im pretty sure that we will get one like that with a green frame close to the end of gundam unicorn. and im sure the frame would be green since psycho frame technology works the same way for the unicorn, the banshee and every other machine that is equipped with it^^ green seems to be like the ultimate color for it or something and represents the mindset of the pilot. (but really, bandai doesnt care. they only made it up because it looks cool and sells more toys! XD) |
hmmm..frm gundam wiki , unicorn full armour novel ver is actually red?
http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__...52870_full.jpg |
^ Oh? Bandai is now doing 00 stuff... Hm. I can taste MG Exia Repair 2... MMmMmmMmm hAhAHhahhah HA ahdfhs;pgfja;lfkjsdafkjas HA hAHAHahahap O_O o_O O_o @_@ >_< |
Well if they weren't interested in Exia or the 00 series, why would they do this? o_O
Exia R2 in MG would require a lot of reusing, recoloring, and new new weapons (or borrow from 00 Raiser MG) and slightly modified armor parts...and of course more LED sales. |
it all really just depends on whether the folks at bandai think making the R2 is worth it. you will just have to be patient^^ |
:d :d :d :d :d :d |
and i dont know about you guys but i heavily prefer the chrome plated pieces of my ignition mode exia over the clear green stuff on the R2^^ |
http://gundamguy.blogspot.com/2012/0...obot_2855.html http://gundamguy.blogspot.com/2012/0...-robot_31.html ...and more 00 stuff. Hm~ MG Exia R2, MG Exia R3, MG 0 Gundam (Type ACD)... anyone?! Hm?? |
bandai hasnt released any new OO HG kits since november 2010 and only 2 MGs in 2011 and not even announced anything since then. even their 1/100 NG line seems to be dead. there wont be anything any time soon. the metal build exia is really just a small flicker of a sign that they might release more soon but for now i wouldnt get my hopes up at all. |
Well I think we'll at least get MG Exia R2 since it'd reuse MG Exia and MG 00 Raiser. =D
but this is an issue between releasing the kit (which still costs money for bandai even though they just have to print most of the exias pieces again) and actual demand for it. and since the R2 is essentially the exact same as the exia and since OO is yesterdays news i can see why they wouldnt want to release it. the R2 would use the regular exia as a base which is generally regarded as one of the most terrible new MGs ever. the differences between the regular exia and the R2 are also so small that probably not a lot of people would care to buy it. the exia was released in 2009 afterall, those who wanted a model of it already have it. |
this also doesnt change the fact that not a lot of people would want a new exia. they are focusing on different stuff for now, they have three shows that are running right now afterall! AGE is about halfway through which means we will get more MGs from it, unicorn is CRAZY popular so we are going to see MGs from that for at least the next two years and SEED is in full swing again as well. my guess is they will do the same thing with OO that they did with SEED. maybe not an HD makeover since the show is already released on blu ray but im sure we will see some MGs by then. |
They'll be making an MG Harute already and they said that MG Exia Repair II is next. Congrats nike :))
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net...48698942_n.jpg |
Makes me wonder though: Will the eventual Harute MG include the boosters, like Duel and it's AS, or will it be more like the Full Sabre? I think/hope more like the shroud, since it actually appeared in the movie.... |
i would love a MG harute. its probably my favorite suit from the movie. |
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