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Skyfall 2009-02-14 08:35

This thread is for those of you with questions about the Chrome Shelled Regios anime or manga. There are many questions that don't need a whole thread to discuss them. A simple practical answer straight from the anime or manga without any speculation can solve these connundrums. If someone has such a question about Chrome Shelled Regios which can be solved by answering with facts from an official source, then please ask that question here.

Please don't post in this thread unless you are asking a question or answering one. Please remember that it only takes 1 person to answer a question. And don't speculate! You can only reply with cold, hard, merciliessly unforgivable facts. If you have to speculate, then please just tell the querrant that no answer is known, but here are some facts that might help him make up his own mind.

Make sure you use spoiler tags if your question is about the anime, manga, or any non-anime source. Untagged spoilers are risking a ban. There are two ways to create clearly marked spoiler tags, as shown in the following:

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Spoiler for title:

xris 2009-02-14 09:23

Info to be culled from Wiki at a later date.

miroku2192 2009-02-15 11:37

Is it officially stated anywhere that this will DEFINITELY be 12/13 or 25/26 episodes? Or is it still too early/they need to see how much attention this anime gets? Also how much does popularity factor into the whole production of the series?

TrueKnight 2009-02-15 11:46

It's 24 episode stated in the anime's official blog. You could browse in the generic thread and find it in page 20 - 40 or so. Good luck on finding it though. >.>

margafred 2009-02-15 12:02

My trusted source says 24.The source never fails me so yeah..its 24 episodes.

Beside,its like what TrueKnight said...

miroku2192 2009-02-15 12:22


Originally Posted by TrueKnight (Post 2218565)
It's 24 episode stated in the anime's official blog. You could browse in the generic thread and find it in page 20 - 40 or so. Good luck on finding it though. >.>


Originally Posted by margafred (Post 2218589)
My trusted source says 24.The source never fails me so yeah..its 24 episodes.

Beside,its like what TrueKnight said...

got it! thanks guys!, btw what trusted source are you talking about margafred?

Spectacular_Insanity 2009-02-21 11:10

When does this anime air in Japan? (I want to know when to expect it to be fansubbed)

TrueKnight 2009-02-21 11:16

Around 3 hours from now. As for subs so far (I'm using Ayako's as benchmark) its released 2-3 days at the latest after the show aired.

Spectacular_Insanity 2009-02-21 14:32


Originally Posted by TrueKnight (Post 2229548)
Around 3 hours from now. As for subs so far (I'm using Ayako's as benchmark) its released 2-3 days at the latest after the show aired.

I see. Thanks for the info. :)

margafred 2009-02-21 23:41

C.S.R air in Japan on TV Kanagawa every Saturday 2500 JST (+9 GMT),or Sunday 1.00am JST (+9 GMT).

TrueKnight 2009-02-24 21:28

Old news, but here's the official source mentioning that CRS's going to be 24 eps, posted by someone in the generic thread. Not that anyone will care but, oh well.

chrisbad726 2009-03-27 00:12

just wondering is it being true to the novels by arcs or mixing them together like SNS?

Natsuki Hyuga 2009-03-27 07:55


Originally Posted by chrisbad726 (Post 2300555)
just wondering is it being true to the novels by arcs or mixing them together like SNS?

:confused: What do you mean by arcs like SNS? The plotline in Regios is pretty straightforward and have no pararrel arcs.

If you mean the 3 different novels... All the novels complements each other's stories with "Legend of the Regios" as the background past story (in the anime: Guy with Engrish :p), "Koukaku no Regios" as its main viewpoint/main storyline, and "Seisen no Regios" as the possible side-story of the plot in Regios. Combining the three of them, and you will get a full world-view of Regios.

chrisbad726 2009-03-28 14:52


Originally Posted by Natsuki Hyuga (Post 2301249)
:confused: What do you mean by arcs like SNS? The plotline in Regios is pretty straightforward and have no pararrel arcs.

If you mean the 3 different novels... All the novels complements each other's stories with "Legend of the Regios" as the background past story (in the anime: Guy with Engrish :p), "Koukaku no Regios" as its main viewpoint/main storyline, and "Seisen no Regios" as the possible side-story of the plot in Regios. Combining the three of them, and you will get a full world-view of Regios.

yeah that's what i meant thanks for clarifying it for me.:)

kuroishinigami 2009-04-13 20:55

Sorry if this has been asked before, but do the anime storyline still follow the novel story so far? I'm just wondering so I can decide if I should read the novel after watching the anime.

kingsky123 2009-05-26 18:51

Erm, i just watched regios and some points puzzle me. So basically everything now lives in a moving fortress and the air outside is poisonous right? are there other signs of life on it besides filth beings? also, are their blood poisonous/acidic?

Frozen_Angel 2009-06-16 20:47

Does anyone know the exact spelling of the name of the gothy girl from latest episode with giant witch hat, guns and foul language, I have a feeling the subtitles were wrong from my research on the net.

Shikimori Kazuki 2009-07-01 01:11

i have a question after watching the series.

#1. why is it that Dalshena has a red uniform while other martist have a black combat uniform?

#2. i still dont get it...why did Layfon returned the Heavens Blade. Is it because he cut off a limb of a person in the underground match and that he cannot go back to Grendan and become a HB wielder again?:confused:

Pradelus 2009-07-01 03:49


Originally Posted by Shikimori Kazuki (Post 2483568)
i have a question after watching the series.

#1. why is it that Dalshena has a red uniform while other martist have a black combat uniform?

The same goes for Din Dee and formerly Sharnid. My guess is a sense of independence/attire and most likely the former 10th platoon captain's influence on them (not of uniform but of respect).

Ultramarinus 2009-07-01 05:06

They seem to be all fashion-concerned, dandy people from hair to accessories. We already know Sharnid's desire to be flashy anyway. :p

As for #2, yes, exactly that.

Crisis 2009-08-25 18:37


The random black n white anime that pops up - is that related at all to Chrome Shelled Regios?
Who was that red haired guy who took Nina to the sofa and what was that all about - they sitting on a sofa and watching that black n white anime?

Who is Saya - she seems to be in the black n white anime- but how is she related to Leifon's world?

What's special about Leerine in terms of her magic powers?

What was that about sword of asha.... and stuff?

willyvereb 2009-08-26 09:40

Let' see:
1.) It was Legend of Regios(A Light Novels about the past of Regios's world). It has a non-engrish more complete DVD version. I don't if it has translations or not. The one in CSR is more like a promotion for DVDs.
2.)red haired guy? Dixerio Maskabane or he calls himself like that. He's a temporal traveller or something like that. He has his own Light Novels(Regios Crusade). But in general he's really mysterious figure.
3.)Dixerio explained Nina a few thing about the past of Regios world. They made it with that scene.
4.) Saya is the mother of all Electronic Fairies. Her body lies in the basement of Grendan as you know from the anime. There's more about her, but I think that's enough.
5.)Saya(her spirit or something like that) resides in Leerin(more properly in her right eye). Her "magic powers" is thanks to that. She has something other too, but it only has a role in the Light Novels.
6.)I don't really understand what do you mean. If the sword merging thing at the last episode, then it was the greatest ROFL and WTF scene for me from the whole series. And it's only made up at for the sake of eyecandy from the animators.

Crisis 2009-08-26 18:35


Originally Posted by willyvereb (Post 2605802)
Let' see:
6.)I don't really understand what do you mean. If the sword merging thing at the last episode, then it was the greatest ROFL and WTF scene for me from the whole series. And it's only made up at for the sake of eyecandy from the animators.

Thanks/. I guess I should read the light novels when I get a chance.

Q.6, I meant what the Haikizoku or the baddies that the foul-mouthed Heavens Blade girl fought were talking about ... something about sword that will slay Akasha or something like that...

Full Metal Coast 2009-11-25 01:15

im currently reading the light novels and i was just wondering how many novels does season 1 of CSR cover?

azarhal 2009-11-25 08:04


Originally Posted by Full Metal Coast (Post 2784344)
im currently reading the light novels and i was just wondering how many novels does season 1 of CSR cover?

Season 1 goes up to vol. 7. It took stuff from vol. 8, vol. 9 and vol. 10 too.

black_cat1 2010-08-21 08:55

Any1 know where I can bought Legend of Regios online (I don't know it's Japanese name to search on

azarhal 2010-08-21 09:24


Originally Posted by black_cat1 (Post 3203146)
any1 know where i can bought legend of regios online (i don't know it's japanese name to search on

レジェンド・オブ・レギオスiii レギオス顕現
レジェンド・オブ・レギオスii イグナシス覚醒
レジェンド・オブ・レギオスi リグザリオ洗礼

Von Himmel 2010-10-28 01:13

Does Regios has a complete wiki link that is up to date ?

shmaster 2010-10-28 23:14

Asfar as I know, NO.
Even the Wiki in Japanese is incomplete.

Forbin 2011-05-31 23:58

Just an FYI the anime in English is availble on Netflix Instant Queue for those peeps in the states.

vansonbee 2011-06-27 03:04

Where does the anime leave off in the novel?

azarhal 2011-06-27 06:47


Originally Posted by vansonbee (Post 3668698)
Where does the anime leave off in the novel?

Somewhere around book 12, but it diverge greatly from the storyline at that point.

vansonbee 2011-06-27 10:49

Thank you~

Here another silly request, where can I view this or download it?

MasterVampire 2011-09-15 01:49

I just finished this anime and I loved it!

Its been a few years now.... Will there be a season 2?

azarhal 2011-09-15 06:21

No news about a season 2 so far.

There is about 1 year left for the light novels to conclude, so they might be waiting for that. Although, the anime also screwed that story toward the end...not sure if it is fixable.

rqgenevieve 2012-05-13 21:27

What are the official pairings of Chrome Shelled Regios? If anyone could tell me, I'd really appreciate it :]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

willyvereb 2012-05-15 09:48


Originally Posted by rqgenevieve (Post 4159323)
What are the official pairings of Chrome Shelled Regios? If anyone could tell me, I'd really appreciate it :]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

You mean the light novels (the original source), right?

Well, as usual the romance plot won't be settled until the end of the novels.

What we do know that
Spoiler for Light Novel Spoilers:

WarStalkeR 2012-12-22 14:24

So, what's the current progress with Leerin x Layfon? I mean already 22 volumes out, and discussion in spoiler topic was closed on volume 19, so I interested what happened for these 3 volumes? Because something happened definitely between Leerin and Layfon, I can tell it from volume 11's illustrations, so I will be really grateful if somebody will explain me what happened.

ReaperxKingx 2012-12-27 12:55


Originally Posted by WarStalkeR (Post 4485712)
So, what's the current progress with Leerin x Layfon? I mean already 22 volumes out, and discussion in spoiler topic was closed on volume 19, so I interested what happened for these 3 volumes? Because something happened definitely between Leerin and Layfon, I can tell it from volume 11's illustrations, so I will be really grateful if somebody will explain me what happened.

Spoiler for Response:

ghost013 2013-07-14 02:35

So can anyone explain Felli and Layfon's relationship?

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