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ZeBird0 2009-08-17 21:22

Have you heard about the new movie that's coming out soon? It's Avatar, a sci-fi by James Cameron. That's the dude that directed Titanic if you didn't know. Check it out!


Are you gonna see it? Thoughts? It's coming out in December btw.

james0246 2009-08-18 02:36

^LOL, Avatar (2009) is a vastly different movie from The Last Airbender (2010). The name can be confusing, especially for fans of the Nickelodeon series, but these are very different movies...

That being said, ZeBird0 we're all geeks here, so we don't want to hear that James Cameron did Titanic. Instead we want to hear about Terminator (1 & 2), Aliens, and The Abyss :).

My basic stance of the movie hasn't changed in the past 2-3 years of hearing about it: either it will usher in a new age of film making (and Cameron will finally get around to doing his Battle Angel Alita films), or it will suck something fierce. So far, some of the stills look good...real good, but this is definitely a film where if it doesn't live up to some of its hype, then careers could be ruined...

-KarumA- 2009-08-18 03:59

different movie, almost the same name
D: I am confused now

ZeBird0 2009-08-18 05:29

Whoops, still getting used to this place, sorry.

And yeah, I know what you mean, the movie could probably go either way.

killer3000ad 2009-08-20 09:16



Kankel 2009-08-20 10:36

OMG!!!!!!!!!! A-W-E-S-O-M-E :eek::eek::eek:

vedicardi 2009-08-20 19:46

Very sexy trailer

kayote 2009-08-20 20:05

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how good does that look. there really are no words. it really does look amazing. In HD this will look EPIC, just plain Epic.

those battle suits that they are getting on sort of look like the ones in The Matrix.

i love that he is going to direct Battle Angel.

4Tran 2009-08-20 20:48

Whatever what one may think of James Cameron as a person, there's no denying that he is one of the most effective directors of all time. He has only directed seven feature films, but of them, one was ahead of its time (The Abyss), one was a decently-received blockbuster (True Lies), three were genre-defining smash hits (Aliens, The Terminator, Terminator II), and one was the biggest moneymaker of all time (not accounting for inflation). While there are directors who can beat Cameron in terms of quality, there really aren't any that can match his level of success. As such, it's going to be interesting to see if Avatar can match up to his previous works.


Originally Posted by james0246 (Post 2588586)
My basic stance of the movie hasn't changed in the past 2-3 years of hearing about it: either it will usher in a new age of film making (and Cameron will finally get around to doing his Battle Angel Alita films), or it will suck something fierce. So far, some of the stills look good...real good, but this is definitely a film where if it doesn't live up to some of its hype, then careers could be ruined...

By all accounts, Avatar is going to pioneer a number of computer effects that have never been seen before. I'm sort of curious as to what they are, and how effective they're going to be. I've heard that Cameron himself said that, in order to bring about his vision of Alita to the screen, he would need to use some of those very techniques newly-developed for Avatar.

While the Avatar film has a ridiculous budget, it's very likely to make all of that money back unless Cameron gets uncharacteristically undisciplined. Given that he hasn't made a new feature in a decade, I really don't think that this will be the case. Whether the film is going to be any good is open to question, but quality (and the lack thereof) doesn't seem to have stopped other films this summer from making oodles of money.

I also don't think that Cameron's reputation is all that much at risk either - lots of people hate his guts, and that has never mattered all that much. As far as the studios are concerned, he's got the golden touch, and it's a hard point to argue against.


Originally Posted by -KarumA- (Post 2588661)
different movie, almost the same name
D: I am confused now

The films have different names now. The Last Airbender lost the right to use "Avatar" as part of its title.

james0246 2009-08-20 21:39

^You delibrately left out the great Piranha II: The Spawning :).

Seriously though, much the same as Titanic, Cameron's career is on the line (or at least his big budget career). This film has been so hyped that if Cameron doesn't at least show what the other side of the Uncanny Valley could look like, then there will be quite a few upset fans. And, if the story is too intelligent, then the average viewer might be turned off (generally speaking big and dumb sells far better than big and smart (just look at Spielberg's criminally underappreciated A.I.)). In the end, I do have great hope for this feature, but, some part of me (my cynical side) is kind of expecting something similar to the abysmal Robert Zemeckis CGI films. So, while I want the best, I am prepared for the worst.

Tsuyoshi 2009-08-22 08:07

Cameron is a pretty good director but he has been prone to making pointless movies like T2. Titanic also seemed heavily dragged out back then. Regardless, I'm pretty curious to see what this movie has in store. I've only heard about this movie yesterday. 4Tran mentioned that Cameron's going to need new CGI techniques to make this movie. I won't deny that, but I do hope Cameron doesn't focus so much on the CGI that the plot will be lost within it.

Vexx 2009-08-26 15:21

Hmmmm, saw the trailer today.... all I can say is that for those of us who have been immersed in MMO, RPG worlds or even just read science fiction --- there's nothing new here at all. Even the plot appears pretty basic (one blogger evoked Ferngully :) :) :) ).

For the average public though .... this is probably going to be pretty "out there amazing". I'll most probably see it to decide whether to recommend it to my non-scifi relatives and acquaintances.

sunset 2009-08-29 02:58

I´m looking forward to this, James Cameron movies always have an effect on me.

His movies are the only ones that I actualy went to the theatre to watch more than once.

Vexx 2009-08-29 10:15

My son watched the trailer and commented "Night Elves vs the Space Marines... might be fun".

killer3000ad 2009-10-29 06:37

New trailer, the Thai's released it early, so this one has Thai subs.

EDIT: Subless youtube version

chipi 2009-10-29 09:32

wow...seems funny i'm gonna watch
thanx for the info...

aohige 2009-11-12 23:43


Originally Posted by Vexx (Post 2606446)
Hmmmm, saw the trailer today.... all I can say is that for those of us who have been immersed in MMO, RPG worlds or even just read science fiction --- there's nothing new here at all. Even the plot appears pretty basic (one blogger evoked Ferngully :) :) :) ).

Savage and terrifying aliens that consumes other life forms and spawn many, or sentinent robots taking over and killing the human race aren't original either.
But Cameron's take on these stories have spawned nothing short of masterpiece films.
A plot does not have to be unique and original to make a good film.

That being said, there's an obvious parallels drawn to this film and history of early America.
I can't wait, I have great expectations for this film.

GuidoHunter_Toki 2009-11-13 00:08


Originally Posted by Vexx (Post 2606446)
Hmmmm, saw the trailer today.... all I can say is that for those of us who have been immersed in MMO, RPG worlds or even just read science fiction --- there's nothing new here at all. Even the plot appears pretty basic (one blogger evoked Ferngully :) :) :) ).

Nice comparison:). Other movies that share similarities in plot are Dances with Wolves, Never Cry Wolf, and Pocahontas. Even though the plot is nothing new I'm still looking forward to this movie.

Vexx 2009-11-13 00:13

Yeah.... I see my post didn't really convey that I'll probably enjoy the film anyway... I was more commenting on the "general population" seeming to think this was somehow mindblowingly original rather than a well-executed tall tale.

Mi-Roo 2009-11-21 19:42

I have seen trailers of Avatar and it does look amazing.
However, I was a tad disappointed after watching mostly
because I expected to see Aang and the gang from
AVATAR: The Last Air Bender (etc). xD;

I am considering going to see the movie in the cinema though.
It looks very interesting. :]

Choukou 2009-11-21 23:07

I'm really excited to see both films, and will probably enjoy both, unless they totally tank. I was really wondering what all they could do with The Last Airbender, thinking it would be a continuation, but it looks like it's just live action based on the cartoon. Anyone know, are they going to try and smoosh the whole story into one movie? Or 3 movies (which would make more sense to me).

As for Avatar...

Night Elves vs the Space Marines... might be fun.
:heh: I am looking forward to it!

Also, how/why did the other Avatar lose the rights to using that name? Didn't it come first?

Bonta Kun 2009-12-01 15:30

Well other day brother had dragged me along to go see Twlight New Moon and only one good thing came out of going to see it, the Avatar trailer.
I had read about this a whiles back but never saw a trailer till now and god does it look good.

Can't wait for this!

Raiga 2009-12-01 16:27

Looks awesome.

Certainly a relatively standard-looking plot in terms of sci-fi in general, but it's probably the first time something like this has hit the big screen with a big budget and good effects. Definitely want to see this in theaters, hopefully I can see it before winter break, depending on my finals...

Langknow 2009-12-01 16:42

I'm looking forward to this movie alot actually.

I find that reviews online are not true most of the time for me.

For example, I enjoyed and quite liked 2012, while most online reviews gave it a bad review.

Another example is : I love you Beth Cooper, which I found very refreshing and a great movie .

But online reviews were horrible for it.

So yea, I say go watch it ...

FKItachi 2009-12-03 00:54


Originally Posted by Vexx (Post 2612043)
My son watched the trailer and commented "Night Elves vs the Space Marines... might be fun".

... wow I love that quote... props to your son....

I work for for AMC Movie Theatres... and I can tell you our corporate office is expecting an opening weekend box office higher than Twilight New Moon which is already one of the biggest opening weekends of all time.

Should avatar do well, I believe a trilogy is in the works.

Tiberium Wolf 2009-12-03 21:39

About the game it got a 5.5 in gamespot. The review was really harsh. The again most of the time games from movies sux. They only sell well coz of the hype.

Dilla 2009-12-03 21:42

The only movie game I've played and enjoyed was in the Spiderman series. I don't remember if it was one or two. Hell, it might have been both.

TinyRedLeaf 2009-12-18 05:11

As Vexx Jr said, "Night Elves versus Space Marines."

That's all you really need to know about Avatar's plot. Every sci-fi and fantasy trope you can think of, it's there in this film. Whatever his merits as a big-budget director, James Cameron has never been a particularly sophisticated storyteller.

But then again, I don't think anyone who goes into theatres to watch this wow-er is expecting Princess Mononoke. It's a visual extravaganza that they want to see.

And it delivers — in spades the size of this movie's hammerhead behemoths. The CG effects take my breath away the way Pandora's atmosphere would take away an earthling's. This is the one blockbuster you can't afford to miss this Christmas, trust me. :p

Cub-Sama 2009-12-18 17:29

Watched it and I predicted the plot the moment he met the girl and the basic plot is the same with every other plot where it involves someone going undercover to be accepted and learn their ways.

Spoiler for movie plot:

ChainLegacy 2009-12-19 18:26

Was it really that typical? I'm not the biggest movie-goer but I thought the plot stood up well next to the 'effects.' In fact I found myself wondering if Cameron had ever tried psychedelics, the movie's messages seem pretty steeped in psy culture.

Westlo 2009-12-19 18:43

It was very typical and nearly everything they did was alluded to earlier in the movie, I really could've done without the disney-esque moment near the end too.. it was visual tour de force though and was awesome in Imax-3d but it definitely didn't live up the hype imo.

Vexx 2009-12-19 18:54

Grade C plot, a stickpin-cluster of standard tropes -- -but absolutely stunningly beautiful to watch. A lot of the mundanes coming out were bowled over more than I remember how awe-struck they were after LOTR.

If you play online fantasy/sci-fi MMOs or related.... its a eyeball treat of "I've always wanted to see ---"

I won't write up any specific complaints or praise for a few weeks until most have seen it.

Zu Ra 2009-12-19 23:07

Was supposed to watch it today but to exhausted to do anything ... Prolly tomorrow or next week dont know . Leaving Cameron nothing excites me about this movie . Last animated movie I truly enjoyed was Wall E , that was a masterpiece .

Nappy Hared Azn 2009-12-19 23:08

I caught the late-night screening yesterday and it was looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong.

Seriously though, nothing about this movie is original. The plot is taken from Dances with Wolves, the Na'vi are basically a cross between Night Elves and the Ronso (from FFX), and the human vehicles were stolen straight out of Halo.

Once you get past the length and unoriginality, it's not too bad. Oh, and it's definitely a great visual experience. Stereoscopic cameras + 3D glasses = SEX.

GuidoHunter_Toki 2009-12-19 23:16

I quickly got past the "been there done that" feel of the plot greatly enjoyed the movie. Unoriginality isn't always a bad thing plotwise for a movie as long as everything else balances it out enough. I felt that was the case with the movie and aside from not living up to the hype it was a great film in my opinion.


Originally Posted by Nappy Hared Azn (Post 2829515)
the human vehicles were stolen straight out of Halo.

Really? I didn't see that at all. Honestly I can point out a bunch of other mech suits that share similarities.

Nappy Hared Azn 2009-12-20 00:09

Troop transport/gunship (future helicopter) = Hornet

Big green thing that the colonel rides on = bloated Pelican

MeoTwister5 2009-12-20 04:17

Watched it last night. Plot is hole-y and sometimes all over the place, dialogue is cheeeeeeeeeezy as hell and Rodriguez again proves she only has one facial expression.

That said, as everyone else has mentioned this is quite possibly the most stunningly realized visual world in cinema since LotR, Pan's Labyrinth and Hellboy: The Golden Army.

Cub-Sama 2009-12-20 07:06

I just thought of this when watching it..."I wonder what Halo Reach would look like if done in 3-D"

Atmospheric 2009-12-20 11:35

I'll check it out eventually, is it worth a trip to the theater?

Cub-Sama 2009-12-20 11:37


Originally Posted by Atmospheric (Post 2830103)
I'll check it out eventually, is it worth a trip to the theater?

The graphics are worth seeing in 3-D but if you're not watching it in 3-D then it is probably not worth the trip unless you are planning on an outing with friends.

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