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PzIVf3 2011-07-20 06:59

Looks like they announcing Gundam Expo 2011.


バンダイは20日、人気アニメ「機動戦士ガンダム」のプラモデル(通称・ガンプラ)作りの世界一を決めるコ ンテスト「ガンプラビルダーズワールドカップ2011」を、日本を含めた世界13カ国・地域で7月から順次 開催すると発表した。世界規模で開催するガンプラの公式コンテストは初めて。

 今回のコンテストでは、ガンプラの工作技術や塗装技術、アイディアなどを競い合う。15歳以上が参加でき る「オープンコース」と、14歳以下の「ジュニアコース」の2コースが設定された。開催期間は2011年7 月~12月。開催国・地域は、日本、中国、韓国、台湾、香港、タイ、シンガポール、マレーシア、フィリピン 、インドネシア、オーストラリア、アメリカ、イタリア。

 予選審査で各国・地域の代表者を選出し、12月に香港で開催される「ガンプラEXPOワールドツアー香港 2011」でガンプラ世界チャンピオンを決定する。日本国内で開催される「ガンプラビルダーズワールドカッ プ2011日本大会」は、7月25日から応募受付をスタートするという。

 ■ガンプラ 1980年7月から日本で発売された同社を代表するヒット商品のひとつ。日本だけでなくアジ アを中心とした海外でも多くのファンに支持されている。国内では累計4億600万個、海外では12カ国・地 域で累計2800万個以上が販売された。

Appel 2011-07-20 07:24

a translation would have been neat^^

edit: this seems to be about the gunpla world cup 2011, the finals seem to be taking place at the hong kong gunpla expo 2011.

skyboy928 2011-07-20 07:44


Originally Posted by Appel (Post 3697333)
a translation would have been neat^^

edit: this seems to be about the gunpla world cup 2011, the finals seem to be taking place at the hong kong gunpla expo 2011.

yup, like you said it, it's Gundam Modeller world Cup 2011, including Japan there will be total of 13 country, (Japan, China, Korea, Taiwan, HK, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia, Australia, America and Italy), this year the judge is focus on mod and paint (isn't that always?)

Appel 2011-07-20 08:46

looks like bandai-asia is also holding a lottery contest:
if you buy kits from the lines of sangokuden, gundam wing, gundam unicorn, gunpla builders or other specialy labeled kits you get a ticket with a number that you can enter on the website above.
the prizes are pretty awesome! a 4 in 1 PG gift pack, a 6 in 1 MG gift pack, a tool set and special prizes, over 5000 prizes total :P
only people from Singapore, Malyasia, Indonesia, Phillippines, Australia, USA, Canada & Italy can enter though...
wait, italy? why not other european countries, too? O_O thats stupid...
but anyway, the prizes that they have dont even interest me all that much^^ i already have the PG astray and the other PGs dont interest me and from the MG gift pack i already have all of them except for the MG astray. but i have that as a PG so w/e XD
the tool pack would be kinda cool though...

skyboy928 2011-07-20 11:54


Originally Posted by Appel (Post 3697371)
looks like bandai-asia is also holding a lottery contest:
if you buy kits from the lines of sangokuden, gundam wing, gundam unicorn, gunpla builders or other specialy labeled kits you get a ticket with a number that you can enter on the website above.
the prizes are pretty awesome! a 4 in 1 PG gift pack, a 6 in 1 MG gift pack, a tool set and special prizes, over 5000 prizes total :P
only people from Singapore, Malyasia, Indonesia, Phillippines, Australia, USA, Canada & Italy can enter though...
wait, italy? why not other european countries, too? O_O thats stupid...
but anyway, the prizes that they have dont even interest me all that much^^ i already have the PG astray and the other PGs dont interest me and from the MG gift pack i already have all of them except for the MG astray. but i have that as a PG so w/e XD
the tool pack would be kinda cool though...

that's pretty interesting, but then again, i guess i have the same problem with the prize as well, since i do have all the PG, the MG bundle, there's only one that i don't have which is the Striker Freedom, but i do have that PG already. so i guess we could look forward to the Tool set...... another thing is interesting that Bandai Asia..... why USA, Canada and Italy included, :heh:

Appel 2011-07-20 12:08


Originally Posted by skyboy928 (Post 3697548)
another thing is interesting that Bandai Asia..... why USA, Canada and Italy included, :heh:

yeah, that confuses me too :P

skyboy928 2011-07-20 12:53


Originally Posted by Appel (Post 3697566)
yeah, that confuses me too :P

Now I wonder if my deathscythe or epyon have those serial number card thingy,:heh:

GameraBaenre 2011-07-20 13:43

While working on an HGUC Gouf Custom for a diorama project, we've been taking some videos on various weathering techniques. This tutorial page is still work in progress as there are a few more steps that need to be done, but hopefully the tutorial will be completed by the end of the week. The first part is up, and covers the filter/fade technique. There are pictures and videos of the technique. Check it out:

Appel 2011-07-20 14:15


Originally Posted by GameraBaenre (Post 3697638)
While working on an HGUC Gouf Custom for a diorama project, we've been taking some videos on various weathering techniques. This tutorial page is still work in progress as there are a few more steps that need to be done, but hopefully the tutorial will be completed by the end of the week. The first part is up, and covers the filter/fade technique. There are pictures and videos of the technique. Check it out:

oh thats a very nice tutorial! i think ill try it like that! looks pretty easy^^

skyboy928 2011-07-20 21:34


Originally Posted by GameraBaenre (Post 3697638)
While working on an HGUC Gouf Custom for a diorama project, we've been taking some videos on various weathering techniques. This tutorial page is still work in progress as there are a few more steps that need to be done, but hopefully the tutorial will be completed by the end of the week. The first part is up, and covers the filter/fade technique. There are pictures and videos of the technique. Check it out:

it sure look quite easy, will definitely give it a try one of these day, thanks

Appel 2011-07-21 04:22


Originally Posted by skyboy928 (Post 3698067)
it sure look quite easy, will definitely give it a try one of these day, thanks

i will try it on my no grade strike^^ if i fail at least i dont ruin anything important XD

skyboy928 2011-07-21 07:48


Originally Posted by Appel (Post 3698417)
i will try it on my no grade strike^^ if i fail at least i dont ruin anything important XD

same thing here, i got a whole set of old Gundam Wing and a Gundam X i could try it on.:heh:

Appel 2011-07-21 11:22


Originally Posted by skyboy928 (Post 3698548)
same thing here, i got a whole set of old Gundam Wing and a Gundam X i could try it on.:heh:

just tried it, it really is incredibly easy :P although i think i went a little overboard with the wethering XD but i think it looks quite good. i will post photos once the paint has dried.

GameraBaenre 2011-07-21 12:33


Originally Posted by GameraBaenre (Post 3697638)
While working on an HGUC Gouf Custom for a diorama project, we've been taking some videos on various weathering techniques. This tutorial page is still work in progress as there are a few more steps that need to be done, but hopefully the tutorial will be completed by the end of the week. The first part is up, and covers the filter/fade technique. There are pictures and videos of the technique. Check it out:

Quoting myself because I just updated the above tutorial to include dry brushing/paint chipping. This is the second weathering session. There is still one more update to complete this tutorial.

Edit: and here's a quick little picture of what these weathering sessions have done so far:

skyboy928 2011-07-21 12:36


Originally Posted by GameraBaenre (Post 3698791)
Quoting myself because I just updated the above tutorial to include dry brushing/paint chipping. This is the second weathering session. There is still one more update to complete this tutorial.

cool, too bad i can't check it out at work.....:heh:

Appel 2011-07-21 12:48

alright, i have no idea what happened... but for some reason every single polycap joint in my no grade strike is broken. ALL OF THEM O_o the pieces holding the polycaps in place broke... i tried to fix it with glue but everything is so very lose now, posing it is totally out of the question. bummer.... the white part of the V-fin broke in half too and i found a tiny white piece that broke off somewhere but i have to idea why or where it came from :P
essentially the entire kit decided to commit suicide XD no idea what was going on...

at least the wethering turned out pretty ok:

skyboy928 2011-07-21 15:04


Originally Posted by Appel (Post 3698807)
alright, i have no idea what happened... but for some reason every single polycap joint in my no grade strike is broken. ALL OF THEM O_o the pieces holding the polycaps in place broke... i tried to fix it with glue but everything is so very lose now, posing it is totally out of the question. bummer.... the white part of the V-fin broke in half too and i found a tiny white piece that broke off somewhere but i have to idea why or where it came from :P
essentially the entire kit decided to commit suicide XD no idea what was going on...

at least the wethering turned out pretty ok:

could it be...... the lighter fluid that cause it :confused:

but it sure look like it have gone to a final battle, so i guess it broken because of that, lol

Revolutionist 2011-07-21 15:09

what are the chances we'll see a MG Reborns Gundam/Cannon, or hell even a RG?

Rising Dragon 2011-07-21 15:22

Very little, I imagine.

Appel 2011-07-21 15:23


Originally Posted by skyboy928 (Post 3698905)
could it be...... the lighter fluid that cause it :confused:

but it sure look like it have gone to a final battle, so i guess it broken because of that, lol

maybe. i have no clue what happened but will definitely check on that :P


Originally Posted by Revolutionist (Post 3698912)
what are the chances we'll see a MG Reborns Gundam/Cannon, or hell even a RG?

rather bad in my opinion. we need more MGs from bad guys but bandai doesnt seem to make those as often...

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