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monir 2009-10-22 13:23

Darker Than Black 2nd Season - Episode 03 Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for Darker Than Black, Episode 03.

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felix 2009-10-22 13:27


Originally Posted by monir (Post 2721687)
Why, obviously I was sleeping on the job!

I'll give you a can of coffee two hours before it airs next time =P

Lummie 2009-10-22 14:06

*Waiting silently for the episode to arrive and hopes that Suoh manages to get our Hero out of his slumber*

monir 2009-10-22 14:15


Originally Posted by Cats (Post 2721694)
I'll give you a can of coffee two hours before it airs next time =P

As usual your humanitarian works are legendary! I shall gladly accept those cans of coffees.

Looking forward to episode 3.

sirn 2009-10-22 15:29

Episode 3, still awesome as usual.


Lummie 2009-10-22 16:14


Originally Posted by sirn (Post 2721879)
Episode 3, still awesome as usual.


Spoiler for spoiler:

serenade_beta 2009-10-22 16:25

Golgo: Sorry for interrupting~ ( ^ω^)

Spoiler for ep3:

Avira 2009-10-22 16:36

Any news on Yin? My computer isn't working so I can't watch any sort of movie:(

serenade_beta 2009-10-22 16:40


Originally Posted by Avira (Post 2721984)
Any news on Yin? My computer isn't working so I can't watch any sort of movie:(

Not really. Just another scene of Hei trying to catch a naked Yin. Hei also tried to rape Suou again (who was completely naked this time) too, but Contractors are allowed to molest young girls (according to Hei himself previous episode), so all a days work for the Black Hobo.

Lummie 2009-10-22 16:51


Originally Posted by serenade_beta (Post 2721992)
Not really. Just another scene of Hei trying to catch a naked Yin. Hei also tried to rape Suou again (who was completely naked this time) too, but Contractors are allowed to molest young girls (according to Hei himself previous episode), so all a days work for the Black Hobo.

Hei: "Stop it Yin, Streakers aren't allowed to walk like that in the world!"
Yin: Sorry Hei, but this is my true nature.... *runs of into the wild*
Hei: NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

Damn it, i wish they would spill it out already.... the truth about Yin's "betrayal"

monir 2009-10-22 16:54


Originally Posted by serenade_beta (Post 2721992)
Not really. Just another scene of Hei trying to catch a naked Yin. Hei also tried to rape Suou again (who was completely naked this time) too, but Contractors are allowed to molest young girls (according to Hei himself previous episode), so all a days work for the Black Hobo.

I know who to blame if people are suddenly aspiring to become contractors. :heh:

Don't listen to Serenade. He is exaggerating.... well... somewhat. As for Tanya...... gosh! I'm sure contractors like her are giving them a bad name. *shakes fist furiously*

Suou was stellar in the episode. A passive observer who fancies reaction of other people in difficult situation would be amazed at Suou, a 13 year old coping with adversities and ingrained ethical dilemma. To kill, or not to kill. Ha!

I've really enjoyed Suou's character thus far. And Hei.... He is truly one of the better contractor out there who is still as effective even if his abilities betraying him. The dude is a non-hesitant killing machine. I was quite alarmed when he pinned Suou on her front to expose her back. Hobo Hei is finally giving into the temptation? :heh: So relieved to see he just wanted tie her hand. I'm also ashamed to recognize that my mind is in the gutter..

Well, anyway.. very enjoyable episode. Looks like things will slow down in the next. And someone please kill Tanya. Preview also showed a Nika look a like, this time with long dreads for hair style. Some screens:

Shiroth 2009-10-22 17:15


Originally Posted by Lummie (Post 2722012)
Hei: "Stop it Yin, Streakers aren't allowed to walk like that in the world!"
Yin: Sorry Hei, but this is my true nature.... *runs of into the wild*
Hei: NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

I'm actually surprised we haven't seen this 4-koma yet. :p

Avira 2009-10-22 17:29


Originally Posted by serenade_beta (Post 2721992)
Not really. Just another scene of Hei trying to catch a naked Yin. Hei also tried to rape Suou again (who was completely naked this time) too, but Contractors are allowed to molest young girls (according to Hei himself previous episode), so all a days work for the Black Hobo.

Well that's just great. Yin is my favorite girl in the series and now it seems the redhead is taking her place (please let me be wrong) TT.TT
Okay so maybe that's a bit dramatic since I haven't even started watching the second season but still...I'm not very happy with what I'm hearing:mad:.
At least there's Hei^^
Thanks Monir for the screen caps! I can't watch the episode yet so...

konart 2009-10-22 17:33

Damn, I'm out for Tanya.

lividsama 2009-10-22 18:10


Originally Posted by sirn (Post 2721879)
Episode 3, still awesome as usual.



And yeah, loved the episode. Hei once again proves he's still The Black Reaper even without his contractor abilities :)

qwertyman 2009-10-22 18:24

I didn't really like this episode because Hei didn't have his God mode on. I actually got kind of depressed when he forgot that he lost his powers and tried using them anyway.

And no coat, either. No coat!

monir 2009-10-22 18:26


Originally Posted by lividsama (Post 2722128)

How so? The way Hei said it, sounds like Yin is alive and dandy. Yin must have done something to agitate Hei this much.


Originally Posted by Avira
Thanks Monir for the screen caps! I can't watch the episode yet so...

You are most welcome!

sirn 2009-10-22 18:28


Originally Posted by lividsama (Post 2722128)


qwertyman 2009-10-22 18:30


Originally Posted by sirn (Post 2722162)

Sounds right to me. That part confused me so I'm waiting to see how subbers translate it.

Sakabatou77 2009-10-22 18:44


Originally Posted by sirn (Post 2722162)

I have to wait for the subs to get a clearer picture on the subject, but I agree with your statement.

Zwei 2009-10-22 19:22

All this Tanya hate, don't tell me she killed her boyfriend?

As for Suou and July, I expected them to join Hei sooner or later but Hei killing Yin? There's a line you just can't cross, Hei. :/

Avisch 2009-10-22 19:30

Relatively good episode.

Spoiler for Ep 03:


Originally Posted by konart (Post 2722069)
Damn, I'm out for Tanya.

Damn you BONEs. Making all the sexy characters bad. YOU BETTER NOT KILL OFF HAZUKI!!

Yu Ominae 2009-10-22 20:02

But doesn't that give up all the motivation to watch the show even further? :p

PS - I'm not sure if Tanya's legal...

Avisch 2009-10-22 20:23

OH COME ON! I can expect something other than 99% action from this show right!?

Oh wait. It's by BONEs. the masters of more action less plot. Nevermind.

I'll still watch it though.

Sakabatou77 2009-10-22 20:35


Originally Posted by Avisch (Post 2722349)
OH COME ON! I can expect something other than 99% action from this show right!?

Oh wait. It's by BONEs. the masters of more action less plot. Nevermind.

I'll still watch it though.

The reason being is because it's only 12 ep, so they're making it fast pace. We'll still get plot and answers, but I don't see the main plot until middle and/or at the end.

Vanehei 2009-10-22 21:05

Masters of more action less plot?.... i think you are talking about another studio.

This episode was not my favorite...
Spoiler for Suou:

LeoXiao 2009-10-22 21:25


Originally Posted by Avisch (Post 2722256)

Damn you BONEs. Making all the sexy characters bad. YOU BETTER NOT KILL OFF HAZUKI!!

Yeah I'm getting that feeling as well.

I couldn't really understand everything that happened but I guess I can just watch the subs later on.

fict_ticious 2009-10-22 21:36

I might have to watch it all again to let it sink in. Series has taken an interesting turn, that's for sure.

I guess the truth really does lie beyond the gate...

Shinji103 2009-10-22 21:39


Originally Posted by Kashima (Post 2722443)
Masters of more action less plot?.... i think you are talking about another studio.

He's definitely talking about another studio. :p

Spoiler for Episode and thoughts:

Spoiler for Preview:

And now the excruciating wait for episode 4.........

Vanehei 2009-10-22 21:57

Im sorry but... i need my fangirl moment.

serenade_beta 2009-10-22 22:54


Originally Posted by Avisch (Post 2722256)
Spoiler for Ep 03:

There sure was blood flowing and lots of screaming though...

LightningZERO 2009-10-22 22:56

Another great solid episode. More plot driven and more players coming into scenes. Apparently Hei is no working for CIA but rather for that woman, I wonder if that Madam Oreille the CIA agent met up with. Now that Hei lost his powers, I'm looking forward to how he's going to handle situations without his powers. I'm going to miss that mask and daggers though.

Suou becomes some sort of pseudo Contractor. Apparently she seemsedto return to normal once she used up her power. I wonder if we will get to know about the logic thinking transformation from a normal human to a contractor....

Mao is alive. While I'm glad but it didn't make much sense. Wasn't Mao's backup personality or something kept by the Syndicate and they shut it down when Hei's group revolted? Even if they didn't keep it how did Mao transfer into another body when he's gone from the black cat body in Season 1?

Hmm, July joined the group. Weird. Probably he wants to avenge April's death. I wonder why Hei picked him up as well

Damn you Tanya...poor Nika. His death really surprised me...kinda sad really.

I can only :heh: at the preview though. The character looks...interesting

anomono 2009-10-22 22:58

Spoiler for Yin's fate, Suou, Hei:

Kaoru Chujo 2009-10-22 23:01

I don't rate many episodes, but that one was a ten. I was completely rapt from beginning (the great OP song by Stereopony) to end.

Every character was great, from Hei (suffering from depression, lost some of his power, but still highly effective -- and not at all attempting to rape Suou, serenade, come on); to Suou (that's Hanazawa Kana? you're kidding me!); to Tanya (love the insect swarm and the sudden descent/rise to being a full emotionless contractor); to the hard commissar; to innocent (and now dead?) Nico; to tired and bothered Mizuki Nana, now in for even more than she bargained for; to everyone else.

Too much action for the plot? I thought it was a perfect balance, with both running full-bore.

I even, God help me, loved the explosions. If I have to cavil a bit, it would be for Suou being too close to the explosions without seeming to feel danger, and similarly when she and Hei were too visible in the woods near the cottage.

Oh, and there was a nice amount and degree of fanservice -- all-gender, all-age, lol.

I thought immediately of Phantom when Suou and Hei plunged into the water together. How many minutes to hypothermia in icy water? I guess that doesn't apply to contractors.

And I might find it a bit much that Hei keeps looking for the meteorite shard when it is staring him in the face as Suou's pendant.

Character/seiyuu pics page added to my sig below. I'll try to catch up with the growing number of characters. That list of five shows in green down there pretty well represents my favorites of the season.

EDIT: I should have realized who the squirrel was back in ep1, by the bandana. Makes leaping on her chest a bit more significant.

orion 2009-10-22 23:16


Originally Posted by monir (Post 2722018)
I've really enjoyed Suou's character thus far. And Hei.... He is truly one of the better contractor out there who is still as effective even if his abilities betraying him. The dude is a non-hesitant killing machine. I was quite alarmed when he pinned Suou on her front to expose her back. Hobo Hei is finally giving into the temptation? :heh: So relieved to see he just wanted tie her hand. I'm also ashamed to recognize that my mind is in the gutter..

I couldn't stop laughing after reading that line.

Gotta watch the episode before the subs now to see the restraining. :heh:

Edit: Whoa! Suou's gonna hafta marry Hei after this episode :heh:

Strange 2009-10-23 00:01

This episode will spawn countless doujins about Hei and Suou. And it will involve penetration.

Great episode... and the obligatory Yin sighting. Just spill the beans, BONES. The suspense is killing me. :heh:

orion 2009-10-23 00:20

No suspense here. I'm still laughing at the Suou scene. :heh:

Poor girl. Nothing's left to his imagination now. Next time she carries him, she should strip him. :heh:

forgottendiary 2009-10-23 00:27

What the hell?! Another pedo scene!?! O_O

tieria.erde 2009-10-23 00:32


Originally Posted by serenade_beta (Post 2721992)
Nbut Contractors are allowed to molest young girls (according to Hei himself previous episode), so all a days work for the Black Hobo.

hei didnt say anything like that in episode 2:frustrated: or did i miss something :confused:

Yin, poor Yin, why she's still a memory - and
Spoiler for why would hei:

havent watched it yet but looking forward to!

monir 2009-10-23 02:13


Originally Posted by orion (Post 2722743)
I couldn't stop laughing after reading that line.

Gotta watch the episode before the subs now to see the restraining. :heh:

Edit: Whoa! Suou's gonna hafta marry Hei after this episode :heh:

Agreed. She can't become oyome-san after this. Hei will have to sekinin totte.

Are we still talking DtB and not just a typical harem series? :heh:

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