before
all and all 8/10
which sucks becouse it could have been 10 /10 with ease if it didnt nose dive after ep 19 (which was as far as im concenred the high point of the show)

Shuuda 2008-10-04 13:50

I gave it a total of 9/10, I very much enjoyed watching the show. I loved the characters, the mech designs, the plot, the action. There were parts which could have been handled better, such as the whole Charles and Bitch storyline in 20 and 21. But overall, a brilliant piece of work.

LustfulEnvy 2008-10-04 13:57


Originally Posted by Klashikari (Post 1961329)
This thread is to be used for discussing the entire 25 episodes of Code Geass R2... your thoughts about the show, overall impressions, speculation on the possible DVD only bonus episodes, etc., etc…

A few subjects you might want to ramble on about:
  • General impression of the series.
  • Opinions on the overall story, writing & plot devices.
  • Thoughts about the animation quality.
  • Will there be additional DVD only episodes and what will they contain.
  • Characters/Character Design
  • What the show meant to you.
  • What could the creators/animators/writers could have done better.
And so on.

The poll represents your total series rating. In other words, how you would rate all the episodes combined (1-10)? If you'd rather rate the whole series by technical/artistic merits, you can do so. An example:

Animation Quality: 1-10
Voice Actors: 1-10
Script: 1-10
Editing: 1-10

Average = Total Series Rating

Or a combination of the two. Or your general gut feeling.

Animation: 10
You have to admit. This anime is beautiful! Lots of work goes to detailing the characters and environment.

Voice Acting: 10 The voice actors in Code Geass get into their character wonderfully. They also complement the characters very well in terms to emotion and character situations.

Scripting: 9 Uses numerous plot twists that change the storyline. The dialougue is well devoloped.
Editing: 9 The plot twists are transitioned very Well enough to fit in with plot that its charcters motives believable.

9.5 The character devolopment and plot twists won me over! These series never fails to surprise. The characters (even the minor) go into great detail. I have also favored the small sprinkles of romance in Code Geass.

White Manju Bun 2008-10-04 13:57

Animation Quality: 7 - Most of it was pretty good but I still hate the way the characters profiles looked. Fight animation quality was alot better.
Voice Actors: 9 - FukuJun and TakaSaku are two of my all time favs, I cant picture Lulu and Suza in any other voice
Script: 8 - Not as good as R1 but since I considered most of it a dramatic train wreck, it delievered for being wildly entertaining up to the very end
Editing: 8 - hmmm not usually something I judge an anime on but I thought it was pretty good.

Overall atleast an 8/10 total, I liked R1 a bit better but R2 delievered where it needed to. It kept me guessing most of the time although sometimes I thought it was freaking obvious what was gonna happen. It tugged at my heart strings, it made me laugh and face palm at the same time. Not the best anime ever but again wildily entertaining to the end. :)

Revolutionist 2008-10-04 14:06

I'm very picky when it comes to anime, and there are very few series that have managed to capture my attention like this one. The first season was absolutely amazing, the story captivated me and kept me wanting more and more. Season two moved onto the bigger stage but even then the staff managed to keep some of the things that made S1 so good, mainly the double life aspect of some of the characters. Voice acting I think was excellent, specially Lelouch who really made the separate identities stand out. The sweet brother and normal student, and the ruthless terrorist tactician really stood out because of the awesome work the voice actor did. The animation quality was good, but what really stood out were the fight sequences, which were all new and unique. There was no stock footage use, and that was a refreshing sight after a certain series left a bad taste in my mouth. The last arc was what kinda turned me off, as it seemed poorly executed. Some plot elements that had been core to the story because they motivated the character turned out to be underwhelming and were "resolved" in one episode...I don't know if this was rushed or if the writers just run out of good ideas, but something just didn't feel right about this last act. Basically my number 1 gripe with everything was that things just happened too fast in a show that had up until then taken its time to develop the story. The last few episodes felt extremely Gundam Seed Destiy-esque in an obviously bad way. Also, the way the ending was handled (ambiguity) left something ot be desired.

Over all it seems as if this series could've used a third season so that every element of the story could be developed without rushing things at the end. Flaws in the last arc is what keeps this from being a Perfect 10. The first 25 episodes were definitely worthy of a 10, but R2 brings that down to an 8.5-9/10.

Worriors1 2008-10-04 14:20

Animation Quality: 8
It had it's.. Not right moments. But it was fine overall. (Recall the 'high quality' pictures?) It was just parts weren't as fluid as they felt like they should be.

Voice Actors: 9
I did like alot of the voice actors, but a few bugged me from time to time to be honest. I can't pick them off the top of my head, but to be honest, I really hated Charles's and Marrianne's voice actors.

Script: 8
The China Arc felt.. Useless to me for some reason. I mean, yes it proved important.. Way later in the story. The character's words were fine, but the plot points.. It.. Really messed me up with the jumping between supernatural plots. I mean, some of them just didn't really have a point to waste a full episode on it.

Editing: 9
Editing was fine. I don't really know what counts as editing, but whatever it is, Code Geass passed.

Average = 8 1/2, it wasn't the best show in the world, and compared to some that I've seen.. It doesn't quite beat them. But it was fine and deserves a watch, nonetheless.

Kaioshin Sama 2008-10-04 15:00

I decided an 8/10 was fair for this show. I've been a big proponent of it, but even I had my episodes and characters that I just didn't like. Trainwreck that made no sense though? No way! Overall it's been one of the more enjoyable series I've seen over the last couple of years, though it's probably not going to get into my top 10 personal favourite list.

I also wouldn't mind seeing some form of sidestory or OVA in the near future if they can find a way to make it work. In a way I'm happy that this is the end because of the tough times I had while blogging it (It was a bit of a time leech and the result of a lasting insomnia), but I'm also kind of sad because I really will miss the good times I had while watching it. Funny how that works.

dec4rhapsody 2008-10-04 15:10

Awesome mechas.
Pretty chara.designs.
Hard working seiyuu-tachi.

Story went out of control.
Horribly distorted faces.
Ending saved the day.

Charred Knight 2008-10-04 15:25

Since its only for Code Geass R2: 6/10

The reasons while its plot is solid and it has a good ending that's about it.

It fails to capitalize on the first season (for this a gave it a harsh penalty)
The show had sequences of horrible planning (when did it seem like a good idea to steal ideas from Gundam Seed Destiny).
The entire cast has horrible character development except for about 5 people (compare that to even the anime version of FMA)
The lack of ambition, season 1 challenged Tomino and his reign on real mecha and the second season chickens out on that.
Not enough new mecha (stop upgrading two suits)
Nothing that blows my mind
Removal of Unique mecha combat, for combat straight out of GSD (another large penalty)

The good points
Good ending but it becomes bad if a sequel is made
Excellent animation as expected from my favorite Studio.
Lelouch was a unique character

In comparison to other mecha series

Giant Robo 10/10 (Best Mecha series ever)
G Gundam: 9/10
Turn A Gundam: 9/10
Gundam 0080 9/10
Zeta Gundam 8/10
Vandread both seasons 8/10
Code Geass season 1 8/10
Mobile Suit Gundam 8/10
Wing Gundam 7/10
Gundam 0083 7/10
08th MS Team 6/10

Terrestrial Dream 2008-10-04 15:26

I give a solid 8. It was a great show and fun to watch. And each episode had cliff-hanger to make it interesting and it did work for most of the time. The start of the show was probably the best part as I was really excited for every episode. The mech action in the beginning was pretty good and I did like Guren with float system, also Zangetsu, Shinkrou, Vincent, and Shenhu were also cool too. But for some reason through the middle of the series it began to lose the spark, the mech action became bit boring and the story kinda felt static. And by near the end of the show the story felt really rushed and the battles became really boring as it just became one sided. However the ending was nice especially with the death of Lelouch, which was a redemption for Lelouch.
Though the most disappointing about this show was that it had potential to be really great but it was just too rushed. Especially considering there were those two damn fan-service episodes, within those two episode I think it could have been better. The other disappointment was the characters such as Gino, Anya, and Mariane, who could have been developed more or portrayed better.
In the end it was a fun show :).

hero147 2008-10-04 15:32

Awesome and memorable anime for the years to come for me! 9.5, since I enjoyed the ride a whole lot

Megacrash Gr 2008-10-04 15:36

I liked it so much....................Perfect 10.

Charred Knight 2008-10-04 15:39


Originally Posted by hero147 (Post 1961628)
Awesome and memorable anime for the years to come for me! Perfect 10, since I enjoyed the ride a whole lot

You wanna back it up with some reasons?

For example for Giant Robo I gave it a perfect 10

Excellent animation
a plot twist that dropped my jaw
characters who dropped my jaw
the most unique powers I have ever seen
the last two episodes where awesome concentrated
a man who challenged the eye of Volger to a fist fight
Reason was thrown out giving us some of the above
The most unique concept I have ever seen
One of the saddest endings I have ever seen
Every character was an uber badass who ran on pure awesomeness
Black Ox

Magin 2008-10-04 15:40

well, I wouldn't ever watch this show again, far too tragic for my tastes. But, after having seen it, I'm going to have to give this an 8/10

Did I like it? In the beginning, yes. But as character deaths, especially of ones I liked, started mounting up, and the way it ended, I can say I no longer like it, but I suppose it was a unique ride

I still haven't entirely gotten over the ending...

Kaioshin Sama 2008-10-04 15:42


Originally Posted by Charred Knight (Post 1961645)
You wanna back it up with some reasons?

For example for Giant Robo I gave it a perfect 10

Excellent animation
a plot twist that dropped my jaw
characters who dropped my jaw
the most unique powers I have ever seen
the last two episodes where awesome concentrated
a man who challenged the eye of Volger to a fist fight
Reason was thrown out giving us some of the above
The most unique concept I have ever seen
One of the saddest endings I have ever seen
Every character was an uber badass who ran on pure awesomeness
Black Ox

The ending was also more open-ended then anything Code Geass R2 had to offer. It looked like they were going to start a whole new story arc and then BOOM over. Anyway.....wrong thread.

incorrupts 2008-10-04 16:39

I'll give it a 9/10 only cause sometime the animation was..meh.
Other than this, charas development, pacing {though sometimes rushed}, background music etc. were on a high level.

This show shall be remembered, too far amazing for words.

Klashikari 2008-10-04 17:30

Code Geass stirred a lot of reactions and praises for its bold plot and especially Lelouch's character.
The first season managed to get quite entertaining. Is the second season the proper sequel for CG? My answer below.

1) Image Quality:

Sakuga and animation
Even if I'm used to CLAMP character design, I must admit that Code Geass has often shown many exaggerated facial distorsions that almost reminded me of these atrocious ones from Higurashi first season. In a way, while it managed to give some charisma for many characters, it was extremely whacky at times (especially Lelouch's mouth, which its limits can even reach the edge of his jaw).
Faces aside, I must admit that Kallen's bust size was downright scary in many occasions... her breasts weren't exactly stable and could jump from D-cup to G cup between 2 episodes (I'm especially referring to the period she is abducted by the Empire)

The Animation doesn't have much to be criticized about, but Sakuga itself can be very debatable in the course of the second season. I will most likely mention Episode 15, with Charles having an EXTREMELY whacky character design, while Lelouch got oversimplified for many scenes.

Of course, such syndrome occurs in various episodes, but it isn't a major fault that would affect much the series itself. However, it is kinda questionable to see how it can go VERY wrong at times.

2) Sound Quality:

2.1 Voice Actors
I think this department for Code Geass is nothing to argue: they do have a lot of charismatic voice actors, especially Fukuyama and Wakomoto for their performances for respectively Lelouch and Charles.
Of course, if you add Yukana's alluring voice for C.C. and Nakata's usual "nonchalance" for Diethard, it does show how they didn't go wrong with the seiyuu.

Though I would argue that some of the voices were kinda average (Rivalz's, V.V's, etc), it is rather because they are rather too "normal and plain" in comparison with the guest stars already.

2.2 Opening / Ending
I will be quite short, but... I really didn't like much of these OP and ED at all. Granted, they weren't as bad as the first season second OP, I must say that almost none really gave me the "proper" vibes for the franchise.

2.3 BGM
Most of the ones used for Britannia were quite nice (chorus, quite the noble and military sides), while few mystic tracks (notably for C.C.) were quite good. However, the rest is pretty much too "discrete". Of course, one might argue that it prevents the tracks being invasive, but it also dampens the possible "pumped up" effect for certain key scenes.


3) Script:

3.1 Characters:
This point of the series is arguably shaky to be quite honest. As far as I can critic, the biggest problem for Code Geass is actually to portray a real evolution aside for our main tandem, Lelouch and Suzaku.

Lelouch was infact the most consistent character of the franchise: despite his lies and his "necessary evilness", he could prevent himself to set himself astray. One would expect him to be contradictory to his main objective, but there wasn't much possibility to use shortcuts or whatnot considering the trial.

This is quite a contrast with Suzaku who had to go on "trial-and-error" considering how his loyalty could only match the "winning" side, until he finally was able to attain the "best option", which was granted by Lelouch.

Now, the "bad" side of the characterization lies with the other characters, mainly the "antagonists" that didn't exactly earn well this title.
Charles was first portrayed as a totally ruthless regent, who could care less of his offsprings. Many times, he was shown doing some shady stuff with elements related to the Geass cult and the World of C. But then, as he is trying to outsmart Schneizel's plan, it is finally revealed that Charles tried in a very bad way (kinda similar to the Seele from Evangelion) to bring peace for his children.
This stirred a lot of debates, and personally, I couldn't swallow this switched description as it is literally a curve ball. Even if I can accept characters having a personal agenda, I'm really not keen to accept such switching role, especially if all odds proved otherwise (sending Nunally and Lelouch as political hostages, ordering Rollo to kill lelouch should the latter regain his memories of Zero, etc). To begin with, why did he use his own son for a mere witch hunt?

Schneizel wasn't exactly a climatic "final boss" either (the term quickly got proved wrong with episode 24). Despite Schneizel was almighty, he lacked a lot of passion or ambition. His objective turned to be extremely plain and didn't exactly match his apparent personality. Worse, it almost seemed a completely nonchalant pass time, a true lack of conviction.

Now, a lot of other characters were completely messed up with their "path". Betrayal, revelation, confession... A lot happened, yet, many characters didn't exactly meet their own expectations and went extremely wild to the point their decisions were pretty much debatable.

Kallen was quite difficult to gauge by the time she departed from Lelouch's side. Despite she is one of the few characters that knew him best, she was absolutely unable to do a decisive choice and went completely on a unreasonable passion. She basically didn't have much personality and almost followed the rest of the black knights.

Speaking of which, these guys were atrociously the helpless sheep. Despite they didn't exactly have an iron steel trust towards Zero, they couldn't do anything without him. Yet it is so unconvincing to see them forgetting everything Lelouch could set for them. The biggest point was how they could get approvement from the Kyoto's leader, despite they were present (which prevents lelouch to actually brainwash him as they would hear his command). This is where the problem lies: they don't have much a real conviction and follow the "dominating" leader that seemed the less evil... they utterly lack of their own judgment, which is proved by Schneizel's manipulation and Diethard's comments.
Kaname Ohgi was probably the most frustrating in the pack, along with Tamaki.

In the end, many characters were just flipping their coin as their conviction wavers quite a LOT. It is highly disappointing that most characters get caught by the tides of events and just shifted according to these, instead of going through the flow.

3.2 Story progression
Code Geass suffered a lot for its extremely shaky pace. At first, the second season was very slow, paying the luxury for having a parallelism with the first season.
However, the story quickly gets completely out of control as soon as the whole ordeal with the Chinese/UNF was set up. It became obviously apparent that the plot isn't going through some proper progression and goes into complete oscillating "spikes" which were the numerous plot twists here and there (Nunally becoming the new governor general, Suzaku/Lelouch, Fleia, etc).

At this point, the plot became a rolling stone, going downwards the hill, completely ignoring the "shortcuts" to the points of many things don't exactly go well with the pacing (for my part, I was s
o unconvinced by the betrayal of the Black Knights). This has been coupled with several ignored matter and times skips that didn't bring well the answers needed (especially how lelouch was able to convince Suzaku in joining him for the coup d'etat, etc).

In the end, after a lot of political puppeting and such, Code Geass rushed its penulimate conclusion with many plot twists that turned the whole deal downright inconsistent, which hurted the characterization a lot (notably the "antagonists", Kallen, Gino etc). Of course, some of them give a proper spice up (Nunally FIRST shifted side, Shirley's death, etc), but too much of them just turned the plot progression into something like a mere question of "how Code Geass will surprise me this week?", instead of "what it the story will unfold?".

In short, R2 didn't get its pace right (which wasn't anything better due of the fillers, especially the Love Attack, episode 12), and completely doesn't match the proper "theatral yet intriguing and intense" story telling that the first season was able to convey. As result, second season basically gave more what the "fans wanted in their wild speculations" instead of logical and normal story telling, which was sadly detrimental.

That said, the conclusion was appropriate, though "too easy" and rather unconclusive for the whole matter and ideal.


Code Geass was ambitious... well too much for its own good?
I would say yes, though it wasn't all that bad because it managed to be entertaining. However, because of its inherent storytelling, R2 had to deliver several things in a very specific way that did not work in the end, well at least for me.
Perhaps it was because of my expectations, but R2 failed to execute properly the events that would involve the world into a total war.

5/10 - below average

I have rated for myself the first season as 8,5. However, because of the fact R2 was meant to give all the answers (which is absolutely not the case here) and THE conclusion, its value has a bigger impact than the first season, and I would give the franchise a very "fragile" 6/10 in the end. This is basically showing how disappointed I'm.

This "essay" is of course my only opinion, and i don't pretend to get an appreciation more worthy than anyone else's.

Carlos45 2008-10-04 17:33

I'll gave it 9/10

I enjoyed everything about Code Geass, however i thought the whole thing was abit rushed, they should of took their time, and done the ending episodes. I really enjoyed watching this anime, and i reckon it's the best one i've seen.

Shaggy kun 2008-10-04 17:34

Animation: 10 The anime is beautiful! i liked the detailing of the characters and thge, mechs and environment.

Voice Acting: 10 The voice actors are awesome in Code Geass they make the character.

Scripting: 9.5 i liked the numerous plot twists that makes the story line great.

Editing: 9 Just perfect :D

Strygwyr 2008-10-04 17:40

Animation quality:10 Nice drawings

Voice acting 7.5

Scripting: 1 Its too much easy too predict or lame twist.......... you can imagine what is gonna happen next

ending: 5 S1 was good but in r2 they rushed to the end.

Charred Knight 2008-10-04 17:53


Originally Posted by Klashikari (Post 1961854)

Code Geass was ambitious... well too much for its own good?
I would say yes, though it wasn't all that bad because it managed to be entertaining. However, because of its inherent storytelling, R2 had to deliver several things in a very specific way that did not work in the end, well at least for me.
Perhaps it was because of my expectations, but R2 failed to execute properly the events that would involve the world into a total war.

5/10 - below average

I have rated for myself the first season as 8,5. However, because of the fact R2 was meant to give all the answers (which is absolutely not the case here) and THE conclusion, its value has a bigger impact than the first season, and I would give the franchise a very "fragile" 6/10 in the end. This is basically showing how disappointed I'm.

This "essay" is of course my only opinion, and i don't pretend to get an appreciation more worthy than anyone else's.


Anyone who has ever complained about my ranting and ravings, just look at this, Klashikari, utterly destroyed Code Geass.

I have stated that I feel people are not hard enough, and you hit a home run, that was simply beautiful. I also can't find any real fault with your logic.

They didn't answer a whole lot, and as I stated except for about 5 characters the character development was crap.

While some of it can be blamed on the time change, a lot of it can't, they chose to empasize plot twists over actual story telling, they chose to ignore developing characters, and for that you have a ton of characters you hate.

A 10/10 shouldn't need defending since it should be perfect.

A 10/10 shouldn't have any characters you hate.

A 10/10 shouldn't include the words The Scrappy

A 10/10 shouldn't include the words Rescue from the Scrappy Heap

A 10/10 shouldn't leave you wondering what happened

An example my favorite manga is FMA, and I love every single character, I love the Chimeras, I love the soldiers, I love the plot, I love the villains. They don't have a lot of plot twists, because you don't need plot twists.

For that review you deserve a postive rep

I have given you your postive rep

Kusaja 2008-10-04 18:29


I believe that the plot was brought to a relatively satisfying conclusion in terms of Lelouch's development as a character, and thus at its core the story definitely worked. Pacing problems became a real issue, especially towards the second half of R2, and that did affect the overall flow, but I never really felt lost and most of the necessary steps were taken to keep things focused on Lelouch's story. Still, certain events were dealt with too quickly, in particular the climatic confrontation with Charles and Marianne.

The last arc seemed to feel out of place, but was rehabilitated by the ending, even if unanswered questions and hanging plot threads of varying importance hurt the final result. Then again, I eventually ended up appreciating that the ending gives the viewer the ability to make up his own mind about Lelouch's fate, but I understand that's the kind of thing not everyone will like.


The animation was generally good and, in places, even great. Some frames did lack quality, but not to a bothersome extent. The character designs remained attractive and distinctive enough.

Music and Sound:

Code Geass R2 had good music, and for the most part it was used well within the show itself. The insert songs, in particular, were quite nice.


Lelouch, naturally, carried the show once again, and did so successfully to a certain extent. Suzaku and C.C. played the most important supporting roles, though I'm also one of the few people who would add that Kallen wasn't that mistreated either, and got some attention and closure in her own right. Granted, there were also some problems here and there, so some may find it more disappointing than others, but overall I'm okay with these four characters.

Sounds fine, but what brings down the score then? A huge cast which was mostly misused. The fact that too many secondary or tertiary characters were introduced, without giving them enough weight to stand on. Many of them didn't require too much attention in the first place, I can see that the story works fine regardless, but others, like Marianne and ultimately Schneizel, did seem to demand either more screen time or more convincing motivations.The pacing is also to blame for this, unfortunately, to a certain extent.

Entertainment Value:

Whatever else I may say, Code Geass R2 was an entertaining show, in many different ways, and I do not regret watching it.

All in all, I think R2 kept a lot of the spirit of the original, but stumbled quite a bit in practice, resulting in an enjoyable sequel that could easily have been equal or even better than the original with less characters and better pacing, but wasn't.

Overall: 7/10

Jays 2008-10-04 18:30

Ha really, I don't know how else to say it.

I became far more interested in the characters than the story itself, mainly because I fell in love with this anime during the first season. However, even thought it started out strong, it felt like the second season just wasnt up to par with the first one. This is probably because the focus has been shifted.

While I indeed did enjoy some parts of it, the last third of R2 was rushed, leading me to believe that better planning earlier would have fixed this. For the most part, it almost felt like they had to finish it, rather than they wanted to finish it.

The sense of, you don't know what's going to happen, was replaced by a sense of, how are they gonna make it work, that was the crux of the season.


musume_no_hoshi 2008-10-04 18:39

I already have the Code Geass effect, I keep thinking there's another episode of CG tommorrow...way too used to waiting for Code Geass on a sunday...


While I except better animation from such a popular show, the animation is fine. Althought sometimes the story boarding gets a little off, like Spinzaku and Marianne random high kick.

Although Lelouch mouth looks real odd from time to time, I liked how Sunrise adapted Clamp art style. I prefer Sunrise own drawings compared to Clamp's. Clamp has some funny tastes for Emperor Lelouch...and Suzaku Knight of Zero battle clothes. I'm no expert when it comes to mecha, the mecha looks nice enough to me. But mecha for C.C? At least make it green...

Overall the animation is well done, so 8/10 (If KyoAni is rated 10/10)


Fukamaya Jun as Lelouch is just a perfect match, the speeches done by Zero, the emotional scenes with Lelouch is perfect. Unfortunately, Fukayama Jun can't sing ;P The other seiyuus are perfect. The only once I disliked is V.V.

Nothing is wrong with Code Geass voices, they're all perfect. But one problem I have with Code Geass seiyuus, is that when I hear them from another anime, I end up thinking it's Code Geass. The best example must be Fukayama Jun, when I heard him in Special A...I keep thinking to myself 'Why dont Kei just geass Hikari'. C.C seiyuu, Yukana is currently voicing a character in Soul Eater, and obviously I get reminded by it.

The OST sounds great, with or without Code Geass. R2 OST is definately better then the first season, which in some opinion this might be the only thing that is better then first season.

Sound : 10/10


The story is enough to make me want to know what happen next. The story got really weird after the Wakamoto rocket episode, I just don't understand anything after that. The China arc felt like a waste, despite I quite enjoyed that arc.

The script sometimes is should I put it...interesting? I love how Lelouch said he'll use Rolo like a rag, and then throw him away like one too. But when he told C.C to die with a smile, felt very cliche. The script isn't the most unique, but I feel it does it job.

The ending however, I happy with it. Sunrise did leave a few things open, but I feel if they made a closed might rage the fans even more ^_^''

I'm not the best analyser for storyline and scripts. But there is enough twist to make me want more of it, despite sometimes being quite random. I wouldn't call R2 typical yet, but that might be because I watch other anime that is meant to be cliche.

Story 7/10

Overall, there's actually ALOT of problems when it comes to R2, mainly the twists, plot and character section. But it enough to make fans talk about and definately the most popular anime of the Spring-Autumn anime. It created many memes too (mainly Spinzaku). At the very least, I enjoyed it even with these problems. I would give it an overall 8.

BigGimp77 2008-10-04 18:44

I thought R1 was a very good show. I enjoyed R1 a lot. But saying that....

R2 was a HUGE disappointment.

The Good:
-Good Animation
-Solid VA
-BGM was satisfactory
-I actually liked the ending despite not liking the entire second season.

The Bad:
-The plot was a mess.
-Plot twist, while unpredictable, were far fetched and too frequent
-Character personalities were abused and changed too many times throughout the series. Also they maybe added too many character in this second season.

Honestly, I had actually thought about dropping R2 many times because it became too silly. I couldn't take characters or the plot seriously after half way through the season. It ended up just being a very average watch for me.


Charred Knight 2008-10-04 18:50

Is it just me or are the people voting 10/10 not posting?

What the hell is the point of this thread, if people are just going to vote, and not post reasons. I am glad I am not the only person not voting a 6/10, but I would at least like to see someone defend the thing.

Are they afraid? We won't bite

Worriors1 2008-10-04 18:58

It may be because all of you are posting really awesome reviews and why you think that way..

Heck, I mean, I feel bad now about my short post about why I thought that way.

They might be scared of being bashed or something for their short reviews.

Eh, dunno..

Charred Knight 2008-10-04 19:04


Originally Posted by Worriors1 (Post 1962000)
It may be because all of you are posting really awesome reviews and why you think that way..

Heck, I mean, I feel bad now about my short post about why I thought that way.

They might be scared of being bashed or something for their short reviews.

Eh, dunno..

When I read Klashikari review I felt bad that my review looked like crap, but I just want to see some debate.

If you look at the poll (overwhelmingly postive) and compare it to the thread (a wide range, with negative getting suprisingly good results), I just want to see someone explain to me why they voted 10/10 or 9/10.

Strygwyr 2008-10-04 19:08


Originally Posted by Charred Knight (Post 1961988)
Is it just me or are the people voting 10/10 not posting?

What the hell is the point of this thread, if people are just going to vote, and not post reasons. I am glad I am not the only person not voting a 6/10, but I would at least like to see someone defend the thing.

Are they afraid? We won't bite

Yo stop........................if they don't want to post then let them be.

Worriors1 2008-10-04 19:08


Originally Posted by Charred Knight (Post 1962013)
When I read Klashikari review I felt bad that my review looked like crap, but I just want to see some debate.

If you look at the poll (overwhelmingly postive) and compare it to the thread (a wide range, with negative getting suprisingly good results), I just want to see someone explain to me why they voted 10/10 or 9/10.

I kind of do too, but I fear something really bad might happen. I mean, bad debates were on alot of threads and.. Yeah..

Let's not promote it, :heh:

It's entertaining to watch... For a while atleast..:heh:

ApostleOfGod 2008-10-04 19:24

10/10 Script, Editing, VA
9/10 Anime Quality

I may be a booster compared to a lot of the posters here, but I think we can all agree that CG was unbelievably entertaining. All these people who say "it was a bit entertaining" or "meh, it lost its touch halfway", I know y'all was set up with your popcorn and drinks to the left, Tv set to perfect volume, and a comfortable position to enjoy the show which CG provided each week. That's not "decent entertainment". That's Good entertainment.

Scripting... Was brilliant. Yes, there were Lots of plot twists, Lots of things that were not necessarily cleared, but that's the thing. It shouldn't necessarily bother us to the end. You know, when I was watching Lulu get stabbed, and the whole operation of Zero Requiem happening, I wasn't sitting at my monitor, thinking, "Hmm.. Will C.C.'s real name be mentioned soon?" No. I let myself enjoy the show for what it is. I tell you, I've watched a lot of animes up till now, and Code Geass has been an extraordinary ride. No doubt this is true. It was intense, it brought the fans the excitement they needed. You can't have everything anyways. And with the scripting comes Editing, which was well done too, considering all of the commotion at early season and pre season.

VA was perfection - I can't speak for the entirety of the two seasons - I don't remember every scene and voice acting - but I can say that every moment of CG I can remember had splendid voices which matched character and mood. A good Voice Acting is one that doesn't take away attention from the show and plot - that's exactly what happened with CG. I never had to point out that Zero's voice was different at some point, or that C.C.'s voice seemed out of place; I didn't have any complaints with that. Sheer splendor.

The A Q is only 9 because of the drop at certain points. Also, due to the lanky character designs of the CG franchise, sometimes, things out of proportion were notable. But these minor flaws never took away from the suspense and the thrilling backgrounds, movements, and all scenes - Quality maintained its high standards pretty much through the entire show.

Overall ranking... Easy 10/10. CG was one of the few animes that always kept me on my feet. Very exciting and a great storyline. Once again, this masterpiece is a 10/10.

Orca 2008-10-04 19:31

Great series. 8/10.

germanturkey 2008-10-04 20:00


the good:

the bad:
farfetchedness of the twists
china arc (wayyy too much time spent on this)

eps 1-23 would have gotten a 4 or 5/10, but the last two eps, especially the last one, redeemed it enough in my book.

Continued Story has played ~80 times since i got it last week.

wingdarkness 2008-10-04 20:32

Eyes: 8.21/10...

Spoiler for thoughts:

Ears: 9.25/10...

Spoiler for thoughts:

Brains: 5.66/10

Spoiler for thoughts:

Obviously there is more I can get into (Suzaku's connection to geass, C.C.'s name, history behind Code or Geass [notably immortality], mismanagement of all the KoR's including KoR #9!?!, horrendous pacing at-times between the first and second half of the season, ambiguos ending that played right into the hands of the zealots), but at the end of the day it seems this show got trapped between being a Pop-show and a seriously unique show and the pop-culture side won out; whether it be by Sunrise's hands or the writers...I do believe the director though because his words just makes sense, however that's for everyone to judge...My final score would be 6.59 outta 10, but Ill round that up to a 7 since I don't watch 50 eps of a show that's just average or below unless it's GSD just to bash it until my masochistic tendency stops kicking in...I also think the most underrated aspect of the show was the mecha-fighting and over the last 10 eps it was incredible at-times and visually stunning which added some points to my final appraisal...Overall though, I'd have to say CG R2 had a chance to be one of those rare finds, but winds up being just another cool anime that's big now but unfortunately will be atop a haywagon cart tommorrow...

Rhapsody 2008-10-04 20:36

I gave it an 8/10.

Here's a quick rundown of what I thought:

VA was great. I loved how most of them voiced in Tales games.
Characters were good, while some were too stereotypical. I would've preferred if they went more in-depth with some of the side characters. Some characters felt a little wasted in my opinion.
Mecha was okay. Some were cool, some were overpowered, and some were bland.
Story was great until the R2 season. The China arc wasn't too interesting for me.
Ending was okay. I liked it, but the last few episodes leading into it were paced a little strangely. In fact, all of R2 was paced a little strangely. Especially when Lulu went to destroy all the people involved with the Geass after the China arc.

Orophin 2008-10-04 21:02

I wanted to give it a 8/10 but I accidentally clicked on 9/10 instead... :uhoh:

Tandang Sora 2008-10-04 21:18

Animation Quality: 10
Voice Actors:8
Script: 5

Kushi 2008-10-04 21:21

Mmm code geasss... where to start?

First season was pretty exciting I really liked it. Now on to the second season...

The animation wasn't all that great there were a lot of stick man looking figures for half the episodes. Uhm the plot twists were amazing for the first 10 episodes or so of R2. I couldn't keep my mind off CG for days after the episode was shown, I was constantly daydreaming about it. I think they went too far however, with the plot twists it just started getting stupid and ridculous. In the sense that at first you would go "Ohhh that's pretty cool" or "whoa didn't see that coming"... after a while you predict what's going to happen, then you flip the idea 180 degree and you'll predict the plot twist. What I mean by that is Anya has Marianne's memories, Nunnally being alive [after freya]....

There was also too much general retardedness in the anime than what I would have hoped to see. A "general" can get himself and his whole army killed in like 3 minutes.... without any tactics or strategy he just orders them to charge...

Overall I really liked this series, the fanservice, the comedy and the characters. The action and the mechs also deserve a honourable mention. I would have liked more character development for the minor character but it was decent. If the plot twists didn't get so ridculous this series would have deserved a 8 or above. In my honestly opinion carefully analyzing what was wrong and good about this series, I would only give it a 6.5 [In terms of plot / general satisfication]. I fortunately am not a professional rater, so I can be as biased as I want. I'll vote a 9 because of how the series and the characters stuck to me, how amazing the voice actors were, how I enjoyed this series for the past 2 or 3 years.

10 for the characters, because they were well created, I couldn't help but fall inlove with them or totally hate them. [Ougi needed to die kthx]. They were absolutely amazing

-1 for the fact that absolutely every character in this anime loved Marianne or highly respected her, and yet when we actually see her she was a idiotic tramp...

voted 9 / 10

Anavel 2008-10-04 21:23


The last several episodes were disappointing, too fast paced. Though the last two episodes were good and increased my rating. I would have given it a 8/10 if there was fan service, but alas, there was none. :(

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